House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 4 October 2021

Jack, Mr Alister (Dumfries and Galloway)

Jack, Mr Alister (Dumfries and Galloway)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

Name of donor: John Cooper
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £6,000 paid to my campaign fund in monthly instalments between April 2020 and March 2021
Donor status: individual
(Registered 16 April 2020)

Name of donor: John Cooper
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation, or nature and value if donation in kind: £6,000 paid to my campaign fund in monthly instalments between April 2021 and March 2022
Donor status: individual
(Registered 06 April 2021)

6. Land and property portfolio: (i) value over £100,000 and/or (ii) giving rental income of over £10,000 a year

Agricultural land in Dumfries and Galloway: (i) and (ii). (Registered 29 June 2017)

Two cottages in Dumfries and Galloway: (i) and (ii). (Registered 29 June 2017)

Salmon fishery in Dumfries and Galloway: (i) and (ii). (Registered 29 June 2017)

7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital

Atlantic Solway Holdings Ltd; investment holding company. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Cantco Ltd; Lloyds insurance underwriting. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Courance Farms. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Edinburgh Self Storage Ltd. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Fishfigure Ltd; fishing app. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Mollin HEP Ltd; hydro-electric power. (Registered 29 June 2017)

7. (ii) Other shareholdings, valued at more than £70,000

One Rebel Ltd; fitness club. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Privet Capital Aeromet LP; supplier of aluminium and magnesium castings. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Rars Woodlands Ltd; Christmas tree grower. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Rars Woodlands 2 Ltd; Christmas tree grower. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Rars Woodlands 3 Ltd; Christmas tree grower. (Registered 29 June 2017)

Thomas Murray Network Management Ltd; custody rating on the global securities services industry. (Registered 29 June 2017)

8. Miscellaneous

From December 2018, an unpaid director (formerly Chairman) of River Annan Trust, a charity promoting conservation work in the River Annan Catchment. (Registered 29 June 2017; updated 18 February 2019)

From December 2018, an unpaid board member (formerly Chairman) of the River Annan and District Salmon Fishery Board. (Registered 29 June 2017; updated 18 February 2019)

Unpaid Director of Atlantic Solway Holdings Ltd; investment holding company. (Registered 07 July 2017)

Unpaid Director of Cantco Ltd; Lloyds insurance underwriting. (Registered 07 July 2017)


Prepared 6th October 2021