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Mr. Peter Lloyd : The information requested on claims disallowed by adjudication officers is in the table.

Column 569

Disallowance of unemployment-related benefits made by Department of Employment adjudication officers                                   

                                   |1980     |1981     |1982     |1983     |1984     |1985     |1986     |1987     |1988<1>            


Normal idle day/Full extent normal |781      |1,183    |1,914    |1,912    |1,962    |1,773    |1,862    |1,731    |631                

Leaving employment voluntarily     |350,303  |245,779  |255,822  |261,284  |281,237  |298,208  |314,229  |328,424  |140,368            

Misconduct                         |134,870  |103,172  |96,318   |94,696   |93,847   |98,738   |99,502   |98,004   |45,769             

Payment in lieu of notice or                                                                                                           

   remuneration                    |181,578  |242,975  |232,436  |232,355  |194,643  |196,394  |215,831  |179,436  |84,102             

Delayed claim                      |83,781   |81,289   |94,754   |104,478  |109,378  |125,241  |152,212  |161,001  |73,079             

Whether unemployed                 |25,277   |31,205   |39,983   |47,596   |53,639   |56,872   |63,719   |59,167   |25,707             

Dependency                         |12,880   |12,488   |11,157   |9,411    |6,186    |5,570    |4,326    |3,333    |1,206              

Availability                       |40,835   |39,642   |52,725   |50,243   |43,465   |48,020   |61,402   |85,319   |38,141             

Engaged in employment              |27,751   |43,034   |65,350   |96,760   |84,371   |71,676   |59,361   |37,562   |12,699             

Restricted availability            |11,591   |9,804    |9,290    |6,994    |5,578    |5,660    |7,371    |16,455   |10,149             

Refusal of suitable employment     |8,963    |4,779    |2,652    |1,883    |1,965    |2,296    |3,187    |4,321    |2,938              

Premature termination of training  |447      |366      |1,274    |1,249    |9,257    |7,008    |6,322    |6,496    |2,822              

Recognised or customary holiday    |2,431    |3,218    |4,090    |5,725    |6,976    |7,254    |7,676    |7,944    |3,606              

Seasonal worker                    |3,410    |3,274    |3,995    |5,015    |5,781    |6,185    |6,658    |5,723    |1,456              

Earnings-related supplement        |940      |1,141    |22       |-        |-        |-        |-        |-        |-                  

Other                              |63,639   |68,849   |73,015   |59,626   |73,295   |75,556   |83,502   |83,903   |38,050             

                                   |-------  |-------  |-------  |-------  |-------  |-------  |-------  |-------  |-------            

Totals                             |949,477  |892,198  |943,553  |977,978  |962,323  |999,441  |1,081,394|1,078,819|480,723            

<1> Figures for 1988 are for the period 1 January 1988 to 30 June 1988 inclusive.                                                      

Mr. Cousins : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what was the number of claimants of unemployment benefit in each year since 1980 who were claimants for a second or subsequent period of unemployment benefit ; and if he will express this figure as a percentage of the total number of successful claimants of unemployment benefit in each year.

Mr. Peter Lloyd : I regret that information is not available in the form requested.

Column 570


Renewable Energy

Mr. Home Robertson : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what information he has as to the per capita expenditure on renewable energy in (a) Greece and (b) Spain ; and what was the expenditure by his Department in the comparable period.

Column 571

Mr. Michael Spicer : Per capita expenditure on renewable energy in Greece and Spain in 1987 is estimated to be around £0.43 and £0.20 respectively. Based on the Department's expenditure on renewable energy over the same period, the United Kingdom figure would be £0.26. The Department's programme is, however, a collaborative programme with industry and the generating boards, and substantial work not directly connected with our programme is under way. Taking all these expenditures into account, the per capita expenditure on renewable energy in the United Kingdom is around £0.70.

