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Column 122

services for sufferers from schizophrenia who have been discharged from hospital. I replied explaining that no hospital closures were planned in Northern Ireland and that additional community services were being developed to support the needs of discharged patients. I stressed the importance of active co-operation between the statutory and voluntary sectors in creating the necessary community services.

Mental Illness

Mr. Goodlad : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many new mental illness hospital beds were opened and how many closed in Northern Ireland in the last year for which figures are available.

Mr. Needham : This information is not available in the form requested. The net figure for beds available in mental illness hospitals (that is adjusted to take account of beds opened and closed) for 1987 was 4,163.

Mr. Goodlad : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what funds have been specifically earmarked for the care of the mentally ill following the closure of mental hospitals in Northern Ireland in the last year ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Needham : No psychiatric hospitals have been closed in Northern Ireland during the last year.

Mr. Goodlad : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many residential places in the community will be provided in (a) the current and (b) the next year for those discharged from mental hospitals in Northern Ireland.

Mr. Needham : This information is not held centrally. Local provision of living accommodation available for those discharged from mental hospitals comprises a wide range of residential types including hostels, group homes, residential and nursing homes and private accommodation run by individual carers. This range of accommodation is operated by the statutory, private and voluntary sectors and is not necessarily solely for those discharged from mental hospitals.

Mr. Goodlad : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will list the mental illness hospitals scheduled to (a) open and (b) close in (i) the current and (ii) the next year in Northern Ireland.

Mr. Needham : There are no plans either to open or close any mental hospitals in Northern Ireland in 1988 or 1989.


Mr. Ian Taylor : To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland whether the security statistics for the first half of 1988 are now available, together with the details of persons charged with terrorist-type offences and convictions for scheduled offences for the year.

Mr. Ian Stewart : Security statistics for the first half of 1988 are now available and are as follows. Statistics for earlier years are contained in the answer by my right hon. Friend the Member for Tonbridge and Malling (Sir J. Stanley) on 8 March 1988, at columns 67-74.

Column 123

Persons Charged with              

Terrorist-type Offences           



Murder              |12           

Attempted Murder    |15           

Firearms Offences   |63           

Explosives Offences |14           

Theft Act           |20           

Other               |93           


  Total             |217          

Persons Charged with              

Terrorist-type Offences           



Murder              |12           

Attempted Murder    |15           

Firearms Offences   |63           

Explosives Offences |14           

Theft Act           |20           

Other               |93           


  Total             |217          

Persons Charged with              

Terrorist-type Offences           



Murder              |12           

Attempted Murder    |15           

Firearms Offences   |63           

Explosives Offences |14           

Theft Act           |20           

Other               |93           


  Total             |217          

Statistics on Security (Part III)

Convictions and Sentences for Scheduled Offences

January-June 1988

Notes on the tables

1. The offence classifications are based on those used by the Crown and peace office in their annual return.

2. The tables relate to persons convicted at the Belfast Crown court. This covers all scheduled offences tried on indictment. 3. Some jury trials are included in cases where the

Attorney-General certified out of the scheduled mode of trial, ie non- terrorist serious offences.

4. Where a person had been convicted of more than one offence only the most serious or that which received the longest sentence is recorded in the statistics.

Column 123

Conviction and sentences for scheduled offences                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

                                                        Number convicted                                                              Sentence (January-June                                                                                                                                                                                         

                                                        (January-June 1988)                                                           1988)                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Offence                                                |1988                     |Non-custodial sentence   |Young offenders centre   |Less than 5 years        |5 years and less than 7  |7 years and less than 10 |10 years and less than 15|15 years and less than 20|20 years and over        |Life                                               

                                                                                                           |training schools                                   |years                    |years                    |years                    |years                                                                                                  


Murder                                                 |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |2                                                  

Attempted murder                                       |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |2                                                  

Conspiracy to murder                                   |9                        |1                        |0                        |1                        |0                        |2                        |3                        |1                        |1                        |0                                                  

