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Mr. Ryder : I was pleased to receive the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds conservation review of 1988, and read with interest the article on hedgerows.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds surveys in north Hertfordshire and west Oxfordshire add to the number of recent surveys on hedgerow loss which have produced varying estimates. I am sure the hon. Member is aware that work is being carried out on improving survey methodologies and that my Department is contributing to this work. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds figures on hedgerow loss are of course related only to a small area, unrepresentative of the country as a whole.

Nevertheless we are concerned that hedgerows should be maintained in good order if they are to retain their value

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as wildlife habitat, as a landscape feature and as a stock-proof barrier. While this must be a matter for the individual farmers concerned, my Department encourages the maintenance of hedgerows in good condition. Through my agricultural development and advisory service advice is offered to farmers on hedgerow trimming and maintenance and on the time of year when cutting and trimming is best carried out for the benefit of wildlife.


Sir Richard Body : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many of the recommendations of the Farm Animal Welfare Council relating to the slaughter of animals have been accepted by him.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The Farm Animal Welfare council has published four reports relating to the slaughter of animals. These contained a total of 185 recommendations on slaughter of which 167 have been accepted, in whole or in part, for implementation by means of legislation, codes of practice, guidance to local authorities or research, as appropriate.

All but one of 45 recommendations in the report on the welfare of poultry at the time of slaughter (1982) were accepted. The report on the welfare of livestock (red meat animals) at the time of slaughter (1984) contained 117 recommendations of which only 13 were rejected in full. Fifteen of 17 recommendations in the report on the religious slaughter of livestock (1985) and four of six recommendations on slaughter in the report on the welfare of farmed deer (1985) have also been accepted.

Small Companies (Payments)

Mr. Campbell-Savours : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) what advice has been given to him by the Intervention Board of the EEC on the payment on account of payments that may be due ;

(2) whether, in the case of non-annex II products, he intends to accelerate payments to British producers under the terms of regulation 3665/87 ;

(3) whether he is satisfied that in the case of complex claims by small companies for payments under Commission regulation 3665/87 no delays are currently taking place ;

(4) what representations he has received from smaller companies on delays in payments due under the terms of Commission regulation 3665/87.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The Intervention Board is now in general paying claims for export refunds within 60 days of receipt of appropriate documentation. Exceptionally, more complex claims for non-annex II goods and claims for victualling supplies continue to be delayed. The payment position will be restored for the former in coming weeks and for the latter by the autumn. Payment on account would contravene the provision of EC regulations which require that the conformity of claims with the regulations should be verified prior to payment. This view has been confirmed by European Commission services. The board continues however to make compensation payments on all claims whose payment since 1 January 1988 has been unreasonably delayed under the compensation scheme announced to the House last July.

Exporters may apply under article 22 of Commission regulation (EEC) No. 3665/87 for advance payment once an export declaration has been accepted, and providing

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that a security is lodged. In practice, the arrangement allows the provisional payment of premium rates of export refund in the same timescale as payments of standard rates. However, the Intervention Board is still required to check conformity with the relevant Community legislation before making the payment. The relative benefit of these different payment procedures is for commercial evaluation.


Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) what is his Department's response to the practice of using staging posts to facilitate the transport of live exported lambs across Europe.

(2) if he has any plans to limit the length of time permitted for lambs to spend in transit immediately prior to slaughter ; (3) what representations he has received calling for the maximum travelling time for lambs prior to slaughter to be limited to 12 hours.

Mr. Donald Thompson : Over the years my Department has received a number of representations calling for maximum travelling times for live food animals to be limited to 12 hours. However EC legislation requires that animals in international transport, should be offered food and water at suitable intervals and should not be left more than 24 hours without being fed and watered. Staging posts exist to fulfil this requirement, and my Department seeks to ensure that they are used on long journeys. The Commission is expected to propose a new regulation on welfare in transit shortly, and meanwhile I have no plans to introduce new measures.

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) what steps he is taking to encourage the slaughter of lambs prior to export to the countries of the southern European Economic Community ;

(2) what is his Department's response to the increasing practice of transporting live lambs considerable distances across Europe prior to slaughter ;

(3) if he will raise at the next Council of Ministers the increasing practice of transporting live lambs across Europe prior to slaughter ;

(4) whether his Department plans to take steps to encourage the slaughter of lambs for export as close to the farm of origin as possible.

Mr. Donald Thompson : Sheep and lambs have been exported to other member states of the Community for slaughter for many years. Provided that United Kingdom and EC welfare legislation is complied with, I see no need to interfere with this trade.

