House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 1 October 2018

Bacon, Mr Richard (South Norfolk)

Bacon, Mr Richard (South Norfolk)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: Conservative Middle East Council
Address of donor: 55 Tufton Street, London SW1P 3QL
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): accommodation, food and transport with a total value of £2,248
Destination of visit: Lebanon
Date of visit: 20-24 April 2017
Purpose of visit: Parliamentary fact finding.
(Registered 14 December 2017)

Name of donor: Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Address of donor: Embassy of Iran, 16 Princes Gate, London SW7 1PT
Amount of donation (or estimate of the probable value): transport, food and two nights' accommodation with a total value of £867. (The remaining accommodation was provided by a non-registrable source.)
Destination of visit: Iran
Date of visit: 4 – 10 August 2017
Purpose of visit: To attend the Inauguration of H.E. Hassan Rouhani as President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to meet Iranian parliamentarians.
(Registered 14 December 2017)

Name of donor: Ministry of Defence, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Address of donor: Riyadh, Postal Code 111165, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): flights, accommodation, internal transport and food at a total value of £8,257
Destination of visit: Riyadh and Saudi/Yemen border region
Dates of visit: 11-15 January 2018
Purpose of visit: Parliamentary delegation to see impact of ballistic missile strikes in the Saudi/Yemen border region and gain a deeper understanding of the strategic importance of the Coalition operations in Yemen.
(Registered 06 March 2018)

8. Miscellaneous

I am a patron of Elizabeth’s Legacy of Hope, a registered charity in England and Wales, No 1141287. During the course of overseas visits I may from time to time undertake engagements on behalf of the charity. (Registered 25 January 2013; updated 26 May 2015)

I am a member of the board (unpaid) of the Right to Build Task Force, which is part of the National Custom and Self-Build Association, and I serve as the task force ambassador. (Registered 06 March 2018)


Prepared 2nd October 2018