House of Commons

The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 30 October 2023

Duncan Smith, Sir Iain (Chingford and Woodford Green)

Duncan Smith, Sir Iain (Chingford and Woodford Green)

1. Employment and earnings

Payments from News UK and Ireland, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 9GF:

23 November 2022, received £200 for an article published in the Times on 31 October 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2022)

23 November 2022, received £750 for an article published in the Sun on Sunday on 6 November 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2022)

23 March 2023, received £800 for an article published in the Sun on 15 February 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 27 March 2023)

25 April 2023, received £750 for an article published in the Sun on Sunday on 1 January 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 02 May 2023)

24 May 2023, received £800 for an article published in the Sun on 15 May 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 24 May 2023)

25 July 2023, received £750 for an article published in the Sun on Sunday on 18 June 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 10 August 2023)

Payments from Associated Newspapers Ltd (ANMFS Ltd), Northcliffe House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT:

5 January 2023, received £800 for an article published in the Mail on Sunday on 13 November 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 January 2023)

4 May 2023, received £200 for an article published in the I newspaper on 4 January 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 24 May 2023)

Payments for articles in the Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, 111 Buckingham Palace Rd, London SW1W 0DT:

1 November 2022, received £250 for an article published on 20 October 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2022)

15 November 2022, received £250 for an article published on 6 November 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2022)

28 November 2022, received £250 for an article published on 18 November 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2022)

13 December 2022, received £250 for an article published on 24 November 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2022)

24 January 2023, received £500 for two articles published on 21 December 2022 and 2 January 2023. Hours: 8 hrs. The fee for the article published on 2 January was donated to charity. (Registered 23 February 2023)

7 March 2023, received £250 for an article published on 19 February 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 27 March 2023)

4 April 2023, received £250 for an article published on 18 March 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 02 May 2023)

18 April 2023, received £250 for an article published on 27 March 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 02 May 2023)

30 May 2023, received £250 for an article published on 7 May 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 22 June 2023)

13 June 2023, received £250 for an article published on 25 May 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 22 June 2023)

25 July 2023, received £500 for two articles published on 3 and 16 June 2023. Hours: 8 hrs. (Registered 10 August 2023)

9 August 2023, received £250 for an article published on 22 July 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 10 August 2023)

Payments from Reach Shared Services Ltd, 3rd Floor, 5 St Paul’s Square, Liverpool L3 9SJ, for articles in the Daily and Sunday Express:

1 November 2022, received £350 for an article published on 4 September 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 November 2022)

29 November 2022, received £400 for an article published on 13 October 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2022)

29 November 2022, received £250 for an article published on 23 October 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2022)

29 November 2022, received £250 for an article published on 30 October 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 19 December 2022)

30 December 2022, received £300 for an article published in the Express on 28 November 2022. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 25 January 2023)

26 January 2023, received £250 for an article published on 15 January 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 23 February 2023)

6 June 2023, received £400 for an article published in the Sunday Express on 30 April 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 22 June 2023)

13 June 2023, received £300 for an article published in the Express on 24 April 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 22 June 2023)

14 June 2023, received £300 for an article published in the Express on 17 May 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 22 June 2023)

14 June 2023, received £300 for an article published in the Express on 26 May 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 07 July 2023)

4 July 2023, received £600 for an article published in the Express on 17 May 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 07 July 2023)

3 October 2023, received £400 for an article published in the Sunday Express on 6 August 2023. Hours: 4 hrs. (Registered 12 October 2023)

From 25 January 2021 until 25 January 2023, retained as Adviser to the Board of Byotrol Technology Ltd, Building 303 (Ashton), Thornton Science Park, Pool Lane, Chester CH2 4NU, a British company which develops and produces antimicrobial, (anti-viral/anti-bacterial) products for public and private use. I provided advice on product and company development. (Registered 04 February 2021; updated 01 February 2023)

From 25 January 2022 to 25 January 2023, I received fees of £25,000. Hours: approx. 12 hrs a month. (Registered 01 February 2023)

