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Mr. Waldegrave : Yes.

Visa Applications

Mr. Darling : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list the number of visa applications made at each High Commission from 1985 to 30 June 1988 and the number of refusals in each case.

Mr. Eggar : The number of applications made are not available. The numbers of entry clearances for the United Kingdom issued at high commissions in 1985, 1986 and 1987 are as listed. The numbers of refusals are available only for 1987. Statistics for 1988 are not yet available.

Column 309

                             1985              1986              1987                      

                            |Issues  |Refusals|Issues  |Refusals|Issues  |Refusals         


Canberra, Australia         |4,284   |n/a     |4,773   |n/a     |5,685   |27               

Brisbane                    |2,185   |n/a     |2,038   |n/a     |1,620   |2                

Melbourne                   |4,385   |n/a     |5,037   |n/a     |3,762   |-                

Perth                       |1,708   |n/a     |1,771   |n/a     |2,142   |11               

Sydney                      |6,959   |n/a     |4,946   |n/a     |1,115   |5                

Nassau, Bahamas             |527     |n/a     |400     |n/a     |290     |-                

Dhaka, Bangladesh           |8,139   |n/a     |6,752   |n/a     |11,197  |5,145            

Bridgetown, Barbados        |4,222   |n/a     |3,239   |n/a     |2,716   |130              

Belmopan, Belize            |187     |n/a     |363     |n/a     |139     |-                

Gabarone                    |442     |n/a     |550     |n/a     |652     |-                

Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei |2,693   |n/a     |2,183   |n/a     |1,965   |3                

Ottowa, Canada              |4,536   |n/a     |6,415   |n/a     |8,093   |-                

Edmonton                    |449     |n/a     |468     |n/a     |467     |-                

Montreal                    |315     |n/a     |169     |n/a     |285     |-                

Toronto                     |715     |n/a     |1,074   |n/a     |1,064   |1                

Vancouver                   |572     |n/a     |533     |n/a     |265     |-                

Nicosia, Cyprus             |9,629   |n/a     |8,141   |n/a     |7,820   |306              

Suva, Fiji                  |860     |n/a     |757     |n/a     |592     |51               

Banjul, Gambia              |1,137   |n/a     |1,139   |n/a     |1,165   |22               

Accra, Ghana                |1,382   |n/a     |4,165   |n/a     |9,198   |2,250            

Georgetown, Guyana          |1,954   |n/a     |3,159   |n/a     |1,487   |99               

New Delhi, India            |1,895   |n/a     |9,607   |n/a     |38,306  |4,247            

Bombay                      |4,046   |n/a     |25,728  |n/a     |42,649  |1,040            

Calcutta                    |1,283   |n/a     |2,556   |n/a     |7,872   |102              

Madras                      |n/a     |n/a     |1,463   |n/a     |9,428   |218              

Kingston, Jamaica           |4,064   |n/a     |4,221   |n/a     |3,166   |706              

Nairobi, Kenya              |4,355   |n/a     |3,302   |n/a     |3,106   |83               

Lilongwe, Malawi            |419     |n/a     |300     |n/a     |500     |3                

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia      |9,275   |n/a     |9,371   |n/a     |9,174   |232              