Manslaughter                                           |3                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |2                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm        |8                        |3                        |2                        |0                        |1                        |1                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Causing grievous bodily harm                           |7                        |0                        |1                        |0                        |3                        |3                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Assault occasioning grevous bodily harm                |11                       |5                        |4                        |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Causing explosion                                      |1                        |0                        |0                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Placing explosives                                     |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Possessing explosives with intent                      |11                       |4                        |0                        |2                        |1                        |1                        |1                        |2                        |0                        |0                                                  

Other explosives offences                              |2                        |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |2                        |0                                                  

Possessing a firearm with intent                       |23                       |13                       |1                        |5                        |2                        |1                        |1                        |0                        |1                        |0                                                  

Possessing a firearm                                   |6                        |2                        |0                        |3                        |0                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Carrying a firearm with intent                         |4                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |4                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Other major firearms offences                          |4                        |4                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Major firearms offences                                |2                        |0                        |0                        |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Robbery                                                |140                      |51                       |15                       |36                       |17                       |17                       |4                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Aggravated robbery                                     |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Membership of illegal organisations                    |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Attempted robbery                                      |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Soliciting support for proscribed organisations        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Unlawful collection of information                     |3                        |3                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Illegal training                                       |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Kidnaping and false imprisonment                       |13                       |0                        |0                        |0                        |13                       |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Blackmail                                              |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Contributing to resources of a proscribed organisation |7                        |4                        |0                        |3                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Burglary                                               |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Aggravated burglary                                    |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Hijacking                                              |11                       |10                       |0                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Attempted hijacking                                    |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Arson                                                  |40                       |33                       |3                        |2                        |0                        |2                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Possession of an offensive weapon                      |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Petrol bomb offences                                   |13                       |9                        |3                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Escape offences                                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Criminal damage                                        |5                        |2                        |3                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Intimidation                                           |2                        |1                        |0                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Assisting offenders                                    |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Withholding information                                |1                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Possessing prohibited articles                         |4                        |3                        |0                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Conspiracy to arm terrorists                           |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

Common law riot                                        |1                        |1                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                        |0                                                  

                                                       |--                       |--                       |--                       |--                       |--                       |--                       |--                       |--                       |--                       |--                                                 

  Total                                                |338                      |152                      |32                       |61                       |37                       |34                       |13                       |3                        |2                        |4                                                  


Research and Development

Mr. Wray : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy (1) what funds his Department has allocated in 1988-89 and 1989-90 for research on (a) nuclear energy, (b) hydro-electric power, (c) wave power and (d) wind power ;

(2) what is the total budget in 1988-89 and 1989-90 for research on alternative forms of electricity generation to nuclear and coal.

Mr. Michael Spicer : Estimated expenditure by my Department in 1988- 89 on the named research and development programmes will be as follows :

                                                     |£ million          


Nuclear Energy                                       |144.57             

of which:                                                                

  Fast reactor                                       |76.61              

  Fusion                                             |22.46              

  Nuclear Safety                                     |22.57              

  Radioactive Waste and Nuclear Materials Management |6.38               

  Other Nuclear Research                             |16.55              

Hydro-electric Power                                 |0.15               

Wave Power                                           |0.15               

Wind Power                                           |4.30               

Estimated expenditure in 1988-89 on research and development on alternative forms of electricity generation is £5.65 million, covering programmes of work on hydroelectricity, tidal, wave, and wind. In addition, expenditure of £4.75 million is expected on programmes (biomass, geothermal) for energy sources which could be used either to provide heat or to generate electricity.

Expenditure forecasts for 1989-90 will be published in the 1989 public expenditure White Paper early in the new year.

Greenhouse Effect

Mr. Barron : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what research has been commissioned, or is planned, on the role of nuclear power, energy conservation and renewable energy sources in reducing carbon dioxide emissions and the greenhouse effect ; if he will list any such studies which have been published ; if he will place copies in the Library ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Michael Spicer : My Department has been discussing with the energy technology support unit a study to assess the impact of energy efficiency on emission of

Column 126

CO and other pollutants. This will involve identification of the differing roles of nuclear power, renewables and conventional sources in emissions of CO and other pollutants. It is the intention that this work will begin before the end of the year. This work will build on a preliminary analysis of those technologies which could have importance in reducing CO emissions, published in 1986 in energy paper 54 (Energy Technologies for the UK 1986 Appraisal of Research, Development and Demonstration), a copy of which is in the Library.

