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Mr. Galbraith : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what instructions he has given to health boards concerning putting out annually services as an all-in package to competitive tendering.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : None. Health boards know they must explore the scope for achieving value for money and improved services through the further development of competitive tendering. This is what they are now doing.

EC Structural Funds

Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) if he will list the areas of Scotland which will satisfy the criteria laid down, by the comprehensive regulations in the reform of the Community's structural funds approved by the Council of Ministers on 24 June 1988, for each of the following objectives : (a) to improve investment and productivity in deprived regions, (b) to rejuvenate declining industrial regions including urban areas, (c) to combat long-term unemployment which is affecting all age groups of the community's working population, (d) to integrate young people into employment, and (e) to encourage rural development as part of the reform of the common agricultural policy by (i) speeding up the adjustment of agricultural structure and (ii) promoting the development of rural areas ;

(2) if he will make a statement on the impact of the Council of Ministers adoption of the comprehensive regulation of the reform of the Community's structural funds agreed on 24 June 1988 (2052/88) ; (3) if he will list the areas of Scotland which will be eligible to receive moneys from (a) the European agricultural guidance and guarantee fund, (b) the European social fund and (c) the European regional development fund, after the adoption, by the Council of Ministers, of the comprehensive regulation of the reform of the Communities structural funds on 24 June 1988 (2052/88).

Mr. Lang : The full implications of Council regulation EEC 2052/88 for Scotland will not be clear until the implementing regulations are adopted and the European Commission has made its decisions under the regulations on the eligibility of industrial (objective 2) regions and rural (objective 5 (b)) regions and on financial support. No Scottish region is eligible under objective 1 of article 1 of the regulation, whereas objectives 3, 4 and 5(a) may be applied throughout the Community.

Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list the agencies or organisations which have submitted representations about the reform of the Community's structural funds.

Mr. Lang : Representations have been received by various Ministers and their Departments with an interest in the structural funds reform. Several have come from local authorities concerned about their future eligibility for assistance. No central record of representations is kept.

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Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps he has taken to ensure that the Scottish dimension has been fully considered in discussions on the reform of the Community's structural funds.

Mr. Lang : The Scottish Office plays a full part in determining United Kingdom policy on the reform of the structural funds.

Health Centres (VAT)

Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what steps will be taken to reimburse general practitioners following the introduction of value added tax on new health centre buildings.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : It is proposed to amend the statement of fees and allowances payable to general medical practitioners to take account of the imposition of value added tax on new building work from 1 April 1989. Consultations are at present taking place with representatives of the medical profession.

EC (Regional Assistance)

Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list the geographical areas or functions in Scotland which are eligible for moneys from (a) the European regional development fund, (b) social fund, (c) agricultural guidance and guarantee funds and (d) the European Investment Bank.

Mr. Lang : The following areas are eligible :

(a) European regional development fund--

All of the Highlands and Islands Development Board area. The travel-to-work areas of Dumbarton, Greenock, Irvine, Glasgow, Kilmarnock, Lanarkshire, Cumnock and Sanquhar, Ayr, Girvan, Stranraer, Newton Stewart, Stewartry, Dundee, Arbroath, Falkirk, Alloa, Dunfermline, Kirkcaldy, Bathgate.

(b) European social fund--

Some operations apply to the whole of Scotland ; others are currently limited to Central, Dumfries and Galloway, Fife, Highlands, Lothian, Strathclyde and Tayside.

(c) Agricultural guidance and guarantee funds--

All of Scotland.

(d) European Investment Bank--

All of Scotland.

Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will give the total amount of loans made to Scotland by the European Investment Bank in each of the years 1983 to 1987 inclusive.

Mr. Lang : Loans are negotiated directly between the EIB and prospective borrowers. The numbers and amounts of loans disbursed in the years in question are as follows :

           |Number    |Amount £             


1983       |3         |415,000              

1984       |2         |290,000              

1985       |8         |4,425,000            

1986       |6         |28,363,000           

1987       |Nil       |Nil                  

EIB loan offers made in the same period are as follows :

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           |Number    |Amount £             


1983       |9         |14,645,000           

1984       |11        |40,236,000           

1985       |2         |23,282,000           

1986       |Nil       |Nil                  

1987       |Nil       |Nil                  

Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he wil give the total amount of agricultural guidance and guarantee fund moneys allocated to

Column 338

Scotland in each of the years 1983 to 1987, inclusive, and for each assisted area or function so designated to receive such funds.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : A detailed breakdown of receipts from the European agricultural guarantee and guidance fund is not available in the form requested. The table shows EAGGF receipts for the financial years 1983 -84 to 1987-88 inclusive in respect of expenditure under various schemes.

