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81. Mr. Ray Powell : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many young people have come to the end of their bridging allowance without the offer of a YTS place.

82. Mr. John Garrett : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many young people have come to the end of their bridging allowance without the offer of a YTS place.

Mr. Cope : This information is not available nationally. However, I am satisfied that the Training Agency has made available more than sufficient YTS places to meet the potential uptake.

Parental Leave

Ms. Armstrong : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will make a statement on the European Commission draft directive on parental leave and leave for family reasons.

Mr. Nicholls : The Government believe that such matters are best dealt with between employers and employees according to their particular circumstances and so remain opposed to the introduction of any such prescriptive measures.

Column 96

Wages Councils

Mr. Wallace : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what information he has regarding the average weekly earnings of an employee aged over 21 years, employed in each sector in respect of which wages councils exist.

Mr. Lee : The latest available information, for April 1988, is published in tables 2 and 3 of part A of the report on the new earnings survey 1988 for a full-time male and female employees ; and in table 176 of part F for part-time female employees. The figures relate to those on adult rates of pay, irrespective of age, whose earnings were not affected by absence. A copy of the report is in the Library.

Labour Statistics

Sir Michael McNair-Wilson : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is the total number of persons currently in employment broken down between the sexes.

Mr. Lee : In June 1988, the latest date for which figures are available, the work force in employment in Great Britain was 25,174, 000 ; of which 14,365,000 were males and 10,809,000 were females. The work force in employment is the sum of employees in employment, the self employed, Her Majesty's forces, and participants in work-related Government training programmes.

Mr. Meacher : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what was the number of (i) employees in employment and (ii) self-employed persons, both separately and together, by region and nationally, in January 1986 and at the latest available date, with the increase in numbers and in percentage terms over this period in each case.

Mr. Lee : There are no estimates for January 1986. The closest date for which figures are available is December 1985, however comparisons of data for December 1985 and June 1988, the latest date for which figures are available, are affected by seasonal factors. The table shows data for December 1985, June 1986 and June 1988 and changes over the period June 1986 to June 1988.

Column 95

                          Changes between June                                                    Percentage changes                                                                             

                          1986 and June 1988<1>                                                   between June 1986 and                                                                          

                                                  June 1988                                                                                                                                      

Region                   |Employees in employment|Self-employed          |Total employees in     |Employees in employment|Self-employed          |Total employees in                             

                                                                         |employment and                                                         |employment and                                 

                                                                         |self-employed                                                          |self-employed                                  

                         |(Thousands)            |(Thousands)            |(Thousands)            |(Per cent.)            |(Per cent.)            |(Per cent.)                                    


South East               |215                    |183                    |398                    |2.9                    |20.2                   |4.8                                            

East Anglia              |72                     |29                     |101                    |9.4                    |27.6                   |11.6                                           

South West               |33                     |31                     |64                     |2.1                    |12.1                   |3.5                                            

West Midlands            |80                     |29                     |109                    |4.0                    |15.5                   |4.9                                            

East Midlands            |42                     |30                     |72                     |2.8                    |18.0                   |4.3                                            

Yorkshire and Humberside |33                     |32                     |65                     |1.8                    |14.8                   |3.2                                            

North West               |2                      |22                     |24                     |0.1                    |8.2                    |0.9                                            

North                    |27                     |7                      |34                     |2.5                    |6.7                    |2.9                                            

Wales                    |13                     |0                      |13                     |1.5                    |0.0                    |1.3                                            

Scotland                 |1                      |-3                     |-2                     |0.1                    |-1.5                   |-0.1                                           

                         |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                                        

Great Britain            |519                    |358                    |877                    |2.5                    |13.9                   |3.7                                            

<1> The latest date for which figures are available.                                                                                                                                             

Column 97

                          December 1985                                                           June 1986                                                               June 1988<1>                                                                                   

                         |Employees in employment|Self employed          |Total employees in     |Employees in employment|Self employed          |Total employees in     |Employees in employment|Self employed          |Total employees in                             

                                                                         |employment and self                                                    |employment and self                                                    |employment and self                            

                                                                         |employed                                                               |employed                                                               |employed                                       

Region                   |'000s                  |'000s                  |'000s                                                                                                                                                                                          


South East               |7,365                  |904                    |8,269                  |7,353                  |904                    |8,257                  |7,568                  |1,087                  |8,655                                          

East Anglia              |750                    |110                    |860                    |762                    |105                    |867                    |834                    |134                    |968                                            

South West               |1,548                  |254                    |1,802                  |1,566                  |256                    |1,822                  |1,599                  |287                    |1,886                                          

West Midlands            |2,025                  |186                    |2,211                  |2,016                  |187                    |2,203                  |2,096                  |216                    |2,312                                          

East Midlands            |1,502                  |162                    |1,664                  |1,517                  |167                    |1,684                  |1,559                  |197                    |1,756                                          

Yorkshire and Humberside |1,795                  |219                    |2,014                  |1,786                  |216                    |2,002                  |1,819                  |248                    |2,067                                          

North West               |2,297                  |267                    |2,564                  |2,262                  |267                    |2,529                  |2,264                  |289                    |2,553                                          

North                    |1,080                  |105                    |1,185                  |1,078                  |105                    |1,183                  |1,105                  |112                    |1,217                                          

Wales                    |872                    |150                    |1,022                  |861                    |154                    |1,015                  |874                    |154                    |1,028                                          

Scotland                 |1,897                  |203                    |2,100                  |1,887                  |205                    |2,092                  |1,888                  |202                    |2,090                                          

                         |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                |-------                                        

Great Britain            |21,131                 |2,558                  |23,689                 |21,088                 |2,567                  |23,655                 |21,607                 |2,925                  |24,532                                         

<1> The latest date for which figures are available.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Mr. Meacher : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will set out by counties, local authority districts and nationally, the level of unemployment in January 1986 and at the latest available date, with the fall in numbers and in percentage terms in each case.

Mr. Lee : The following information is in the Library. Table A shows the number of unemployed claimants for each county in Great Britain at January 1986 and November 1988 (latest available date), together with the

Column 98

actual and percentage change over the period. Table B gives the corresponding figures for each local authority district in the United Kingdom and nationally. Unemployment statistics categorised by county are unavailable for Northern Ireland.

The figures are affected by the change in the compilation of the count in March 1986 to reduce over-recording and by the change in the coverage from September 1988 due to the introduction of new benefit regulations for young people aged under 18.

Column 97

Table A                                                                                                           

The change in the level of unemployment in each county in Great Britain between January 1986 and November 1988    

County                        Unemployed claimants                                                                

                             |January 1986    |November 1988   |Change          |Per cent. change                 


Bedfordshire                 |23,897          |10,313          |-13,584         |-56.8                            

Berkshire                    |23,835          |9,394           |-14,441         |-60.6                            

Buckinghamshire              |19,658          |7,592           |-12,066         |-61.4                            

East Sussex                  |31,128          |15,180          |-15,948         |-51.2                            

Essex                        |66,487          |28,889          |-37,598         |-56.6                            

Hampshire                    |63,433          |30,032          |-33,401         |-52.7                            

Hertfordshire                |31,068          |13,488          |-17,580         |-56.6                            

Isle of Wight                |7,551           |4,892           |-2,659          |-35.2                            

Kent                         |71,599          |32,505          |-39,094         |-54.6                            

Oxfordshire                  |18,188          |6,879           |-11,309         |-62.2                            

Surrey                       |22,581          |8,771           |-13,810         |-61.2                            

West Sussex                  |19,280          |7,175           |-12,105         |-62.8                            

Cambridgeshire               |25,826          |11,380          |-14,446         |-55.9                            

Norfolk                      |37,554          |18,920          |-18,634         |-49.6                            

Suffolk                      |24,219          |11,344          |-12,875         |-53.2                            

