House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17th October 2016

Qureshi, Yasmin (Bolton South East)

Qureshi, Yasmin (Bolton South East)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: Unitas Communications
Address of donor: 23 Austin Friars, London EC2N 2QP
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flights and accommodation for two people, value £1,200
Destination of visit: Atlanta, USA
Date of visit: 8-11 October 2015
Purpose of visit: to attend and speak at the Concordia Forum, which promotes greater social inclusion for minority groups within Europe and the US.
(Registered 08 February 2016; updated 15 March 2016)

Name of donor: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address of donor: 29 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3ED
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): for two people, flights £225, accommodation approx. £234; total £459
Destination of visit: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC)
Date of visit: 12-15 November 2015
Purpose of visit: as co-Chair APPG for TRNC I met with government officials to discuss the current political situation in TRNC.
(Registered 08 February 2016; updated 15 March 2016)

9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses

I employ my husband, Nadeem Ashraf, as Constituency Caseworker and Administrative Officer. (Registered 15 March 2016)


Prepared 19th October 2016