House of Commons
Session 2021-22
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 20 September 2021
Hodge, Dame Margaret (Barking)
Hodge, Dame Margaret (Barking)
1. Employment and earnings
From 21 November 2018 until 20 November 2021, Chair of Royal Holloway's College Council, University of London, Egham TW20 0EX, for which I will receive £20,000 per annum. Hours: 3 hrs per week for 38-40 weeks a year. (Registered 21 November 2018)
20 May 2021, received £800 from the Daily Mail, Northcliffe House 2 Derry Street Kensington, London W8 5TT, for an article that was not published. Hours: 15 hrs. (Registered 16 June 2021)
25 May 2021, received £4,000 from the Independent Schools’ Bursars Association, Bluett House, Unit 11-12, Manor Farm, Cliddesden, Basingstoke RG25 2JB, for keynote speech at annual conference. Hours: 24 hrs. (Registered 16 June 2021)
Payment of £275 expected from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for an opinion survey completed on 7 July 2020. Fee to be donated to charity. Hours: 1 hr 10 mins. (Registered 08 July 2021)
8. Miscellaneous
Unremunerated member of the Advisory Board of GovernUp, a project to improve the effectiveness of government. (Registered 03 April 2014)
From June 2015, unremunerated Visiting Professor at King’s College London. (Registered 13 September 2016)
From August 2015, unremunerated member of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy's Board of Governors. (Registered 21 March 2017)
From October 2015, unremunerated member of the Editorial Board of Political Quarterly. (Registered 21 March 2017)
From November 2015, unremunerated Chair of the Board of Directors of the Theatre Royal Stratford East. (Registered 21 March 2017)
From February 2016, unremunerated Co-chair of the Fawcett Society’s Local Government Commission. (Registered 21 March 2017)
From May 2018, unremunerated member of the Board of the Social Market Foundation. (Registered 22 June 2018)