Greater London               |413,938         |253,340         |-160,598        |-38.8                            

Avon                         |48,318          |27,709          |-20,609         |-42.7                            

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly |28,987          |17,741          |-11,246         |-38.8                            

Devon                        |52,484          |31,398          |-21,086         |-40.2                            

Dorset                       |27,233          |11,846          |-15,387         |-56.5                            

Gloucestershire              |22,291          |10,616          |-11,675         |-52.4                            

Somerset                     |18,533          |9700            |-8,833          |-47.7                            

Wiltshire                    |22,167          |10,080          |-12,087         |-54.5                            

Hereford and Worcester       |33,314          |15,862          |-17,452         |-52.4                            

Shropshire                   |23,314          |11,406          |-11,098         |-51.1                            

Staffordshire                |55,896          |29,900          |-25,996         |-46.5                            

Warwickshire                 |23,289          |12,215          |-11,074         |-47.6                            

West Midlands                |220,503         |131,612         |-88,891         |-40.3                            

Derbyshire                   |50,462          |33,859          |-16,603         |-32.9                            

Leicestershire               |40,657          |21,692          |-18,965         |-46.7                            

Lincolnshire                 |31,064          |17,719          |-13,345         |-43.0                            

Northamptonshire             |26,230          |10,706          |-15,524         |-59.2                            

Nottinghamshire              |61,230          |42,580          |-18,650         |-30.5                            

Humberside                   |60,106          |37,564          |-22,542         |-37.5                            

North Yorkshire              |29,589          |17,311          |-12,278         |-41.5                            

South Yorkshire              |107,013         |73,024          |-33,989         |-31.8                            

West Yorkshire               |127,593         |77,563          |-50,030         |-39.2                            

Cheshire                     |54,590          |31,424          |-23,166         |-42.4                            

Greater Manchester           |183,799         |116,662         |-67,137         |-36.5                            

Lancashire                   |82,708          |48,039          |-34,669         |-41.9                            

Merseyside                   |142,696         |98,610          |-44,086         |30.9                             

Cumbria                      |24,359          |15,191          |-9,168          |-37.6                            

Cleveland                    |56,424          |36,150          |-20,274         |-35.9                            

Durham                       |44,097          |27,522          |-16,575         |-37.6                            

Northumberland               |167,949         |12,505          |-4,444          |-26.2                            

Tyne and Wear                |104,402         |70,294          |-34,108         |-32.7                            

Clwyd                        |25,786          |14,431          |-11,355         |-4.0                             

Dyfed                        |21,525          |14,220          |-7,305          |-33.9                            

Gwent                        |30,718          |18,443          |-12,275         |-40.0                            

Gwynedd                      |16,199          |10,958          |-5,241          |-32.4                            

Mid Glamorgan                |37,197          |22,612          |-14,585         |-39.2                            

Powys                        |5,188           |2,751           |-2,437          |-47.0                            

South Glamorgan              |27,348          |16,814          |-10,534         |-38.5                            

West Glamorgan               |26,407          |15,539          |-10,868         |-41.2                            

Borders region               |3,882           |2,439           |-1,443          |-37.2                            

Central region               |19,955          |12,561          |-7,394          |-37.1                            

Dumfries and Galloway region |8,547           |6,146           |-2,401          |-28.1                            

Fife region                  |23,153          |16,355          |-6,798          |-29.4                            

Grampian region              |18,941          |15,342          |-3,599          |-19.0                            

Highland region              |14,669          |10,753          |-3,916          |-26.7                            

Lothian region               |48,063          |33,525          |-14,538         |-30.3                            

Strathclyde region           |203,168         |144,817         |-58,351         |-28.7                            

Tayside region               |27,146          |18,155          |-8,991          |-33.1                            

Orkney Islands               |853             |718             |-135            |-15.8                            

Shetland Islands             |805             |641             |-164            |-20.4                            

Western Isles                |1,935           |2,149           |214             |11.1                             



Table B                                                                                                                                                     

The change in the level of unemployment in each local authority district in the United Kingdom and Nationally between January 1986 and                      

November 1988                                                                                                                                               

                           Unemployed claimants                                                                                                             

Local authority districts |January 1986             |November 1988            |Change                   |Percentage change                                  


Luton                     |10,382                   |5,270                    |-5,112                   |-49.2                                              

Mid Bedfordshire          |3,094                    |1,152                    |-1,942                   |-62.8                                              

North Bedfordshire        |6,005                    |2,389                    |-3,616                   |-60.2                                              

South Bedfordshire        |4,416                    |1,502                    |-2,914                   |-66.0                                              

Bracknell                 |3,304                    |1,123                    |-1,911                   |-63.0                                              

Newbury                   |3,378                    |1,203                    |-2,175                   |-64.4                                              

Reading                   |6,786                    |2,540                    |-4,246                   |-62.6                                              

Slough                    |4,762                    |2,183                    |-2,579                   |-54.2                                              

Windsor and Maidenhead    |3,297                    |1,326                    |-1,971                   |-59.8                                              

Wokingham                 |2,578                    |1,019                    |-1,559                   |-60.5                                              

Aylesbury Vale            |3,861                    |1,435                    |-2,426                   |-62.8                                              

Chiltern                  |1,763                    |684                      |-1,079                   |-61.2                                              

Milton Keynes             |8,688                    |3,257                    |-5,431                   |-62.5                                              

South Buckinghamshire     |1,342                    |571                      |-771                     |-57.5                                              

Wycombe                   |4,004                    |1,645                    |-2,359                   |-58.9                                              

Brighton                  |10,187                   |5,798                    |-4,389                   |-43.1                                              

Eastbourne                |3,450                    |1,592                    |-1,858                   |-53.9                                              

Hastings                  |4,826                    |2,021                    |-2,805                   |-58.1                                              

Hove                      |4,673                    |2,442                    |-2,231                   |-47.7                                              

Lewes                     |2,735                    |1,245                    |-1,490                   |-54.5                                              

Rother                    |2,573                    |1,098                    |-1,475                   |-57.3                                              

Wealden                   |2,684                    |984                      |-1,700                   |-63.3                                              

Basildon                  |9,073                    |3,914                    |-5,159                   |-56.9                                              

Braintree                 |4,282                    |1,562                    |-2,720                   |-63.5                                              

Brentwood                 |2,083                    |824                      |-1,259                   |-60.4                                              

Castle Point              |3,668                    |1,441                    |-2,227                   |-60.7                                              

Chelmsford                |4,378                    |1,909                    |-2,469                   |-56.4                                              

Colchester                |6,330                    |2,841                    |-3,489                   |-55.1                                              

Epping Forest             |3,962                    |1,929                    |-2,033                   |-51.3                                              

Harlow                    |4,073                    |1,805                    |-2,268                   |-55.7                                              

Maldon                    |1,939                    |699                      |-1,240                   |-64.0                                              

Rochford                  |2,507                    |971                      |-1,536                   |-61.3                                              

Southend-on-Sea           |8,841                    |3,823                    |-5,018                   |-56.8                                              

Tendring                  |6,047                    |3,169                    |-2,878                   |-47.6                                              

Thurrock                  |7,729                    |3,440                    |-4,289                   |-55.5                                              

Uttlesford                |1,575                    |562                      |-1,013                   |-64.3                                              

Basingstoke and Deane     |4,168                    |1,383                    |-2,785                   |-66.8                                              

East Hampshire            |2,421                    |1,090                    |-1,331                   |-55.0                                              

Eastleigh                 |3,181                    |1,364                    |-1,817                   |-57.1                                              

Fareham                   |3,269                    |1,484                    |-1,785                   |-54.6                                              

Gosport                   |3,729                    |1,893                    |-1,836                   |-49.2                                              

Hart                      |1,493                    |633                      |-860                     |-57.6                                              