Valletta, Malta             |1,196   |n/a     |1,056   |n/a     |1,255   |26               

Port Louis, Mauritius       |4,375   |n/a     |2,751   |n/a     |2,762   |237              

Auckland, New Zealand       |9,516   |n/a     |6,029   |n/a     |4,061   |n/a              

Lagos, Nigeria              |7,491   |n/a     |9,388   |n/a     |42,920  |3,545            

Kaduna                      |2,235   |n/a     |6,280   |n/a     |8,940   |549              

Port Moresby, Papua New                                                                    

   Guinea                   |387     |n/a     |399     |n/a     |403     |1                

Singapore                   |10,885  |n/a     |8,637   |n/a     |9,695   |13               

Victoria, Seychelles        |528     |n/a     |152     |n/a     |161     |2                

Freetown, Sierra Leone      |3,076   |n/a     |2,849   |n/a     |2,520   |118              

Honiara, Solomon Islands    |85      |n/a     |61      |n/a     |98      |-                

Colombo, Sri Lanka          |7,153   |n/a     |8,103   |n/a     |7,488   |860              

Mbabane, Swaziland          |36      |n/a     |34      |n/a     |48      |-                

Dae es Salaam, Tanzania     |2,196   |n/a     |1,980   |n/a     |1,693   |50               

Nuku'alofa, Tonga           |19      |n/a     |32      |n/a     |17      |-                

Port of Spain, Trinidad and                                                                

   Tobago                   |4,535   |n/a     |2,891   |n/a     |2,489   |92               

Kampala, Uganda             |571     |n/a     |543     |n/a     |596     |11               

Vila, Vanuatu               |81      |n/a     |30      |n/a     |79      |-                

Lusaka, Zambia              |1,756   |n/a     |1,120   |n/a     |1,847   |4                

Harare, Zimbabwe            |320     |n/a     |518     |n/a     |726     |34               

n/a=not available.                                                                         

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on initiatives currently planned by Her Majesty's Government in preparation for the 1990 nuclear non -proliferation treaty review conference.

Mr. Waldegrave : We intend to play an active role in the 1990 review conference of the non-proliferation treaty and in the preparations for it. With our co-depositary powers and other parties to the treaty we co- sponsored the United Nations resolution notifying the Secretary-General that the conference will take place. The parties have established a preparatory committee for the conference and we are in the process of discussing practical arrangements with other treaty partners.

We have informed the United Nations Secretariat that the United Kingdom is prepared to make an advance payment in the first quarter of 1989 of £100,000, a sum equivalent to virtually the whole of the estimated final

Column 310

proportion of the costs of the conference to be borne by this country. We have appealed to other parties to the treaty to consider making similar advance payments.

Nuclear Safeguards

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if any request has been received by his Department to submit evidence on the implementation of nuclear safeguards in the European Economic Community before the Bundestag special inquiry commission on nuclear materials oversight, held in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Mr. Waldegrave : No.

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he has any plans to arrange a meeting with the European proliferation information centre to discuss and evaluate recent reports and publications asserting problems in international nuclear safeguards implementation.

Column 311

Mr. Waldegrave : No.

Entry Applications

Mr. Darling : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list for each country (a) the number of applications for entry to the United Kingdom (b) the number of refusals and (c) the number of appeals made (i) successfully and (ii) unsuccessfully in each of the last two years.

Mr. Eggar : Figures relating to entry clearances issued for 1986 and 1987 are as follows. Numbers of total applications made are not available. Statistics of applicants refused in individual countries have been kept only since January 1987. Details of appeals are not recorded centrally by individual nationality in all cases but Commands 166 and 415, "Control of Immigration Statistics," at table 5, give a limited breakdown of the numbers of appeals allowed, dismissed and withdrawn for the years 1986 and 1987 respectively.

Table 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Appeals to immigration adjudicators-1986                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Number of appellants                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                            Nationality of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 



                            Bangladesh                                      India                                           Pakistan                                        European Community                              Other nationalities                             All nationalities                                              


Appeal category            |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn                      



  Appeal at port           |1              |22             |3              |1              |-              |1              |-              |3              |3              |-              |-              |-              |5              |41             |26             |7              |66             |33                             

  External appeal          |2              |46             |7              |2              |36             |10             |12             |44             |7              |2              |28             |8              |37             |434            |61             |55             |588            |93                             

Refusal of certificate of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  entitlement              |-              |10             |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |1              |8              |9              |1              |19             |9                              

Refusal of entry clearance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


  Temporary purposes       |30             |88             |13             |23             |45             |14             |7              |20             |3              |-              |-              |1              |248            |594            |183            |308            |747            |214                            

  Employment, business or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    independent means      |1              |1              |2              |1              |5              |1              |1              |6              |1              |1              |3              |1              |6              |34             |24             |10             |49             |29                             

Wives, children and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

   persons for immedi-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

   ate settlement          |886            |1,697          |291            |64             |113            |49             |307            |527            |175            |1              |2              |1              |73             |227            |120            |1,331          |2,566          |636                            

  Female fiancees          |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |1              |3              |8              |2              |3              |9                              

  Husbands                 |18             |13             |1              |36             |85             |19             |36             |42             |15             |-              |1              |-              |3              |13             |4              |93             |154            |39                             

