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Mrs. Chalker : It remains our policy not to provide assistance to Unita although we maintain contact form time to time at official level.

European Community (Spanish Presidency)

Mr. Wells : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what information he has on the objectives which the Spanish have identified for achievment during their presidency of the European Communities.

Mrs. Chalker : Spanish objectives for achievement during their presidency were identified in the programme speech given by the Spanish Foreign Minister to the European Parliament on 17 January. They included further progress to complete the single market, social area, monetary co- operation, research and development, the environment, and the Community's external relations.

European Community (Council of Ministers)

Mr. David Shaw : To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the forthcoming business in the European Community Council of Ministers.

Mrs. Chalker : The Economic and Finance Council will meet on 13 February. The Commission is expected to present proposals for harmonising the taxation of savings. The Council may also consider a further extension of the new community instrument (NIC V), and may need to consider two own resources implementing regulations. The Agriculture Council will meet on 13 and 14 February to discuss 1989 CAP price-fixing proposals, aid for the production of grain legumes and extensification. It may also consider beef balance sheets, controls in the wine sector, and veterinary and phytosanitary harmonisation measures.

The Foreign Affairs Council, meeting on 20 and 21 February, will review progress on resolving the dispute between the EC and the United States over hormone-treated beef, discuss the EC's position for the San Jose V meeting with central American states in San Pedro de Sula, Honduras 27 and 28 February ; and adopt a position for the EC/Tunisia co-operation council, to be held in the margins of the Foreign Affairs Counil. It may also discuss : the outcome of the EC/ACP ministerial meeting in Brazzaville on 16 and 17 February, where negotiations on a successor to the present Lome convention will continue ; preparations for the EC/EFTA informal ministerial meeting to be held alongside the Foreign Affairs Council in March ; draft mandates for negotiations on trade and co-operation agreements with Poland and Bulgaria and EC/Israel purchase tax discrimination. The Fisheries Council will meet on 23 February to discuss autonomous tariff quotas and possibly the EC/USSR fish agreement. The Internal Market Council on 27 February will discuss a number of measures relevant to the completion of the single market.

Column 114


Benjamin Banks

Mr. Key : To ask the Minister for the Arts whether he will visit Salisbury in April to visit the exhibition in the museum celebrating the life and work of the eighteenth century violinist Benjamin Banks.

Mr. Luce : I will be in touch with my hon. Friend to see whether it will be possible for me to visit Salisbury in April.

Opera North

Mr. John Greenway : To ask the Minister for the Arts when he next plans to undertake a visit to Opera North.

Mr. Luce : I was sorry not to have been able to visit Opera North as part of its 10th anniversary celebrations in 1988, but I hope to attend a performance in the future.

Public Library Services

Ms. Quin : To ask the Minister for the Arts if he will give the number of responses so far received by his Department to the Green Paper on financing our public library services ; and if he will give the number of those responses in favour of the proposals and the number of those opposed.

Mr. Luce : I shall shortly be making a statement on the consultation exercise. I shall then be in a position to give a more detailed answer to this question.


EC Appointments

Mr. Galbraith : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will give the total cost of any European Economic Community appointments either in the United Kingdom or the rest of the European Economic Community paid for by the Treasury.

Mr. Brooke : Under the detached national experts scheme, Government employees from member states may be temporarily seconded to the European Commission. In such cases the member states continue to pay the basic salaries of the officials concerned.

Comprehensive information about the total cost of United Kingdom-paid salaries under this scheme is not available.

Private Medical Insurance

Mr. Carrington : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Government have any plans to introduce income tax relief on premiums for private medical insurance ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Lawson : In the White Paper "Working for Patients" (Cm 555) the Government today announced a new income tax relief on premiums for private medical insurance for those aged 60 and over. The relief will be given at the basic rate by deduction at source (in a similar way to the MIRAS arrangement for mortgagees). It will be available either where an individual aged 60 or over pays his or her own premiums on an eligible policy, or where

Column 115

someone else, such as a relative, pays on their behalf. Where higher rate relief is due, the additional amount will be given by the tax office, for example by adjustment to the PAYE code or in an assessment.

Legislation to introduce the relief will be contained in the next Finance Bill, and will take effect from 6 April 1990. I have authorised the Inland Revenue to consult the medical insurance industry urgently about the details of the relief.


Unemployment Benefit

Mr. Allen : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will make it his policy to collect information on persons whose entitlement to unemployment benefit is disallowed because they are not available for work.

Mr. Lee : Figures are compiled quarterly of the number of persons whose entitlement to unemployment benefit is disallowed because they are considered not to be available for work. They are included in the analysis of all decisions made by adjudication officers published each half-year by the Department of Social Security.

Employment Training

Mr. Leighton : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how much has been spent advertising employment training ; and how much this is per filled place.

Mr. Nicholls : A total of approximately £7 million has been spent on advertising employment training in the period July to December 1988. A total of £4.2 million of this was spent in July and August to raise employers' awareness of the importance of training, in readiness for the launch of the programme in September. Following the launch, a further £2.8 million was spent on advertising to potential trainees. So far, there have been 141,000 people training on the programme.

Construction Workers

Mr. Canavan : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many construction workers are unemployed.

Mr. Lee : Information from the labour force survey indicates that in spring 1987 there were an estimated 107,000 people in Great Britain aged 16 or over who were currently unemployed and whose last employment (within the previous three years) was as a construction worker. An occupational analysis of the Department's monthly claimant unemployment count is not available.

Disabled People

Mrs. Wise : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many registered disabled people were in employment on 1 January ; and how many were in employment five years ago.

Mr. Lee : I regret that this information is not available.

Mrs. Wise : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what percentage of employers does not

Column 116

operate the 3 per cent. quota for employing disabled people ; and how this differs from the percentage five years ago.