Dounreay (New Plant)

Mr. Wallace : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what information he has regarding the total combined cost to British Nuclear Fuels plc and the Atomic Energy Authority in respect of the local public inquiry into their application to build the European demonstration reprocessing plant at Dounreay.

Mr. Michael Spicer : I have asked the chairman of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority to write on behalf of both the authority and BNFL to the hon. Member concerning the costs of the local public inquiry.


Unleaded Petrol

86. Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what further steps he proposes to promote the use of unleaded petrol.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley : Measures to promote the use of unleaded petrol are co-ordinated by the unleaded petrol group, which I chair. The steps being taken by the Government include the distribution of a leaflet on unleaded petrol with vehicle licence reminders.

House of Commons (Lighting)

87. Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will take steps to improve the lighting in the House of Commons Chamber.

Mr. Chope : There has been no request from the House to improve the lighting in the Chamber. I am aware, however, that the Select Committee on televising the House has been considering the levels of lighting and, like the hon. Member, I saw the presentation in the Chamber on 21 November.

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when the lighting under the House of Commons Galleries is to be renewed.

Column 127

Mr. Chope : There are no plans to renew the lighting under the Galleries in the foreseeable future as part of my Department's programme of maintenance work.

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will take steps to restore the chandeliers which were used to light the House before 1941.

Mr. Chope : I do not have information as to whether the chandeliers previously in the Chamber survived the bombing in 1941.

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will review the level of lighting in the House.

Mr. Chope : At present there are no plans to do so.

Shareholdings (Councillors)

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he has any plans to tighten the current regulations regarding the declaration of shareholdings by local authority councillors ; and if he will make a statement.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley : The White Paper on "Conduct of Local Authority Business" (Cm. 433) sets out the Government's plans for strengthening the statutory controls on councillors' pecuniary interests, such as shareholdings. These involve legislating to require local authorities to set up a register of pecuniary interests. Failure to declare information for the register or provision of incorrect information would be a criminal offence. The register will serve to reinforce, but not replace, the current legislation which requires that a councillor must disclose any pecuniary interest in a matter coming before the council. The current disabilities on speaking and voting will remain as the main safeguard, with the Secretary of State retaining the power to grant dispensations.

We have set up a working group with the local authority associations to consider the scope of the register, but it is envisaged that company interests such as shareholdings would be covered.

Sewage Works

Dr. Cunningham : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list for each water authority in England the number of sewage works in breach of numerical discharge consents in the 12 months before and the 12 months after the introduction of relaxed methods of measurement notified to chief executives in a letter from his Department of 28 January 1985.

Mr. Ridley : Water authorities were required to supply detailed returns on non-compliant works only for the calendar year 1986. The necessary information to supply an answer to this question is therefore not available.

However, inquiries of water authorities in 1984 suggested that in England as a whole up to 60 per cent. of works were failing their consents in that year. A detailed breakdown of this figure was not given. The returns for 1987, which were placed in the Libraries of both Houses in June this year, show that this has been reduced to 20.7 per cent.

Column 128


Dr. Cunningham : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when he proposes writing to the hon. Member for Copeland about reports of abnormally high levels of atmospheric radioactivity in the Greater Manchester area on 28 October.

Mr. Ridley : I shall be writing shortly.

Water Authorities

Dr. Cunningham : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the dates of appointment of each board member of the 10 water authorities in England and Wales.

Mr. Ridley : The information requested for the nine regional water authorities in England is as follows :

