House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 20 September 2021

Holmes, Paul (Eastleigh)

Holmes, Paul (Eastleigh)

1. Employment and earnings

From 1 July 2021 until further notice, Commissioner of the Key Worker Homes Fund for Skyroom London Ltd, 25 Moorgate, London EC2R 6AY. Remunerated through share options: on 1 July 2021 I received the option of buying 2,000 shares with a discount of £5 applied to each share. Hours: 15 hrs per month. (Registered 26 July 2021)

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

Name of donor: Ageas Bowl
Address of donor: The Ageas Bowl, Botley Road, West End, Southampton SO30 3XH
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets and associated hospitality for England vs Sri Lanka T20, value £359
Date received: 26 June 2021
Date accepted: 26 June 2021
Donor status: company, registration 06541937
(Registered 12 July 2021)


Prepared 22nd September 2021