Research Funding

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will list those food and agricultural research programmes and institutes from which funding has been withdrawn during 1987-88, 1988-89 and 1989-90.

Mr. Ryder : Overall funding of agricultural, fisheries and food research and development by the Agriculture departments was reduced by £10 million in 1987-88, as part of the Government's policy to encourage industry to

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make a greater contribution towards the costs of R and D from which it benefits. Public support remained unchanged in 1988-89, and will be reduced by a further £5 million in 1989-90 under the Government's plans progressively to withdraw funding from near market research. A list of projects indicative of the work considered to be near market in the agriculture and food sectors was deposited in the Library of the House in November 1988. Funding of individual projects within the research programme is under continuous review, and in the natural course of events funding is withdrawn from particular projects as they reach a conclusion. The allocation of available funds for commissioned work to particular institutes is a matter for the Agriculture and Food Research council.


Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many scientists are currently employed by his Department reviewing pesticides currently in use which were in use prior to the Food and Environmental Protection Act 1986.

Mr. Ryder : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given on 23 March to the hon. Member for South Shields (Dr. Clark) at column 726.


Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what research his Department is currently sponsoring into the incidence of tuberculosis in deer ; and whether he has any programme for the development of vaccine or live-testing techniques ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Donald Thompson : A survey is being carried out in selected areas of south-west England on culled wild deer to estimate the prevalence of tuberculosis in free living deer. In addition all wildlife material, including that from deer, that comes to the Ministry's notice, is examined for tuberculosis should there be any cause to suspect its presence. All reports of tuberculosis in farmed deer are investigated. More complete information on the prevalence of the disease will become available when it is made notifiable. There is no programme for the development of a vaccine for deer as vaccination would adversely affect the interpretation of tuberculin tests. Work is being carried out at the central veterinary laboratory on the development of a blood test for tuberculosis in deer.

BST Product Licences

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food which scientific or other committees in the United Kingdom or the European Economic Community will be responsible for assessing any application for a BST product licence.

Mr. Donald Thompson : In the United Kingdom such product licence applications are examined by the veterinary products committee established under section 4 of the Medicines Act. At Community level they are referred to the Committee on Veterinary Medicinal Products for an opinion, in accordance with directive 87/22/EEC on high technology medicinal products, before national licensing authorities reach any decision.

Column 49


Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether his Department's guidance in the use of strychnine compounds includes reference to the use of such poisons for the control of wild rabbits.

Mr. Ryder : My Ministry's guidance makes it clear that strychnine may be used only for the control of moles. We take a very serious view of any abuse of strychnine to poison other creatures.

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what criteria have to be met by individuals wishing to obtain permission for the purchase of strychnine compounds for pest control purposes.

Mr. Ryder : Authorities to purchase strychnine are issued under the poisons rules only if the applicant demonstrates a need for strychnine for the destruction of moles, is a competent and suitable person, and does not occupy land on which moles are dealt with by a rabbit clearance society. The authority is limited to the amount of strychnine needed to deal with the infestation.

Column 50

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether strychnine alkaloid has any approved agricultural uses.

Mr. Ryder : Strychnine alkaloid is not approved for agricultural use under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986.

Computer Consultants

Mr. Tim Smith : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the total amount spent by his Department in 1988 on management and computer consultancy contracts, excluding hardware and software purchases ; and if he will list each management or computer consultancy contract awarded by his Department in 1988, giving in each case the name of the consultancy firm and the subject of the assignment.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The total amount spent by my Department in 1988 on management and computer consultancy contracts, excluding hardware and software purchases, was £522,735. Contracts awarded in 1988 are as follows :

Column 49

Company                                                                              |Subject                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Management consultancy contracts awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in 1988                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Deloitte, Haskins and Sells                                                          |Survey on fees to local veterinary inspectors                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


Deloitte, Haskins and Sells                                                          |Relocation of work study                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Agro-Economic Services Ltd.                                                          |Study of impact of single market on agricultural research and development priorities                                                                                                                                                                          



Computer consultancy contracts awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in 1988                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Kerridge Computer Company Ltd.                                                       |Transfer of work to new computer                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Wootton Jeffreys plc                                                                 |Transfer of project control system                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


Learmouth and Burchett        }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

 Management Systems	       }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

 Touche Ross Management       }                                                      |Farm survey system full study                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

 Consultants                  }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Deloitte, Haskins and Sells   }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


