House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 27 April 2020

Clark, Feryal (Enfield North)

Clark, Feryal (Enfield North)

1. Employment and earnings

13 December 2019, received £2,901.90 from the London Borough of Hackney, Town Hall, Mare Street, London E8 1EA, for my roles as Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member. Hours: none since my election to Parliament. (Registered 10 January 2020)

23 December 2019, received £1,874.75 as a Member of the London Waste Recycling Board, 69 Wilson Street, Finsbury, London EC2A 2BB. Hours: none since my election to Parliament. (Registered 10 January 2020)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

Name of donor: USDAW
Address of donor: 188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester M14 6LJ
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 10 January 2020)

8. Miscellaneous

Councillor, London Borough of Hackney. From 1 January 2020, I receive no allowances for this role. (Registered 10 January 2020)

10. Family members engaged in lobbying the public sector on behalf of a third party or client

My spouse, Andrew Clark, is a Director of Kanda Consultancy. (Registered 10 January 2020)


Prepared 28th April 2020