House of Commons
Session 2017-19
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 2 July 2018
Milling, Amanda (Cannock Chase)
Milling, Amanda (Cannock Chase)
1. Employment and earnings
Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for completing surveys:
23 February 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 17 October 2017)
10 March 2017, payment of £50. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 17 October 2017)
12 June 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 17 October 2017)
22 September 2017, payment of £150. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 17 October 2017)
17 October 2017, payment of £75. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 17 October 2017)
17 November 2017, payment of £75. Hours: approx. 10 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 23 November 2017)
Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for completing surveys:
14 February 2017, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 23 November 2017)
22 March 2017, payment of £80. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 23 November 2017)
26 March 2017, payment of £25. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 23 November 2017)
26 April 2017, payment of £20. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 23 November 2017)
26 July 2017, payment of £30. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 23 November 2017)
4 October 2017, payment of £40. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 23 November 2017)
7 November 2017, payment of £40. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 23 November 2017)
17 November 2017, payment of £100. Hours: 15 mins. Fee donated to charity. (Registered 23 November 2017)
20 December 2017, payment of £60. Hours: 10 mins. Fee donated to Cannock Chase Conservative Association. (Registered 11 January 2018)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Armed Forces Parliamentary Trust
Address of donor: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Return flights to Nairobi/Heathrow £443.77; visa £25; total value £468.77
Destination of visit: British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK)
Dates of visit: 7 - 12 November 2017
Purpose of visit: Visit UK forces on deployment and training as part of Armed Forces Parliamentary Scheme.
(Registered 23 November 2017; updated 11 January 2018)