Havant                    |6,638                    |2,941                    |-3,697                   |-55.7                                              

New Forest                |5,192                    |2,628                    |-2,564                   |-49.4                                              

Portsmouth                |11,860                   |6,096                    |-5,764                   |-48.6                                              

Rushmoor                  |2,446                    |1,090                    |-1,356                   |-55.4                                              

Southampton               |13,792                   |7,404                    |-6,388                   |-46.3                                              

Test Valley               |2,802                    |1,010                    |-1,792                   |-64.0                                              

Winchester                |2,442                    |1,016                    |-1,426                   |-58.4                                              

Broxbourne                |2,742                    |1,486                    |-1,256                   |-45.8                                              

Dacorum                   |4,319                    |1,733                    |-2,586                   |-59.9                                              

East Hertfordshire        |2,743                    |1,103                    |-1,640                   |-59.8                                              

Hertsmere                 |2,612                    |1,217                    |-1,395                   |-53.4                                              

North Hertfordshire       |3,909                    |1,582                    |-2,327                   |-59.5                                              

St. Albans                |3,154                    |1,324                    |-1,830                   |-58.0                                              

Stevenage                 |3,818                    |1,428                    |-2,390                   |-62.6                                              

Three Rivers              |1,908                    |874                      |-1,034                   |-54.2                                              

Watford                   |2,827                    |1,430                    |-1,397                   |-49.4                                              

Welwyn Hatfield           |3,036                    |1,311                    |-1,725                   |-56.8                                              

Medina                    |4,043                    |2,666                    |-1,377                   |-34.1                                              

South Wight               |3,508                    |2,226                    |-1,282                   |-36.6                                              

Ashford                   |4,108                    |1,625                    |-2,483                   |-60.4                                              

Canterbury                |5,884                    |2,780                    |-3,104                   |-52.8                                              

Dartford                  |3,204                    |1,512                    |-1,692                   |-52.8                                              

Dover                     |5,291                    |2,901                    |-2,390                   |-45.2                                              

Gillingham                |5,201                    |2,141                    |-3,060                   |-58.8                                              

Gravesham                 |5,202                    |2,491                    |-2,711                   |-52.1                                              

Maidstone                 |5,039                    |1,765                    |-3,274                   |-65.0                                              

Rochester-upon-Medway     |9,332                    |3,794                    |-5,538                   |-59.3                                              

Sevenoaks                 |3,107                    |1,401                    |-1,706                   |-54.9                                              

Shepway                   |4,794                    |2,651                    |-2,143                   |-44.7                                              

Swale                     |5,894                    |2,871                    |-3,023                   |-51.3                                              

Thanet                    |8,515                    |4,593                    |-3,922                   |-46.1                                              

Tonbridge and Malling     |3,150                    |1,091                    |-2,059                   |-65.4                                              

Tonbridge Wells           |2,878                    |889                      |-1,989                   |-69.1                                              

Cherwell                  |3,812                    |1,391                    |-2,421                   |-63.5                                              

Oxford                    |5,401                    |2,395                    |-3,006                   |-55.7                                              

South Oxfordshire         |3,459                    |1,251                    |-2,208                   |-63.8                                              

Vale of White Horse       |2,983                    |974                      |-2,009                   |-67.4                                              

West Oxfordshire          |2,533                    |868                      |-1,665                   |-65.7                                              

Elmbridge                 |2,433                    |957                      |-1,476                   |-60.7                                              

Epsom and Ewell           |1,416                    |667                      |-749                     |-52.9                                              

Guildford                 |2,845                    |1,002                    |-1,843                   |-64.8                                              

Mole Valley               |1,544                    |644                      |-900                     |-58.3                                              

Reigate and Banstead      |2,811                    |1,049                    |-1,762                   |-62.7                                              

Runnymede                 |1,745                    |651                      |-1,094                   |-62.7                                              

Spelthorne                |2,559                    |934                      |-1,625                   |-63.5                                              

Surrey Heath              |1,591                    |541                      |-1,050                   |-66                                                

Tandridge                 |1,681                    |692                      |-989                     |-58.8                                              

Waverley                  |2,056                    |767                      |1,289                    |-62.7                                              

Woking                    |1,900                    |867                      |-1,033                   |-54.4                                              

Adur                      |1,833                    |498                      |-1,335                   |-72.8                                              

Arun                      |4,027                    |1,573                    |-2,454                   |-60.9                                              

Chichester                |2,722                    |987                      |-1,735                   |-63.7                                              

Crawley                   |2,616                    |906                      |-1,710                   |-65.4                                              

Horsham                   |2,442                    |757                      |-1,685                   |-69.0                                              

Mid Sussex                |2,672                    |928                      |-1,744                   |-65.3                                              

Worthing                  |2,968                    |1,526                    |-1,442                   |-48.6                                              

Cambridge                 |3,947                    |1,933                    |-2,014                   |-51.0                                              

East Cambridgeshire       |1,518                    |524                      |-994                     |-65.5                                              

Fenland                   |4,040                    |1,851                    |-2,189                   |-54.2                                              

Huntingdon                |4,483                    |1,910                    |-2,573                   |-57.4                                              

Peterborough              |9,476                    |4,284                    |-5,192                   |-54.8                                              

South Cambridgeshire      |2,362                    |878                      |-1,484                   |-62.8                                              

Breckland                 |4,703                    |1,778                    |-2,925                   |-62.2                                              

Broadland                 |3,117                    |1,389                    |-1,728                   |-55.4                                              

Great Yarmouth            |6,726                    |4,405                    |-2,321                   |-34.5                                              

North Norfolk             |3,898                    |1,745                    |-2,153                   |-55.2                                              

Norwich                   |9,223                    |5,037                    |-4,186                   |-45.4                                              

South Norfolk             |3,394                    |1,526                    |-1,868                   |-55.0                                              

West Norfolk              |6,493                    |3,040                    |-3,453                   |-53.2                                              

Babergh                   |2,599                    |1,119                    |-1,480                   |-56.9                                              

Forest Heath              |1,565                    |698                      |-867                     |-55.4                                              

Ipswich                   |5,956                    |2,681                    |-3,275                   |-55.0                                              

Mid Suffolk               |2,099                    |917                      |-1,182                   |-56.3                                              

St. Edmundsbury           |3,115                    |1,290                    |-1,825                   |-58.6                                              

Suffolk Coastal           |2,971                    |1,303                    |-1,668                   |-56.1                                              

Waveney                   |5,914                    |3,336                    |-2,578                   |-43.6                                              

City of London            |119                      |69                       |-50                      |-42.0                                              

Camden LB                 |15,736                   |10,371                   |-5,365                   |-34.1                                              

Hackney LB                |20,916                   |14,644                   |-6,272                   |-30.0                                              

Hammersmith LB            |12,724                   |8.091                    |-4,633                   |-36.4                                              

Haringey LB               |17,742                   |12,270                   |-5,472                   |-30.8                                              

Islington LB              |16,935                   |11,297                   |-5,638                   |-33.3                                              

Kensington and Chelsea LB |9,849                    |5,526                    |-4,323                   |-43.9                                              

Lambeth LB                |26,583                   |17,209                   |-9,374                   |-35.3                                              

Lewisham LB               |18,577                   |12,453                   |-6,124                   |-33.0                                              

Newham LB                 |17,664                   |11,318                   |-6,346                   |-35.9                                              

Southwark LB              |21,751                   |15,295                   |-6,456                   |29.7                                               

Tower Hamlets LB          |16,275                   |11,203                   |-5,072                   |-31.2                                              

Wandsworth LB             |17,021                   |9,861                    |-7,160                   |-42.1                                              

Westminster LB            |14,080                   |7,725                    |-6,355                   |-45.1                                              

