House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 20 September 2021

Crosbie, Virginia (Ynys Môn)

Crosbie, Virginia (Ynys Môn)

1. Employment and earnings

Payments from YouGov, 50 Featherstone Street, London EC1Y 8RT, for surveys. All payments paid direct to charity.

31 March 2021, payment of £120. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 14 May 2021)

13 May 2021, payment of £110. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 14 May 2021)

Payment of £50 expected for a survey completed on 4 June 2021. Hours: 5 mins. (Registered 25 June 2021)

Payment of £120 expected for a survey completed on 15 June 2021. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 25 June 2021)

Payment of £120 expected for a survey completed on 9 July 2021. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 02 August 2021)

Payment of £275 expected from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1YW, for a survey completed on 27 July 2021. Hours: 1 hr 30 mins. Fee paid direct to charity. (Registered 05 August 2021)

Payments from Yonder, Northburgh House, 10 Northburgh Street, London EC1V 0AT, for surveys. All payments paid direct to charity.

21 April 2021, payment of £50. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 September 2021)

14 June 2021, payment of £50. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 September 2021)

21 July 2021, payment of £50. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 September 2021)

28 July 2021, payment of £50. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 September 2021)

26 August 2021, payment of £65. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 September 2021)

Payment of £50 expected for a survey completed on 29 July 2021. Hours: 30 mins. (Registered 13 September 2021)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

Name of donor: Goredd Ltd
Address of donor: Bryn Eira, Lon Refail, Llanfairpwll, Ynys Môn LL61 5AJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Donor status: company, registration 03627773
(Registered 17 May 2021)

Name of donor: Patrick Evershed
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £20,000
Donor status: individual
(Registered 17 May 2021)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

Name of donor: The Cayzer Trust Company Ltd
Address of donor: Cayzer House, 30 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6NN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £7,500
Date received: 30 November 2020
Date accepted: 30 November 2020
Donor status: company, registration 04987694
(Registered 22 December 2020)

Name of donor: The Carlton Club Political Committee
Address of donor: 69 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1PJ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £4,500
Date received: 12 January 2021
Date accepted: 12 January 2021
Donor status: unincorporated association
(Registered 14 January 2021)

Name of donor: Charles McDowell Properties
Address of donor: 55 Beauchamp Place, London SW3 1NY
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000
Date received: 1 March 2021
Date accepted: 1 March 2021
Donor status: company, registration 04982959
(Registered 04 March 2021)


Prepared 22nd September 2021