Mr. Lee : In 1988 a total of 76 per cent. of employers within scope of the quota scheme employed less than 3 per cent. of people registered as disabled compared with 69 per cent. in 1983. The quota scheme is being considered as part of my Department's internal review of services to the disabled.

Mrs. Wise : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what progress has been made in the last five years in achieving the employment of disabled people.

Mr. Lee : A total of 93,500 people with disabilities, including some with severe disabilities, were placed in employment through jobcentres in 1987-88 compared with 63,200 in 1983-84. Over the same period, the number of people with severe disabilities supported in the sheltered employment programme rose from 14,936 to 18,413. Support for employment and training programmes specifically for people with disabilities has generally been maintained between 1983-84 and 1987-88. At the same time, increasing attention has been given to improving access to the Department's general employment and training programmes. It is estimated that in 1987-88 some 51,000 people with disabilities were accepted on to these programmes. The Department has also given close attention to promoting the adoption by employers of positive policies towards the employment of people with disabilities--in particular through the establishment of the disablement advisory service and the publication and distribution of the code of good practice on the employment of disabled people.

Labour Statistics

Mr. Cousins : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish a table showing employment in manufacturing industry by county using the data from the last three censuses of employment ; and if he will also state the intercensal change for each county in an index form with the earliest of the three censuses of employment as the base.

Mr. Lee : The available information from censuses of employment taken in June 1978, September 1981 and September 1984 is given in the table. Because of changes in the standard industrial classification, and in the compilation of the county data, the June 1978 figures are not strictly comparable with the figures for later years. Indices using June 1978 as base cannot therefore be meaningfully calculated.

Employees in employment in manufacturing industries                          

Counties                 |June<1>     |September<2>|September<2>             


South East                                                                   

  Bedfordshire           |88.1        |71.5        |67.8                     

  Berkshire              |89.1        |85.4        |76.5                     

  Buckinghamshire        |65.3        |65.7        |66.8                     

  East Sussex            |37.5        |36.4        |32.7                     

  Essex                  |156.7       |140.4       |119.5                    

  Greater London         |768.8       |684.6       |569.0                    

  Hampshire              |166.6       |153.3       |146.7                    

  Hertfordshire          |151.5       |132.4       |118.1                    

  Isle of Wight          |10.4        |9.0         |8.8                      

  Kent                   |137.7       |118.3       |103.5                    

  Oxfordshire            |54.2        |47.6        |43.8                     

  Surrey                 |81.3        |77.4        |74.5                     

  West Sussex            |60.9        |61.1        |58.3                     


East Anglia                                                                  

  Cambridgeshire         |61.5        |60.7        |68.2                     

  Norfolk                |71.3        |63.3        |63.2                     

  Suffolk                |67.0        |61.9        |58.3                     


South West                                                                   

  Avon                   |110.4       |94.9        |89.2                     

  Cornwall               |21.3        |23.6        |22.3                     

  Devon                  |67.0        |68.9        |69.1                     

  Dorset                 |47.6        |44.3        |41.2                     

  Gloucestershire        |71.1        |65.2        |57.6                     

  Somerset               |48.2        |46.0        |45.6                     

  Wiltshire              |62.8        |52.6        |51.2                     


West Midlands                                                                

  Hereford and Worcester |76.5        |67.9        |64.3                     

  Shropshire             |39.2        |32.0        |33.0                     

  Staffordshire          |163.8       |144.3       |141.9                    

  Warwickshire           |55.5        |61.6        |56.3                     

  West Midlands          |651.0       |494.8       |413.7                    


East Midlands                                                                

  Derbyshire             |161.6       |133.2       |122.2                    

  Leicestershire         |160.5       |150.5       |140.9                    

  Lincolnshire           |50.7        |44.3        |40.7                     

  Northamptonshire       |88.6        |73.7        |69.5                     

  Nottinghamshire        |136.9       |131.5       |115.1                    


Yorkshire and Humberside                                                     

  Humberside             |110.5       |92.1        |81.9                     

  North Yorkshire        |56.1        |53.5        |49.7                     

  South Yorkshire        |206.3       |158.6       |122.4                    

  West Yorkshire         |336.2       |274.6       |230.8                    


North West                                                                   

  Cheshire               |140.5       |116.7       |105.9                    

  Greater Manchester     |443.2       |345.8       |291.3                    

  Lancashire             |210.9       |182.5       |153.6                    

  Merseyside             |203.1       |154.7       |119.8                    



  Cumbria                |69.8        |56.9        |49.6                     

  Cleveland              |93.7        |74.9        |53.3                     

  Durham                 |74.6        |62.1        |54.7                     

  Northumberland         |23.0        |19.5        |19.3                     

  Tyne and Wear          |162.4       |126.0       |99.0                     



  Clwyd                  |43.9        |33.7        |35.2                     

  Dyfed                  |23.6        |17.1        |15.9                     

  Gwent                  |65.8        |52.8        |46.1                     

  Gwynedd                |11.8        |11.5        |9.3                      

  Mid Glamorgan          |70.8        |52.5        |44.7                     

  Powys                  |5.8         |7.0         |6.9                      

  South Glamorgan        |30.0        |26.6        |25.2                     

  West Glamorgan         |57.9        |36.9        |28.8                     


Scotland (Region and Islands areas)                                          

  Borders                |14.2        |12.9        |12.6                     

  Central                |38.2        |31.1        |22.8                     

  Dumfries and Galloway  |11.7        |12.2        |11.3                     

  Fife                   |42.8        |40.0        |35.8                     

  Grampian               |36.9        |36.8        |35.2                     

  Highlands              |12.6        |12.4        |10.2                     

  Lothians               |67.2        |66.2        |55.3                     

  Strathclyde            |331.3       |249.8       |215.4                    

  Tayside                |45.5        |37.1        |32.1                     

  Orkney Islands         |0.5         |0.7         |0.5                      

  Shetland Islands       |1.1         |1.1         |1.2                      

  Western Isles          |0.9         |1.5         |1.2                      

<1> Jobcentre based information: 1968 Standard Industrial Classification (   

SIC) Orders III-XIX.                                                         

<2> Ward based information (ward boundaries as at September 1981): 1980 SIC  

Divisions 2-4.                                                               


Jobcentre and ward based aggregates are not strictly comparable. The former  

are based on an amalgamation of jobcentre areas which may not be coterminous 

with the county boundary and, unlike the ward based aggregates, they include 

no allowance for non response and undetected duplication in census returns.  

