House of Commons
Session 2016-17
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17th October 2016
Carswell, Mr Douglas (Clacton)
Carswell, Mr Douglas (Clacton)
1. Employment and earnings
9 November 2015, payment of £1,054 from Warwick University Economics Department, Coventry CV4 8UW, for a talk to students. Hours: 8 hrs in total. (Registered 27 November 2015)
18 January 2016, received £1,755.25 from The New Criterion, 900 Broadway, Suite 602, New York, NY 10003, for an article written for the January edition of the magazine. Hours: 11 hrs. (Registered 19 January 2016)
2 August 2016, received £500 from Intelligence Squared (UK) Ltd, Newcombe House, 45 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3LQ, for speaking at an event. Hours (including preparation): 4 hrs. (Registered 15 August 2016)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Franco-British Colloque
Address of donor: 86 East Lane, West Horsley, Leatherhead KT24 6LQ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: in relation to the Franco-British Colloque’s 2016 Conference at the Tate Britain and Four Seasons Hotel Hampshire; food, accommodation and transport: £800
Date received: 14-16 January 2016
Date accepted: 14 January 2016
Donor status: company, registration 6913437
(Registered 18 January 2016)
6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year
Residential property in Hertfordshire: (i).
Rental income from lodger in my London home: (i) and (ii). (Registered 31 July 2014)
9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses
I employ my wife, Clementine Carswell, as part-time Diary Secretary.