House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17 June 2019

Streeting, Wes (Ilford North)

Streeting, Wes (Ilford North)

1. Employment and earnings

Payment of £5,000 expected from JP Morgan, 25 Bank Street, London E14 5JP, for speaking on a panel at the JP Morgan European High Yield Conference on 5 September 2018. Hours: 6 hrs. (Registered 05 September 2018)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

Name of donor: Unison
Address of donor: 130 Euston St, Euston, London NW1 2AY
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: Printing of leaflets for annual report, value £2,251.50
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 06 December 2018)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

Name of donor: Peter Hearn
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,500 towards staffing costs
Date received: 23 November 2018
Date accepted: 3 December 2018
Donor status: individual
(Registered 06 December 2018)

Name of donor: Peter Hearn
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,500 towards staffing costs
Date received: 27 January 2019
Date accepted: 28 January 2019
Donor status: individual
(Registered 01 February 2019)

Name of donor: Peter Hearn
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,500 towards staffing costs
Date received: 16 May 2019
Date accepted: 16 May 2019
Donor status: individual
(Registered 05 June 2019)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: Franco-British Council
Address of donor: 6 Cromwell Place, London SW7 2JN
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Transport £491; accommodation £528; meals £195; total value £1,214
Destination of visit: Paris
Dates of visit: 14-16 June 2018
Purpose of visit: To meet with other Franco-British Council Young Leaders in Paris for a programme of policy discussions and meetings with French and British representatives from politics, government, the military and cultural institutions.
(Registered 12 July 2018)

Name of donor: APPG on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (with sponsorship from Boston Consulting Group, Braintree, Deloitte, Lockheed Martin, Oracle, Visa, BP, TCS, RBS, Uber, Samsung, Vodafone, and HSBC)
Address of donor: c/o House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Return flights; accommodation; meals and sundries; transportation; total value £5,388.01
Destination of visit: San Francisco
Dates of visit: 15-19 April 2019
Purpose of visit: Participation in cross-party trade & technology delegation.
(Registered 08 May 2019)

8. Miscellaneous

14 March 2019, Unison printed leaflets for my constituency party with a value of £1,477. (Registered 05 April 2019)

10. Family members engaged in lobbying the public sector on behalf of a third party or client

My partner, Joseph Dancey, is a self-employed communications and public affairs adviser. (Registered 28 January 2016)


Prepared 19th June 2019