Barking and Dagenham LB   |8,803                    |4,108                    |-4,695                   |-53.3                                              

Barnet LB                 |11,256                   |6,427                    |-4,829                   |-42.9                                              

Bexley LB                 |8,817                    |4,608                    |-4,209                   |-47.7                                              

Brent LB                  |16,801                   |11,928                   |-4,873                   |-29.0                                              

Bromley LB                |10,261                   |5,433                    |-4,828                   |-47.1                                              

Croydon LB                |14,033                   |7,489                    |-6,544                   |-46.6                                              

Ealing LB                 |15,334                   |8,756                    |-6,578                   |-42.9                                              

Enfield LB                |10,841                   |6,632                    |-4,209                   |-38.8                                              

Greenwich LB              |15,677                   |9,402                    |-6,275                   |-40.0                                              

Harrow LB                 |6,363                    |3,871                    |-2,492                   |-39.2                                              

Havering LB               |9,530                    |4,396                    |-5,134                   |-53.9                                              

Hillingdon LB             |7,536                    |3,651                    |-3,885                   |-51.6                                              

Hounslow LB               |9,646                    |4,985                    |-4661                    |-48.3                                              

Kingston-upon-Thames LB   |4,036                    |1,941                    |-2,095                   |-51.9                                              

Merton LB                 |6,591                    |3,411                    |-3,180                   |-48.3                                              

Redbridge LB              |9,441                    |5,312                    |-4,129                   |-43.7                                              

Richmond-upon-Thames LB   |5,188                    |2,803                    |-2,385                   |-46.0                                              

Sutton LB                 |5,261                    |2,401                    |-2860                    |-54.4                                              

Waltham Forest LB         |12,551                   |8,454                    |-4,097                   |-32.6                                              

Bath                      |3,930                    |2,189                    |-1,741                   |-44.3                                              

Bristol                   |26,915                   |15,886                   |-11,029                  |-41.0                                              

Kingswood                 |3,282                    |1,813                    |-1,469                   |-44.8                                              

Northavon                 |4,366                    |2,354                    |-2,012                   |-46.1                                              

Wansdyke                  |2,537                    |1,316                    |-1,221                   |-48.1                                              

Woodspring                |7,288                    |4,151                    |-3,137                   |-43.0                                              

Caradon                   |3,470                    |2,233                    |-1,237                   |-35.7                                              

Carrick                   |4,983                    |2,938                    |-2,045                   |-41.0                                              

Kerrier                   |6,164                    |3,768                    |-2,396                   |-38.9                                              

North Cornwall            |3,689                    |2,284                    |-1,405                   |-38.1                                              

Penwith                   |4,609                    |3,005                    |-1,604                   |-34.8                                              

Restormel                 |5,937                    |3,453                    |-2,484                   |-41.8                                              

Scilly Isles              |135                      |60                       |-75                      |-55.6                                              

East Devon                |4,131                    |2,291                    |-1,840                   |-44.5                                              

Exeter                    |5,258                    |2,794                    |-2,464                   |-46.9                                              

Mid Devon                 |2,045                    |1,212                    |-833                     |-40.7                                              

North Devon               |4,527                    |2,533                    |-1,994                   |-44.1                                              

Plymouth                  |15,734                   |11,298                   |-4,436                   |-28.2                                              

South Hams                |2,756                    |1,679                    |-1,077                   |-39.1                                              

Teignbridge               |4,808                    |2,231                    |-2,577                   |-53.6                                              

Torbay                    |8,715                    |4,857                    |-3,858                   |-44.3                                              

Torridge                  |2,792                    |1,451                    |-1,341                   |-48.0                                              

West Devon                |1,718                    |1,052                    |-666                     |-38.8                                              

Bournemouth               |9,791                    |4,192                    |-5,599                   |-57.2                                              

Christchurch              |1,462                    |588                      |-874                     |-59.8                                              

North Dorset              |1,351                    |587                      |-764                     |-56.6                                              

Poole                     |5,553                    |2,262                    |-3,291                   |-59.3                                              

Purbeck                   |1,394                    |589                      |-805                     |-57.8                                              

West Dorset               |2,412                    |1,189                    |-1,223                   |-50.7                                              

Weymouth and Portland     |3,121                    |1,601                    |-1,520                   |-48.7                                              

Wimborne                  |2,149                    |838                      |-1,311                   |-61.0                                              

Cheltenham                |4,178                    |2,208                    |-1,970                   |-47.2                                              

Cotswold                  |1,958                    |786                      |-1,172                   |-59.9                                              

Forest of Dean            |4,219                    |1,754                    |-2,465                   |-58.4                                              

Gloucester                |5,387                    |2,601                    |-2,786                   |-51.7                                              

Stroud                    |3,888                    |1,919                    |-1,969                   |-50.6                                              

Tewkesbury                |2,661                    |1,348                    |-1,313                   |-49.3                                              

Mendip                    |3,518                    |1,749                    |-1,769                   |-50.3                                              

Sedgemoor                 |4,566                    |2,477                    |-2,089                   |-45.8                                              

Taunton Deane             |4,042                    |2,057                    |-1,985                   |-49.1                                              

West Somerset             |1,570                    |966                      |-604                     |-38.5                                              

Yeovil                    |4,837                    |2,451                    |-2,386                   |-49.3                                              

Kennet                    |2,196                    |914                      |-1,282                   |-58.4                                              

North Wiltshire           |3,744                    |1,882                    |-1,862                   |-49.7                                              

Salisbury                 |3,633                    |1,616                    |-2,017                   |-55.5                                              

Thamesdown                |8,595                    |3,750                    |-4,845                   |-56.4                                              

West Wiltshire            |3,999                    |1,918                    |-2,081                   |-52.0                                              

Bromsgrove                |4,405                    |2,313                    |-2,092                   |-47.5                                              

Hereford                  |2,957                    |1,520                    |-1,437                   |-48.6                                              

Leominster                |1,753                    |770                      |-983                     |-56.1                                              

Malvern Hills             |3,457                    |1,607                    |-1,850                   |-53.5                                              

Redditch                  |4,870                    |2,169                    |-2,701                   |-55.5                                              

South Herefordshire       |2,202                    |1,021                    |-1,181                   |-53.6                                              

Worcester                 |4,478                    |2,267                    |-2,211                   |-49.4                                              

Wychavon                  |3,847                    |1,732                    |-2,115                   |-55.0                                              

Wyre Forest               |5,345                    |2,463                    |-2,882                   |-53.9                                              

Bridgnorth                |2,475                    |1,062                    |-1,413                   |-57.1                                              

North Shropshire          |2,227                    |1,227                    |-1,000                   |-44.9                                              

Oswestry                  |1,640                    |838                      |-802                     |-48.9                                              

Shrewsbury and Atcham     |4,479                    |2,328                    |-2,151                   |-48.0                                              

South Shropshire          |1,655                    |770                      |-885                     |-53.5                                              

The Wrekin                |10,838                   |5,181                    |-5,657                   |-52.2                                              

Cannock Chase             |5,706                    |3,213                    |-2,493                   |-43.7                                              

East Staffordshire        |5,184                    |2,634                    |-2,550                   |-49.2                                              

Lichfield                 |4,377                    |2,182                    |-2,195                   |-50.2                                              

Newcastle-under-Lyme      |5,816                    |3,354                    |-2,462                   |-42.3                                              

South Staffordshire       |5,509                    |3,126                    |-2,383                   |-43.3                                              

Stafford                  |5,219                    |2,618                    |-2,601                   |-49.8                                              

Staffordshire Moorlands   |3,768                    |1,875                    |-1,893                   |-50.2                                              

Stoke-on-Trent            |15,381                   |8,244                    |-7,137                   |-46.4                                              

Tamworth                  |4,936                    |2,654                    |-2,282                   |-46.2                                              

