House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 17 June 2019

Tolhurst, Kelly (Rochester and Strood)

Tolhurst, Kelly (Rochester and Strood)

7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital

Skipper UK Ltd, a marine paint distributors and marine surveyors company (see category 8 below). (Registered 03 June 2015)

8. Miscellaneous

Unremunerated director at Skipper UK Ltd. (Registered 03 June 2015)

Unremunerated contact supervisor/independent visitor to looked after children (LAC) for SFS Northfleet, a fostering charity. (Registered 03 June 2015)

Councillor, Rochester West Medway Council. Since my election to Parliament I draw no allowances. (Registered 23 June 2015)

Unpaid independent Trustee of the Chatham Maritime Trust, which looks after the former Chatham Dockyard for the benefit of local people and the wider public. (Registered 09 April 2019)


Prepared 19th June 2019