Column 119


Labour Statistics

Mr. Meacher : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish in the Official Report the unadjusted figures for December 1985 and June 1988, for each region and nationally, giving data for men and women separately and in total, of (a) the number of unemployed for each date and the percentage change between the dates, and (b) the number of employed for each date and the percentage difference between the dates in total and broken down by employees in employment, self-employment, Her Majesty's Forces and work-related government training programmes.

Mr. Lee : Table A shows the number of unemployed claimants for each region and the United Kingdom at December 1985 and June 1988, together with the percentage changes over the period. These unadjusted figures are affected by the change in the compilation of the count in March 1986 to reduce over-recording and also by seasonal influences.

Table B shows the available information for the civilian workforce in employment. Figures for Her Majesty's forces are not available below national level. Comparisons of data for December 1985 and June 1988 are affected by seasonal variations.

Table file CW890131.022 not available

Column 119

Table B                                                                 

Civilian workforce in employment, unadjusted for the effects of         

seasonal variations                                                     




South East                                                              

Employees in employment                     |4,054 |4,052 |-.0          

Self-employed<1>                            |677   |813   |20.1         

Work-related government training programmes |22    |30    |37.8         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |4,753 |4,895 |3.0          


East Anglia                                                             

Employees in employment                     |436   |483   |10.9         

Self-employed<1>                            |84    |91    |8.3          

Work-related government training programmes |4     |6     |51.6         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |524   |581   |10.8         


South West                                                              

Employees in employment                     |863   |864   |.2           

Self-employed<1>                            |190   |210   |10.5         

Work-related government training programmes |10    |15    |49.2         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,063 |1,089 |2.5          


West Midlands                                                           

Employees in employment                     |1,154 |1,172 |1.6          

Self-employed<1>                            |145   |169   |16.6         

Work-related government training programmes |13    |24    |83.6         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,311 |1,365 |4.1          


East Midlands                                                           

Employees in employment                     |843   |863   |2.4          

Self-employed<1>                            |126   |149   |18.3         

Work-related government training programmes |11    |15    |33.9         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |980   |1,027 |4.8          


Yorkshire and Humberside                                                

Employees in employment                     |1,002 |986   |-1.6         

Self-employed<1>                            |163   |184   |12.9         

Work-related government training programmes |13    |24    |93.1         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,178 |1,194 |1.4          


North West                                                              

Employees in employment                     |1,234 |1,185 |-4.0         

Self-employed<1>                            |195   |216   |10.8         

Work-related government training programmes |15    |29    |100.0        

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,444 |1,430 |-1.0         



Employees in employment                     |604   |605   |.3           

Self-employed<1>                            |79    |80    |1.3          

Work-related government training programmes |9     |18    |112.7        

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |691   |704   |1.8          



Employees in employment                     |491   |477   |-2.8         

Self-employed<1>                            |116   |108   |-6.9         

Work-related government training programmes |7     |13    |90.2         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |614   |598   |-2.5         



Employees in employment                     |1,031 |996   |-3.5         

Self-employed<1>                            |158   |157   |-.6          

Work-related government training programmes |12    |25    |111.9        

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,201 |1,177 |-2.0         


Northern Ireland                                                        

Employees in employment                     |269   |262   |-2.5         

Self-employed<1>                            |53    |53    |-.2          

Work-related government training programmes |6     |5     |-11.4        

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |327   |320   |-2.3         


United Kingdom                                                          

Employees in employment                     |1,980 |11,945|-.3          

Self-employed<1>                            |1,982 |2,228 |12.4         

HM forces                                   |307   |300   |-2.5         

Work-related government training programmes |120   |205   |70.2         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Workforce in employment                     |14,390|14,678|2.0          



South East                                                              

Employees in employment                     |3,311 |3,516 |6.2          

Self-employed<1>                            |227   |274   |20.7         

Work-related government training programmes |16    |21    |26.1         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |3,554 |3,811 |7.2          


East Anglia                                                             

Employees in employment                     |314   |351   |11.6         

Self-employed<1>                            |26    |43    |65.4         

Work-related government training programmes |3     |4     |23.9         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |343   |398   |15.8         


South West                                                              

Employees in employment                     |685   |735   |7.2          

Self-employed<1>                            |64    |77    |20.3         

Work-related government training programme  |8     |10    |28.7         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |757   |822   |8.6          


West Midlands                                                           

Employees in employment                     |871   |924   |6.1          

Self-employed<1>                            |41    |47    |14.6         

Work-related government training programmes |11    |18    |62.5         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |923   |989   |7.1          


East Midlands                                                           

Employees in employment                     |660   |696   |5.6          

Self-employed<1>                            |36    |48    |33.3         

Work-related government training programmes |9     |10    |14.7         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |705   |755   |7.1          


Yorkshire & Humberside                                                  

Employees in employment                     |792   |833   |5.2          

Self-employed<1>                            |56    |64    |14.3         

Work-related government training programmes |11    |16    |50.9         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |859   |913   |6.3          


North West                                                              

Employees in employment                     |1,062 |1,079 |1.6          

Self-employed<1>                            |72    |73    |1.4          

Work-related government training programmes |13    |20    |53.3         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,147 |1,172 |2.2          



