House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 2 May 2023

Lynch, Holly (Halifax)

Lynch, Holly (Halifax)

1. Employment and earnings

Payments from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for surveys:

5 August 2022, received £225. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 10 August 2022)

12 January 2023, received £225. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 15 February 2023)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: (1) Körber-Stiftung (2) Stiftung Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz (gemeinnützige) GmbH
Address of donor: (1) Kehrwieder 12, 20457 Hamburg, Germany (2) Karolinenplatz 3, 80333 München
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Hotel accommodation and meals, value £971.08 (2) A dinner and a lunch, value £213.83
Destination of visit: Munich
Dates of visit: 16-19 February 2023
Purpose of visit: Attending Munich Security Conference in my capacity as Shadow Security Minister.
(Registered 10 March 2023)


Prepared 4th May 2023