House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 27th June 2016

Leslie, Charlotte (Bristol North West)

Leslie, Charlotte (Bristol North West)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

Name of lender: Lloyds Bank
Address of lender: 1 City Road East, Manchester, M15 4PU
Amount of loan: £5,000 authorised overdraft facility for business account (used for office costs)
Date the loan was entered into: 22 July 2014
Date the loan is due to be repaid: intended overdraft review date 28 July 2016
Rate of interest: variable rates (currently 8.75% and 26.40% p/a) for, respectively, authorised and unauthorised borrowing
Whether any security has been given: No
(Registered 31 July 2014; updated 14 August 2015)

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

Name of donor: The Premier League
Address of donor: 30 Gloucester Place, London W1V 8PL
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: four tickets, plus hospitality, for a Premier League match at Anfield stadium on 6 February 2016; total value £1,680
Date received: 8 January 2016
Date accepted: 8 January 2016
Donor status: company, registration 02719699
(Registered 27 January 2016)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor:(1) Mohamed Shafik Foundation; (2) Conservative Middle East Council
Address of donor: (1) Hassan Al-Akbar St, Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt 11571; (2) 55 Tufton St, London SW1P 3QL
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) flights valued at £3,098; (2) internal transport, accommodation and food valued at £975
Destination of visit: Cairo
Date of visit:4 to 7 August 2015
Purpose of visit: Fact finding visit
(Registered 03 September 2015)

Name of donor: (1)Conservative Middle East Council; (2) Turkish Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority
Address of donor: (1) 55 Tufton St, London SW1P 3QL;
(2) Kızılırmak Mah. Ufuk Üniversitesi Cad. No 12 Çukurambar, Söğütözü, Çankaya, Ankara
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) flight, food and accommodation with a value of £1,346; (2) transport with a value of £50
Destination of visit: Turkey
Date of visit: 27-30 September 2015
Purpose of visit: fact finding visit to refugee camps in Turkey
(Registered 12 October 2015)

Name of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bahrain
Address of donor: P.O. Box 547, Government Road, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flights, hotel accommodation, food and transport to a total value of £3,050
Destination of visit: Bahrain
Date of visit: 29 October - 1 November 2015
Purpose of visit: Attendance of IISS Manama Dialogue
(Registered 17 November 2015)

Name of donor: UK China Forum Ltd
Address of donor: 15 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PS
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights and accommodation; £2,677.09
Destination of visit: Beijing and Shanghai
Date of visit: 15-20 November 2015
Purpose of visit: to attend the 2015 UK-China Leadership Forum
(Registered 27 November 2015)

Name of donor: (1) Shafik Gabr Foundation (2) Egypt Foreign Ministry
Address of donor: (1) c/o 7, Hassan Al-Akbar Street, Mokattam, Cairo, Egypt 11571 (2) Nile Corniche, Boulaq, Cairo Governorate, Egypt
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) Flights £1,836 (2) Accommodation, food and transport £850
Destination: Egypt
Date of visit: 14-18 January 2016
Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact finding delegation
(Registered 28 January 2016)

Name of donor: Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address of donor: P.O. Box 547, Government Road,
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Amount of donation: Flights, accommodation and transport to a value of £4,753.26
Destination of visit: Bahrain
Date of visit: 21-25 January 2016
Purpose of visit: Conservative Middle East Council fact finding delegation
(Registered 03 February 2016)

Name of donor: United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address of donor: Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): travel and accommodation with a total value of £2,800
Destination of visit: United Arab Emirates
Date of visit: 1-6 April 2016
Purpose of visit: to meet with Government Ministers, Members of the Federal National Council and senior business figures.
(Registered 14 April 2016)

Name of donor: The VPRO, Netherlands
Address of donor: Villa VPRO, Sumatralaan 49, 1217 GP Hilversum, Netherlands
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights, accommodation and food with a value of £507.94
Destination of visit: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Date of visit: 16-17 April 2016
Purpose of visit: to participate in a discussion on the future of the EU on a Dutch politics show.
(Registered 13 May 2016)


Prepared 29th June 2016