House of Commons
Session 2016-17
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17th October 2016
Amess, Sir David (Southend West)
Amess, Sir David (Southend West)
1. Employment and earnings
Until further notice, I am Parliamentary Adviser to the Caravan Club, East Grinstead House, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 1UA. I receive £6,000 a year in return for an expected commitment of 100 hours. (Updated 5 June 2015)
Payments from Cumberlege Eden & Partners, Snells Cottage, Newick BN8 4LA:
20 November 2015, received £350 for talk. Hours: 1.5 hrs. (Registered 30 November 2015)
Payment of £350 expected for taking part in a seminar on 20 July 2016. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 15 August 2016)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: High Commission of the Maldives
Address of donor: 22 Nottingham Place, London W1U 5NJ
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Flights, accommodation, food and local transport with a value of £8,303.09
Destination of visit: the Maldives
Date of visit: 13 to 21 February 2016
Purpose of visit: Delegation as part of the All-Party British Maldives Parliamentary Group involving meetings with the President and Cabinet, representatives of political parties and the judiciary.
(Registered 11 March 2016)
Name of donor: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Maldives
Address of donor: Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Malé 20077, Republic of Maldives
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights and accommodation with a value of £4,634.66
Destination of visit: Republic of Maldives
Date of visit: 23-29 July 2016
Purpose of visit: Follow-up delegation of the APPG for the Maldives. The group met with opposition and government MPs of all parties, political prisoners and members of the judiciary.
(Registered 19 August 2016)
8. Miscellaneous
Chair of Board of Trustees of the Industry and Parliament Trust. (Updated 11 July 2014)
Chairman of the Industry and Parliament Fellowship Committee.
9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses
I employ my wife, Julia Amess, as part-time Secretary/Caseworker.