North Warwickshire        |3,069                    |1,730                    |-1,339                   |-43.6                                              

Nuneaton                  |7,046                    |4,157                    |-2,889                   |-41.0                                              

Rugby                     |4,227                    |2,039                    |-2,188                   |-51.8                                              

Stratford-on-Avon         |3,508                    |1,577                    |-1,931                   |-55.1                                              

Warwick                   |5,439                    |2,712                    |-2,727                   |-50.1                                              

Birmingham                |93,238                   |58,740                   |-34,498                  |-37.0                                              

Coventry                  |26,285                   |14,861                   |-11,424                  |-43.5                                              

Dudley                    |20,271                   |11,166                   |-9,105                   |-44.9                                              

Sandwell                  |26,391                   |15,452                   |-10,939                  |-41.5                                              

Solihull                  |11,226                   |6,478                    |-4,748                   |-42.3                                              

Walsall                   |20,193                   |11,154                   |-9,039                   |-44.8                                              

Wolverhampton             |22,899                   |13,761                   |-9,138                   |-39.9                                              

Amber Valley              |4,971                    |3,227                    |-1,744                   |-35.1                                              

Bolsover                  |4,177                    |3,273                    |-904                     |-21.6                                              

Chesterfield              |6,392                    |4,850                    |-1,542                   |-24.1                                              

Derby                     |14,833                   |9,807                    |-5,026                   |-33.9                                              

Erewash                   |5,649                    |3,062                    |-2,587                   |-45.8                                              

High Peak                 |4,131                    |2,293                    |-1,838                   |-44.5                                              

North East Derbyshire     |5,325                    |4,168                    |-1,157                   |-21.7                                              

South Derbyshire          |2,776                    |1,754                    |-1,022                   |-36.8                                              

West Derbyshire           |2,208                    |1,425                    |-783                     |-35.5                                              

Blaby                     |2,346                    |1,106                    |-1,204                   |-52.9                                              

Charnwood                 |4,955                    |2,612                    |-2,343                   |-47.3                                              

Harborough                |1,771                    |725                      |-1,046                   |-59.1                                              

Hinkley and Bosworth      |3,274                    |1,534                    |-1,740                   |-53.2                                              

Leicester                 |20,520                   |11,531                   |-8,989                   |-43.8                                              

Melton                    |1,643                    |742                      |-901                     |-54.8                                              

North West Leicestershire |3,630                    |2,196                    |-1,434                   |-39.5                                              

Oadby and Wigston         |1,488                    |754                      |-734                     |-49.3                                              

Rutland                   |1,030                    |492                      |-538                     |-52.2                                              

Boston                    |3,252                    |1,442                    |-1,810                   |-55.7                                              

East Lindsey              |7,012                    |4,609                    |-2,403                   |-34.3                                              

Lincoln                   |6,101                    |4,247                    |-1,854                   |-30.4                                              

North Kesteven            |3,292                    |1,773                    |-1,519                   |-46.1                                              

South Holland             |2,820                    |1,182                    |-1,638                   |-58.1                                              

South Kesteven            |4,792                    |2,340                    |-2,452                   |-51.2                                              

West Lindsey              |3,795                    |2,126                    |-1,669                   |-44.0                                              

Corby                     |4,913                    |1,768                    |-3,145                   |-64.0                                              

Daventry                  |2,112                    |853                      |-1,259                   |-59.6                                              

East Northamptonshire     |2,038                    |808                      |1,230                    |-60.4                                              

Kettering                 |3,080                    |1,341                    |-1,739                   |-56.5                                              

Northampton               |8,971                    |3,866                    |-5,105                   |-56.9                                              

South Northamptonshire    |1,730                    |580                      |-1,150                   |-66.5                                              

Wellingborough            |3,386                    |1,490                    |-1,896                   |-56                                                

Ashfield                  |5,849                    |4,583                    |-1,266                   |-21.6                                              

Bassetlaw                 |6,772                    |4,716                    |-2,056                   |-30.4                                              

Broxtowe                  |4,929                    |2,837                    |-2,092                   |-42.4                                              

Gedling                   |4,674                    |3,085                    |-1,589                   |-34                                                

Mansfield                 |6,049                    |5,070                    |-979                     |-16.2                                              

Newark                    |5,206                    |3,558                    |-1,648                   |-31.7                                              

Nottingham                |23,946                   |16,542                   |-7,404                   |-30.9                                              

Rushcliffe                |3,805                    |2,189                    |-1,616                   |-42.5                                              

Beverley                  |4,150                    |2,526                    |-1,624                   |-39.1                                              

Boothferry                |3,791                    |2,126                    |-1,665                   |-43.9                                              

Cleethorpes               |4,557                    |2,950                    |-1,607                   |-35.3                                              

East Yorkshire            |3,867                    |2,359                    |-1,508                   |-39                                                

Glanford                  |3,513                    |1,960                    |-1,553                   |-44.2                                              

Great Grimsby             |7,381                    |5,169                    |-2,212                   |-30.0                                              

Holderness                |2,501                    |1,460                    |-1,041                   |-41.6                                              

Kingston-upon-Hull        |24,843                   |15,856                   |-8,987                   |-36.2                                              

Scunthorpe                |5,503                    |3,158                    |-2,345                   |-42.6                                              

Craven                    |1,576                    |914                      |-662                     |-42.0                                              

Hambleton                 |2,948                    |1,576                    |1,372                    |46.5                                               

Harrowgate                |4,821                    |2,238                    |-2,583                   |-53.6                                              

Richmondshire             |1,719                    |974                      |-745                     |-43.3                                              

Ryedale                   |2,611                    |1,478                    |-1,133                   |-43.4                                              

Scarborough               |6,380                    |4,007                    |-2,373                   |-37.2                                              

Selby                     |3,518                    |2,195                    |-1,323                   |-37.6                                              

York                      |6,016                    |3,929                    |-2,087                   |-34.7                                              

Barnsley                  |18,479                   |12,649                   |-5,830                   |-31.6                                              

Doncaster                 |25,185                   |16,865                   |-8,320                   |-33.0                                              

Rotherham                 |20,547                   |13,934                   |-6,613                   |-32.2                                              

Sheffield                 |42,802                   |29,576                   |-13,226                  |-30.9                                              

Bradford                  |30,965                   |18,788                   |-12,177                  |-39.3                                              

Calderdale                |10,588                   |5,919                    |-4,669                   |-44.1                                              

Kirklees                  |20,857                   |12,153                   |-8,704                   |-41.7                                              

Leeds                     |44,321                   |26,795                   |-17,526                  |-39.5                                              

Wakefield                 |20,862                   |13,908                   |-6,954                   |-33.3                                              

Chester                   |7,149                    |4,290                    |-2,858                   |-40.0                                              

Congleton                 |2,950                    |1,609                    |-1,341                   |-45.5                                              

Crewe and Nantwich        |5,099                    |3,083                    |-2,016                   |-39.5                                              

Ellesmere Port and Neston |6,229                    |3,435                    |-2,794                   |-44.9                                              

Halton                    |10,940                   |7,130                    |-3,810                   |-34.8                                              

Macclesfield              |5,432                    |2,898                    |-2,534                   |-46.7                                              

Vale Royal                |6,381                    |3,347                    |-3,034                   |-47.6                                              

Warrington                |10,411                   |5,632                    |-4,779                   |-45.9                                              

Bolton                    |17,348                   |11,356                   |-5,992                   |-34.5                                              

Bury                      |9,445                    |5,247                    |-4,198                   |-44.5                                              

Manchester                |45,567                   |32,107                   |-13,460                  |-29.5                                              

Oldham                    |13,704                   |8,633                    |-5,071                   |-37.0                                              

Rochdale                  |14,514                   |8,964                    |-5,550                   |-38.2                                              