North Sea Offshore Installations

Mr. Favell : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy, further to his reply of 15 December, Official Report , column 682 , if he will undertake an assessment of whether all the parties to joint operating agreements who will ultimately be responsible for the costs of abandonment of North sea offshore installations will be able to meet their commitments ; whether sureties were taken out to ensure that there would be no cost to the taxpayer ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Morrison : One of the primary purposes of the Petroleum Act 1987 was to protect the taxpayer against the risk of the parties to joint operating agreements (the JOA parties) defaulting on their financial obligations for abandonment. The obligations upon the JOA parties are joint ; if one or more of them defaults, the others must meet the whole obligation. Further, the Secretary of State may extend the abandonment obligation to associates, including parents and subsidiaries, of the JOA parties. Once an abandonment programme has been approved, if the Secretary of State is not satisfied that a company will be capable of discharging its obligations under it, he may require the company to take such action as he may specify, for example forfeiting oil to the Government.

Sellafield (Reprocessing)

Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what are the expected total costs of the Sellafield thermal oxide reprocessing plant once completed ; and what is the estimated running costs of its first year.

Mr. Michael Spicer : The expected total cost of the thermal oxide reprocessing plant at Sellafield is some £1,800 million. It is too early to estimate precisely the running costs for its first year.

Sellafield (Radioactive Emissions)

Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what are the expected minimum and maximum levels of radioactive emissions per year from the Sellafield plant ; what type of emissions they will be ; and what radioactive levels will make up such emissions.

Mr. Michael Spicer : Discharges of radioactivity from the Sellafield plant are subject to conditions of authorisations issued by the Secretary of State for the Environment and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

The current authorisations in respect of discharges to sea and air came into force on 1 July 1986 and 1 January 1988 respectively. Both include limits on the quantities of specified radionuclides and groups of radionuclides to be

Column 572

discharged within specified periods of time. They also require the use of the best practicable means to limit the activity of the waste discharged.

BNFL publishes annual reports on radioactive discharges and monitoring of the environment. These contain full details of the types and quantities of radionuclides discharged from Sellafield (and other BNFL sites), and demonstrate compliance with the

authorisations. The most recent report, in respect of 1987, was published in November 1988 ; this is in the Library of the House.

Sellafield (Radioactive Waste)

Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy how much low, medium and high-level radioactive waste is presently stored at Sellafield ; in what form ; and what is its final destination.

Mr. Michael Spicer : At 1 January 1988 a total of 1,250 cu m of high -level waste and 33,000 cu m of intermediate-level waste were stored at Sellafield. Low-level waste is not stored, but is disposed of to the Drigg disposal site as it arises.

High-level waste is stored as a liquid in high-integrity, cooled, stainless steel storage tanks. Intermediate-level wastes, in the form of fuel element cladding, sludges, resins, flocs and other miscellaneous solid waste from reprocessing operations, are stored in tanks, silos and purpose-built stores.

It is intended to vitrify high-level waste and to encapsulate intermediate- level waste in a cement matrix for further interim storage. Both processes will commence in mid-1990.

Reprocessing contracts with overseas customers entered into since 1976 include an option to return the resulting wastes to those overseas customers and we intend that these options should be exercised. Other wastes will be disposed of in suitable geological repositories in the United Kingdom.

Energy Efficiency Office

Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy what level of funding the Energy Efficiency Office has received in the years 1985-87 inclusive.

Mr. Peter Morrison : I refer the hon. Member to the answer given to the hon. Member for Wakefield (Mr. Hinchliffe) on 8 December 1988 at column 327.

Appliances (Energy Consumption)

Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy whether he intends to introduce legislation requiring labelling of appliances and their energy consumption ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Morrison : I refer the hon. Member to the answer given to the hon. Member for Truro (Mr. Taylor) on 16 May 1988 at column 299.

Sellafield (Plutonium Discharges)

Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy, how much plutonium, in what chemical forms and by which routes, has been discharged into the Irish Sea by the Sellafield plant (a) since it began operating and (b) in each of the years since 1979.

