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Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence over what proportion of the land surface of the United Kingdom military low flying is permitted.

Mr. Neubert [holding answer 16 December 1988] : In principle military low flying is permitted over the whole of the United Kingdom landmass except for main conurbations, danger areas and certain other areas such as civil air traffic zones, airports, glider sites, and nuclear power stations.

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many times the military low flying management group met in 1987 to consider proposals for changes to the United Kingdom low flying system.

Mr. Neubert [holding answer 16 December 1988] : The Military low flying management group met on three occasions in 1987 to consider and discuss a variety of matters concerning the United Kingdom low flying system including proposals for minor changes to the system.

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) how many Royal Air Force police personnel are currently employed on surveying potential new areas for low flying ;

(2) if he will make a statement on the criteria and methods used by the Royal Air Force when surveying potential new areas for low flying.

Mr. Neubert [holding answer 16 December 1988] : There are currently no plans to change the basic structure of the United Kingdom low flying system implemented in 1979 although, as part of the continuous review of the system, two RAF police senior NCOs are occupied full time in the tasks referred to in my predecessor's answer to the hon. Member of 19 November 1987 at column 453, working according to the criteria set out in that answer.

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what is the approximate current land area covered by low flying area 7(T) ; and if he will list any changes made to the boundaries of this area since 1979.

Mr. Neubert [holding answer 16 December 1988] : Low flying area 7(T) covers the south west portion of the constituency of Montgomery, the north west quarter of Brecon and Radnor, the north east corner of Carmarthen and the eastern part of Ceredigion and Pembroke north. There have not been any changes to the boundaries of this area since 1979.

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence under what conditions fixed-wing military aircraft not operating from local bases are permitted to use those low-flying areas dedicated to local users.

Column 559

Mr. Neubert [holding answer 16 December 1988] : Pilots are required to obtain clearance from a co-ordinating authority before flight in a low flying area dedicated to local users.


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