House of Commons
Session 2017-19
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 2 July 2018
McGinn, Conor (St Helens North)
McGinn, Conor (St Helens North)
2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation
Name of donor: Unite the Union
Address of donor: 128 Theobalds Road, Holborn, London WC1X 8TN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £4,000
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 07 July 2017)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
Address of donor: 39 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1BX
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: an educational allowance of £5,437 and accommodation with a value of £9,057.14 provided for an intern in my parliamentary office for 10 months
Date received: 9 October 2017 - 20 July 2018
Date accepted: 9 October 2017
Donor status: charity, registration 1097482
(Registered 21 November 2017; updated 1 December 2017)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: ITV plc
Address of donor: The London Television Centre, Upper Ground, London SE1 9LT
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Ticket and hospitality at Six Nations rugby match at Twickenham Stadium, value £1,198.80
Date received: 17 March 2018
Date accepted: 17 March 2018
Donor status: company, registration 4967001
(Registered 10 April 2018)
Name of donor: Racecourse Association Ltd
Address of donor: Winkfield Road, Ascot SL5 7HX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: a metal badge entitling the bearer to admittance to certain horse racing meetings in the UK during 2018. The badge is not available for purchase but its estimated value is between £0 and £1,000, depending on usage.
Date received: 1 April 2018
Date accepted: 1 April 2018
Donor status: company, registration 93447
(Registered 08 May 2018)
6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year
From 13 November 2017, flat in London, owned jointly with a family member: (i) and (ii). (Registered 09 November 2017)