House of Commons
Session 2013-14
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 6th January 2014
JAMIESON, Cathy (Kilmarnock and Loudoun)
4. Sponsorships
(a) Donations to my constituency party or association, which have been or will be reported by my party to the Electoral Commission:
Name of donor: USDAW
Address of donor: 188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M14 6LJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: unincorporated association
(Registered 27 December 2013)
(b) Support in the capacity as an MP:
Name of donor: Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Address of donor: 1 Embankment Place, London WC 1N 6RM
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: the services of a Technical Support Analyst to support me in my role as a Shadow Treasury Minister during the passage of the Finance Bill 2013 committee stage, for three months between 18 March and 18 June 2013; value £18,144
Date of receipt: 18 March 2013
Date of acceptance: 18 March 2013
Donor status: Limited Liability Partnership
(Registered 2 April 2013)
6. Overseas visits
Name of donor: Sir Joseph Hotung Programme
Address of donor: School of Oriental and African Studies, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London, WC1H 0XG
Amount of donation (or estimate of probable value): £1,119 (covering travel costs, accommodation and subsistence)
Destination of visit: West Bank and Israel
Date of visit: 5-9 April 2013
Purpose of visit: Fact-finding delegation organised by Council for Arab-British Understanding (Registered 15 April 2013)
Name of donor: Friends of the Earth
Address of donor: 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ
Amount of donation (or estimate of probable value): Flight, accommodation and other costs, with an estimated value of £1,175.79
Destination of visit: Berlin and Hamburg, Germany
Date of visit: 3-5 July 2013
Purpose of visit: Fact-finding trip to see the energy sector in Germany
(Registered 18 July 2013)
Name of donor: Results UK
Address of donor: 31-33 Bondway, London SW8 1SJ
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flights and transport, 3 nights’ hotel accommodation and meals, with a total value of £1,384
Destination of visit: Tanzania
Date of visit: 12 to 17 November 2013
Purpose of visit: Factfinding trip looking at nutrition and education
(Registered 26 November 2013)