House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17th October 2016

Williams, Mr Mark (Ceredigion)

Williams, Mr Mark (Ceredigion)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: National Council for Resistance in Iran
Address of donor: 83 Victoria St, London SW1H 0HW
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): Train, accommodation and flights, value £403.50
Destination of visit: Paris
Date of visit: 10-11 October 2015
Purpose of visit: Attending conference on human rights
(Registered 02 December 2015)

Name of donor: National Council for Resistance in Iran
Address of donor: 83 Victoria St, London SW1H 0HW
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): flight, accommodation and meals with a value of £375
Destination of visit: Paris
Date of visit: 8-10 July 2016
Purpose of visit: to attend a rally and meetings organised by the National Council for Resistance in Iran.
(Registered 20 July 2016)

Name of donor: Human Appeal
Address of donor: Carrs Rd, Cheadle, Manchester SK8 2BL
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): flights, food, transport and accommodation, to a value of £1,350
Destination of visit: West Bank and Israel
Dates of visit: 6-10 October 2016
Purpose of visit: Fact finding visit organised by the Council for Arab-British Understanding and Human Appeal
(Registered 17 October 2016)


Prepared 19th October 2016