Board Member                            |Date of first appointment                          


Anglian Water Authority                                                                     

B. V. Henderson, CBE (chairman)         |1 October 1981                                     

Miss A. C. Abbey                        |1 October 1983                                     

J. V. Boodle                            |1 January 1979                                     

Dr. J. R. G. Bradfield, CBE             |21 November 1975                                   

P. F. Bullock                           |1 July 1986                                        

Dr. Jane P. Carmichael                  |1 May 1987                                         

F. Cator                                |1 October 1988                                     

Earl of Cranbrook, DL                   |1 May 1987                                         

C. J. Groome                            |1 October 1983                                     

J. S. Martin, CBE                       |1 October 1988                                     

A. G. Semple                            |1 April 1987                                       

J. A. Simpson                           |1 July 1986                                        

A. F. Smith                             |1 October 1983                                     

P.H. Tombleson, OBE                     |1 October 1983                                     


Northumbrian Water Authority                                                                

Sir Michael Straker, Kt, CBE (Chairman) |1 October 1982                                     

D. G. Cranston                          |1 October 1986                                     

T. Harrison                             |1 July 1988                                        

Dr. R. Iley                             |1 January 1979                                     

Mrs J. Johnson                          |1 January 1981                                     

D. R. C. Kelly                          |1 October 1983                                     

Prof M. B. Pescod, OBE                  |1 October 1986                                     

N. J. B. Prynn                          |28 September 1979                                  

W. F. Ridley                            |1 October 1983                                     

P. L. Tennant                           |27 October 1986                                    

E. A. Wrangham                          |3 August 1973                                      

J. S. Ward                              |1 July 1988                                        


North West Water Authority                                                                  

W. D. Grove (Chairman)                  |1 October 1985                                     

B. Alexander                            |1 July 1986                                        

T. A. F. Barnes                         |1977                                               

Mrs. M. C. Bolton                       |1 January 1988                                     

J. A. Cropper, DL                       |1976                                               

Dr. M. R. Dyer                          |1 October 1988                                     

J. B. Oldfield                          |1 October 1983                                     

A. G. Pendleton                         |1 August 1987                                      

J. B. Robinson                          |1 October 1981                                     

F. Sanderson                            |1 October 1983                                     

Hon. W. R. F. Vane                      |1 April 1987                                       


Severn-Trent Water Authority                                                                

J. G. Bellak (Chairman)                 |1 June 1982                                        

J. E. Anthony                           |1 October 1983                                     

R. H. Boissier                          |1 October 1986                                     

V. Cocker                               |1 October 1988                                     

F. Earnshaw                             |1 November 1985                                    

C. G. Hawthorne                         |23 August 1973                                     

A. W. Henn                              |1 October 1986                                     

T. C. Heywood-Lonsdale                  |1 October 1983                                     

F. A. Jennings                          |1973                                               

C. G. McMillan                          |1 October 1983                                     

R. J. H. Parkes, BEM                    |1 October 1983                                     

R. S. Paul                              |1 October 1988                                     

A. H. Simon                             |1 October 1986                                     

B. P. Zissman                           |1 October 1983                                     


Southern Water Authority                                                                    

W. J. W. Courtney, CBE (Chairman)       |14 August 1985                                     

D. J. Arnold                            |1981                                               

Lord Chapple of Hoxton                  |1 October 1983                                     

P. A. Girle                             |1 November 1986                                    

H. J. L. Harris                         |1 October 1983                                     

A. Humbert                              |1 October 1983                                     

F. Midmer                               |1 October 1988                                     

Rear-Admiral D. G. Spickernell, CB      |1 February 1987                                    

B. R. Thorpe, CBE                       |1 October 1983                                     

Dr. J. M. Westhead                      |1 July 1988                                        


South West Water Authority                                                                  

K. Court (Chairman)                     |1 August 1987                                      

S. J. Day                               |1 October 1983                                     

Lady Mary Holborow                      |31 March 1980                                      

Dr. J. R. Lawrence                      |1 October 1985                                     

G. C. Manning                           |1 April 1976                                       

D. Mitchell                             |1977                                               

Sir Kenneth Sharp, Kt. TD               |1 October 1987                                     

C. Stuart                               |1 October 1987                                     

R. E. Trenerry                          |1 October 1983                                     


Thames Water Authority                                                                      

R Watts, CBE (Chairman)                 |1 October 1983                                     


R Clarke                                |1 July 1988                                        

M Davies                                |1 October 1977                                     

Sir Peter Harrop, KCB                   |1 October 1986                                     