Column 573

Mr. Michael Spicer : Liquid discharges from Sellafield contain very small quantities of nuclear materials, including plutonium. These are discharged to the sea through pipelines provided for the purpose, and are subject to conditions of authorisations granted by the Secretary of State for the Environment and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

The amount of plutonium included in these discharges since operations began in 1951 until the end of 1987 was 730 terabequerels, expressed as alpha activity.

The quantity discharged in each of the years since 1974 is as follows :

Year                    |Plutonium (alpha                               

                        |activity) terabequerels                        


1974                    |46                                             

1975                    |44                                             

1976                    |47                                             

1977                    |36                                             

1978                    |58                                             

1979                    |50                                             

1980                    |26.9                                           

1981                    |20.0                                           

1982                    |20.7                                           

1983                    |11.6                                           

1984                    |10.9                                           

1985                    |3.4                                            

1986                    |2.7                                            

1987                    |1.3                                            

Electricity Privatisation

Mr. Gardiner : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy when he will make available the regulatory framework under which the electricity supply industry in England and Wales will operate after privatisation.

Mr. Michael Spicer : I have today made copies of the draft licences available to Members of the Standing Committee considering the Electricity Bill, and placed copies in the Library of both Houses accompanied by explanatory notes. The draft licences are those for public electricity suppliers (PESs), which will be the successors to the area electricity boards, with an obligation to supply in their designated areas ; other, "second tier", suppliers who may be licensed to supply specific premises or types of premises ; generators, including independent generators and the successors to the Central Electricity Generating Board ; and the transmission company.

The licences contain conditions restricting the level of charges (for the PES and transmission companies) and providing for third parties to have access to the transmission or distribution systems of all licensees. All licences contain conditions relating to technical and operating standards, arrangements for ensuring security of fuel supply and consultation on employee health and

Column 574

safety. All except the licences for second tier suppliers and independent generators contain conditions prohibiting cross-subsidy or discrimination, and the PES licence additionally makes important provision for aspects of consumer relations and standards of service. All licensees will be required to provide information to the Director General of Electricity Supply and to pay fees to cover regulatory costs.

War-time Cremations

Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy (1) what estimates he has made of the amount of fuel to be required for war-time cremation by local authorities ;

(2) pursuant to his reply of 25 November, Official Report, column 47, how he proposes to make special provision of fuel stocks for use by local authorities for war-time cremation ; what is the nature of the fuel to be provided ; how much will be available ; and when he anticipates issuing guidance to local authorities on the matter.

Mr. Michael Spicer : These questions are hypothetical, but we anticipate no difficulty in meeting the requirements of local authorities in this matter.

Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Secretary of State for Energy when the provision of fuel stocks for use by local authorities in the carrying out of war-time cremations was last discussed at the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's petroleum planning committee ; and when the matter was last discussed with the petroleum industry's oil emergency committee.

Mr. Michael Spicer : The matter has not been discussed with the oil industry emergency committee. Discussions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation petroleum planning committee are classified.



Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list by district health authority in England and Wales the number of midwives on each grade of the previous grading structure and the number of midwives on each grade of the new grading structure, identifying separately hospital-based midwives and community midwives.

Mr. Mellor : The information which is available is given in the tables. The information which is held centrally does not identify hospital- based midwives and community midwives separately.

Column 573

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Column 581

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Region and district      Numbers transferred to                          WTE staff in   

                         each new grade                                                 

                        |D      |E      |F      |G      |H      |I      |post           



The Hospital for Sick                                                                   

   Children             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Hospitals                                                                  

   for Nervous Diseases |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Moorfields Eye Hospital |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Bethlem Royal and                                                                       

   Maudsley Hospitals   |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The National Heart and                                                                  

   Chest Hospitals      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

The Royal Marsden                                                                       

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              

Hammersmith and Queen                                                                   

   Charlotte's          |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

The Eastman Dental                                                                      

   Hospital             |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-      |-              


Total                   |-      |105.00 |15.00  |46.00  |12.00  |-      |178.00         

Mr. Randall : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many nursing, midwifery and health visiting staff from each of the old grades have been assimilated to each of the new grades in the recent clinical grading structure in Hull district health authority.

