House of Commons
Session 2013-14
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests: Part 1
As at 24th March 2014
O’BRIEN, Stephen (Eddisbury)
1. Directorships
In full and final settlement of outstanding consulting fees and as Chairman and non-executive director of 3DM Research Ltd (a special purpose vehicle) owed to me for the period 13 December 2007 to 13 May 2010 inclusive (on which date I resigned and ceased all consulting activity on joining the Government), I have agreed to receiving an initial payment followed by 8 equal instalments from Environmental Recycling Technologies Plc (in whose interests all consultancy and board work were undertaken) of Keble House, Church End, South Leigh, Witney, Oxon OX29 6UR on a bi-monthly schedule from 30 June 2012 to 1 September 2013 inclusive, totalling £45,000 gross. 3DM Research Ltd was a not-for-profit related company of ERT Plc. The hours worked were approximately 10-12 hours a month.
Fifth instalment of £5,000 received on 13 March 2013. (Registered 19 March 2013)
Sixth instalment of £5,000 received on 13 May 2013. (Registered 22 May 2013)
Seventh instalment of £5,000 received on 12 July 2013. (Registered 7 August 2013)
Eighth and final instalment of £5,000 received on 2 September 2013. (Registered 2 September 2013)
Director of Observe Ltd, St. John’s Chambers, Love Street, Chester CH1 1QN, a consultancy providing corporate, strategic and commercial advice, which started trading from March 2014 (previously dormant). (Registered 17 March 2014)
Non-Executive Director of S4Si Ltd, Adam House, 7-10 Adam Street, London WC2N 6AA, security services and solutions specialists. Annual fee: £35,000 plus VAT, to be paid in varying monthly instalments for the period starting 1 January 2014. Minimum commitment of 28 hrs per annum from 10 March 2014. (£30,001-£35,000) (Registered 17 March 2014)
3. Clients
Of Observe Ltd:
Montrose International LLP; social investment and sustainability programme delivery. Address: Unit 8 Churchill Court, 58 Station Road, North Harrow HA5 7SA. Fee: £30,000 plus VAT, per annum (paid quarterly) for an average of 2 days per month (£25,001-£30,000). (Registered 17 March 2014)
6. Overseas visits
Name of donor: The Roll Back Malaria Partnership
Address of donor: 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): return flights, ground transportation one night’s hotel accommodation and subsistence with a total value of £1,188.79
Destination of visit: Geneva
Date of visit: 16-17 May 2013
Purpose of visit: attending a meeting where I was announced as Roll Back Malaria’s Global Advocate (unremunerated).
(Registered 12 June 2013)
Name of donor: The Roll Back Malaria Partnership
Address of donor: 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Amount of donation: return flights; ground transportation and subsistence with a total value of £3,228.98
Destination of visit: New York
Date of visit: 10-11 June 2013
Purpose of visit: attending and addressing the Roll Back Malaria meeting on Malaria in the Post-2015 Development Agenda in my role as their Global Advocate (unremunerated).
(Registered 8 July 2013)
Name of donor: The Roll Back Malaria Partnership
Address of donor: 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Amount of donation: return flights, ground transportation, two nights hotel accommodation and subsistence, with a total value of £6,986.38.
Destination of visit: Nigeria
Date of visit: 15-18 July 2013
Purpose of visit: To address a specially arranged session of the Nigerian Parliament on Malaria in my role as the Global Advocate for the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (unremunerated) together with a schedule of meetings with other decision makers and politicians.(Registered 7 August 2013)
8. Land and Property
Part share of a house in London from which rental income is received. (Registered 12 November 2012, updated 17 March 2014)
9. Shareholdings
(a) Observe Ltd, details as stated in Category 1. (Registered 17 March 2014)
11. Miscellaneous
Non-practising Solicitor.
Unremunerated posts:
Non-Executive Director of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. (Registered 17 March 2014)
Global Advocate of Roll Back Malaria Partnership, World Health Organisation. (Registered 17 March 2014)
Non-Executive Director/Trustee of the City of London Sinfonia. (Registered 17 March 2014)