Employees in employment                     |476   |500   |4.9          

Self-employed<1>                            |26    |32    |23.1         

Work-related government training programmes |8     |12    |52.8         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |510   |544   |6.6          



Employees in employment                     |381   |396   |3.9          

Self-employed<1>                            |34    |46    |35.3         

Work-related government training programmes |6     |8     |36.2         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |421   |450   |6.9          



Employees in employment                     |866   |892   |3.1          

Self-employed<1>                            |45    |45    |0.0          

Work-related government training programmes |9     |17    |85.3         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |920   |954   |3.7          


Northern Ireland                                                        

Employees in employment                     |233   |235   |0.8          

Self-employed<1>                            |7     |7     |-1.8         

Work-related government training programmes |3     |3     |-16.7        

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |244   |245   |0.4          


United Kingdom                                                          

Employees in employment                     |9,653 |10,158|5.2          

Self-employed<1>                            |636   |757   |18.9         

HM Forces                                   |16    |16    |-0.6         

Work-related government training programmes |97    |138   |42.4         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Workforce in employment                     |10,402|11,069|6.4          



South East                                                              

Employees in employment                     |7,365 |7,568 |2.8          

Self-employed<1>                            |904   |1,087 |20.2         

Work-related government training programmes |38    |50    |32.8         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |8,307 |8,705 |4.8          


East Anglia                                                             

Employees in employment                     |750   |834   |11.2         

Self-employed<1>                            |110   |134   |21.8         

Work-related government training programmes |7     |10    |39.7         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |867   |978   |12.8         


South West                                                              

Employees in employment                     |1,548 |1,599 |3.3          

Self-employed<1>                            |254   |287   |13.0         

Work-related government training programmes |18    |25    |40.2         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,819 |1,911 |5.0          


West Midlands                                                           

Employees in employment                     |2,025 |2,096 |3.5          

Self-employed<1>                            |186   |216   |16.1         

Work-related government training programmes |24    |41    |74.0         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |2,235 |2,354 |5.3          


East Midlands                                                           

Employees in employment                     |1,502 |1,559 |3.8          

Self-employed<1>                            |162   |197   |21.6         

Work-related government training programmes |21    |26    |25.4         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,685 |1,782 |5.7          


Yorkshire and Humberside                                                

Employees in employment                     |1,795 |1,819 |1.4          

Self-employed<1>                            |219   |248   |13.2         

Work-related government training programmes |23    |40    |73.8         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |2,037 |2,108 |3.5          


North West                                                              

Employees in employment                     |2,297 |2,264 |-1.4         

Self-employed<1>                            |267   |289   |8.2          

Work-related government training programmes |28    |49    |77.9         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |2,591 |2,603 |0.4          



Employees in employment                     |1,080 |1,105 |2.3          

Self-employed<1>                            |105   |112   |6.7          

Work-related government training programmes |17    |30    |84.0         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,202 |1,248 |3.8          



Employees in employment                     |872   |874   |0.2          

Self-employed<1>                            |150   |154   |2.7          

Work-related government training programmes |12    |21    |65.8         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |1,035 |1,048 |1.3          



Employees in employment                     |1,897 |1,888 |-0.5         

Self-employed<1>                            |203   |202   |-0.5         

Work-related government training programmes |21    |41    |100.2        

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |2,121 |2,131 |0.5          


Northern Ireland                                                        

Employees in employment                     |502   |497   |-1.0         

Self-employed<1>                            |60    |60    |-0.4         

Work-related government training programmes |9     |8     |-13.4        

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Civilian workforce in employment            |571   |565   |-1.1         


United Kingdom                                                          

Employees in employment                     |21,632|22,103|2.2          

Self-employed<1>                            |2,619 |2,985 |14.0         

Her Majesty's Forces                        |323   |316   |-2.4         

Work-related government training programmes |217   |343   |57.8         

                                            |----- |----- |-----        

Workforce in employment                     |24,792|25,746|3.9          

<1> Self-employed figures for June 1988 are projections.                

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will indicate for each year since 1979 and for each country and region of the United Kingdom (a) the number of female employees in employment, (b) the number of females in full-time employment, (c) the number of females in part-time employment ; and if he will express (c) as a percentage of (a) .

Mr. Lee [pursuant to his reply, 26 January 1989, c. 742] : I regret that my reply of 26 January 1989 contained an error in referring to the data for Northern Ireland. Estimates of full and part-time employment for Northern Ireland are made, but only at census of employment dates and the data for female employees in employment are set out in the table :

                       |September 1981|September 1984               


All                    |224           |229                          

Of which full-time     |147           |147                          

Part-time              |78            |81                           

Part-time employees as                                              

   percentage of all                                                

   employees           |34.8          |35.6                         

Employment Training (Child Care Allowance)

Mr. Meacher : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment if he will now make the child care allowance, previously confined to single parents on employment training, available to all trainees with children.

Mr. Nicholls [holding answer 30 January 1989] : My right hon. Friend is considering the implications of the recent industrial tribunal decision about the arrangements for making child care payments in employment training.

Women With Children

Mr. Madden : To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what help is available to women with children, who wish to undertake a course of training, who are not registered as unemployed and who cannot afford a child minder ; what training courses are available ; and what support is available to enable such women to undertake training.

Mr. Nicholls : [holding answer 20 January 1989] : Women aged 18 to 59 in the circumstances described are eligible for the full range of training opportunities under employment training if they are : (a) returning to the labour market after an absence of two years or more for domestic reasons ;

(b) the partner of someone who is claiming benefit for them as a dependant and satisfies the eligibility rules for Employment Training ;

(c) eeking training in enterprise, or for skill shortage occupations or require help with English as a Second Language or have a disability ; or

(d) a lone parent on an Income Support Order Book for at least 6 months and whose youngest child is of school age.

