House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 26 June 2023

Cummins, Judith (Bradford South)

Cummins, Judith (Bradford South)

1. Employment and earnings

Payments from Ipsos MORI, 3 Thomas More Square, London E1W 1YW, for surveys:

Payment of £225 expected for a survey completed on 5 December 2022. Hours: 65 mins. (Registered 09 January 2023)

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

Name of donor: Rugby League World Cup 2021 Ltd
Address of donor: Bonded Warehouse, 18 Lower Byrom Street, Manchester M3 4AP
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets for the Wheelchair Semi-finals, value £178
Date received: 13 November 2022
Date accepted: 13 November 2022
Donor status: company, registration 07592215
(Registered 21 November 2022)

Name of donor: Rugby League World Cup 2021 Ltd
Address of donor: Bonded Warehouse, 18 Lower Byrom Street, Manchester M3 4AP
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Two tickets for the Men’s and Women’s Final, value £178
Date received: 19 November 2022
Date accepted: 19 November 2022
Donor status: company, registration 07592215
(Registered 21 November 2022)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Address of donor: 2 Ketagalan Boulevard, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City 100202, Taiwan
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights £8,616, accommodation £672, total value £9,288
Destination of visit: Taiwan
Dates of visit: 1-5 November 2022
Purpose of visit: Cross-party delegation of 10 IPAC (Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China) members from parliaments across Europe to meet senior representatives of the Taiwanese government, cross-party parliamentarians and civil society organisations.
(Registered 29 November 2022)

Name of donor: Justice for Colombia
Address of donor: 75 St John St, London EC1M 4NN
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Internal travel, hotels and food (£938); international flight (£1,056), total value £1,994
Destination of visit: Colombia
Dates of visit: 19-26 April 2023
Purpose of visit: Peace and Human Rights delegation comprising UK MPs and others to monitor and give support to the advancement of Peace and Human Rights in Colombia.
(Registered 15 May 2023)

9. Family members employed and paid from parliamentary expenses

I employ my husband, Mark Cummins, as a Senior Researcher. (Registered 16 May 2016)


Prepared 27th June 2023