Sir Christopher Leaver, GBE             |1 October 1983                                     

H P Parry                               |1982                                               

J M Thomson                             |1 November 1984                                    

E J Worlidge                            |1 July 1988                                        


Wessex Water Authority                                                                      

W N Hood (Chairman)                     |1 October 1987                                     


R H Baker                               |1 October 1977                                     

Dr. A K Barbour, OBE                    |1 October 1983                                     

Lady Digby, DL                          |1 October 1983                                     

R Huntington                            |1 October 1988                                     

R D Kent                                |1 July 1988                                        

D N A McLure                            |1 October 1986                                     

J M Mills TD, DL                        |1973                                               

K F Roberts, CBE                        |1 October 1983                                     

C Skellett                              |1 October 1988                                     

A R Thornhill                           |1 July 1988                                        


Yorkshire Water Authority                                                                   

G P Jones (Chairman)                    |1 October 1983                                     


J D Bell                                |1 October 1988                                     

J P Coverdale, OBE                      |23 August 1973                                     

D Cramb, CBE                            |1 October 1986                                     

J A Fawcett                             |1 October 1983                                     

B P Hogg                                |1 October 1986                                     

T Jackson                               |12 October 1983                                    

T Newton                                |1 October 1988                                     

Mrs P V Smith, OBE                      |1 June 1982                                        

A Ward                                  |1 October 1988                                     

My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales is responsible for appointments to the board of the Welsh water authority.

Mr. Watts : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will adjust the external financing limits of water authorities in the current financial year to enable them to buy shares in statutory water companies.

Mr. Moynihan : My right hon. Friend has no plans to do so.

Public Housing

Mr. Harry Greenway : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on what steps he proposes to take in the light of the proposals by Ealing, Brent, Hounslow, Hammersmith and Fulham councils to use ratepayers' revenue for public housing on a rotation basis to avoid proposed capital controls on council expenditure ; and if he will make a statement.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley : Under the Local Government (Prescribed Expenditure) (Consolidation and Amendment) Regulations 1987, as subsequently amended, local authorities will usually not incur prescribed expenditure when acquiring leasehold interests in residential property for periods not exceeding three years. The Government have no plans to change this. A new capital finance system is, however, to be introduced, subject to the approval of Parliament, with effect from 1990-91. We are considering the appropriate treatment for forward commitments entered into by local authorities between the publication of our proposals on 7 July and the commencement of the new system.

Football Matches (Nottingham)

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what information he has on how many matches took place at Nottingham Forest and Notts County in 1987-88 ; how many individuals were arrested ; and what is the average in the respective leagues.

Mr. Moynihan : The following information relates to Football League matches played in the 1987-88 season :

                             |Nottingham Forest|Notts County                       


Matches                      |20               |23                                 

Arrests                      |130              |56                                 

Average arrests per match    |6.5              |2.4                                

Average arrests per match by |5.3              |1.5                                

 Division                    |(Division 1)     |(Division 3)                       

Column 131

Council House Sales

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many appeals under the right-to-buy scheme have been made by Nottingham council tenants in each year since the scheme began ; and in how many cases the valuation was reduced on appeal.

Mr. Trippier : The table gives, for each year since 1980, the number of tenants of Nottingham city council who applied for determination of the value of their homes by the district valuer under what is now section 128 of the Housing Act 1985 and the number of these cases in which the valuation was reduced :

Year                   |Number of applications|Number of valuations                         

                       |for determination     |reduced                                      


1980                   |14                    |8                                            

1981                   |12                    |5                                            

1982                   |6                     |4                                            

1983                   |2                     |2                                            

1984                   |9                     |3                                            

1985                   |19                    |n/a                                          

1986                   |22                    |7                                            

1987                   |6                     |3                                            

1988<1>                |13                    |2                                            

n/a-not available                                                                           

<1> To date                                                                                 

Carbon Monoxide (Nottingham)

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many times carbon monoxide levels in Nottingham's air have exceeded World Health Organisation guidelines (a) since records were kept and (b) in the last three years.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley : I am not aware of any consistent series of carbon monoxide measurements having been made in Nottingham. The Department's programme of urban monitoring includes a site in central London. Concentrations of carbon monoxide at that site just reached the guidelines values of the World Health Organisation during the month of November due to the cold, anti-cyclonic weather conditions. Analysis of results for the whole of the previous year show that at no other time were the WHO guideline levels approached. Traffic is the dominant source of urban carbon monoxide. It is unlikely that conditions in Nottingham approach those in London.

