House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 7 May 2019

Adams, Nigel (Selby and Ainsty)

Adams, Nigel (Selby and Ainsty)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

Name of donor: David Blanquart
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £15,800
Date received: 13 July 2018
Date accepted: 13 July 2018
Donor status: individual
(Registered 27 July 2018)

Name of donor: Calverts Carpets Ltd
Address of donor: 29-33 Westgate, Thirsk YO7 1HL
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,200
Date received: 16 July 2018
Date accepted: 16 July 2018
Donor status: company, registration 03861858
(Registered 27 July 2018)

Name of donor: Phoebe Tomlinson
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,300
Date received: 17 July 2018
Date accepted: 17 July 2018
Donor status: individual
(Registered 27 July 2018)

Name of donor: Richard Hare
Address of donor: individual
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,500
Date received: 20 July 2018
Date accepted: 20 July 2018
Donor status: individual
(Registered 27 July 2018)

Name of donor: Ian Pattison
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,250
Date received: 23 July 2018
Date accepted: 23 July 2018
Donor status: individual
(Registered 27 July 2018)

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

Name of donor: William Hill plc
Address of donor: Greenside House, 50 Station Road, London N22 7TP
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: two tickets for myself and a member of staff to Cheltenham Racecourse including hospitality; total value £540 (£270each)
Date received: 16 March 2018
Date accepted: 16 March 2018
Donor status: company, registration 04212563
(Registered 29 May 2018)

Name of donor: British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC)
Address of donor: Marford Mill, Rossett, Wrexham LL12 0HL
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: one day’s shooting at Catton Hall, South Derbyshire and one night’s accommodation; total value £953
Date received: 24-25 September 2018
Date accepted: 24 September 2018
Donor status: Registered Industrial and Provident Society No 28488R
(Registered 01 November 2018)

Name of donor: Channel 4 Television Corporation
Address of donor: 124 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2TX
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets to the British Academy of Film and Television Awards with a value of £1,770
Date received: 10 February 2019
Date accepted: 10 February 2019
Donor status: company, registration 01533774
(Registered 05 March 2019)

6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

One mixed use commercial and residential property in Selby, North Yorkshire, co-owned with my wife: (i) and (ii).

Two residential properties in York co-owned with my wife, the second of which was acquired in September 2017: (i) and (ii). (Registered 13 May 2015; updated 10 October 2017)

From 18 March 2016, one residential property in Leeds co-owned with my wife: (i) and from 10 May 2016 (ii). (Registered 18 March 2016; updated 10 May 2016)

8. Miscellaneous

Until 3 June 2018, unpaid director of NGC Networks Ltd and NGC Network Services Ltd, and company secretary of the latter. (Registered 11 October 2016; updated 23 March 2017 and 18 June 2018)

I have a shareholding, which is below the registrable level, in NGC Networks Ltd and NGC Network Services Ltd. (Registered 11 October 2016; updated 23 March 2017)

9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses

I employ my spouse, Claire Adams, as part-time Office Manager.


Prepared 8th May 2019