To these amounts should be added the Scottish share of market support expenditure incurred by the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce--in the current year estimated to be of the order of £920 million.

Column 337

£ million                                                                                              



1. Reimbursement schemes                                                                               

Capital grants-farm structure                          |11.143 |6.082  |5.855  |4.727  |3.289          

Hill livestock compensatory allowances                 |8.364  |8.570  |8.460  |9.013  |10.031         

Integrated development programme for the Western Isles |0.055  |0.857  |1.891  |0.981  |0.631          

Fish producers' organisations                          |0.013  |0.020  |0.022  |-      |0.028          

Marketing and processing projects                      |1.251  |0.942  |1.736  |1.588  |2.262          

Fishery projects                                       |0.674  |2.500  |2.975  |4.020  |3.250          

                                                       |---    |---    |---    |---    |---            

                                                       |21.500 |18.971 |20.939 |20.329 |19.491         


2. Pre-funded schemes                                                                                  

Annual ewe premium                                     |15.226 |19.113 |38.342 |13.203 |16.223         

Suckler cow premium                                    |3.537  |3.551  |3.359  |3.419  |6.233          

Non-marketing of milk                                  |1.209  |1.130  |0.179  |0.004  |-              

Milk outgoers                                          |-      |-      |-      |-      |4.331          

Small cereals producers                                |-      |-      |-      |-      |0.213          

                                                       |--     |---    |---    |---    |---            

                                                       |19.972 |23.794 |41.880 |16.626 |27.000         

Mr. McLeish : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will give the total amount of European regional development fund moneys allocated to Scotland in each of the years 1983 to 1987, inclusive, and for each assisted area so designated to receive such funds.

Column 338

Mr. Lang : The information requested is not available by assisted area. The following table gives a breakdown by region.

Column 337

£ million                                                     

Region              |1983  |1984  |1985  |1986  |1987         


Central             |4.3   |2.4   |7.2   |2.9   |1.4          

Dumfries & Galloway |0.9   |2.3   |Nil   |Nil   |0.3          

Fife                |7.9   |4.9   |5.5   |6.0   |2.7          

Grampian            |0.2   |Nil   |0.4   |Nil   |0.5          

Highland            |7.4   |9.4   |7.3   |4.2   |3.9          

Lothian             |2.1   |7.3   |6.5   |7.6   |12.0         

Strathclyde         |38.4  |58.6  |37.2  |48.6  |50.5         

Tayside             |9.5   |6.1   |1.3   |14.4  |7.8          

Orkney Isles        |0.8   |0.5   |Nil   |Nil   |0.9          

Shetland Isles      |7.5   |3.2   |1.9   |0.1   |2.1          

Western Isles       |4.0   |7.5   |1.8   |Nil   |10.7         

Other               |0.2   |1.1   |0.3   |Nil   |Nil          

                    |---   |---   |---   |---   |---          

Total               |83.2  |103.3 |69.4  |84.0  |92.8         

Note: Due to rounding, Regions showing Nil expenditure may    

have received amounts of less than £50,000.                   

Roads (Central Barriers)

Mr. Robertson : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many road traffic accidents in Scotland in each of the last three years were caused on motorways or dual carriageways as a result of an absence of central barriers.

Lord James Douglas Hamilton : The absence of central barriers is not itself a cause of road traffic accidents. The

Column 338

number of accidents involving vehicles crossing the central reservation of a motorway or dual carriageway in the last three years is as follows.

Year             |Motorway        |Dual carriageway|Total                            


1985             |25              |55              |80                               

1986             |22              |46              |68                               

1987             |18              |50              |68                               

Table file CW881201.007 not available

Column 339

Mr. Robertson : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many miles of (a) motorway and (b) dual carriageway in Scotland have no central barriers ; and, of each of these, how many have barriers planned.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : 104 miles of motorway and 204 miles of dual carriageway do not have central barriers at present. As a matter of policy central barriers are installed automatically on all new sections of motorway and dual carriageway. So far as existing sections of road are concerned, motorways are receiving highest priority. On dual carriageways, barriers are installed as opportunity arises in connection with other works and provision will be extended in due course to locations where it can be justified, taking account of traffic volumes and the incidence of crossover accidents.