  Male fiances             |1              |1              |1              |89             |197            |60             |148            |202            |58             |-              |-              |1              |3              |13             |5              |241            |413            |125                            

Variation of landing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

   conditions              |-              |4              |-              |-              |19             |3              |-              |3              |6              |-              |16             |2              |12             |87             |95             |12             |129            |106                            

Refusal to vary leave to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

   enter                   |6              |48             |34             |18             |196            |120            |30             |141            |120            |2              |35             |35             |189            |1,341          |1,289          |245            |1,761          |1,598                          

Decision to make a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

   deportation order       |1              |3              |-              |1              |32             |8              |1              |17             |4              |-              |1              |5              |23             |187            |78             |26             |240            |95                             

Refusal to revoke a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

   deportation order       |-              |1              |-              |-              |3              |-              |1              |1              |1              |-              |2              |-              |2              |28             |3              |3              |35             |4                              

Giving of removal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    directions             |1              |3              |-              |-              |4              |-              |-              |2              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |26             |5              |1              |35             |5                              

Destination only           |-              |1              |-              |-              |4              |1              |-              |4              |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |52             |19             |-              |62             |20                             

All appeals                |947            |1,938          |353            |235            |740            |286            |544            |1,012          |393            |6              |89             |54             |603            |3,088          |1,929          |2,335          |6,867          |3,015                          

Column 313

Table 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Appeals to immigration adjudicators-1986                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Number of appellants                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                            Nationality of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 



                            Bangladesh                                      India                                           Pakistan                                        European Community                              Other nationalities                             All nationalities                                              


Appeal category            |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn                      



  Appeal at port           |1              |22             |3              |1              |-              |1              |-              |3              |3              |-              |-              |-              |5              |41             |26             |7              |66             |33                             

  External appeal          |2              |46             |7              |2              |36             |10             |12             |44             |7              |2              |28             |8              |37             |434            |61             |55             |588            |93                             

Refusal of certificate of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  entitlement              |-              |10             |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |1              |8              |9              |1              |19             |9                              

Refusal of entry clearance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


  Temporary purposes       |30             |88             |13             |23             |45             |14             |7              |20             |3              |-              |-              |1              |248            |594            |183            |308            |747            |214                            

  Employment, business or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    independent means      |1              |1              |2              |1              |5              |1              |1              |6              |1              |1              |3              |1              |6              |34             |24             |10             |49             |29                             

Wives, children and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

   persons for immedi-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

   ate settlement          |886            |1,697          |291            |64             |113            |49             |307            |527            |175            |1              |2              |1              |73             |227            |120            |1,331          |2,566          |636                            

  Female fiancees          |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |1              |3              |8              |2              |3              |9                              

  Husbands                 |18             |13             |1              |36             |85             |19             |36             |42             |15             |-              |1              |-              |3              |13             |4              |93             |154            |39                             

  Male fiances             |1              |1              |1              |89             |197            |60             |148            |202            |58             |-              |-              |1              |3              |13             |5              |241            |413            |125                            

Variation of landing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

   conditions              |-              |4              |-              |-              |19             |3              |-              |3              |6              |-              |16             |2              |12             |87             |95             |12             |129            |106                            

Refusal to vary leave to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

   enter                   |6              |48             |34             |18             |196            |120            |30             |141            |120            |2              |35             |35             |189            |1,341          |1,289          |245            |1,761          |1,598                          

Decision to make a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

   deportation order       |1              |3              |-              |1              |32             |8              |1              |17             |4              |-              |1              |5              |23             |187            |78             |26             |240            |95                             

Refusal to revoke a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

   deportation order       |-              |1              |-              |-              |3              |-              |1              |1              |1              |-              |2              |-              |2              |28             |3              |3              |35             |4                              

Giving of removal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    directions             |1              |3              |-              |-              |4              |-              |-              |2              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |26             |5              |1              |35             |5                              

Destination only           |-              |1              |-              |-              |4              |1              |-              |4              |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |52             |19             |-              |62             |20                             

All appeals                |947            |1,938          |353            |235            |740            |286            |544            |1,012          |393            |6              |89             |54             |603            |3,088          |1,929          |2,335          |6,867          |3,015                          