Water Purity (Nottingham)

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on the level of (a) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, (b) nitrates, (c) aluminium and (d) other substances in Nottingham's drinking water.

Mr. Moynihan : I am advised that a recent survey of the city of Nottingham water supply has revealed no significant level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Further monitoring is in hand. None of Nottingham's water supplies regularly exceeds the limit for nitrate, aluminium or other substances set in the EC drinking water directive.

Column 132

Eels (Dieldrin)

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on the current level of dieldren in eels in the Severn-Trent water authority.

Mr. Moynihan : There was considerable concern about the relatively high concentrations of dieldrin in eels from the river Avon in 1985, following deaths of herons living around the river. However, eels taken from rivers in the area in 1988 had lower concentrations of dieldrin in their muscle than the eels taken in previous years. This is consistent with the results of river water monitoring, which shows a continuing trend downwards to extremely low levels. Present levels of dieldrin in river waters are normally below 5 nanogrammes per litre.

Water Privatisation

Mr. Wray : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will lay before Parliament information regarding (a) the state of the sewage system, (b) the state of the drinking water system, (c) the levels of contamination of water used for drinking purposes or for irrigation, (d) the main sources of water pollution and (e) the commercial value of land owned by the water authorities in the United Kingdom prior to the debate on the legislation on the privatisation of the water industry.

Mr. Moynihan : On 20 July my right hon. Friend laid before Parliament the annual report and accounts of the nine regional water authorities in which these matters are properly dealt with and he expects to present the 1988-89 reports and accounts in the same way during the summer.

Richmond House

Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment whether, when the Richmond house building was planned, it was intended to accommodate all Department of Health and Social Security staff ; how much office space is currently unoccupied in the Richmond house building ; and what is the total estimate cost of building, furnishing and equipping the Richmond house building.

Mr. Chope : A Government office building on the Richmond yard site has been planned for many years. Plans for a completely new building were rejected by a public inquiry in the realy 1970s. Successive Governments have since accepted the principle recommended by the inquiry that the facade and some rooms of Richmond terrace should be preserved with a modern office building constructed behind. The decision to proceed was taken in 1978 and preliminary contracts were commissioned in 1979 and later years. The main management contract was placed in 1983. The building was designed to be suitable for use by any Government Department. It was allocated to the Department of Health and Social Security in April 1987 to accommodate the Department's Ministers and those staff who are needed in frequent and immediate support of Ministers. Richmond house is fully occupied.

The final cost of the building will depend on settlement of the final account, including claims still being negotiated.

Further work to meet the particular requirements of the occupying departments, together with the furnishing and equipping of the building, is their own responsibility.

Column 133

Community Trusts

Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will seek to make it illegal for local authorities to allocate to voluntary organisations funds made available by central Government under section 11 and the urban programme to community trusts.

Mr. Trippier : My Department's urban programme grants are used to reimburse local authorities for expenditure which they incur under the Local Government Grants (Social Need) Act 1969 and the Inner Urban Areas Act 1978. My Department approves projects for urban programme support only if they meet the ministerial guidelines for the urban programme issued in May 1985, a copy of which is in the Library of the House. The administration of section 11 of the Local Government Act 1966 is a matter for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Home Department.

Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many community trusts are operating in the United Kingdom at present ; what is their composition ; what are their main functions ; who is responsible for authorising their constitutions and operation ; what annual report and accounts are community trusts required to publish ; and where local authorities fund a community trust, what rights they have to recommend funding be granted or refused.

Mr. Trippier : Community trusts are voluntary organisations about which my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Home Department can advise. A local authority has a wide range of powers which it can use to fund voluntary organisations.

General Development Order

Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will make a statement on the criteria that he uses in exercising power under article 10 of the town and country planning General Development Order 1977.

Mr. Chope : The power of direction under article 10(1) of the GDO is used sparingly, and normally only when more time is needed for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State to decide whether or not to call in a particular planning application for his own decision. The criteria for directions under article 10(2) (as inserted by the Town and Country Planning General Development (Amendment) Order 1988) are set out in DOE Circular 15/88.

