House of Commons
Session 2017-19
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 9 October 2017
Herbert, Nick (Arundel and South Downs)
Herbert, Nick (Arundel and South Downs)
1. Employment and earnings
From 18 November 2015, Member of the Advisory Board of CREST Advisory (UK) Ltd, a consultancy that aims to improve the performance and impact of the criminal justice system. Address: First Floor, Millbank Tower, London SW1P 4QP. Until further notice, I will be paid £10,000 every year in monthly instalments. Hours: 4 hrs per month. (Registered 03 December 2015)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: (1) Out and Equal Workplace Advocates (2) The Project for Modern Democracy
Address of donor: (1) 155 Sansome St, Suite 450, San Francisco, CA, 94104 (2) c/o 5 Fleet Place, London EC4M 7RD
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) accommodation and travel with a value of £2,521 (2) flights with a value of £1,500
Destination of visit: Orlando, United States
Dates of visit: 3-8 October 2016
Purpose of visit: Attendance at the 2016 Out and Equal Workplace Summit, to present on Global LGBT rights and workplace equality.
(Registered 01 November 2016)
Name of donor: Conservative Middle East Council
Address of donor: 55 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QL
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Accommodation, food and transport with a value of £2,248
Destination of visit: Lebanon
Dates of visit: 20-24 April 2017
Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact finding.
(Registered 27 April 2017)
8. Miscellaneous
Unremunerated co-chairman of the Advisory Board of GovernUp, a project to improve the effectiveness of government. (Registered 02 April 2014)
Trustee, The Project for Modern Democracy (registered charity no. 1154924) (Registered 02 April 2014)