House of Commons
Session 2016-17
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17th October 2016
Ryan, Joan (Enfield North)
Ryan, Joan (Enfield North)
1. Employment and earnings
Payments from Ipsos Mori. 79-81 Borough Road, London SE1 1FY, for completing surveys. Payments are made direct to my local party organisation:
11 September 2015, payment of £200. Hours: 1 hr 15 mins in total. (Registered 08 October 2015)
4 February 2016, payment of £200 for survey conducted on 3 December 2015. Hours: 1 hr 15 mins in total. (Registered 22 February 2016)
Opinion surveys for ComRes, 4 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. All payments made direct to Enfield North CLP:
29 May 2015, payment of £75. Hours: 25 mins. (Registered 30 December 2015)
8 July 2015, payment of £50. Hours: 25 mins. (Registered 30 December 2015)
14 July 2015, payment of £75. Hours: 25 mins. (Registered 30 December 2015)
21 August 2015, payment of £75. Hours: 25 mins. (Registered 30 December 2015)
23 October 2015, payment of £75. Hours: 25 mins. (Registered 30 December 2015)
25 January 2016, payment of £75 for survey completed on 18 December 2015. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 04 August 2016)
15 February 2016, payment of £75 for survey completed on 16 January 2016. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 04 August 2016)
13 April 2016, payment of £50 for survey completed on 21 March 2016. Hours: 20 mins. (Registered 04 August 2016)
3 May 2016, payment of £100 for survey completed on 14 February 2016. Hours: 1 hr. (Registered 04 August 2016)
18 May 2016, payment of £75 for survey completed on 18 April 2016. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 04 August 2016)
3 August 2016, payment of £75 for survey completed on 14 July 2016. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 05 August 2016)
28 June 2016, £3,550 (including £50 expenses) received from Global Partners Governance Practice Ltd, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT, for providing mentoring and support services in Egypt, as part of a Foreign Office contract, to parliamentarians and their staff in the Middle East and North Africa. Hours: 56 hrs including preparation. (Registered 29 June 2016)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: (1) Labour Friends of Israel (2) Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address of donor: (1) BM LFI, London WC1N 3XX (2) 9 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd, Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem 9103001, Israel
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) flights, accommodation, airport and taxi transfers, meals; £1,400 (2) fast track security, passport control, registration and customs; £75. Total £1,475.
Destination of visit: Israel
Date of visit: 18 October to 21 October 2015
Purpose of visit: fact-finding visit to Israel. Meeting with Israeli and Palestinian politicians, academics, journalists and diplomats.
(Registered 26 October 2015)
Name of donor: (1) Australia Israel Cultural Exchange Limited (2) Labour Friends of Israel
Address of donor: (1) Suite 836, Level 8, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne, 3004 VIC, Australia (2) BM LFI: London WC1N 3XX
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) meals and transportation £200, hotel £800 and flight £674.46; total £1,674.46 (2) meals, transportation £250
Destination of visit: Israel and the Palestinian Territories
Date of visit: 11-16 December 2015
Purpose of visit: participation in the Australia Israel UK Leadership Dialogue, including discussions on the Israeli/Palestinian peace process and security issues (11-15 December) and participation in a fact-finding trip with Shadow Foreign Secretary (15-16 December).
(Registered 11 January 2016)
Name of donor: Hong Kong Government
Address of donor: c/o Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office, 18 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JA
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): airfare £8,267.15, accommodation £1,759.32, transport £237.59, hospitality expenses £57.02; total £10,321.08
Destination of visit: Hong Kong
Date of visit: 25-29 January 2016
Purpose of visit: as part of the APPG for China, to maintain bilateral ties; support British businesses operating in Hong Kong; and deepen the knowledge of parliamentarians of Hong Kong’s political, social and economic development.
(Registered 17 February 2016)
Name of donor: (1) Labour Friends of Israel (2) Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address of donor: (1) BM LFI, London WC1N 3XX (2) 9 Yitzhak Rabin Blvd., Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem 9103001
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): (1) flights, accommodation, meals, airport and taxi transfers, with a value of £1,127.66 for my partner and £1,800 for myself, total value £2,927.66 (2) fast track access through security check, passport control, registration and customs, for my partner and myself, total value £150. Minibus also provided but value unavailable.
Destination of visit: Israel and Palestinian territories
Date of visit: 20-24 March 2016
Purpose of visit: fact-finding visit. Meeting with Israeli and Palestinian politicians, academics, journalists and diplomats.
(Registered 13 April 2016)
6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year
Flat in London: (i) and (ii). (Registered 05 June 2015)
8. Miscellaneous
Until 18 November 2015, Member of the Board of Trustees (unremunerated) for Riders for Health, a transport for health care charity working in Africa. (Registered 5 June 2015; updated 25 January 2016)