National Rivers Authority

Mr. Wray : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment how many members of the board of the National Rivers Authority will be required to be (a) experts or scientists with experience of research on water systems, drinking water, irrigation, sewage, transport, and so on, (b) members of environmental organisations and (c) representatives of consumers associations in his legislation proposals for water privatisation.

Mr. Moynihan : The intention is that the board of the National Rivers Authority should comprise a range of people with experience or knowledge relevant to the work of the authority, but there will be no requirement for specified numbers of people with any particular expertise or backgrounds, or representing particular interests.

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Mr. Wray : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what specific powers his proposals for water privatisation will give to the National Rivers Authority to (a) prosecute polluters of drinking water and irrigation systems, (b) compensate the victims of damage suffered through polluted waters, (c) control the prices charged by water companies to users, whether domestic or industrial, and (d) effectively ensure the purity and quality of water.

Mr. Moynihan : The Water Bill gives the National Rivers Authority powers to maintain and enhance the quality of inland, coastal and underground waters (clauses 96-116). The authority and the Secretary of State will have a duty under clause 99 to take all practicable steps to achieve water quality objectives set by the Secretary of State (clause 98). The functions of the National Rivers Authority do not extend to securing drinking water quality. The authority will regulate polluting discharges to water through a consent system (clause 101 and schedule 11) and it will be an offence (clause 100) to discharge effluent in breach of a prohibition. There are powers for water protection zones in clause 104 and for byelaws to prevent the pollution of controlled waters in clause 106.

The Bill's provisions do not affect the common law rights of riparian owners or other affected parties to take action against any person polluting water in respect of which they have rights. The Secretary of State has powers to define in regulations standards of wholesomeness for drinking water (clause 62). Under clause 19 he may take enforcement action against water undertakers who fail to comply with the duty imposed on them to supply only wholesome water for domestic purposes (clause 49). In addition clause 51 makes it an offence for water undertakers to supply to any premises by means of pipes water which is unfit for human consumption.

The obligation to comply with a final or provisional enforcement order under clause 19 is a duty owed to any person who may be affected by a contravention of the order, and loss or damage would be actionable at the suit of that person (clause 21(4) and (5)). This is in addition to their rights under consumer legislation and other enactments.

Clause 6 places a duty on the Secretary of State and the Director-General of Water Services to ensure that the interests of both domestic and industrial customers are protected as respects, among other things, charges for the services provided by water undertakers. Clause 13 will enable price controls to be imposed on water undertakers as one of the conditions of their appointment. These provisions apply in England and Wales.

Water Byelaws

Mr. Andrew MacKay : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment when the new water byelaws will come into operation.

Mr. Howard : Following careful consideration of representations made about certain aspects of the new water byelaws they have been confirmed with some minor modifications. They will come into operation on 1 January 1989.

River Quality Objectives

Ms. Walley : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment by what date he intends that river quality

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objectives should become statutory ; and when he intends to initiate a comprehensive review of the current non- statutory water authority river quality objectives as a precursor to such statutory objectives being set.

Mr. Moynihan : Once it is established the National Rivers Authority will begin the task of reviewing the existing river quality objectives set by the water authorities, in the light of perceived national priorities for improving river and estuary quality and planned investment by water utilities and industrial dischargers. At the same time, it will need to consider how far the existing river classification scheme needs to be modified in order to improve the measurement of water quality. In the light of this review, and following public consultation, the Secretary of State expects to set revised objectives on a statutory basis during 1992.

Special Scientific Interest Sites

Dr. David Clark : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list the name and the county of the 51 sites of special scientific interest that were damaged by agricultural activities between 1 April 1987 and 31 March 1988 ; if he will detail what the damaging activity was for each site ; and if he will make a statement.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley : I shall write to the hon. Member shortly.

Pollution Inspectorate

Mr. Hinchliffe : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will publish the letter from Rod Perryman giving the reasons for his resignation from his post as head of his Department's pollution inspectorate.

Mr. Ridley [holding answer 25 November 1988] : No. It is not customary to disclose documents concerned with personnel matters.

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