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Column 157

*Salvation Army [Lords]

*Scottish Widows' Fund and Life Assurance Society

*Southern Water Authority [Lords]

*Standard Life Assurance Company

Stevenage Development Authority

*United Reformed Church Lion Walk Colchester ( changed from United Reformed Church (Lion Walk Colchester) )

*Wesley's Chapel, City Road

Bills presented after 27 November 1980

*Allied Irish Banks

*Barnsley Borough Council

*British Railways (No. 2)

*British Railways (Pension Schemes)

*British Railways (Victoria) [Lords]

*British Transport Docks

*Charterhouse Japhet

*County of Avon [Lords]

*Cumbria [Lords]

*Greater London Council (General Powers)

*Greater London Council (Money)

*Great Yarmouth Borough Council [Lords]


*Lloyd's Bank

*London Transport

*Milford Docks [Lords]

*Northumbrian Water Authority

*Peterborough Development Corporation [Lords]

*Preston Borough Council [Lords]

*Sion College [Lords]

*South Yorkshire (Late Bill)

*United Reformed Church [Lords]

United Reformed Church (Slough) [Lords]

*Wallerawang Collieries, Limited [Lords]

*Whitehaven Harbour

Yarmouth (Isle of Wight) Pier

Bills presented after 27 November 1981

Alexandra Park and Palace

*British Railways

*British Railways (Liverpool Street Station)

*British Transport Docks

*British Waterways [Lords]

*Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited (Merger) [Lords] (Late Bill)

*Cornwall County Council [Lords]

*County of Lancashire [Lords]

*Derwent Valley Railway [Lords]

*East Lindsey District Council [Lords]

*Epsom and Walton Downs Regulation [Lords]

*Feltham Station Area Redevelopment (Longford River)

*Greater London Council (General Powers) (No. 2)

*Grater London Council (Money)

*Hampshire [Lords]

*Hertsmere Borough Council (Rowley Lane)

*Hong Kong and China Gas Company plc Bill [Lords] (changed from Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited Bill [Lords] *Hugh Small and Norma Small (Marriage Enabling) [Lords] *John Francis Dare and Gillian Loder Dare (Marriage Enabling) [Lords]

*London Transport (General Powers)

*London Transport (Liverpool Street)

Norwich City Council [Lords]

*Nottingham County Council [Lords]

*Port of London

*Saint Thomas' Burial Ground (Southwark)

*Severn-Trent Water Authority

*Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council [Lords]

*Southern Water Authority

Swindford Bridge [Lords]

*Tees and Harlepool Port Authority

*Thomas Brown and Sons, Limited [Lords]

*West Yorkshire (Parking and Transport)

Bills presented after 27 November 1982

*Ashridge (Bonar Law Memorial) Trust

Column 158

*British Railways

*Commons Registration (Glamorgan)

*Dartford Tunnel [Lords]

Ginns and Gutteridge, Leicester (Crematorium)

Greater London Council (General Powers)

*Greater London Council (Money)

*King's College London [Lords]

*Kingston upon Hull [Lords]

*Lloyds Bowmaker [Lords]

*London Docklands Railway

*Milford Haven Conservancy

*Parkeston Quay [Lords]

*Pwllheli Harbour [Lords]

*Staffordshire [Lords]

*Standard Chartered Merchant Bank (late Bill)

Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority

*Tor Bay Harbour (Torquay Marina &c.) changed from Tor Bay Harbour (Torquay Marina etc.)

Bills presented after 27 November 1983

*Alexandra Park and Palace

*Anglian Water Authority (King's Lynn Tidal Defences) *Associated British Ports (No. 2)

*Aylesbury Vale District Council [Lords]

*Barclays Bank

*Bournemouth Borough Council [Lords]

*British Railways (No. 2)

*Cardiff City Council

*Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School [Lords] *Dartmoor Commons

*Derwent Valley Railway [Lords]

*Greater London Council (General Powers)

*Greater London Council (Money) (No. 2)

*Hereford City Council [Lords]

*Leicestershire [Lords]

*London Docklands Railway (No. 2)

*London Transport

*London Transport (Tower Hill) [Lords]

*Merseyside Development Corporation

*Metals Society [Lords]

*Norwich City Council [Lords]

*Oxfordshire [Lords]

Piece Hall, Halifax

Piece Hall, Halifax (No. 2) (late Bill)

*Portsea Harbour Company

*Selby Bridge

Southend-on-Sea Borough Council [Lords]

*Standard Chartered Bank

*Surrey [Lords]

*Swavesey Bye-Ways [Lords]

*Warwick District Council [Lords]

*Worcester City Council [Lords]

Bills presented after 27 November 1984

*Associated British Ports (Hull Fish Docks) [Lords]

*Bath City Council [Lords]

*Berkshire [Lords]

*Birmingham City Council

*British Railways

*British Railways (Trowse Bridge) [Lords]

*Cambridge City Council

*Clwyd County Council [Lords]

*C-Poultry Company Limited

*Durham City Council [Lords]

*Essex [Lords]

*Felixstowe Dock and Railway

*Gosport Borough Council

*Greater London Council (General Powers)

*Greater London Council (Money)

*Greater Manchester [Lords]

*Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) [Lords] *Harrogate Stray

*Hastings Pier

*King's College London [Lords]

*Lincoln City Council

*Lloyds Bank (Merger)

*Luton Borough Council [Lords]

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