Column 128

All trainees on employment training receive a weekly allowance equivalent to any state benefit entitlement before starting the programme plus at least £10 and help with travel costs over £5 per week. All lone parents on the programme are entitled to child care assistance of up to £50 per week per child. Women trainees may also be able to attend part-time where they have continuing domestic commitments which prevent full-time participation.

The full range of YTS opportunities is also available to women in a similar position and who are under the age of 18 and who satisfy the normal eligibility rules. YTS trainees are entitled to an alowance of £29.50 per week rising to £35 per week in the second year.


European Reprocessing Plant

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he will make an announcement on the planning application for the European demonstration reprocessing plant.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : My right hon. and learned Friend is still considering the report of the public local inquiry into the proposed development and he is not yet in a position to predict a date for the announcement of his decision.

Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list the sites and hectarages of sites for which compensation payments are made under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 to prevent damage to areas of special conservation interest and the sums of compensation paid in each case.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : Compensation payments under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 are made by the NCC, which is the responsibility of the Secretary of State for the Environment. Details of individual sites and payments are confidential, but data on the numbers and costs of such payments are published in the council's annual report, copies of which are in the Library.

Greater Glasgow Health Board

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what methods are used by him to gauge public opinion on the competence of the board and general manager of Greater Glasgow health board.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : I have recently commissioned a market research study of the National Health Service in Scotland. The sample size will enable some analysis of opinion at board level to be undertaken.

Column 129

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will list the non-hospital properties currently owned by the Greater Glasgow health board ; and what is the board's assessment of their total value.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : Greater Glasgow health board currently administers over 400 non-hospital properties of which it estimates the total value to be about £14.5 million.

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many empty dwelling houses are owned by Greater Glasgow health board.

Column 130

Mr. Michael Forsyth : The board is responsible for 71 such properties, of which 47 are in process of being sold.

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many consultants are employed by Greater Glasgow health board ; if he will give a breakdown by hospital and specialty ; and if he will show how many of the consultants by specialty are employed on a full-time or part-time basis.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : The latest available information is shown in the table below.

Column 129

Hospital medical and dental consultants in Greater Glasgow Health Board; by hospital, specialty and type of contract                                                        

Number at 30 September 1987                                                                                                                                                 

Location and specialty            |Whole time            |Maximum part time     |Part time             |Honorary              |Total all                                    


Health Board HQ                                                                                                                                                             

Occupational health               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            


Clinics East District                                                                                                                                                       

Orthodon and paeditric dentistry  |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

STD                               |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Forensic psychiatry               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |3                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            


Belvidere Hospital                                                                                                                                                          

Orthopaedic surgery               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Dermatology                       |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Respiratory medicine              |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Radiotherapy                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Haematology                       |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |5                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |6                                            


Canniesburn Hospital                                                                                                                                                        

Ophthalmology                     |0                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Plastic surgery                   |0                     |4                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Oral surgery and medicine         |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Pathology                         |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |2                     |7                     |0                     |0                     |9                                            


Duke Street Hospital                                                                                                                                                        

Psychiatry-mentally ill           |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Psychotherapy                     |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |3                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            


Gartloch Hospital                                                                                                                                                           

Psychiatry-mentally Ill           |4                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |4                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            


Glasgow Dental Hospital                                                                                                                                                     

Orthodon and Paediatric Dentistry |2                     |0                     |0                     |4                     |6                                            

Oral Surgery and Medicine         |4                     |0                     |0                     |9                     |13                                           

Restorative Dentistry             |3                     |0                     |0                     |9                     |12                                           

Pathology                         |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |9                     |0                     |0                     |23                    |32                                           


Glasgow Royal Infirmary                                                                                                                                                     

General Surgery                   |7                     |1                     |0                     |4                     |12                                           

Orthopaedic Surgery               |2                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Ent Surgery                       |1                     |2                     |0                     |1                     |4                                            

Urology                           |2                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Cardiothoracic Surgery            |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |3                                            

General Medicine                  |5                     |0                     |0                     |7                     |12                                           

Cardiology                        |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |2                                            

Endocrin and Diabetes             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Neurology                         |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Dermatology                       |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Nephrology                        |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Rheumatology                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Respiratory Medicine              |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

STD                               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Radiodiagnosis                    |4                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            

Radiotherapy                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Medical Oncology                  |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Anaesthetics                      |14                    |4                     |0                     |4                     |22                                           

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |4                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |5                                            

Accident and Emergency            |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Haematology                       |4                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Pathology                         |3                     |0                     |0                     |3                     |6                                            

Clinical Chemistry                |2                     |0                     |1                     |2                     |5                                            

Microbiology                      |3                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |5                                            

Immunology                        |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Virology                          |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |66                    |12                    |1                     |28                    |107                                          


Glasgow Royal Maternity                                                                                                                                                     

Medical Paediatrics               |2                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |2                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |3                                            

Pathology                         |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |5                     |1                     |0                     |1                     |7                                            


Lightburn Hospital                                                                                                                                                          

Geriatric Medicine                |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            


Lennox Castle Hospital                                                                                                                                                      

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            


Ruchill Hospital                                                                                                                                                            

General Medicine                  |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Respiratory Medicine              |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Communicable Disease              |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Pathology                         |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

Microbiology                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Virology                          |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |6                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |8                                            


Stobhill Hospital                                                                                                                                                           

General Surgery                   |4                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |6                                            

Orthopaedic Surgery               |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Ent-Surgery                       |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Ophthalmology                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Urology                           |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

General Medicine                  |4                     |0                     |0                     |4                     |8                                            

Cardiology                        |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Clin Pharm and Therap             |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

