House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 5 September 2022

Dodds, Anneliese (Oxford East)

Dodds, Anneliese (Oxford East)

1. Employment and earnings

Payments from the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS), Fifth Floor, Shackleton House, 4 Battle Bridge Lane, London SE1 2HX, for use of previously published articles and works:

23 March 2022, received £252.54. Hours: no additional hours. (Registered 25 March 2022)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Address of donor: Unit 608-609 The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, in-country transport, accommodation, translation and meals with a total value of £1,400
Destination of visit: Berlin and Thuringia, Germany
Dates of visit: 5-8 July 2022
Purpose of visit: To understand the political and economic situation in Germany and build understanding between Britain and Germany, including by meeting members of parliament and government officials.
(Registered 12 July 2022)


Prepared 8th September 2022