House of Commons
Session 2019-20
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 5 November 2019
Williams, Dr Paul (Stockton South)
Williams, Dr Paul (Stockton South)
1. Employment and earnings
From 5 January 2018 to 5 January 2020, part time salaried General Practitioner at Tennant Street Medical Practice, Stockton-on-Tees TS18 2AT. I receive £6,534 a year for thirty sessions. Hours: 105 hrs a year. I was a GP partner at this practice until 31 October 2017. Previous and additional payments are listed below. (Registered 05 July 2017; updated 14 November 2017, 16 January 2018, 04 February 2019 and 07 March 2019)
16 January 2019, received drawings from the partnership of £3,720. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 04 February 2019)
Payments received from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for surveys:
19 April 2019, payment of £200. Hours: approx. 1 hr. (Registered 20 May 2019)
8 July 2019, payment of £200. Hours: estimated at 1 hr. (Registered 11 October 2019)
Payments from ComRes, Four Millbank, London SW1P 3JA, for surveys:
18 October 2018, received £75. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 02 November 2018)
18 October 2018, received £100. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 02 November 2018)
30 November 2018, payment of £75. Hours: 45 mins. (Registered 10 December 2018)
20 May 2019, payment of £150. Hours: estimated at 45 mins. (Registered 11 October 2019)
1 August 2019, payment of £75. Hours: estimated at 15 mins. (Registered 11 October 2019)
19 August 2019, received £150. Hours: estimated at 15 mins. (Registered 11 October 2019)
Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for surveys:
6 August 2018, payment of £100. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 25 July 2019)
28 September 2018, payment of £60. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 25 July 2019)
29 October 2018, payment of £70. Hours: 15 mins. (Registered 25 July 2019)
29 April 2019, received £3,000 from Irvine Thanvi Natas Solicitors, No 5 The Office Village, Romford Rd, London E15 4EA, for work done as part of an advisory panel. Hours: approx. 30 hrs. (Registered 20 May 2019)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: USDAW (Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers)
Address of donor: 188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M14 6LJ
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,000 to my campaign account
Date received: 2 October 2019
Date accepted: 3 October 2019
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 18 October 2019)
Name of donor: BM Creative Management Ltd
Address of donor: 4th Floor, York House, 23 Kingsway, London WC2B 6UJ
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000 to my campaign account
Date received: 10 October 2019
Date accepted: 10 October 2019
Donor status: company, registration 05635995
(Registered 21 October 2019)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (APPMG), funded by Path MVI, Medicines for Malaria Venture and Malaria No More UK
Address of donor: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): international flights £1,322 and food (approx. cost) £50; accommodation £332 and internal transport and transfers (approx. cost) £709.80; total value £2,412.80
Destination of visit: Tanzania
Dates of visit: 16-20 September 2019
Purpose of visit: To meet with the Tanzania Parliamentarians against Malaria and NTDs and senior Tanzania Government Ministers. The delegation also visited UK and German funded programmes fighting malaria and neglected tropical diseases.
(Registered 18 October 2019)
6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year
Two houses in North Yorkshire, owned jointly with my partner: (i) and (ii). (Registered 05 July 2017)
8. Miscellaneous
Co-director (unpaid) and trustee of Friends of Bwindi Community Health Centre, a charity which was dissolved on 13 November 2018. (Registered 05 July 2017; updated 06 November 2018 and 20 November 2018)
From 9 November 2017, a trustee of Sustain for Life, a charity which aims to reduce poverty by helping people in developing countries to become sustainably self-sufficient. (Registered 11 November 2017; updated 17 January 2018)
From 26 June 2019, Director (unpaid) of Parent Infant Partnership (PIP) UK Ltd. (Registered 09 July 2019)