Table 5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Appeals to immigration adjudicators-1986                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Number of appellants                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

                            Nationality of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 



                            Bangladesh                                      India                                           Pakistan                                        European Community                              Other nationalities                             All nationalities                                              


Appeal category            |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn      |Allowed        |Dismissed      |Withdrawn                      



  Appeal at port           |1              |22             |3              |1              |-              |1              |-              |3              |3              |-              |-              |-              |5              |41             |26             |7              |66             |33                             

  External appeal          |2              |46             |7              |2              |36             |10             |12             |44             |7              |2              |28             |8              |37             |434            |61             |55             |588            |93                             

Refusal of certificate of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

  entitlement              |-              |10             |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |1              |8              |9              |1              |19             |9                              

Refusal of entry clearance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


  Temporary purposes       |30             |88             |13             |23             |45             |14             |7              |20             |3              |-              |-              |1              |248            |594            |183            |308            |747            |214                            

  Employment, business or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    independent means      |1              |1              |2              |1              |5              |1              |1              |6              |1              |1              |3              |1              |6              |34             |24             |10             |49             |29                             

Wives, children and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

   persons for immedi-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

   ate settlement          |886            |1,697          |291            |64             |113            |49             |307            |527            |175            |1              |2              |1              |73             |227            |120            |1,331          |2,566          |636                            

  Female fiancees          |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |1              |3              |8              |2              |3              |9                              

  Husbands                 |18             |13             |1              |36             |85             |19             |36             |42             |15             |-              |1              |-              |3              |13             |4              |93             |154            |39                             

  Male fiances             |1              |1              |1              |89             |197            |60             |148            |202            |58             |-              |-              |1              |3              |13             |5              |241            |413            |125                            

Variation of landing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

   conditions              |-              |4              |-              |-              |19             |3              |-              |3              |6              |-              |16             |2              |12             |87             |95             |12             |129            |106                            

Refusal to vary leave to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

   enter                   |6              |48             |34             |18             |196            |120            |30             |141            |120            |2              |35             |35             |189            |1,341          |1,289          |245            |1,761          |1,598                          

Decision to make a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

   deportation order       |1              |3              |-              |1              |32             |8              |1              |17             |4              |-              |1              |5              |23             |187            |78             |26             |240            |95                             

Refusal to revoke a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

   deportation order       |-              |1              |-              |-              |3              |-              |1              |1              |1              |-              |2              |-              |2              |28             |3              |3              |35             |4                              

Giving of removal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    directions             |1              |3              |-              |-              |4              |-              |-              |2              |-              |-              |-              |-              |-              |26             |5              |1              |35             |5                              

Destination only           |-              |1              |-              |-              |4              |1              |-              |4              |-              |-              |1              |-              |-              |52             |19             |-              |62             |20                             

All appeals                |947            |1,938          |353            |235            |740            |286            |544            |1,012          |393            |6              |89             |54             |603            |3,088          |1,929          |2,335          |6,867          |3,015                          

Emission Controls (Crown Immunity)

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will be seeking Crown immunity from prosecution for the institutions which are the responsibility of his Department when the anticipated new controls on emissions come into operation.

Mr. Eggar : I refer to my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister's reply on Tuesday 29 November at column 178 . My Department has no plans to seek removal of Crown immunity in relation to the proposed air pollution regulations.

Column 314

Political Prisoners (Iran)

Mr. Corbyn : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what representations have been made to the Government of Iran concerning the recent spate of executions of political prisoners.

Mr. Waldegrave : The reports of executions are a matter of concern to the Government. We have consistently condemned such violations of human rights in Iran. We look to the Iranian authorities to co-operate with the United Nations special representative so that he can investigate these and other allegations of human rights abuses.

Column 315

Pakistan Foreign Minister

Mr. Matthew Taylor : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he has any plans to meet the new Foreign Minister of Pakistan.

Mr. Eggar : When a new Foreign Minister of Pakistan is appointed, my right hon. and learned Friend hopes to have an early opportunity to meet him or her.

Column 316

Environment (International Action)

Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps he is taking to promote and co-ordinate international action to conserve the environment.

Mr. Eggar : We are in close touch with my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment who has the primary responsibility for international action on environmental issues.


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