Salford                   |19,920                   |12,228                   |-7,692                   |-38.6                                              

Stockport                 |14,605                   |8,108                    |-6,497                   |-44.5                                              

Tameside                  |13,878                   |8,535                    |-5,343                   |-38.5                                              

Trafford                  |12,606                   |7,461                    |-5,145                   |-40.8                                              

Wigan                     |22,212                   |14,023                   |-8,189                   |-36.9                                              

Blackburn                 |9,463                    |5,638                    |-3,825                   |-40.4                                              

Blackpool                 |12,421                   |7,579                    |-4,842                   |-39.0                                              

Burnley                   |6,085                    |3,280                    |-2,805                   |-46.1                                              

Chorley                   |4,529                    |2,471                    |-2,058                   |-45.4                                              

Fylde                     |2,812                    |1,437                    |-1,375                   |-48.9                                              

Hyndburn                  |4,151                    |2,369                    |-1,782                   |-42.9                                              

Lancaster                 |7,581                    |5,213                    |-2,368                   |-31.2                                              

Pendle                    |4,839                    |2,330                    |-2,509                   |-51.9                                              

Preston                   |9,126                    |5,561                    |-3,565                   |-39.1                                              

Ribble Valley             |1,386                    |680                      |-706                     |-50.9                                              

Rossendale                |3,014                    |1,673                    |-1,341                   |-44.5                                              

South Ribble              |4,730                    |2,521                    |-2,209                   |-46.7                                              

West Lancashire           |7,693                    |4,601                    |-3,092                   |-40.2                                              

Wyre                      |4,878                    |2,686                    |-2,192                   |-44.9                                              

Knowsley                  |20,487                   |13,492                   |-6,995                   |-34.1                                              

Liverpool                 |57,680                   |42,406                   |-15,274                  |-26.5                                              

St. Helens                |15,056                   |9,708                    |-5,348                   |-35.5                                              

Sefton                    |22,378                   |14,892                   |-7,486                   |-33.5                                              

Wirral                    |27,095                   |18,112                   |-8,983                   |-33.2                                              

Allerdale                 |5,941                    |3,743                    |-2,198                   |-37.0                                              

Barrow-in-Furness         |3,744                    |2,695                    |-1,049                   |-28.0                                              

Carlisle                  |5,514                    |3,289                    |-2,225                   |-40.4                                              

Copeland                  |4,327                    |2,960                    |-1,367                   |-31.6                                              

Eden                      |1,721                    |845                      |-876                     |-50.9                                              

Rhymney Valley            |8,055                    |4,459                    |-3,596                   |-44.6                                              

Taff-Ely                  |5,880                    |3,647                    |-2,233                   |-38.0                                              

Brecknock                 |1,889                    |1,066                    |-823                     |-43.6                                              

Montgomeryshire           |2,302                    |1,183                    |-1,119                   |-48.6                                              

Radnor                    |997                      |502                      |-495                     |-49.7                                              

Cardiff                   |20,442                   |12,604                   |-7,838                   |-38.3                                              

Vale of Glamorgan         |6,906                    |4,210                    |-2,696                   |-39.0                                              

Afan                      |3,868                    |1,916                    |-1,952                   |-50.5                                              

Lliw Valley               |3,461                    |2,155                    |-1,306                   |-37.7                                              

Neath                     |4,788                    |2,580                    |-2,208                   |-46.1                                              

Swansea                   |14,290                   |8,888                    |-5,402                   |-37.8                                              

Berwickshire              |699                      |484                      |-215                     |-30.8                                              

Ettrick and Lauderdale    |1,293                    |801                      |-492                     |-38.1                                              

Roxburgh                  |1,351                    |771                      |-580                     |-42.9                                              

Tweedale                  |539                      |383                      |-156                     |-28.9                                              

Clackmannan               |3,324                    |2,451                    |-873                     |-26.3                                              

Falkirk                   |11,281                   |6,762                    |-4,519                   |-40.1                                              

Stirling                  |5,350                    |3,348                    |-2,002                   |-37.4                                              

Annandale and Eskdale     |2,019                    |1,188                    |-831                     |-41.2                                              

Nithsdale                 |3,148                    |2,351                    |-797                     |-25.3                                              

Stewartry                 |1,136                    |839                      |-297                     |-26.1                                              

Wigton                    |2,244                    |1,768                    |-476                     |-21.2                                              

Dunfermline               |8,275                    |5,927                    |-2,348                   |-28.4                                              

Kirkcaldy                 |12,107                   |8,507                    |-3,600                   |-29.7                                              

North East Fife           |2,771                    |1,921                    |-850                     |-30.7                                              

Aberdeen City             |8,643                    |7,263                    |-1,380                   |-16.0                                              

Banff and Buchan          |3,340                    |2,609                    |-731                     |-21.9                                              

Gordon                    |1,651                    |1,372                    |-279                     |-16.9                                              

Kincardine and Deeside    |1,117                    |1,013                    |-104                     |-9.3                                               

Moray                     |4,190                    |3,085                    |-1,105                   |-26.4                                              

Badenock and Strathspey   |729                      |483                      |-246                     |-33.7                                              

Caithness                 |1,638                    |1,339                    |-299                     |-18.3                                              

Inverness                 |3,812                    |2,987                    |-825                     |-21.6                                              

Lochaber                  |1,866                    |1,116                    |-750                     |-40.2                                              

Nairn                     |686                      |590                      |-96                      |-14.0                                              

Ross and Cromarty         |4,091                    |2,821                    |-1,270                   |-31.0                                              

Skye and Lochalsh         |836                      |610                      |-226                     |-27.0                                              

Sutherland                |1,011                    |807                      |-204                     |-20.2                                              

East Lothian              |3,966                    |3,137                    |-829                     |-20.9                                              

Edinburgh                 |28,280                   |20,780                   |-7,500                   |-26.5                                              

Midlothian                |4,651                    |3,324                    |-1,327                   |-28.5                                              

West Lothian              |11,166                   |6,284                    |-4,882                   |-43.7                                              

Argyle and Bute           |4,101                    |3,016                    |-1,085                   |-26.5                                              

Bearsden and Milngavie    |1,237                    |902                      |-335                     |-27.1                                              

Clydebank                 |4,238                    |3,145                    |-1,093                   |-25.8                                              

Cumbernauld and Kilsyth   |4,863                    |3,152                    |-1,711                   |-35.2                                              

Cumnock and Doon Valley   |4,764                    |3,489                    |-1,275                   |-26.8                                              

Cunninghame               |12,303                   |8,088                    |-4,215                   |-34.3                                              

Dumbarton                 |6,176                    |4,372                    |-1,804                   |-29.2                                              

East Kilbride             |5,329                    |3,456                    |-1,873                   |-35.2                                              

South Lakeland            |3,112                    |1,659                    |-1,453                   |-46.7                                              

Hartlepool                |9,545                    |6,278                    |-3,267                   |-34.2                                              

Langbaurgh-on-Tees        |13,847                   |8,833                    |-5,014                   |-36.2                                              

Middlesbrough             |16,875                   |10,868                   |-6,007                   |-35.6                                              

Stockton-on-Tees          |16,157                   |10,171                   |-5,986                   |-37.1                                              

Chester-le-Street         |3,579                    |2,215                    |-1,364                   |-38.1                                              

Darlington                |6,713                    |4,719                    |-1,994                   |-29.7                                              

Derwentside               |7,853                    |4,808                    |-3,045                   |-38.8                                              

Durham                    |4,791                    |3,280                    |-1,511                   |-31.5                                              

Easington                 |7,211                    |4,977                    |-2,234                   |-31.0                                              

Sedgefield                |7,086                    |3,743                    |-3,343                   |-47.2                                              

Teesdale                  |1,356                    |733                      |-623                     |-45.9                                              

