House of Commons
Session 2017-19
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17 June 2019
Grant, Mrs Helen (Maidstone and The Weald)
Grant, Mrs Helen (Maidstone and The Weald)
1. Employment and earnings
From 25 March 2019 until further notice, consultant providing business advice to Alizeti Capital Limited, 6th Floor, One London Wall, London EC2Y 5EB. Alizeti is a 25% shareholder in The Tote. I will receive £30,000 a year (£2,500 a month) in a combination of shares and cash. Hours: 20 hrs per calendar month. (Registered 28 March 2019)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Rami Ranger
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Guest for dinner at the India Awards in the Members' Dining Room, Westminster, in my capacity as Party Vice Chairman, value £150
Date received: 17 May 2018
Date accepted: 17 May 2018
Donor status: individual
(Registered 10 September 2018)
Name of donor: Rami Ranger
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Guest for dinner at a Conservative Party fundraising event at the Hurlingham Club, London, in my capacity as Party Vice Chairman, value £250
Date received: 2 July 2018
Date accepted: 2 July 2018
Donor status: individual
(Registered 10 September 2018)
Name of donor: Station Hotel Newcastle Limited (SHNL) trading as Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre
Address of donor: Smallbrook, Queensway, Birmingham B5 4EW
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: three nights bed and breakfast for two people at the Holiday Inn Birmingham City Centre, value £675. This was received in my capacity as Party Member and Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party.
Date received: 30 September - 3 October 2018
Date accepted: 30 September 2018
Donor status: company, registration 1958222
(Registered 23 October 2018)
Name of donor: Channel Four Television Company Limited
Address of donor: 124 Horseferry Road, Horseferry Rd, Westminster, London SW1P 2TX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets for the BAFTA awards, and associated dinner, in my capacity as Chairman of the APPG for Channel 4; value £2,124
Date received: 10 February 2019
Date accepted: 10 February 2019
Donor status: company, registration 01533774
(Registered 04 March 2019)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: Rami Ranger
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Accommodation in a private apartment, total value £1,300 (£100 a night)
Destination of visit: Spain
Dates of visit: 28 July - 11 August 2018
Purpose of visit: Private holiday.
(Registered 10 September 2018)
Name of donor: Rami Ranger
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): accommodation for two people in a private apartment, total value £700 (£100 a night for 7 nights)
Destination of visit: Spain
Dates of visit: 23 to 30 May 2019
Purpose of visit: private holiday.
(Registered 06 June 2019)
6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year
Commercial offices and storage in Croydon, Surrey, held in trust by James Hay Pension Trustees Ltd, on behalf of myself and my husband: (i) and from 1 April 2017, (ii). (Updated 07 September 2015 and 03 April 2017)
8. Miscellaneous
From May 2016, Trustee of the Social Mobility Foundation. (Registered 08 June 2016)
From August 2015, Patron of Women in Racing. (Registered 08 June 2016)
From 24 October 2017, Chair of the Apprenticeship Diversity Champions Network, Department for Education, Sanctuary Buildings, 20 Great Smith St, Westminster, London SW1P 3BT. The network aims to increase the proportion of BAME apprenticeships. (Registered 22 November 2017)
From 8 January 2018, Vice Chair of the Conservative Party. This post carries a part time salary. (Registered 26 January 2018)
9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses
I employ my husband, Simon Grant, as Senior Parliamentary Assistant.