Rating Reform

Mr. Robertson : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he expects to lay before Parliament the regulations on the community charge relating to exemptions for students.

Mr. Lang : The Personal Community Charge (Students) (Scotland) Regulations 1988, which define those students who will pay only 20 per cent. of the personal community charge, were laid before Parliament on 30 March 1988. Consultations have recently been carried out on the draft of a replacement set of regulations, which will be made very shortly. The main change in the new regulations will be the introduction of prescribed requirements about the provision of certificates and information by educational establishments, in accordance with amendments made to the Abolition of Domestic Rates Etc. (Scotland) Act 1987 by the Local Government Finance Act 1988.

Column 340

Further Education

Mr. Dunnachie : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if the Government have any plans to change the method of funding for Scotland's colleges of further education.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : My right hon. and learned Friend is preparing legislation providing for the delegation of greater financial and managerial responsibilities to further education college councils. Colleges will continue to be funded by the education authorities, but I hope this will be in ways which better reflect each college's achievements in meeting the education and training needs of its area. Colleges will have greater freedom to earn and retain income generated by selling services--such as consultancy, research, and company specific training--at commercial rates.

Nurses (Grading)

Mr. Bill Walker : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many nursing and midwifery staff from each of the old grades have been assimilated to each of the new grades in the clinical grading structure in Scotland ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : Health boards' returns show that for qualified staff almost half of enrolled nurses have gone to the higher grades available with percentage pay increases ranging from 18.7 to 47.2 per cent. : for staff nurses the proportion going to the higher grades is 78 per cent. with increases from 23.8 to 51.0 per cent. and for hospital sisters almost 60 per cent. will receive pay rises of between 16 and 49.4 per cent. Even on the basic grade, nursing auxiliaries will receive at least 7.6 per cent. Comprehensive details of the numbers of staff assimilated to the new grades are given in the table :

Column 339

Previous grade            Staff in postPercentages                                                                                                                      

                                       transferred to each new                                                                                                          

                                       clinical grade                                                                                                                   


                         |equivalents)|A           |B           |C           |D           |E           |F           |G           |H           |I                        


Nursing Auxiliary        |16,857.43   |95.6        |4.4         |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-                        

Hospital Staff NNEB      |319.71      |0.8         |93.0        |6.2         |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-                        

Enrolled Nurse           |9,370.62    |-           |0.1         |50.4        |48.8        |0.7         |-           |-           |-           |-                        

Enrolled District Nurse  |257.76      |-           |-           |1.7         |97.1        |1.2         |-           |-           |-           |-                        

Senior Enrolled Nurse    |432.30      |-           |-           |2.4         |66.9        |30.5        |0.2         |-           |-           |-                        

Staff Nurse              |11,683.94   |-           |-           |-           |22.2        |74.1        |3.6         |0.1         |-           |-                        

Staff Midwife            |1,626.88    |-           |-           |-           |0.2         |69.6        |30.1        |0.1         |-           |-                        

Deputy Sister            |426.29      |-           |-           |-           |-           |78.0        |21.6        |0.4         |-           |-                        

Sister II                |5,551.13    |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |41.5        |56.9        |1.6         |-                        

Sister II Midwife        |925.20      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |26.8        |71.7        |1.5         |-                        

District Nurse Sister II |1,560.60    |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |5.1         |94.4        |0.5         |-                        

Sister I                 |61.17       |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |3.9         |34.4        |61.7        |-                        

Sister I Midwife         |54.40       |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |77.5        |22.5        |-                        

Health Visitor           |1,399.44    |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |98.9        |1.0         |0.1                      

Senior Nurse 8           |595.06      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |5.9         |74.1        |20.0                     

Senior Nurse 8 (Midwife) |113.50      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |20.3        |65.6        |14.1                     

Senior Nurse 7           |336.00      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |0.3         |33.2        |66.3                     

Senior Nurse 7 (Midwife) |19.00       |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |31.6        |68.4                     

Clinical Teacher         |298.68      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |0.7         |99.3        |-                        

Fieldwork Teacher        |194.28      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |100.0       |-                        

Practical Work Teacher   |208.57      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |100.0       |-                        

Tutor                    |354.56      |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |0.3         |99.7                     