20 January 2023, received £7,000 from Riva Media Ltd, 38 Mill Street, Kingston KJ1 2RF, for a speech and Q&A session on 9 January 2023 in Davos. Hours: 6 hrs. Return flights London to Zurich, transport, transfers and one night’s accommodation also provided by Riva Media Ltd. (Registered 25 January 2023)

2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)

Name of donor: Jon Moynihan
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,500 to support my constituency work
Date received: 7 February 2023
Date accepted: 7 February 2023
Donor status: individual
(Registered 20 February 2023)

Name of donor: Michael Farmer
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £6,000 to support my constituency work
Date received: 22 February 2023
Date accepted: 22 February 2023
Donor status: individual
(Registered 27 February 2023)

Name of donor: Quantum Securities Ltd
Address of donor: 18th floor, 40 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London E14 5NR
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000
Date received: 4 April 2023
Date accepted: 4 April 2023
Donor status: company, registration 03249445
(Registered 17 April 2023)

Name of donor: Michael Hintz
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £2,000 to support my constituency work
Date received: 20 October 2023
Date accepted: 20 October 2023
Donor status: individual
(Registered 23 October 2023)

3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources

I have accepted honorary life membership of Buck’s Club 1919, 18 Clifford Street, London W15 3RF.

I have accepted honorary life membership of Pratt’s Club as a Special Member, 14 Park Place, London SW1A 1LP.

Name of donor: Centre for Social Justice (CSJ)
Address of donor: Kings Buildings, 16 Smith Square, London SW1P 3HQ
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Associated with visiting various charities/organisations in Scotland in my capacity as Chairman of the CSJ, flights, accommodation and other transport related costs with a total value of £3,370
Date received: 25-27 May 2023
Date accepted: 25 May 2023
Donor status: company, registration 05137036
(Registered 16 June 2023)

4. Visits outside the UK

Name of donor: (1) International Republican Institute (2) National Democratic Institute
Address of donor: (1) 1225 Eye St NW Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005, USA (2) 455 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 200001, USA
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): (1) Subsistence and accommodation, value £1,277.93 (2) Travel, value £2,611.87
Destination of visit: Washington DC, USA
Dates of visit: 12-15 September 2022
Purpose of visit: To attend a summit organised by the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China to meet member legislators from 30 countries.
(Registered 07 October 2022)

Name of donor: Jagello 2002
Address of donor: Mariánské náměstí 2116/10, 709 00 Ostrava 9, Czech Republic
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, subsistence and other travel costs, total value £1,500
Destination of visit: Prague, Czech Republic
Dates of visit: 10-11 May 2023
Purpose of visit: To speak at a conference hosted by the Transatlantic Defense Forum in Prague.
(Registered 16 May 2023)

Name of donor: IPAC Global Limited
Address of donor: c/o Connected Accounting, 2 Victoria Square, Victoria Street, St Albans AL1 3TF
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Reimbursement for associated travel costs £144.46, flights and accommodation £512.74, total value £667.20
Destination of visit: Copenhagen
Dates of visit: 15-16 May 2023
Purpose of visit: Speaking at an IPAC event as part of the Copenhagen Democracy Summit organised by the Alliance of Democracies Foundation.
(Registered 24 May 2023)

Name of donor: Siobhan's Trust
Address of donor: Birkhill House, Cupar KY15 4QP
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Accommodation, transport and food, value £606
Destination of visit: Ukraine
Dates of visit: 2-7 July 2023
Purpose of visit: Parliamentary delegation to meet with Ukrainian MPs to discuss the support that is needed from the UK and see the support that Siobhan's Trust is providing.
(Registered 27 July 2023)

Name of donor: IPAC Global Ltd (supported by National Democratic Institute and Open Society foundations)
Address of donor: c/o Connected Accounting, 2 Victoria Square, Victoria Street, St Albans AL1 3TF
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, transportation and accommodation, total value £909.65
Destination of visit: Prague, Czech Republic
Dates of visit: 31 August - 2 September 2023
Purpose of visit: To participate in the Inter-parliamentary on China (IPAC) Prague Summit.
(Registered 07 September 2023)


Prepared 2nd November 2023