House of Commons
Session 2017-19
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 1 October 2018
Fallon, Sir Michael (Sevenoaks)
Fallon, Sir Michael (Sevenoaks)
1. Employment and earnings
From 1 February 2018, Non-executive Chairman of Avanton Ltd (residential property development in London). Address: 56 Queen Anne Street, London W1G 8LA. Until further notice, I receive a monthly salary of £4,167 for an expected commitment of 10 hrs per month. I consulted ACoBA about this appointment. (Registered 28 February 2018)
Payments from the Telegraph Media Group, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT, for articles:
5 March 2018, received £400. Hours: 2.5 hrs. (Registered 21 March 2018)
23 March 2018, received £270. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 28 March 2018)
18 May 2018, received £375. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 22 May 2018)
6 April 2018, received £500 from Storm Communications Ltd, 7 The Arches, Chancel Street, London SE1 0UR, for a speech at the Counter Terror Awards. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 16 April 2018)
14 May 2018, received £5,000 from Greenbrook Communications, 1 Vere Street, London W1G 0DF, for a speech delivered on 30 January 2018. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 16 May 2018)
18 May 2018, received £2,500 from Wilton Engineering Services Ltd, Port Clarence Offshore Base, Port Clarence Road, Middlesbrough TS2 1RZ, for writing a report. Hours: 20 hrs. (Registered 22 May 2018)
31 May 2018, received £750 from the Sun on Sunday, 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF, for an article. Hours: 2.5 hrs. (Registered 13 June 2018)
16 July 2018, received £1,500 from Market News (MNI), 5th Floor, 69 Leadenhall Street, London EC3A 2DB, for a speech at a MNI Connect Roundtable Event. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 24 July 2018)
10 July 2018, received £1,000 from Klesch Group, 16 Palace Street, London SW1E 5JD, for providing strategic advice on business development. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 01 August 2018)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Glencore
Address of donor: 50 Berkeley Street, London W1J 5HD
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: One ticket with hospitality to the Six Nations England vs Ireland match, value £849
Date received: 17 March 2018
Date accepted: 17 March 2018
Donor status: company, registration 06454509
(Registered 21 March 2018)
Name of donor: Lazard and Co Ltd
Address of donor: 50 Stratton Street, London W1J 8LL
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to the Chelsea Flower Show with hospitality, value £1,900
Date received: 21 May 2018
Date accepted: 21 May 2018
Donor status: company, registration 00162175
(Registered 13 June 2018)
Name of donor: LPA Group
Address of donor: Shire Hill, Saffron Walden CB11 3AQ
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: One ticket with hospitality to the England v India Test Match, value £718.80
Date received: 8 September 2018
Date accepted: 8 September 2018
Donor status: company, registration 00686429
(Registered 11 September 2018)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: Institute for Travel and Tourism
Address of donor: PO Box 217, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 8WY
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights and accommodation for two, value £2,112
Destination of visit: Sicily
Dates of visit: 5-9 June 2018
Purpose of visit: To deliver speech on international security and participate in the Institute for Travel and Tourism's Annual Conference.
(Registered 04 July 2018)
Name of donor: APPG on General Aviation (with sponsorship from Heathrow Airport Ltd, JLT Management Services Ltd, London Luton Airport Operations Ltd, Boeing Defence UK Ltd, London Southend Airport Ltd, Royal Oak Strategic Partners and Boeing UK Ltd)
Address of donor: c/o House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): travel and accommodation to a value of £3,238
Destination of visit: Washington, D.C. and Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States of America
Dates of visit: 25 – 30 July 2018
Purpose of visit: meetings with US Government and Congressional representatives, the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board and other General Aviation stakeholders.
(Registered 13 August 2018)
7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital
From 19 December 2017, Pimmend Ltd. (Registered 23 January 2018)
8. Miscellaneous
From 19 December 2017, unpaid director of Pimmend Ltd, 62 Westborough, Scarborough YO11 1HY, a small private company set up to handle my non-parliamentary fees and expenditure. (Registered 26 January 2018)
9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses
I employ my wife, Wendy Fallon, as Senior Caseworker (constituency based).