Wear Valley               |5,508                    |3,047                    |-2,461                   |-44.7                                              

Alnwick                   |1,588                    |1,332                    |-256                     |-16.1                                              

Berwick-upon-Tweed        |1,423                    |904                      |-519                     |-36.5                                              

Blyth Valley              |5,377                    |3,833                    |-1,544                   |-28.7                                              

Castle Morpeth            |2,114                    |1,497                    |-617                     |-29.2                                              

Tynedale                  |2,216                    |1,310                    |-906                     |-40.9                                              

Wansbeck                  |4,231                    |3,629                    |-602                     |-14.2                                              

Gateshead                 |17,368                   |11,341                   |-6,027                   |-34.7                                              

Newcastle-upon-Tyne       |26,356                   |18,302                   |-8,054                   |-30.6                                              

North Tyneside            |15,162                   |9,987                    |-5,175                   |-34.1                                              

South Tyneside            |16,084                   |10,836                   |-5,248                   |-32.6                                              

Sunderland                |29,432                   |19,828                   |-9,604                   |-32.6                                              

Alyn and Deeside          |4,517                    |2,194                    |-2,323                   |-51.4                                              

Colwyn                    |2,954                    |1,948                    |-1,006                   |-34.1                                              

Delyn                     |4,793                    |2,150                    |-2,643                   |-55.1                                              

Glyndwr                   |1,849                    |1,198                    |-651                     |-35.2                                              

Rhuddlan                  |4,300                    |2,732                    |-1,568                   |-36.5                                              

Wrexham Maelor            |7,373                    |4,209                    |-3,164                   |-42.9                                              

Carmarthen                |2,564                    |1,944                    |-620                     |-24.2                                              

Ceredigion                |3,567                    |2,438                    |-1,129                   |-31.7                                              

Dinefwr                   |2,054                    |1,369                    |-685                     |-33.4                                              

Llanelli                  |4,756                    |2,926                    |-1,830                   |-38.5                                              

Preseli Pembrokeshire     |5,118                    |3,378                    |-1,740                   |-34.0                                              

South Pembrokeshire       |3,466                    |2,165                    |-1,301                   |-37.5                                              

Blaenau Gwent             |6,232                    |3,905                    |-2,327                   |-37.3                                              

Islwyn                    |4,357                    |2,551                    |-1,806                   |-41.5                                              

Monmouth                  |3,671                    |2,050                    |-1,621                   |-44.2                                              

Newport                   |10,234                   |6,180                    |-4,054                   |-39.6                                              

Torfaen                   |6,224                    |3,757                    |-2,467                   |-39.6                                              

Aberconwy                 |2,903                    |1,849                    |-1,054                   |-36.3                                              

Arfon                     |4,273                    |2,993                    |-1,280                   |-30.0                                              

Dwyfor                    |1,730                    |1,238                    |-492                     |-28.4                                              

Meirionnydd               |1,946                    |1,240                    |-706                     |36.3                                               

Ynys Mon-Isle of Anglesey |5,347                    |3,638                    |-1,709                   |-32.0                                              

Cynon Valley              |4,772                    |3,364                    |-1,408                   |-29.5                                              

Merthyr Tydfil            |4,178                    |2,821                    |-1,357                   |-32.5                                              

Ogwr                      |8,740                    |4,847                    |-3,893                   |-44.5                                              

Rhondda                   |5,572                    |3,474                    |-2,098                   |-37.7                                              

Table file CW881219.081 not available

Construction Industry Training Board

Mr. Madel : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment on what date the Construction Industry Training Board will be transferred to a non- statutory basis ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Nicholls : The White Paper, "Employment for the 1990s", makes clear that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment will be consulting the Construction Industry Training Board and organisations representing employers in the construction industry with a view to drawing up a programme and timetable to manage the transition to a non-statutory basis. Those consultations will begin in the new year.


Disabled People

5. Mr. Cummings : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 to be fully implemented.

28. Mr. Bernie Grant : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 to be fully implemented.

41. Mr. Rees : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 to be fully implemented.

50. Mr. Fisher : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 to be fully implemented.

Mr. Scott : We are making good progress on implementing the Act. Six key sections are now in force. The remaining sections will be implemented as and when the resources required are identified and made available. We have agreed with local authorities that the next priority is section 7, and we are discussing its resource implications.

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19. Mr. Alan W. Williams : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what changes in benefits to aid disabled people he is planning, in the light of the recent findings of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys and the Social Security Advisory Committee report.

42. Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what changes in benefits to aid disabled people he is planning, in the light of the recent findings of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys and the Social Security Advisory Committee report.

48. Mr. Murphy : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what changes in benefits to aid disabled people he is planning in the light of the recent findings of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys and the Social Security Advisory Committee report.

51. Dr. Reid : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will implement the proposals made by the Social Security Advisory Committee regarding disabled persons.

61. Mr. Frank Cook : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what changes in benefits to aid disabled people he is planning, in the light of the recent findings of the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys and the Social Security Advisory Committee's report.

62. Mr. Alfred Morris : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what action he is taking in regard to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys' report on the financial circumstances of disabled people.

Mr. Scott : In the period up to July 1989 the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys is publishing a series of reports on the findings of the surveys of disability in Great Britain carved out between 1985 and 1988. Two reports have already been published covering the prevalence of disability amongst adults and the financial circumstances of disabled adults in private households. Four more reports will follow. Taken together, the six reports will bring together the most comprehensive and detailed information ever collected about disabled people in this country.

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On 29 November the Social Security Advisory Committee published a report, "Benefits for Disabled People : a Strategy for Change". In publishing the report the committee's chairman, Peter Barclay, recognised that the Government would need to wait until all the OPCS data were available before reaching any conclusions on whether there are better ways of providing help for disabled people. In examining the OPCS findings we will give careful consideration to the recommendations made in the SSAC report.

49. Mr. Amess : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security by how much Government expenditure on the disabled has increased since 1979.

Mr. Scott : Expenditure on benefits for the long-term sick and disabled has increased from £2.1 billion in 1979-80 to £7.3 billion this year. This is an increase of £3.5 billion (or 90 per cent.) in real terms.

Independent Living Fund

11. Mr. Flynn : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many applications have been received by the independent living fund ; how many persons have received assistance ; and what is the total amount so far paid out by the fund.

44. Mr. Patchett : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many applications have been received by the independent living fund ; how many persons have received assistance ; and what is the total amount so far paid out by the fund.

52. Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many applications have been received by the independent living fund ; how many persons have received assistance ; and what is the total amount so far paid out by the fund.

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many applications for payments from the independent living fund have been received.

Mr. Scott : As of 30 November 1988, the fund had received 2,502 applications. A total of 354 people have received assistance and 1, 574 further cases are still under consideration. In all, the fund has paid out around £125,000.

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many discretionary payments are being made in one month from the independent living fund ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Scott : I understand that the independent living fund does not compile statistics on the number of discretionary awards--that is awards where the applicant does not fulfil the fund's eligibility criteria and the trustees are required to exercise their discretion.

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people are in receipt of regular payments from the independent living fund, at the latest available date.

Mr. Scott : Latest estimates are that some 340 to 345 applicants to the fund are receiving regular payments, or have received offers of regular payment conditional upon their receiving the care proposed in their applications.

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Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what steps he is taking to publicise the independent living fund.

Mr. Scott : Publicity for the independent living fund is a matter for the trustees, but I understand that 16,000 posters and 55,000 leaflets have been produced by the ILF, for distribution to directors of social services, health authorities, voluntary organisations, and so on.

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many applications for payments from the independent living fund have been refused.

Mr. Scott : As of 30 November 1988, 574 applications had been unsuccessful.

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what proportion of the £5 million allocated for the independent living fund is being spent on administration costs.

