House of Commons
Session 2017-19
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 29 August 2017
Latham, Mrs Pauline (Mid Derbyshire)
Latham, Mrs Pauline (Mid Derbyshire)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Morley Hayes
Address of donor: Main Road, Morley, DE7 6DG
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Tickets for football match, and associated hospitality, for myself and my husband, with a total value of £400
Date received: 29 April 2017
Date accepted: 29 April 2017
Donor status: company, registration 02671815
(Registered 02 May 2017)
Name of donor: 3aaa Apprenticeships
Address of donor: Floor 2, Aspire House, Sitwell Street, Derby DE1 2JT
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Tickets for a concert, and associated hospitality, for myself and my husband, with a value of £550 per person, total £1,100
Date received: 4 June 2017
Date accepted: 4 June 2017
Donor status: company, registration 7095168
(Registered 27 June 2017)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: Stop Ivory
Address of donor: Stop Ivory, 22 Upper Ground, London SE19PD
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Air transfer and driver in Nairobi £60.05; hotel accommodation in Lewa for one night £81.20; hotel accommodation in Nairobi for one night £180; total £321
Destination of visit: Nairobi and Lewa, Kenya
Dates of visit: 8–10 March 2017
Purpose of visit: After concluding official duties with International Development Committee, visiting Lewa Conservancy and an elephant orphanage also in Lewa.
(Registered 26 April 2017)
8. Miscellaneous
From 1 March 2013, unremunerated Board Member of the charity WE (formerly Free the Children). (Registered 01 May 2013; updated 02 February 2016 and 05 April 2017)
From 24 March 2017, unpaid director of Furthest from the Sea, a not-for-profit organisation based in Derbyshire but operating around the country, which supports the development of artistic talent. (Registered 04 April 2017)