Asterisk Computer Systems Ltd.}                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Quanta Learning Systems       }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Pergammon Infotech            }                                                      |Support to regional administrative data flow pilot project                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Godfrey Durham                                                                       |               }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


Logica UK Ltd.                                                                       |Support to national food survey project                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


Asterisk Computer Systems                                                            |System development for Harpenden laboratory                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Asterisk Computer Systems                                                            |System development for legal branch                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Spicer and Oppenheim                                                                 |Financial system study for National Institute of Agricultural Botany, Cambridge                                                                                                                                                                               


Oracle UK                     }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Keith London Associates       }                                                      |Transfer of work to new computer                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


PA Consulting Services Ltd.                                                          |  {                                                                                 |Agricultural Development and Advisory Service IT sub-strategy study                                                                                                      

                              {                                                      |Fisheries sub-strategy study                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


Deloitte, Haskins and Sells                                                                                                                                               |Cost awareness information system development                                                                                                                            


Deloitte, Haskins and Sells    }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Nolan Norton and Co.		}                                                              |Technical consultancies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Software AG of UK              }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Deloitte, Haskins and Sells                                                                                                                                               |IT strategy review                                                                                                                                                       

Column 51

Bovine Tuberculosis

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what controls exist to ensure that live cattle imported into the United Kingdom are free from bovine tuberculosis.

Mr. Donald Thompson : Under European Community rules cattle intended for breeding or production imported from other member states must originate from officially tuberculosis-free herds and they must be tested for bovine tuberculosis with negative results in the 30 days before export. Additionally, such cattle imported from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland must be tested again, with negative results, 60 days after import. Cattle intended for slaughter imported from other member states must either originate from officially tuberculosis-free herds or be tested for bovine tuberculosis with negative results in the 30 days before export.

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Cattle imported from third countries are required to originate from premises which have been free from bovine tuberculosis for the previous 12 months and to be tested for bovine tuberculosis with negative results during a period of at least 30 days isolation on their premises of origin. Cattle from Canada are subject to an additional test during pre-export quarantine.

Live Cattle Imports

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what are the numbers of live cattle imported from Ireland for each of the last seven years.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The numbers of cattle imported into the United Kingdom from the Republic of Ireland were as follows :

Column 51

|c|Head of cattle|c|                                                            

                |1982   |1983   |1984   |1985   |1986   |1987   |1988           


Breeding cattle |489    |614    |342    |229    |413    |413    |2,306          

Fats and stores |133,607|187,227|213,253|217,705|231,087|150,573|174,887        

Calves          |2,394  |2,207  |1,627  |2,625  |429    |109    |510            

                |----   |----   |----   |----   |----   |----   |----           

Total           |136,490|190,048|215,222|220,559|231,929|151,095|177,703        

Porcine Somatotropin

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what information he has concerning trials of porcine somatotropin.

Mr. Donald Thompson : No field trials of porcine somatotropin are currently authorised in the United Kingdom.


Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what action he is proposing to take to ensure that imported eggs meet the production standards he has set for British eggs.

Mr. Donald Thompson : Egg imports normally come from other EC member states and for both home produced and imported eggs the EC quality requirements are enforced by the agricultural departments and trading standards officers. Using their powers under the Imported Food Regulations 1984 some port health authorities have tested imported eggs for salmonella recently. A more systematic monitoring of imported eggs for salmonella is being set up in consultation with the port health authorities and the public health laboratory service.

Salmonella should be tackled on an EC-wide basis. Preliminary discussions have already taken place in Brussels on a Commission proposal to deal with a range of zoonoses including salmonella.

Dr. David Clark : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will list in the Official Report the number of egg packers receiving money under the egg industry scheme of (a) over £200,000, (b) £100 to £200,000, (c) £75 to £100,000 and (d) £50 to £75,000 and less than £50,000.

Mr. Donald Thompson [holding answer 23 March 1989] : I am unable to give these details in the form

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requested as this would lead to the disclosure of information that could be attributed to particular packers. But six egg packers in the United Kingdom received total payments of £50,000 or more ; and 657 egg packers received smaller sums.

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food whether he has made any assessment of the likely hazard to human health from the consumption of animal production derived from cattle incubating bovine spongiform encephalopathy prior to the onset of clinical signs of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The Southwood report concludes that it is most unlikely that bovine spongiform encephalopathy will have any implications for human health.

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) whether he has any estimate of the likely future incidence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy ;

(2) what evidence he has of the likely incidence of cattle incubation of bovine spongiform encephalopathy but not showing clinical signs.