Tutor Midwife            |52.00       |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |-           |100.0                    


Post Basic Students                                                                                                                                                     

  Enrolled Nurse         |698.00      |-           |-           |98.4        |1.4         |0.2         |-           |-           |-           |-                        

  Staff Nurse            |1,192.70    |-           |-           |-           |92.8        |6.4         |0.8         |-           |-           |-                        

  Deputy Sister          |12.80       |-           |-           |-           |15.6        |29.7        |31.3        |23.4        |-           |-                        

  Sister II              |51.00       |-           |-           |-           |13.7        |3.9         |17.7        |64.7        |-           |-                        

Others                   |46.60       |-           |-           |-           |14.0        |11.6        |7.0         |11.0        |3.0         |-                        

                         |-------     |-------     |-------     |-------     |-------     |-------     |-------     |-------     |-------     |-------                  

Totals                   |54,699.62   |29.4        |1.9         |10.0        |16.2        |19.0        |6.7         |12.6        |2.8         |1.4                      

Agricultural Colleges

Sir Hector Monro : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will make a statement on the future of the Scottish agricultural colleges.

Mr. Rifkind : The Government's policy towards the funding of agricultural R and D and advisory services and changes affecting further and higher agricultural education will have important implications for the future of the Scottish agricultural colleges. It is against this background that the chairman of Scottish Agricultural Colleges Ltd. and I have decided to establish a committee of inquiry, under the chairmanship of Sir Alwyn Williams, with the following terms of reference :

"To consider the present and future requirement in Scotland for an agricultural advisory service, both general and specialist, which is publicly funded ; for agricultural education, particularly those levels currently provided by the Scottish Agricultural Colleges ; and for research and development, particularly in respect of these two functions, within the United Kingdom research base.

To make recommendations to the Secretary of State and the Chairman of Scottish Agricultural Colleges Ltd. : having regard in particular to the present functions, scope and facilities of Scottish Agricultural Colleges as they have been recently developed and are presently organised, and to whether any changes should be made to their present responsibilities and to the relationships with the associated universities, local authority agricultural colleges, agricultural and other research institutes and other public bodies ; taking into account the relationships with Scottish Office Departments and the Government's developing policies on the relevant functions."


Coal Mining Subsidence

Mr. Woodcock : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what representations he has received in response to the Government's consultation paper on coal mining subsidence legislation ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Michael Spicer : The Government have received over 50 written responses to the consultation paper. These are receiving careful consideration.

Prepayment Meters

Mr. Hardy : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what action is being taken to encourage the provision of prepayment meters relying upon the number of coins rather than tokens where desired.

Mr. Michael Spicer : This is a matter for the electricity supply industry. I have asked the chairman of the Electricity Council to write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Electricity Industry (Privatisation)

Mr. Barron : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what account he will take of the commitment of the electricity distribution boards to purchase electricity from

Column 342

the proposed power stations at Wlyfa B, Hinkley C, West Burton B and Hams Hall in determining whether to issue a licence.

Mr. Michael Spicer : The CEGB has applied to my right hon. Friend for consent to construct power stations at Hinkley Point C and West Burton B. No applications have been made for Wylfa B and Hams Hall. In determining whether to grant consent for the construction of a power station my right hon. Friend would take into account all relevant factors.

It would be for the CEGB to decide whether or not to proceed with the construction of a station for which consent has been granted.

Electricity Prices

Mr. Barron : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy whether electricity prices for (a) domestic and (b) industrial users will be higher as a result of his decision to create a ring fence for non-fossil fuel in a private electricity supply industry.

Mr. Michael Spicer : The benefit electricity users get from the diversity of fuel sources used to generate their electricity is reflected in present electricity prices. This will not change as a result of privatisation.


Nottingham Arts and Leisure

Mr. Allen : To ask the Minister for the Arts if he will meet representatives of the Nottingham city council to discuss additional support for the arts and leisure in the city.

Mr. Luce : Funding the arts in Nottingham is the responsibility of East Midlands Arts in partnership with the Arts Council and the local authorities. I have received no request for a meeting from representatives of Nottingham city council.


Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Minister for the Arts if he will list those organisations which have responded to the libraries Green Paper.

Mr. Luce : As I said in reply to the hon. Member for Stoke-on-Trent, North (Ms. Walley) on 7 November, at column 14, I have received about 7,000 representations.