Dermatology                       |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Nephrology                        |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Respiratory Medicine              |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Radiodiagnosis                    |3                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Medical Oncology                  |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

Paediatric Surgery                |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Medical Paediatrics               |2                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Anaesthetics                      |8                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |10                                           

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |4                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |6                                            

Geriatric Medicine                |5                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |6                                            

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |4                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Haematology                       |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Pathology                         |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Clinical Chemistry                |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Microbiology                      |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |54                    |12                    |0                     |7                     |73                                           


Woodilee Hospital                                                                                                                                                           

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |6                     |0                     |3                     |0                     |9                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |6                     |0                     |3                     |0                     |9                                            


Leverndale Hospital                                                                                                                                                         

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |6                     |0                     |1                     |0                     |7                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |6                     |0                     |1                     |0                     |7                                            


Mearnskirk General Hospital                                                                                                                                                 

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            


Total                             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            


Philipshill Hospital                                                                                                                                                        

General Medicine                  |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            


Total                             |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            


Royal Samaritan Hospital                                                                                                                                                    

Neurology                         |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            


Total                             |2                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            


Victoria Infirmary                                                                                                                                                          

General Surgery                   |4                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |6                                            

Orthopaedic Surgery               |1                     |4                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            

ENT Surgery                       |1                     |3                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Urology                           |0                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

General Medicine                  |3                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            

Endocrin and Diabetes             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Dermatology                       |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Respiratory Medicine              |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Radiodiagnosis                    |4                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Anaesthetics                      |10                    |2                     |0                     |0                     |12                                           

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Accident and Emergency            |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Haematology                       |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Pathology                         |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Clinical Chemistry                |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Microbiology                      |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            


Total                             |33                    |17                    |0                     |0                     |50                                           


Victoria Infirmary Geriatric Unit                                                                                                                                           

Geriatric Medicine                |3                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Haematology                       |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |5                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |6                                            


Rutherglen Maternity Hospital                                                                                                                                               

Medical Paediatrics               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |2                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            


Clinics: South West District                                                                                                                                                

Forensic Psychiatry               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            


Southern General Hospital                                                                                                                                                   

General Surgery                   |2                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Orthopaedic Surgery               |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Ophtahlmology                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Urology                           |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Neurosurgery                      |4                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |6                                            

General Medicine                  |5                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |7                                            

Cardiology                        |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Neurology                         |2                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |3                                            

Respiratory Medicine              |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

STD                               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Radiodiagnosis                    |5                     |1                     |0                     |1                     |7                                            

Medical Paediatrics               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Anaesthetics                      |11                    |2                     |2                     |0                     |15                                           

Obstetrics and Gynae              |3                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            

Geriatric Medicine                |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |4                     |1                     |0                     |2                     |7                                            

Psychotherapy                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Forensic Psychiatry               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Haematology                       |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Pathology                         |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |3                                            

Microbiology                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |54                    |11                    |2                     |8                     |75                                           


Clinics; Western District                                                                                                                                                   

Forensic Psychiatry               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            


Gartnavel General Hospital                                                                                                                                                  

General Surgery                   |5                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |6                                            

E.N.T.                            |0                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Ophthalmology                     |2                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Radioadiagnosis                   |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Medical Oncology                  |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |2                                            

Geriatric Medicine                |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Psychotherapy                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Child Psychiatry                  |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Microbiology                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |15                    |3                     |0                     |2                     |20                                           


Gartnavel Royal Hospital                                                                                                                                                    

Geriatric Medicine                |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Psychiatry-Mentally Ill           |4                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            

Psychotherapy                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |6                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |7                                            


Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital                                                                                                                                                

Homeopathy                        |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |1                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            


Knightswood Hospital                                                                                                                                                        

General Medicine                  |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Respiratory Medicine              |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Geriatric Medicine                |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            


RHSC Drumchapel                                                                                                                                                             

Medical Daediatrics               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Clinical Chemistry                |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |2                                            


Royal Hospital for Sick Children                                                                                                                                            

Orthopaedic Surgery               |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Cardiothoracic Surgery            |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Dermatology                       |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Radiodiagnosis                    |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Paediatric Surgery                |4                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |5                                            

Medical Paediatrics               |7                     |0                     |0                     |3                     |10                                           

Anaesthetics                      |4                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |4                                            

Child Psychiatry                  |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Psychiatry-Mentally Handicapped   |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

Haematology                       |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Pathology                         |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Clinical Genetics                 |1                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |2                                            

Microbiology                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |31                    |0                     |0                     |6                     |37                                           


Queen Mother's Hospital                                                                                                                                                     

Radiodiagnosis                    |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Medical Paediatrics               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |3                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |5                                            

Clinical Genetics                 |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            

Total                             |5                     |2                     |0                     |1                     |8                                            


Glasgow Western Infirmary                                                                                                                                                   

General Surgery                   |1                     |0                     |0                     |5                     |6                                            

Orthopaedic Surgery               |3                     |2                     |0                     |2                     |7                                            

ENT Surgery                       |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Ophthalmology                     |3                     |1                     |0                     |3                     |7                                            

Urology                           |0                     |2                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Cardiothoracic Surgery            |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Plastic Surgery                   |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

General Medicine                  |6                     |1                     |0                     |11                    |18                                           

Cardiology                        |3                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                                            

Neurology                         |2                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |3                                            

Dermatology                       |1                     |1                     |0                     |2                     |4                                            

Nephrology                        |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Rheumatology                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Respiratory Medicine              |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Radiodiagnosis                    |3                     |3                     |0                     |0                     |6                                            

Radiotherapy                      |6                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |8                                            

Medical Oncology                  |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

Medical Paediatrics               |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

Anaesthetics                      |17                    |1                     |0                     |1                     |19                                           

Obstetrics and Gynaecology        |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |2                                            

Haematology                       |2                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                                            