Mr. Scott : Projections of expenditure during the current year suggest that, of the total spent by the independent living fund, around 10 per cent. will be on administration.

Family Credit

12. Mr. Martyn Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects there to be a 100 per cent. take-up of family credit.

23. Mr. Sedgemore : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects there to be a 100 per cent. take-up of family credit.

34. Mr. Flannery : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects there to be a 100 per cent. take-up of family credit.

56. Mr. Jim Marshall : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when he expects there to be a 100 per cent. take-up of family credit.

Mr. Moore : There are two ways in which it is helpful to measure take-up. One is to count the number of recipients ; the other is to look at expenditure. So far as recipients are concerned, we expect to do better than the 50 per cent. take-up eventually achieved by family income supplement. Expenditure is already running at slightly more that we estimated, which suggests that families with higher levels of entitlement are coming forward to make their claims. Experience indicates that even with universal benefits it is not realistic to expect all eligible people to claim.

24. Mr. Haynes : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what is the latest estimate on the take-up of family credit.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : I refer the hon. Member to the reply to the hon. Members for Houghton and Washington (Mr. Boyes) and for Manchester, Blackley (Mr. Eastham) earlier today.

Mr. Wray : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security (1) if he will urgently take steps to simplify and reduce family credit application forms ;

(2) what consideration he is giving to complaints about the size and complication of the family credit application forms.

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Mr. Peter Lloyd : We are looking at ways of improving form FC1 and expect to bring a revised version into use in the spring.

Family Credit and Independent Living Fund

13. Mr. Wareing : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what funds he is providing to publicise the existence of (a) family credit and (b) the independent living fund.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : For family credit, the advertising budget is over £3 million in the current financial year. The allocation of funds for publicity for the independent living fund is a matter for the trustees of the fund. The Department will, of course, continue to give the trustees such technical and professional advice and assistance as they require.

Income Support

15. Mr. Hinchliffe : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what is his latest estimate for the full annual cost of income support payments to residents in private aged persons' homes.

Mr. Scott : In May 1988, the annual income support expenditure on people in independent residential care and nursing homes as a whole in Great Britain was estimated to be £878 million.

16. Mr. Andrew Bowden : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what plans he has to further increase income support limits for those in residential care and nursing homes.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : My right hon. Friend announced on 27 October significant increase in the income support limits for people in residential care homes and nursing homes. These will come into force as part of the general uprating of social security benefits in April 1989.

66. Mr. Harry Greenway : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how much has so far been spent in special grants to people on income support ; what was the comparable figure a year ago ; who the main beneficiaries have been and for what reasons ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : Provisional figures for the period 11 April to 30 October 1988 for social fund budgeting and crisis loans and community care grants are as follows :

                                                 |Budgeting and crisis |Community care grants                      


                                                 |£ million            |£ million                                  


Expenditure 11 April 1988 to 30                                                                                    

   October 1988                                  |61                   |15                                         

Main beneficiary group percentage of expenditure                                                                   

Pensioners                                       |4                    |14                                         

Disabled                                         |9                    |13                                         

Unemployed                                       |39                   |25                                         

Lone parents                                     |40                   |36                                         

Others                                           |8                    |12                                         


Main purpose of award percentage of expenditure                                                                    


   washing machines-bedding                      |77                   |81                                         

Home improvement-repairs-                                                                                          

   maintenance-redecoration                      |3                    |3                                          

Removal expenses                                 |1                    |3                                          

Rent in advance                                  |1                    |0                                          

Travelling expenses                              |0                    |5                                          

Clothing and footwear                            |5                    |6                                          

HP and other debts                               |1                    |0                                          

Living expenses                                  |10                   |0                                          

Others                                           |1                    |1                                          

Note: Percentages of less than 0.5 per cent. are shown as 0.                                                       

Directly comparable figures for the same period in 1987, before the social fund started, are not available. However expenditure on supplementary benefits single payments in the period 8 April to 26 October 1987 was £100 milion, which was distributed as follows :

Beneficiary group                        |Percentage of expenditure                          


Supplementary pension (P)                |44                                                 

Supplementary allowance (unemployed) (E) |45                                                 

Supplementary allowance (other) (A)      |10                                                 

Housing Benefit

17. Mr. Dunnachie : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many recipients of housing benefit transitional protection will lose as a result of the erosion factor in housing benefit in April 1989.

26. Dr. Marek : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many recipients of housing benefit transitional protection will lose as a result of the erosion factor in housing benefit in April 1989.

31. Mr. Rogers : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many recipients of housing benefit transitional protection will lose as a result of the erosion factor in housing benefit in April 1989.

32. Mr. Allen McKay : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many recipients of housing benefit transitional protection will lose as a result of the erosion factor in housing benefit in April 1989.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : Transitional protection is usually reduced by the amount of any increase in other income which an applicant has received since the transitional protection was awarded. However for housing benefit transitional payments we have decided to limit the reduction to a flat rate deduction of £2 per week from April 1989. This will ensure that the vast majority of those receiving housing benefit transitional payments will gain overall in cash terms. Special arrangements will apply for a very small number of people--less than 1 per cent.--who are largely dependent on social security benefits and who would otherwise see a cash loss.

63. Mr. Alton : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how much was paid in housing benefit as direct payment to private landlords during the last 12 months.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : I regret that no information is collected centrally on the amount of housing benefit paid direct to landlords.

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18. Mr. Chapman : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what is his latest estimate of the amount and proportion of total public expenditure which will be allocated to social security in 1988-89 ; and what were the comparable figures for five and 10 years before, respectively.

Mr. Scott : In 1978-79, the last year of the Labour Government, expenditure on the social security programme was £16,400 million, just about one quarter of all planned public spending ; by 1983-84 spending had reached £35,200 million, about 30 per cent. of the total. The latest estimate is that £47,600 million will be spent on social security in 1988-89, 31 per cent. of the estimated outturn for total planned expenditure.

Child Benefit

20. Mr. Randall : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what representations he received following his decision to freeze child benefit.

Mr. Scott : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Birmingham, Hodge Hill (Mr. Davis) earlier today.

30. Mrs. Margaret Ewing : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what representations he has received from organisations involved in helping the disabled about the freeze on child benefit.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : Following my right hon. Friend's statement to the House on 27 October, we have received representations on behalf of a number of organisations including those involved in helping the disabled.

Mr. Harry Barnes : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what representations he received following his decision to freeze child benefit.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Birmingham, Hodge Hill (Mr. Davis) earlier today.

Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will provide in the Official Report a table which shows the level of family allowance child benefit in each of the member states of the European Community for a one, two, three and four-child family, using European currency units, at the latest date for which comparable data are available.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : Information regarding family allowances/child benefit in each of the member states of the European Community is contained in the Department's annual publication "Tables of Social Benefit Systems in the European Communities". Copies are held in the Library for each year since 1973.

These tables set out the levels of benefit in the national currencies together with the sterling equivalent converted according to the OECD's purchasing power parity figures as shown in the introduction to the tables.

Conversion rates between European currency units and national currencies are set out in the Official Journal of the European Community, copies of which are also held in the Library.

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Housing Benefit and Transitional Payments

21. Mr. Win Griffiths : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many applicants for housing benefit and transitional payments are still waiting for their claims to be settled.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : More than 300,000 of the 395,000 applications received to date have been settled. The majority of the remainder are awaiting the return of the inquiry form which is sent to the relevant local authority.


22. Mr. Andy Stewart : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how much additional money he plans to spend on poorer pensioners.

Mr. Scott : The package of help for poorer pensioners that we announced on 24 November 1988 will cost an additional amount of almost £100 million in 1989-90 and almost £200 million in a full year.

40. Mr. Colin Shepherd : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security how many people will benefit from the new scheme for pensioners announced on 24 November.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : We estimate that 2.6 million individuals will benefit from the new scheme for pensioners.

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