House of Commons
Session 2022-23
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 10 July 2023
Oppong-Asare, Abena (Erith and Thamesmead)
Oppong-Asare, Abena (Erith and Thamesmead)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: Community Union
Address of donor: 465c Caledonian Road, London N7 9GX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,250
Date received: 29 December 2022
Date accepted: 13 January 2023
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 14 February 2023)
Name of donor: Community Union
Address of donor: 465c Caledonian Road, London N7 9GX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £1,250
Date received: 31 January 2023
Date accepted: 13 February 2023
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 14 February 2023)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Labour Unions (representative body for eleven trade unions)
Address of donor: 7th Floor, 160 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8EZ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Associated with being a speaker at Labour Unions' Political School BAME Parliamentary candidate training in Nottingham, accommodation and dinner (£316) and travel (£122.30), total value £438.30
Date received: 17-19 March 2023
Date accepted: 17 March 2023
Donor status: trade union
(Registered 13 April 2023)
4. Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: Children’s Investment Fund Foundation
Address of donor: 7 Clifford Street, London W1S 2FT
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Transport (£1,026.41), hotel (£983.97), food and subsistence (£200), total value £2,210.38
Destination of visit: Nepal
Dates of visit: 28 May - 1 June 2023
Purpose of visit: To observe the impact of UK aid on water, sanitation and hygiene projects with the Coalition for Global Prosperity and WaterAid.
(Registered 19 June 2023)
8. Miscellaneous
From 18 May 2022, a patron of Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice, London. This is an unpaid role. (Registered 01 September 2022)