Pathology                         |2                     |0                     |0                     |11                    |13                                           

Clinical Chemistry                |0                     |0                     |1                     |0                     |1                                            

Microbiology                      |0                     |0                     |0                     |3                     |3                                            

Immunology                        |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                     |1                                            

Virology                          |0                     |0                     |0                     |2                     |2                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            


Total                             |58                    |11                    |1                     |47                    |117                                          


Beatson Oncology Centre                                                                                                                                                     

Radiotherapy                      |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |--                                           


Total                             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            


Glasgow Eye Infirmary                                                                                                                                                       

Ophthalmology                     |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                     |-                                            


Total                             |1                     |0                     |0                     |0                     |1                                            

                                  |--                    |--                    |--                    |--                    |--                                           

Total                             |397                   |85                    |8                     |127                   |617                                          

Note: The data collection system used to provide these data records the main location of each consultant. (S)he may work in different subsidiary locations. This table does 

not reflect the distribution of consultant sessions by subsidiary locations.                                                                                                

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what criteria have been employed by Greater Glasgow health board in the conduct of the review of accident and emergency services in the city of Glasgow.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : Greater Glasgow health board is applying a wide range of criteria including the location of services, the different procedures followed at these locations, the staffing levels, and the usage. The review which is still in progress is intended to ensure that these services are delivered effectively.

Southern general hospital

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many non-medical staff are employed at the Southern general hospital ; and if he will give a breakdown by department or category ; and if he will give comparable figures for the past three years.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : The non-medical staff whose main work location is the Southern general hospital are shown in the table.

Column 138

Non-Medical staff located at the Southern general hospital Glasgow:                                           

at 30 September                                                                                               

                      |1985                 |1986                 |1987                                       

                      |Whole-time equivalent|Whole-time equivalent|Whole-time equivalent                      


Nursing and                                                                                                   

   Midwifery          |1,075.4              |1,045.5              |1,072.3                                    

Trainee Nurses        |208.0                |173.0                |165.0                                      

Scientific            |3.0                  |4.0                  |4.0                                        

Paramedical           |103.6                |104.2                |109.4                                      

Technical             |62.2                 |59.6                 |43.2                                       

Works                 |5.0                  |6.0                  |6.0                                        


   and Clerical       |236.4                |231.2                |223.3                                      

Ancillary             |512.3                |493.8                |494.4                                      

Tradesmen             |78.0                 |77.0                 |75.0                                       

Pharmacists           |14.0                 |15.0                 |15.0                                       

                      |-------              |-------              |-------                                    

Total                 |2,297.9              |2,209.3              |2,207.6                                    

Only learner nurses' time spent in giving service contribution to the hospital is included.                   

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many cases have been treated at the Southern general accident and emergency unit in each of the past five years.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : The information requested is set out in the table.

Column 139


Patients treated as accident and emergency at the Southern general                                                      


Year ending 31 March    |Inpatient discharges<1>|Day cases              |Outpatient attendances                         


1984                    |706                    |98                     |40,378                                         

1985                    |616                    |105                    |41,727                                         

1986                    |658                    |23                     |41,313                                         

1987                    |662                    |99                     |42,598                                         

1988                    |760                    |84                     |42,639                                         

<1> Including deaths and transfers out.                                                                                 

Health Boards (Property Disposals)

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland whether health boards have discretion to take into account factors other than the highest offer when deciding on disposal of heritable property.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : Where surplus Health Service land is offered for sale, the sellers are not bound to accept the highest, or any, offer. All offers received are considered in their entirety, taking into account not only their monetary value but any conditions and any other relevant information. The decision on which offer is the best is made in the light of expert professional advice from the district valuer and the selling agent.

Gross Domestic Product

Mr. Dewar : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the average gross domestic product per head in Scotland.

Mr. Rifkind : The provisional estimate of Scottish gross domestic product at factor cost for 1987 is £5,725 per head of population.

Average Wages

Mr. Dewar : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the average weekly wage for (a) full-time and (b) part-time (i) male and (ii) female workers in Scotland.

Mr. Rifkind : The information requested is given in the table. It has been derived from the new earnings survey, which is conducted by the Department of Employment in April each year, and covers a 1 per cent. sample of employees who are members of PAYE schemes.

Average gross weekly earnings of employees on adult rates<1>                         

Scotland, April 1988   £/week<2>                                                     

Male full-time   |Male part-time  |Female full-time|Female part-time                 


233.3            |57.8            |152.2           |62.4                             

<1> Excluding those whose pay for the survey pay-period was affected by absence.     

<2> All figures are subject to sampling errors.                                      

Column 140

Industry Act

Mr. Dewar : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what are the latest figures for the amount of special assistance granted under the Industry Act in Scotland.

Mr. Rifkind : The figures are contained in the annual report of the "Industrial Development Act 1982". The most recent report for the year ended 31 March 1988 was presented to the House on 28 July 1988.

Gross Domestic Fixed Capital

Mr. Dewar : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) what are the present levels of gross domestic fixed capital formation in Scotland ; and what is the percentage change over (a) the last year and (b) 1978-79, in cash and real terms ;

(2) what is the gross domestic fixed capital formation in Scotland as a percentage of gross domestic product (E) for each year since 1959.

Mr. Rifkind : Estimates of gross domestic fixed capital formation (GDFCF) for Scotland, prepared by the Central Statistical Office, are available only for agriculture, forestry and fishing, energy and water supply, manufacturing, transport and communications (excluding shipping and air transport), together with dwellings. In 1986 these sectors accounted for 57 per cent. of United Kingdom GDFCF (excluding the continental shelf region).

Changes between 1978 and 1986 and between 1985 and 1986, are set out in Table 1A. Owing to methodological and classification changes, there is slight discontinuity in the series in 1980.

