House of Commons
Session 2023-24
Publications on the internet
The Register of Members' Financial Interests
As at 29 April 2024
Longhi, Marco (Dudley North)
Longhi, Marco (Dudley North)
1. Employment and earnings
Role, work or services: Writing articles
Payer: Reach Shared Services Limited, 1st Floor, 5 St Paul's Square, Liverpool L3 9SJ
Payment: £400 for an article in the Daily Express.
Received on: 3 October 2023. Hours: 2 hrs.
(Registered 23 October 2023)
Payment: £300 for an article in the Daily Express.
Received on: 2 November 2023. Hours: 2 hrs.
(Registered 21 November 2023)
2. (b) Any other support not included in Category 2(a)
Name of donor: Countywide Developments Limited
Address of donor: Gallagher Developments Group, Gallagher House, Gallagher Way, Warwick CV34 6AF
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £10,000
Date received: 17 July 2023
Date accepted: 21 July 2023
Donor status: company, registration 02865543
(Registered 21 August 2023)
Name of donor: New Conservatives Limited
Address of donor: The Barn Kings Newton Hall, Main Street, Kings Newton DE73 8BX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £5,000 for local campaigning
Date received: 1 December 2023
Date accepted: 1 December 2023
Donor status: company, registration 14849463
(Registered 6 December 2023)
3. Gifts, benefits and hospitality from UK sources
Name of donor: Babcock International Group
Address of donor: 33 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1QX
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Tickets for me in my capacity as the Trade Envoy to Brazil and my wife to a meal for the Society of Maritime Industries, value £500
Date received: 30 November 2023
Date accepted: 30 November 2023
Donor status: company, registration 02342138
(Registered 11 December 2023)
6. Land and property portfolio with a value over £100,000 and where indicated, the portfolio provides a rental income of over £10,000 a year
Type of land/property: Residential property (houses)
Number of properties: 10
Location: Walsall
Ownership details: From 28 March 2022, these properties are owned and administered by MDLON (2021) Ltd.
Rental income: Yes
(Registered 7 January 2020; updated 4 January 2022, 22 April 2022 and 29 November 2023)
7. (i) Shareholdings: over 15% of issued share capital
Name of company or organisation: MDLON (2021) Ltd
Nature of business: Rental properties
Interest held: from 28 October 2021
(Registered 19 May 2022)
8. Miscellaneous
Unpaid trustee and director of WPH Counselling & Education Services, a mental health charity.
(Registered 7 January 2020)
Member of the Dudley Town Board. This is an unpaid role.
Date interest arose: 17 January 2020
(Registered 4 February 2020)