House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 30 May 2023

Cates, Miriam (Penistone and Stocksbridge)

Cates, Miriam (Penistone and Stocksbridge)

1. Employment and earnings

Payments from Unherd Ltd, Thomas House, 84 Eccleston Square, London SW1V 1PX, for articles:

29 June 2022, received £150. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 06 September 2022)

15 November 2022, received £250. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 07 December 2022)

4 May 2022, received £200 from the National Club (a private members club), the Rectory, Glebe Lane, Worting, Basingstoke RG23 8QA, for a speaking engagement on 25 January 2022. Hours: 3 hrs including preparation time. (Registered 16 May 2022)

Payments from the Telegraph Media Group, 111 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0DT, for articles:

15 November 2022, received £150. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 07 December 2022)

21 March 2023, received £250. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 11 May 2023)

3 May 2023, received £250. Hours: 3 hrs. (Registered 11 May 2023)

28 February 2023, received £400 from Reach Shared Services Limited, 1st Floor, 5 St Paul's Square, Liverpool L3 9SJ, for an article. Hours: 2 hrs. (Registered 01 March 2023)

2. (a) Support linked to an MP but received by a local party organisation or indirectly via a central party organisation

Name of donor: The Cayzer Trust Company Ltd
Address of donor: Cayzer House, 30 Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6NN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Donor status: company, registration 04987694
(Registered 10 June 2022)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: March of the Living UK
Address of donor: Schaller House, 44a Albert Road, Hendon, London NW4 2SJ
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Air travel, accommodation and hospitality with a value of £1,499
Destination of visit: Poland
Dates of visit: 25-29 April 2022
Purpose of visit: Educational Holocaust programme to Poland and to attend the March of the Living.
(Registered 04 May 2022)

8. Miscellaneous

Shareholding in Redemption Media Ltd (software development; business to business). From 1 April 2020, this holding is below the registrable threshold. (Registered 07 January 2020; updated 27 April 2020)

From 13 December 2019, Co-Chair of the Stocksbridge Towns Fund Board. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 04 February 2020)

From 8 December 2020, Director (member) of the New Social Covenant Unit LTD, a company limited by guarantee that exists to support social policy research. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 13 January 2021)

From 21 June 2021, Member of the Advisory Board of Conservatives Against Racism for Equality (CARFE), an organisation building a new narrative on race relations, working with Conservative MPs and individuals across the Conservative Party and wider society. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 22 June 2021)


Prepared 1st June 2023