House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17th October 2016

Weir, Mike (Angus)

Weir, Mike (Angus)

1. Employment and earnings

Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing surveys (all paid directly to local charities):

20 January 2015, payment of £60. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 13 January 2016)

7 July 2015, payment of £70. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 13 January 2016)

29 July 2015, payment of £50. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 13 January 2016)

20 October 2015, payment of £50. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 13 January 2016)

17 October 2015, payment of £80. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 13 January 2016)

14 December 2015, payment of £30. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 13 January 2016)


Prepared 19th October 2016