These include responses from English library authorities (103), national and local political organisations (18), professional library groups and associations (47), other professional bodies (22), local community groups (48), educational groups (47), businesses (30) and other organisations (63). The other responses have come from individuals, including 214 from hon. Members.

Emission Controls (Crown Immunity)

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Minister for the Arts if he will be seeking Crown immunity from prosecution for the

Column 343

institutions which are the responsibility of his Department when the anticipated new controls on emissions come into operation.

Mr. Luce [holding answer 30 November 1988] : No. The institutions which I sponsor will be responsible for meeting any new controls on emissions which my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Environment may introduce.


Winterbourne Zelstone

Q31. Mr. Nicholas Baker : To ask the Prime Minister if she will make an official visit to Winterbourne Zelstone.

The Prime Minister : I have at present no plans to do so.


Q126. Mr. Amos : To ask the Prime Minister if she has any plans to visit the Hexham constituency.

The Prime Minister : I have at present no plans to do so.

European Commission (Vice-President)

Q149. Mr. Dalyell : To ask the Prime Minister why, and in what respect, experience of the Department of Trade and Industry was a factor in the nomination of the right hon. and learned Gentleman, the Member for Richmond, Yorks (Mr. Brittan), as a vice-president of the European Commission.

The Prime Minister : As I told the hon. Member on 20 July 1988, at column 607, the same criteria were applied as have been applied in the past, namely, ability and experience.

Privatisation (Costs)

Mr. Cohen : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list the publicity and associated costs for each privatisation since 1979.

The Prime Minister : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given by my righ hon. Friend the Financial Secretary to my hon. Friend the Member for Darlington (Mr. Fallon) on 3 March 1988, at column 629. This lists the cost to the Government of corporate and flotation advertising and advertising agency fees, exclusive of VAT, for each privatisation and residual share sale since the British Telecom sale of December 1984. Comparable figures for previous sales are not readily available.

Column 344


Mr. Barry Field : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

Mr. Stern : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

Mr. Macdonald : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

Mr. Andrew Smith : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

Mr. Pike : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

Mr. Ian Bruce : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

Mr. Michael : To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Thursday 1 December.

The Prime Minister : This morning I presided at a meeting of the Cabinet and had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I shall be departing this afternoon to attend the European Council in Rhodes.

Public Appointments Unit

Mrs. Mahon : To ask the Prime Minister what qualifications are required by an individual in order to be offered a job by the Public Appointments Unit.

The Prime Minister : The range of appointments made by Ministers, with advice from the Public Appointments Unit, where appropriate, provide opportunities for people with widely different qualities and experience.

Russian Spies

Mr. Harry Greenway : To ask the Prime Minister if she has any plans to investigate the number of Russian spies in the United Kingdom ; and if she will make a statement.

The Prime Minister : It is not the practice to comment on security matters of this kind.


Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Prime Minister if she will give the names and salaries, date of employment and previous occupational position of each of her full and part-time advisers paid out of public funds.

The Prime Minister : The names, dates of employment, and previous occupational position of each of my full and part-time advisers paid out of public funds are as follows :

Column 343

Name                                  |Year of appointment                  |Previous employment                                                        


G. D. Bourne                          |1988                                 |BP Petroleum Development Ltd.                                              

Mrs. T. Gaisman                       |1987                                 |Conservative Central Office                                                

Professor B. Griffiths                |1985                                 |The City University Business School                                        

G. R. J. Guise                        |1986                                 |Consolidated Goldfields PLC                                                

I. K. Whitehead                       |1988                                 |Bank of Montreal Capital Markets Ltd.                                      

A. Dunlop                             |1988                                 |Conservative Research Department                                           

Miss C. Sinclair                      |1988                                 |Her Majesty's Treasury                                                     

The current salary bill for these advisers is £246,903.

Column 345

Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Prime Minister how much has been spent by her Office in each year since 1979 on (a) outside consultants and (b) special advisers attached to No. 10 Downing street.

The Prime Minister : (a) There has been no expenditure by my Office on fees to outside consultants since 1979-80 and none is planned for the rest of this year.

(b) the figures required for 1979 to 1985 are not available and cannot be obtained except at disproportionate cost. The amount spent on advisers in the last three financial years is as follows :



1986-87    |247,518        

1987-88    |192,532        

<1>1988-89 |246,903        

<1> Estimate.              

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