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Mr. Grist : The available information is given in the following table. Information for 1988 is not yet available.

|c|Estimated percentages of deliveries by type of onset of labour:|c|            


Type of onset of Labour          |1987 per cent.                                 


Spontaneous onset and induced<1> |94                                             

Elective caesarian section       |6                                              

<1> Separate figures are not shown because the available information is          


Domestic Animals (Poisoning)

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what information his Department has received about recent cases of poisoning of domestic animals at Penpedairheol ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Peter Walker : Two incidents involving the deaths of dogs in Penpedairheol and Cefn Hengoed, Mid Glamorgan have been brought to my Department's attention. Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of strychnine in the stomach of one of the dogs. The result of another sample is awaited. The police are investigating.


Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list for each of the last five years the number of cases in Wales of abuse of pesticides involving strychnine and if he will identify the domestic farm and wild animal species involved.

Mr. Peter Walker : The number of incidents in Wales of abuse of pesticides involving strychnine, identified by the Ministry of Agriculture's wildlife incident investigation service were as follows :

                        |Number of incidents    |Species involved                               


1984                    |8                      |7 dogs, magpie, duck                           

1985                    |none                   |-                                              

1986                    |4                      |2 dogs, fox, buzzard                           

1987                    |3                      |3 dogs                                         

1988                    |3                      |3 dogs, magpie, buzzard                        

Sewage Treatment

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list the number of sewage treatment works in the Welsh water authority area which discharge effluent below the required standard.

Mr. Grist : I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave to the hon. Member for Cynon Valley (Mrs. Clwyd) on 15 December 1988 at columns 663-7.


Ozone Layer

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Prime Minister if she will place a copy of her address to the conference on saving the ozone layer in the Library.

The Prime Minister : A copy has been placed in the Library.

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Prime Minister, if, during the conference on saving the ozone layer held in London on 5 and 6 March, she had an opportunity to discuss with the official Brazilian representative the present destruction of the Amazonian rain forest, in connection with damage to the ozone layer.

The Prime Minister : No.

Peace and Security"

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Prime Minister if she will obtain for the Library of No. 10 Downing street a copy of "Peace and Security" edited by Susan Forrester.

Column 45

The Prime Minister : No.

United Nations Environment Programme

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Prime Minister if she will make it her policy to initiate an international campaign to achieve a doubling of the funding of the United Nations environment programme.

The Prime Minister : The United Kingdom's contribution to the voluntary fund of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is to be more than doubled to £3 million. At UNEP's governing council in May we will be calling on those nations that can afford it to make similar increases.

The Ark Manifesto"

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Prime Minister if she has received a copy of the document "The Ark Manifesto".

The Prime Minister : Not so far as I am aware.

The Time The Place"

Dr. Thomas : To ask the Prime Minister if she will seek to obtain for the Library at No. 10 Downing street a recording and transcript of the television programme entitled, "The Time The Place", broadcast on 3 March.

The Prime Minister : No.

Statistical Staff

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister (1) if she will give the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff including vacant posts, by grade, in the statistical divisions in her office ; if she will differentiate between staff in statistical posts and staff in administrative posts ; and if she will give the staffing complements by grade, and differentiated between statistical and administrative posts, proposed for 1989-90 ;

(2) if she will give the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff including vacant posts, by grade in the statistical divisions in the Cabinet Office ; if she will differentiate between staff in statistical posts and staff in administrative posts ; and if she will give the staffing complements by grade, and differentiated between statistical and administrative posts, proposed for 1989-90.

The Prime Minister : The information available relates to the Central Statistical Office, part of the Cabinet Office. The following table shows complement and number of staff in post at 1 April 1988 and complement for 1 April 1989.

|c|Staff in the CSO|c|                                                                

Grade                          1 April 1988                1 April 1989               

                              |complement   |staff in post|complement                 


Members of statistician group                                                         

1A                            |1.0          |1.0          |1.0                        

3                             |3.0          |3.0          |3.0                        

5                             |8.0          |9.0          |8.0                        

7                             |27.0         |25.0         |28.0                       

Senior assistant                                                                      

 statistician                 |10.0         |6.0          |7.0                        

Assistant statistician        |3.0          |3.0          |4.0                        

Cadet statistician<1>         |7.0          |6.0          |6.0                        


Members of administration and other groups<2>                                         

5                             |1.0          |1.0          |1.0                        

7                             |4.0          |4.0          |4.0                        

Senior executive officer      |8.0          |8.0          |7.0                        

Higher executive officer      |21.0         |20.0         |20.5                       

Executive officer             |37.0         |31.0         |36.5                       

Administrative officer        |21.0         |21.0         |25.0                       

Senior personal secretary     |1.0          |1.0          |2.0                        

Personal secretary            |11.5         |11.0         |10.5                       

Chief draughtsman             |1.0          |1.0          |1.0                        

Senior draughtsman<3>         |2.0          |2.0          |1.0                        

Higher draughtsman<4>         |2.0          |2.0          |1.0                        

Draughtsman<5>                |7.0          |5.0          |7.0                        

Information officer           |1.0          |1.0          |1.0                        

                              |---          |---          |---                        

                              |175.5        |160.0        |174.5                      

<1> Cadet statisticians are employed to undertake postgraduate training for the       

Government statistical service and do not therefore contribute directly to the work   

of the CSO.                                                                           

<2> Includes all other non-statistician group staff.                                  

