House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 24th February 2014

BLUNT, Crispin (Reigate)

1. Directorships

On 30 January 2013 I was appointed as a non-executive director of the Social Investment Business Group, Address 1st Floor, Derbyshire House, St Chad's Street, London WC1H 8AG. 

27 February 2013, received £364.11. Hours: 12 hrs. (Registered 13 March 2013)

27 March 2013, received £333.34. Hours: 12 hours (estimated).  (Registered 3 June 2013)

26 April 2013 received £333.34. Hours: 12 hours (estimated).  (Registered 3 June 2013)

24 May 2013, received £333.34. Hours: 12 hours (estimated).  (Registered 3 June 2013)

27 June 2013, received £333.34. Hours: 8 hrs (estimated). (Registered 27 June 2013)

26 July 2013, received  £333.34. Hours: 8 hrs  (estimated). (Registered 2 August 2013)

27 August 2013, received  £333.34. Hours: 8 hrs (estimated). (Registered 11 September 2013)

27   September 2013, received  £333.34. Hours: 4 hrs (estimated). (Registered 7 October 2013)

27    October 2013, received  £333.34. Hours: 8 hrs  (estimated). (Registered 4 November 2013)

27    November 2013, received  £333.34. Hours: 12 hrs  (estimated). (Registered 4 December 2013)

27    December 2013, received  £333.34. Hours: 12 hrs  (estimated). (Registered 17 February 2014)

27    January 2014, received  £333.34. Hours: 12 hrs  (estimated). (Registered 17 February 2014)

2. Remunerated employment, office, profession etc

Consultant to Ethos Capital Advisers Ltd of 156 Clifford’s Inn, Fetter lane, London EC4A 1BY to provide public affairs and public relations advice and assistance around specific projects to help recover losses for sovereign wealth funds in the Middle East and North Africa. The role is unpaid unless Ethos Capital Advisors Ltd earns revenue as a result of these projects in which case a proportionate fee will be paid. Expected monthly time commitment: 12 hrs. (Registered 25 June 2013)

Consultant to Zarbuezhugol India, 227 Sector 16-a, Faridabad.121002, Haryana, India, engaged to provide public affairs and corporate finance advice and assistance around specific European infrastructure construction projects. Annual contracted time commitment is two working weeks for a twice yearly payment of £6,250. (Registered 16 July 2013)

6. Overseas visits

Name of donor:  Jamaica Tourist Board

Address of donor:  1 - 2 Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BZ

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): approximately £2,950 for air travel and accommodation

Destination of visit: Kingston and St Elizabeth Parish, Jamaica

Date of visit: 14-21 February 2013

Purpose of visit: to officiate at the opening of the Lords and Commons Pavilion at the BREDS Foundation Community Project. Visit also included bilateral talks with the Jamaican Prime Minister and other ministers, prison visit, meeting with human rights organisation, cricket matches and youth coaching.

(Registered 13 March 2013)

Name of donor: Nael Farargy

Address of donor: private

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £4,730 covering costs of flights,

accommodation, subsistence and road travel

Destination of visit: Cairo, Egypt

Date of visit: 9-12 July 2013

Purpose of visit: to meet political, public, security and diplomatic figures in the current Egyptian political crisis and to make an assessment of the situation.

(Registered 16 July 2013)

Name of donor: Nael Farargy

Address of donor: private

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £2,886 covering costs of flights,

accommodation, subsistence and road travel

Destination of visit: Cairo, Egypt

Date of visit: 29 July-1 August 2013

Purpose of visit: to meet political, public, security and diplomatic figures in the current Egyptian political crisis and to make an assessment of the situation.

(Registered 2 August 2013)

Name of donor: Abercrombie and Kent Egypt

Address of donor: 18 Youssel El-Guindy Street, El-Bustan Center, 10th Floor Cairo, Egypt

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £2,500 covering costs of flights,

accommodation, subsistence and road travel

Destination of visit: Cairo, Egypt

Date of visit: 16 -20 September 2013

Purpose of visit: to meet political, public, security and diplomatic figures in the current Egyptian political crisis and to make an assessment of the situation.

(Registered 7 October 2013)

Name of donor: Just Retirement

Address of donor: Vale House, Roebuck Close, Bancroft Road, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7RU.

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): £1,900 including costs of flights,

accommodation, subsistence and taxis to and from airports and in Brussels

Destination of visit: Brussels, Belgium

Date of visit: 25-28 September 2013

Purpose of visit: To make the case for changes to the proposed EU Solvency II regulations to the EU Parliament, EU Commission and national delegations to the EU Council of Ministers (Registered 1 November 2013)

Name of donor: Information International

Address of donor: Al-Borj (An-Nahar) Bldg, 4th Floor, Martyrs Square, Beirut, Zip Code: 11-4353, Lebanon

Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): travel costs, accommodation and subsistence with a value of £1,700

Destination of visit: Lebanon

Date of visit: 26-29 January 2014

Purpose of visit: Fact-finding delegation organised by the Council for Arab British Understanding

                           (Registered 17 February 2014)

7. Overseas benefits and gifts

See my entry under Category 2 above.

Prepared 28th February 2014