House of Commons
Session 2013-14
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 9th December 2013
RIFKIND, Rt Hon Sir Malcolm (Kensington)
1. Remunerated directorships
Continental Farmers Group plc (non-executive), 33 Athol St, Douglas Isle of Man; farming in Eastern Europe. Approximately 6 board meetings per year, each lasting around 4 hours. Occasional ad hoc meetings. Travel time to Douglas or Dublin to be added.
Monthly ongoing payment of £4,580 gross, July 2011 (Registered 12 July 2011)
Discontinued July 2013. Last payment received 15 July 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)
Adam Smith International (including Amphion Group Ltd and Adam Smith Services Ltd) (non-executive), 3 Albert Embankment, London; consultancy and project implementation overseas.
Monthly ongoing payment of £2,916.66 gross. (Registered 8 September 2009)
One-off payment of £3,500, received 31 May 2013. (Registered 7 June 2013)
Unilever plc (non-executive), 100 Victoria Embankment London. Approximately eight board meetings a year each lasting a morning and afternoon with a dinner the previous evening. Most meetings in London, two or three in The Netherlands and one elsewhere. Also member of Board Committee, three hours the day before each board meeting. Attendance may be by video conference.
Monthly ongoing payment of £7,166 gross from May 2013. (Updated 24 July 2013)
2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Since 1 July 2012, Chairman of LEK Advisory Board. Consulting LLP, 40 Grosvenor Place, London. Advisory Board meeting 4 times a year. Each meeting 4 hours approximately. Occasional advice by e-mail. Occasional speeches and chairing of meetings. (Updated 24 July 2013)
Quarterly payment of £12,500 gross; 4 hours approximately.
Senior Counsellor, Dragoman, Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia, specialist advisory firm. No regular meetings, communication by email and occasional meetings in London as might be required. Retainer of Australian $12,500 paid every three months.
Received fee of £15,000 from LGT Bank for speech at the 12 th Alternative Investment Conference in Lucerne on 23 May 2013. Flights and overnight hotel accommodation were the responsibility of LGT. Address of payer: 35 Dover Street London W1S 4NQ. Hours: 3-4 hrs. (Registered 18 June 2013)
Payment from Guardian News and Media, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1P 2AP:
11 July 2013, received £285 for article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 July 2013)
Payment from Evening Standard, Northcliffe House, 2 Derry St, London W8 5EE:
2 July 2013, received £500 for article. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 24 July 2013)
6. Overseas visits
Name of donor: Aspen Institute
Address of donor: One Dupont Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-1133, USA
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Return flights to Marrakesh, value £863, and three nights’ accommodation , value £1,191; total £2,054
Destination of visit: Morocco
Dates of visit: 8 – 10 March 2013
Purpose of visit: To attend 15th gathering of the Aspen Ministers Forum (a group of former Foreign Secretaries from around the world).
(Registered 15 July 2013)