<3> Higher graphics officer from 1 April 1989.                                        

<4> Map and chart officer from 1 April 1989.                                          

<5> Graphics officer from 1 April 1989.                                               

Press and Public Relations

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what are the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff, including vacant posts, in the press and public relations office of her office ; and what is the proposed complement for 1989-90.

The Prime Minister : Including support staff, eight people are presently employed in 10 Downing street on press and public relations activities. There are no vacancies at present. The proposed complement for 1989-90 is eight.

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what are the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff, including vacant posts, in the press and public relations office of the Cabinet Office ; and what is the proposed complement for 1989-90.

The Prime Minister : Eighteen staff are presently employed by the Cabinet Office, including the Central Statistical Office, the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service and 10 Downing street on press and public relations activities. There are no vacancies. The proposed complement for 1989-90 is 18.

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what is the latest figure for (a) the estimated expenditure by the Cabinet Office on press and public relations during 1988-89 and (b) the budget for 1989-90.

The Prime Minister : The information is not available in the precise form requested. The latest estimate of expenditure on press and public relations in 1988-89 by the Cabinet Office, including 10 Downing street, the Central Statistical Office and the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service, as well as on such services provided to the Office of Arts and Libraries, is £525,000. The budget for 1989-90 for these services is £578,500.

Column 47

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what is the latest figure for (a) the estimated expenditure by No. 10 Downing street on press and public relations during 1988-89 and (b) the budget for 1989-90.

The Prime Minister : The latest estimate of total expenditure by 10 Downing street on press and public relations in 1988-89 is £312,530. The budget for 1989-90 is £346,520.


Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what is the latest figure for the estimated spending in 1988-89 by her office on (a) television advertising, (b) radio advertising, (c) newspaper advertising and (d) other promotional material ; and what is the 1989-90 budget for each of these categories of spending.

The Prime Minister : My office has incurred no expenditure on advertising and promotional material in the current year and there are no plans for such expenditure in 1989-90.

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what is the latest figure for the estimated spending in 1988-89 by the Cabinet Office on (a) television advertising, (b) radio advertising, (c) newspaper advertising and (d) other promotional material ; and what is the 1989-90 budget for each of these categories of spending.

The Prime Minister : The Cabinet Office does not expect to incur any expenditure on promotional advertising on television, radio or in newspapers in 1988-89 and 1989-90. The latest estimate of expenditure on other promotional material in 1988-89 by the Cabinet Office, including the Central Statistical Office and the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service, as well as on such services provided to the Office of Arts and Libraries, is £9,500. The equivalent budget for 1989-90 is £15,000.


Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what was the total sum paid out in fees to outside organisations in the furtherance of privatisation by the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service in 1979-80 and each year to date ; and what is the estimate for 1989-90.

The Prime Minister : There has been no expenditure on fees to outside organisations in the furtherance of privatisation by the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service, or its immediate predecessor Department, the Management and Personnel Office, and no expenditure is planned for 1989-90.

Management Consultants

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what were the total fees paid out by the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service to management consultants in 1979-80 and each year to date ; and what is the estimate for the current year.

The Prime Minister : The expenditure by the Cabinet Office (including, from its creation on 1 October 1987, the Office of the Minister for the Civil Service) on management and computer consultancies in the financial years from 1983-84 is as follows :

Column 48



1983-84    |152,000        

1984-85    |423,818        

1985-86    |329,334        

1986-87    |505,092        

1987-88    |417,778        

<1>1988-89 |439,806        


Some 21 per cent. of the estimated expenditure in 1988-89 is on management consultancies and 79 per cent. on computer consultancies. The figures for earlier years cannot be separated except at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Prime Minister what were the total fees paid out by her office to management consultants in 1979-80 and each year to date ; and what is the estimate for the current year.

The Prime Minister : There has been no expenditure by my office on fees to management consultants since 1979-80 and none is planned for the rest of this year.


Next Steps

Mr. Allen : To ask the Minister for the Civil Service if he will make a statement on progress in the implementation of next steps.

Mr. Luce : Since I last reported to the House, on 1 February, my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced that he has concluded that the Central Office of Information should become a next steps agency.