Column 594

Mr. Mellor : The information requested is given in the table.

Column 593

The new clinical grading structure for nursing, midwifery and health visitor staff                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Numbers of old clinical grades assimilated to each of the new clinical grades                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

on the basis of duties and responsibilities on 1st April 1988: Hull                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                                                                                   Numbers transferred to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

                                                                                   each new clinical grade                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Previous grade                |Old code                 |Staff in post (whole-time|A                        |B                        |C                        |D                        |E                        |F                        |G<1>                     |H                        |I                                                  



Nursing Auxiliary             |NB01/11                  |511.50                   |463.90                   |47.60                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Staff Nursery Nurse           |NB21                     |11.10                    |-                        |11.10                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Enrolled Nurse<2>             |NB31                     |474.30                   |-                        |-                        |155.70                   |303.30                   |12.80                    |1.00                     |1.50                     |-                        |-                                                  

Enrolled District Nurse<2>    |NB31                     |11.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |11.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Senior Enrolled Nurse<2>      |NB61                     |6.90                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |6.30                     |0.60                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Staff Nurse<2>                |NB41-61                  |412.50                   |-                        |-                        |-                        |36.10                    |346.40                   |28.00                    |2.00                     |-                        |-                                                  

Staff Midwife<2>              |NB61                     |27.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |27.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Deputy Sister<2>              |NB71                     |19.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |19.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Nursing Sister II<2>          |NBB1/91                  |291.40                   |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |94.70                    |188.90                   |7.80                     |-                                                  

Midwifery Sister II<2>        |NB91                     |65.50                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |65.50                    |-                        |-                                                  

District Nurse (Sister II)<2> |NB91                     |47.60                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |47.60                    |-                        |-                                                  

Nursing Sister I              |NC01                     |1.00                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |1.00                     |-                                                  

Midwifery Sister I            |NB01                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Health Visitor                |NX01                     |47.30                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |46.30                    |1.00                     |-                                                  

Senior Nurse 8                |NT01                     |28.80                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |13.80                    |15.00                                              

Senior Nurse 8 (Midwife)      |NT01                     |4.00                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |4.00                     |-                                                  

Senior Nurse 7                |NT06                     |21.90                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |21.90                                              

Senior Nurse 7 (Midwife)      |NT06                     |2.00                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |2.00                                               

Clinical Teacher              |NW01                     |2.90                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |2.90                     |-                                                  

Fieldwork Teacher             |NW01                     |12.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |12.00                    |-                                                  

Practical Work Teacher        |NB91                     |10.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |10.00                    |-                                                  

Tutor                         |NW11                     |2.00                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |2.00                                               

Tutor Midwife                 |NW11                     |3.00                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |3.00                                               


Post        Enrolled          |NB31                     |9.80                     |-                        |-                        |9.80                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Basic         Staff Nurse     |NB61                     |30.50                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |23.60                    |6.90                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

Students    Deputy Sister     |NB71                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  

                Sister II     |NB91                     |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                        |-                                                  


Others                        |NQ00                     |29.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |13.00                    |14.00                    |-                        |-                        |-                        |2.00                                               


Totals                                                  |2,082.00                 |463.90                   |58.70                    |165.50                   |393.30                   |407.70                   |142.70                   |351.80                   |52.50                    |45.90                                              

NB: Excludes some additional G' posts which health authorities have indicated they intend to create in future on existing two-sister wards.                                                                                                                                                                                                           

<2>Excludes Post Basic Students.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Northallerton Health Authority

Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) if he will place in the Library copies of the latest annual accounts and financial returns for Northallerton health authority ;

(2) if he will list in the Official Report the capital and revenue sums spent on all hospitals in the Northallerton health authority area for each of the past five years.

Mr. Mellor : Figures of revenue and capital expenditure for the Northallerton health authority are shown in the table.

For more detailed information on regional capital spending within the district and for copies of the authority's latest annual accounts and financial returns, which are generally presented to health authorities meeting in public session, I suggest the hon. Member contact the chairman of the Northallerton health authority.