Table 1B gives GDFCF in Scotland for those industries for which it is available as a percentage of Scottish gross domestic product (GDP) at factor cost for a broadly equivalent group of industries. In addition, alternative estimates including investment in dwellings are given as a percentage of total GDP. The GDP estimates are based on income GDP(I) at factor cost ; there are no expenditure-based estimates (GDP(E)) for Scotland.

Table 1B                                                    

           GDFCF in certain    GDFCF in certain             

           industries<1>as a   industries<1> and            

           percentage of GDP indwellings as a               

           equivalent industriepercentage of total          

                     GDP<4> at factor cost                  

          |Old basis|New basis|Old basis|New basis          


1971      |20.1     |-        |14.7     |-                  

1972      |19.3     |-        |13.7     |-                  

1973      |19.4     |-        |14.0     |-                  

1974      |22.8     |-        |16.9     |-                  

1975      |26.6     |-        |17.8     |-                  

1976      |25.0     |-        |17.2     |-                  

1977      |23.6     |-        |16.0     |-                  

1978      |24.4     |-        |16.1     |-                  

1979      |24.1     |-        |16.1     |-                  

1980      |26.5     |26.9     |16.1     |16.0               

1981      |-        |23.3     |-        |14.1               

1982      |-        |20.6     |-        |13.0               

1983      |-        |18.9     |-        |12.0               

1984      |-        |20.2     |-        |12.6               

1985      |-        |20.9     |-        |12.6               

1986      |-        |18.3     |-        |11.4               

<1> Agriculture, forestry and fishing; energy and water     

supply; manufacturing; transport and communication (        

excluding shipping and air transport).                      

<2> Using United Kingdom deflators for the relevant sectors 

and dwellings-such deflators are likely to be particularly  

unreliable for dwellings.                                   

<3> GDP(I) for the industries listed at footnote <1> and    

also including shipping and air transport. The difference   

in the basis of comparison leads to a likely slight         

understatement of the GDFCF share of about 0.3 percentage   


<4> GDP for the whole economy, including industries for     

which no GDFCF estimates are available.                     

Table 1B                                                    

           GDFCF in certain    GDFCF in certain             

           industries<1>as a   industries<1> and            

           percentage of GDP indwellings as a               

           equivalent industriepercentage of total          

                     GDP<4> at factor cost                  

          |Old basis|New basis|Old basis|New basis          


1971      |20.1     |-        |14.7     |-                  

1972      |19.3     |-        |13.7     |-                  

1973      |19.4     |-        |14.0     |-                  

1974      |22.8     |-        |16.9     |-                  

1975      |26.6     |-        |17.8     |-                  

1976      |25.0     |-        |17.2     |-                  

1977      |23.6     |-        |16.0     |-                  

1978      |24.4     |-        |16.1     |-                  

1979      |24.1     |-        |16.1     |-                  

1980      |26.5     |26.9     |16.1     |16.0               

1981      |-        |23.3     |-        |14.1               

1982      |-        |20.6     |-        |13.0               

1983      |-        |18.9     |-        |12.0               

1984      |-        |20.2     |-        |12.6               

1985      |-        |20.9     |-        |12.6               

1986      |-        |18.3     |-        |11.4               

<1> Agriculture, forestry and fishing; energy and water     

supply; manufacturing; transport and communication (        

excluding shipping and air transport).                      

<2> Using United Kingdom deflators for the relevant sectors 

and dwellings-such deflators are likely to be particularly  

unreliable for dwellings.                                   

<3> GDP(I) for the industries listed at footnote <1> and    

also including shipping and air transport. The difference   

in the basis of comparison leads to a likely slight         

understatement of the GDFCF share of about 0.3 percentage   


<4> GDP for the whole economy, including industries for     

which no GDFCF estimates are available.                     

National Health Service (Expenditure)

Mr. Amess : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what was the total Health Service expenditure per head of population in Scotland for each of the last two years ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : Total gross expenditure on the National Health Service in Scotland per head of population in 1986-87 was £418 and in 1987-88 £457. The corresponding figure for 1988-89 is expected to be £504.

As my right hon. and learned Friend announced on 13 December we plan to spend some £2,683 million on the National Health Service in Scotland next year. This will result in an increase in real terms of about 32 per cent. over the level of expenditure in 1979-80. These figures clearly demonstrate the Government's commitment to the continued development and improvement of health services in Scotland.

National Health Service Beds

Mr. Amess : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what is the total number of staffed National Health Service beds in Scotland per 1,000 people.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : 10.7.

Colleges of Education (Staff)

Mrs. Margaret Ewing : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many teaching staff vacancies in Scottish colleges of education have been filled by permanent appointment in the academic session 1987-88 and in session 1988-89 to date.

Mr. Michael Forsyth : The number of teaching staff vacancies in the colleges filled by temporary secondments is as follows :

                                   |(a)                   |(b)                                          

                                   |from primary schools  |from secondary schools                       


Academic session 1987-88           |12                    |14                                           

Academic session 1988-89 (to date) |13                    |15                                           

Mrs. Margaret Ewing : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland how many teaching staff vacancies in Scottish colleges of education have been filled by temporary secondments from (a) primary, and (b) secondary schools in the academic session 1987-88 and in session 1988-89 to date.

Column 142

Mr. Michael Forsyth : Among teaching staff for teacher training courses, nine vacancies in session 1987-88 and so far 13 vacancies in session 1988-89 have been filled by permanent appointment.

Home Condition Survey

Mr. Wray : To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he intends to order a house condition survey in Scotland.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton : I have, as yet, nothing further to add to the answers which I gave to the hon. Member for East Lothian (Mr. Home Robertson) on 2 November 1987, column 431, and again on 13 May 1988 at column 279 and the hon. Member for Angus, East (Mr. Welsh) on 8 March 1988 at column 85.

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