Mr. Dobson : To ask the Minister for the Arts what is the latest figure for the estimated spending in 1988-89 by the Office of Arts and Libraries on (a) television advertising, (b) radio advertising, (c) newspaper advertising and (d) other promotional material ; and what is the 1989-90 budget for each of these categories of spending.

Mr. Luce : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given today by the Prime Minister to his corresponding question in respect of the Cabinet Office.

Press and Public Relations

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Minister for the Arts (1) what are the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff, including vacant posts, in the press and public relations office of the Office of Arts and Libraries ; and what is the proposed complement for 1989-90 ;

(2) what is the latest figure for (a) the estimated expenditure by the Office of Arts and Libraries on press and public relations during 1988-89, and (b) the budget for 1989-90.

Mr. Luce : The Office of Arts and Libraries is serviced by the press office of the Cabinet Office. I therefore refer

Column 49

the hon. Member to the replies given today by the Prime Minister to his corresponding questions in respect of the Cabinet Office.

Statistical Staff

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Minister for the Arts if he will give the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff including vacant posts, by grade, in the statistical divisions in the Office of Arts and Libraries ; if he will differentiate between staff in statistical posts and staff in administrative posts ; and if he will give the staffing complements by grade, and differentiated between statistical and administrative posts, proposed for 1989-90.

Mr. Luce : The Office of Arts and Libraries has no staff in statistical divisions or posts. The present complement is 60 administrative and curatorial posts, and the details are as follows :


Grade (level)             |Complement                 


2 (Deputy Secretary)      |1                          

5 (Assistant Secretary)   |4                          

6 (Senior Principal)      |1                          

7 (Principal)             |11                         

Senior Executive Officer  |1                          

Higher Executive Officer  |9                          

Administration Trainee    |1                          

Executive Officer         |10                         

Administrative Officer    |8                          

Administrative Assistant  |4                          

Senior Personal Secretary |1                          

Personal Secretary        |4                          


Total                     |55                         



Curator E                 |1                          

Curator G                 |4                          


Total                     |5                          

The office currently has vacancies for one administrative officer and one administrative assistant. The staff complement for 1989-90 is also 60.


Mr. Dobson : To ask the Minister for the Arts what was the total sum paid out in fees to outside organisations in the furtherance of privatisation by the Office of Arts and Libraries in 1979-80 and each year to date ; and what is the estimate for 1989-90.

Mr. Luce : None Sir.

Column 51


Mr. Faulds : To ask the Minister of the Arts whether he will set up an independent review into the suitability of the trustees who are selected by him for the various institutional boards.

Mr. Luce : The trustees whom I appoint to the boards of various arts bodies are appointed for their knowledge and experience in a number of fields. They make a most valuable contribution to the management and work of those institutions. I am grateful to the trustees of all OAL-sponsored bodies, by whomever appointed, for their trusteeship and public service.


Select Committee Recommendations

Mr. Austin Mitchell : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence how many Select Committee recommendations have been made about, and how many accepted, by his Department since June 1987.

Mr. Younger : Since June 1987, the House of Commons Defence Committee has published the following reports, copies of which are available in the Library of the House :

Session 1987-88

First Report--Ethnic Monitoring and the Armed Forces (HC 391) Second Report --Business Appointments (HC 392)

Third Report--The Progress of the Trident Programme (HC 422) Fourth Report- -The Defence Requirement for Merchant Shipping and Civil Aircraft (HC 476)

Fifth Report--The Procurement of Major Defence Equipment (HC 431) Sixth Report--The Future Size and Role of the Royal Navy's Surface Fleet (HC 309)

Seventh Report--Statement on the Defence Estimates 1988 (HC 495) Eighth Report--British Forces in Belize (HC 624)

Ninth Report--Business Appointments (HC 622)

Session 1988-89

First Report--The Future of the Brigade of Gurkhas (HC 68) The following Government Responses have been published in the form of a Command Paper :

CM 585 (responding to HC 392 and HC 622)

CM 501 (responding to HC 431)

CM 443 (responding to HC 309)

Copies of these are available in the Library of the House. The Government are still considering their response to the Committee's first report (Session 1988-89) on the future of the Brigade of Gurkhas. In all other cases, where a Government response has been required, this has been made direct to the chairman of the House of Commons Defence Committee. The Committee has published the Government's responses in the following cases :

Session 1987-88

Second Special Report--Government reply to the First Report dated 6th July 1988 (HC 584)

Third Special Report--Government reply to the Third and Fourth Reports dated 26th October 1988 (HC 674).

Drinking Water

Mr. John Garrett : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether the drinking water supply in his Department's head office building meets the European Economic Community standard.