Northallerton Health Authority                                                            

                   Revenue expenditure                 Capital expenditure                

                   (cash)                              (cash)                             

                  |Hospital services|Total            |Total                              

                  |£000             |£000             |£000                               


1983-84           |8,015            |11,498           |892                                

1984-85           |8,570            |12,426           |1,906                              

1985-86           |9,024            |13,017           |4,650                              

1986-87           |9,690            |14,119           |2,091                              

1987-88<1>        |10,672           |15,848           |636                                

<1>Provisional figures (ie as yet subject to audit).                                      

Source: Annual financial accounts of Northallerton Health Authority and Yorkshire         

Regional Health Authority (RHA).                                                          

Notes to the table:                                                                       

1.The total expenditure figures include expenditure on hospital, community health and     

other services.                                                                           

2.The total capital expenditure figures include sums in respect of district schemes       

recorded in the annual accounts of the Yorkshire RHA most of which relates to hospital    

services but details are not held centrally.                                              

3.Revenue and capital expenditure incurred by Yorkshire RHA for the region as a whole is  

excluded. Expenditure on family practitioner services which is accounted for by family    

practitioner committees and cannot strictly be attributed to particular districts is      

similarly excluded.                                                                       

Column 596


Mr. Fearn : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what research the Government are undertaking to discover how meningitis spreads.

Mr. Freeman : The Department of Health is funding a prospective case control study of meningococcal disease in eight west country health districts by Dr. Stanwell-Smith, Bristol and Western health authority. This study is looking at individual susceptibility to meningococcal disease.

The main agency through which the Government support medical research is the Medical Research Council (MRC), which receives its grant in aid from the Department of Education and Science. The MRC supports work into the epidemiology of meningitis at Oxford (Professor R. Moxon), and into the immunobiology of meningococcal infection at the MRC clinical research centre (Dr. Taylor-Robinson) : the latter studies could, in the longer term, provide information on the spread of the disease.

Health in Old Age

Mr. Andrew Bowden : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement of the progress of the health in old age programme ; and what plans have been made for the future funding of the programme and its three constituent parts.

Mr. Freeman : The health in old age programme is one of the several programmes run by the Health Education Authority concerned with adult and family health, and exists to encourage a positive response to old age and to support informal carers of elderly people. It gives support to the King's Fund informal carers' project, the Centre for Health and Retirement Education and the Age Well Campaign. The authority is currently considering the programme's future funding arrangements as part of its operational planning for 1989-90.

Midwives (Vacancies)

Mr. Cox : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what are the present vacancies for midwives in each of the regional health authorities covering London.

Mr. Mellor : We do not hold such information centrally.

Column 597

National Census

Mr. Macdonald : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will include a question about Gaelic and Welsh-speaking ability in any future national census to be conducted in England.

Mr. Freeman : The Government's proposals for the 1991 census in Great Britain were published in a White Paper (Cm. 430) on 19 July 1988. They do not include a question about Gaelic and Welsh-speaking ability in England.

There were many topics put forward which were considered but not included. Requests to include a question on Celtic languages throughout Great Britain and asking the Welsh language question outside Wales were excluded from the Government's proposals mainly because the arguments for including them were not considered strong enough compared with the cases for questions on other topics. The topic content of any census after 1991 will be a matter for consideration at the appropriate time.

Mr. Rooker : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if households included in the proposed test census will be informed in advance that participation is voluntary.

Mr. Freeman : Yes. An information leaflet which states that the test is voluntary, but that its success depends on co-operation, will be delivered to each household in the test areas about two weeks before the day of the test.

Mr. Rooker : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list the parliamentary constituencies affected by the test census planned for April.

Mr. Freeman : The areas selected for the 1989 census test cover parts of the following constituencies : Tooting, Wimbledon, Mitcham and Morden, Perry Barr, Small Heath, Scarborough, Edinburgh South, Edinburgh Central, East Lothian, Roxburgh and Berwickshire.

Product Licences (Parallel Imports) Scheme

Mr. David Nicholson : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what arrangements exist for the inspection of overseas manufacturing sites for products that are licensed under the Product Licences (Parallel Imports) Scheme in those European Community countries that are not a party to the pharmaceutical inspection convention.

Mr. Mellor : Overseas manufacturing sites for products which are the subject of the product licences (parallel imports) scheme are subject to inspection by the member state concerned. Where the pharmaceutical inspection convention does not apply, United Kingdom inspectors have made some informal visits in association with the local inspectorate.

Mr. David Nicholson : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many holders of licences granted under the Product Licences (Parallel Imports) Scheme also hold manufacturers' licences which enable them to re- package and re-assemble products the original packs of which are in a foreign language.

Mr. Mellor : Sixteen.

Mr. David Nicholson : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what information he has as to how many products

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granted product licences (parallel imports) are (a) dispensed in the manufacturer's original packs which contain information for patients in a foreign language and (b) have to be re- packaged by the importing wholesaler or dispensing pharmacist to overcome language problems.

Mr. Mellor : Holders of product licences (parallel imports) are required to remove any instructions containing information for patients in a foreign language unless such instructions form part of an approved multilingual leaflet including English.

Licence holders must also arrange for all products to be relabelled to comply with the United Kingdom statutory requirements for labelling of medicinal products.

All information received about alleged breaches of the above requirements will be followed up.

Disabled Persons

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Health(1) what guidance his Department has given to local authorities concerning the provision of information under section 9 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 ; and if he will make a statement ;

(2) what measures his Department is taking to ensure that information on services for disabled people under section 9 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 is made available in ethnic minority languages ; and if he will make a statement ;

(3) what measures his Department is taking to ensure that information on services for disabled people under section 9 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 is made available on tape or in braille or on sign videos ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Mellor : Local authority circular LAC(87)6, issued in March 1987, gave general guidance on section 9 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986, together with other sections implemented on 1 April 1987. Local authorities are best placed to develop information services to meet the needs of disabled people, including the provision of braille text and leaflets in ethnic minority languages when appropriate. The Department recently issued circular LASSL(88)8 to both local and health authorities which drew attention to the importance of access to information about local and national services. Copies of both circulars have been placed in the Library.

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what measures his Department is taking to monitor the implementation of section 4 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986 ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Mellor : The Department's social services inspectorate is engaged in several exercises to monitor those sections of the Act so far implemented, which include section 4.

Mr. Ashley : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how he plans to ensure that the report made by him under section 11 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986, when implemented, will be used to develop good community care practice.

Mr. Mellor : Section 11 of the Act requires that an annual report be laid before Parliament containing

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information about the development of health and social services in the community for people with a mental illness or a mental handicap, and about the numbers of such people who are receiving treatment in hospital. Copies of the report will be made available to those statutorily responsible for providing relevant services, including community care.


Sir Michael McNair-Wilson : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will publish a list of the publications and media in which AIDS warning advertisements have appeared since the inception of the campaign.

Mr. Mellor : The Government's AIDS public education campaign has comprised advertising in all the main media. The Health Education Authority, which assumed responsibility for the campaign in October 1987, has continued the practice of placing specifically targeted advertising in those parts of the media where it is most likely to achieve its particular purpose. Selected AIDS advertising has appeared in the following media since inception of the campaign : National Press

The Daily Express

The Independent

Daily Mail

Daily Mirror

Daily Record

Daily Star

Morning Star


Daily Telegraph



Sunday Express

Mail on Sunday

Sunday Mirror

News of the World


Sunday People

Sunday Times

Financial Times


London Evening Standard

Sunday Post


Capital Gay



Gay Life

Gay Times

Men Only


Square Peg

Out--The National Gay






Over 21

The Pink




T.V. Times

What Car

Regional Press

(Wolverhampton) Express and Star

Barking and Dagenham Post

Belfast Irish News

Belfast Telegraph

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