Column 52

Mr. Neubert : This building is supplied with water by Thames Water and since no drinking water is stored on the premises PSA does not take samples for analysis unless there is reason to suspect the quality of water. I am advised by Thames Water that in 1988 the supply generally complied with the EC directive.


Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what is the latest figure for the estimated spending in 1988-89 by his Department on (a) television advertising, (b) radio advertising, (c) newspaper advertising and (d) other promotional material ; and what is the 1989-90 budget for each of these categories of spending ;

(2) what is the latest figure for the estimated spending in 1988-89 by the armed forces on (a) television advertising, (b) radio advertising, (c) newspaper advertising and (d) other promotional material ; and what is the 1989-90 budget for each of these categories of spending.

Mr. Archie Hamilton : This information is not held centrally. I shall write to the hon. Member.

Computer Hacking

Mr. Bowis : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will take steps to ensure the security of British and North Atlantic Treaty Organisation defence computers in the light of the KGB hacking activity in West Germany and the United States of America ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Archie Hamilton : The activities of the hackers in West Germany are being investigated. If this investigation indicates an increase in the threat to, or vulnerability of, British or NATO defence computer systems sufficient to warrant changes in our security policy, we will take the appropriate action to ensure that MOD information handled by these systems is adequately protected.

Statistical Staff

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff including vacant posts, by grade, in the statistical divisions in the armed forces ; if he will differentiate between staff in statistical posts and staff in administrative posts ; and if he will give the staffing complements by grade, and differentiated between statistical and administrative posts, proposed for 1989-90.

Mr. Sainsbury : There are no statistical divisions in the armed forces.

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff including vacant posts, by grade, in the statistical divisions in his Department ; if he will differentiate between staff in statistical posts and staff in administrative posts ; and if he will give the staffing complements by grade, and differentiate between statistical and administrative posts, proposed for 1989-90.

Mr. Sainsbury : The staff complements by grade in Ministry of Defence statistical divisions as at 1 March 1989 is as follows :

Column 53

Grade                         |Complement        |Currrent vacancies                   


Grade 3                       |0                 |0                                    

Grade 4<1>                    |1                 |0                                    

Grade 5-Chief Statistician<1> |2                 |0                                    

Grade 6<1>                    |1                 |0                                    

Grade 7-Administration        |0                 |0                                    

Grade 7-Statistician<1>       |25                |4                                    

PSO                           |0                 |0                                    

SSO                           |0                 |0                                    

SEO                           |1                 |0                                    

HEO-Administration            |16                |2                                    

HEO-ADP                       |6                 |0                                    

HSO                           |1                 |0                                    

RO2                           |0                 |0                                    

SO                            |0                 |0                                    

EO-Administration             |35                |3                                    

EO-ADP                        |17                |1                                    

AS/SAS<1>                     |10                |1                                    

AO                            |56                |9                                    

AA                            |18                |6                                    

SPS                           |0                 |0                                    

PS                            |3                 |0                                    

Reprographic Operator         |1                 |0                                    

SDP                           |0                 |0                                    

DP                            |0                 |0                                    

                              |---               |---                                  

Total                         |193               |26                                   

<1>Statistical posts.                                                                  

As at 1 March 1989 there were also 14 service men employed in statistical divisions. It is not anticipated that there will be any significant changes in staffing complements for 1989-90.


Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what was the total sum paid out in fees to outside organisations in the furtherance of privatisation by his Department in 1979-80 and each year to date ; and what is the estimate for 1989-90.

Mr. Sainsbury : The fees paid out by my Department to outside organisations in respect of privatisation relate solely to the sale of Royal Ordnance plc in April 1987. These fees amounted to £1.9 million and were for work carried out between 1 January 1985 and completion of the sale.

Management Consultants'

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what were the total fees paid out by his Department to management consultants in 1979-80 and each year to date ; and what is the estimate for the current year.

Mr. Sainsbury : Fees paid to management consultants engaged centrally by the Ministry of Defence for the years 1984 to 1989 are as follows :

          |£ million          


1984-85   |0.604              

1985-86   |1.787              

1986-87   |6.203              

1987-88   |5.140              

1988-89   |<1>3.673           

<1>Estimated expenditure.     

Figures for earlier years cannot be produced without disproportionate effort.

Column 54

Press and Public Relations

Mr. Dobson : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) what are the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff including vacant posts, in the press and public relations of the armed forces ; and what is the proposed complement for 1989-90 ;

(2) what the latest figures for the number of staff presently employed, and the full complement of staff, including vacant posts, in the press and public relations office of his Department ; and what is the proposed complement for 1989-90.

Mr. Sainsbury : There is a total of 217 posts on the strength of the Defence public relations staffs. These include staff in single service headquarters as well as in joint headquarters and in central staffs in the Ministry of Defence. Latest available figures show there to be 213 staff in post and four vacancies.

The proposed complement for 1989-90 is 221.

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