Mr. Donald Thompson : I refer the hon. Member to the answer given to the hon. Member for Stretford (Mr. Lloyd) on 13 March at column 78.


Mr. Key : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he expects to announce revised regulations for animal quarantine premises ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Donald Thompson : Quarantine premises must meet prescribed standards and be aproved by my Department as

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providing appropriate safeguards against the introduction of animal diseases. My Department will shortly be writing to the operators of quarantine kennels about revised conditions for their operation.


Mr. Nicholas Bennett : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what information he has as to the average price of potatoes per kilo to the domestic consumer in each European Community country in each of the past five years.

Mr. Ryder : I regret that the information requested is not readily available.


Mr. Mullin : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food how many prosecutions for breaches of the Slaughterhouse Act 1974 there have been in (a) 1987 and (b) 1988.

Mr. Donald Thompson : Enforcement of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974 is the responsibility of local authorities. Information on the number of prosecutions is not collected centrally.

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he is proposing to improve the inspection of slaughterhouses ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Donald Thompson : Local authorities are responsible for enforcing the legislation and members of the state veterinary service visit abattoirs to monitor standards and give advice.

The Government propose to make it a statutory requirement for local authorities to designate an official to be formally responsible for the supervision and enforcement of welfare requirements in slaughterhouses.

Slaughterhouse Workers

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will consider outlawing the piece rate method of paying slaughterhouse workers.

Mr. Donald Thompson : No. It is the responsibility of all involved to ensure that welfare and hygiene requirements are observed irrespective of the methods of payment to workers in abattoirs.

Livestock (Slaughter)

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what research is being carried out into the advantages of high voltage stun and kill systems as recommended by the Farm Animal Welfare Council's 1984 report on the welfare of livestock at the time of slaughter.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The research which the Farm Animal Welfare Council recommended was commissioned by my Department. This has shown that the high current required to induce cardiac arrest in sheep and pigs will always instantaneously render the animals insensible to pain. Work into other aspects of high voltage stunning is continuing.

Column 54

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food when he intends to introduce the legislation and codes referred to in the Government response to the Farm Animal Welfare Council's 1984 report on the welfare of livestock animals at the time of slaughter ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Donald Thompson : I expect to issue proposals for new regulations on the welfare of all animals at slaughter shortly. The codes of practice will be issued under new enabling powers which is it is proposed to take in primary legislation as soon as parliamentary time permits.


Mr. Anthony Steen : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what is the total volume of imported sole from Holland landed in the United Kingdom in each of the last three years ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The total tonnage of fresh, chilled and frozen sole imported from the Netherlands into the United Kingdom was as follows :

Year   |Tonnes       


1986   |667          

1987   |589          

1988   |<1>613       


Source: Customs and  

Excise Overseas      

Trade Statistics.    

Imports are unrestricted, and levels reflect market supply and demand.


Mr. Crowther : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if, pursuant to his answer of 16 January, Official Report, column 51, he will ensure that all eggs are marked so as to show whether they are produced in a battery, free range or otherwise.

Mr. Donald Thompson : EC regulations on marketing standards for eggs do not permit the method of production to be stamped on the egg although, as I indicated in my previous answer, eggs produced under alternative systems to the battery may be marketed in packs bearing the appropriate designation of the production system.

Consumer interests have indicated that they would not welcome a change in the legislation to require the marking of eggs.

Bovine Tuberculosis (Badgers)

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) what has been the annual cost of the bovine tuberculosis eradication scheme for each of the last seven years ;

(2) when he intends to review the progress of the bovine tuberculosis eradication scheme ; what is his assessment of the success of the scheme to date ; and if he will make a statement ; (3) what research his Department is currently funding into the development of a vaccine against bovine tuberculosis in badgers ; (4) when he proposes to authorise field trials for vaccine against bovine tuberculosis in badgers ;

Column 55

(5) how many badgers were removed in 1988, by parish ; and how many were subsequently proved to be tuberculoid in those cases where prior approval of the consultative panel was required ;

(6) if he will publish a table showing for each parish in 1988 the number of badgers taken by his Department under his badger control strategy and the number subsequently shown by post-mortem examination to be tuberculoid ;

(7) what proportion of those badgers killed in the bovine tuberculosis eradication scheme have subsequently been proven to be infected with tuberculosis ;

(8) how many badgers have been killed in the bovine tuberculosis eradication scheme over each of the last seven years ;

(9) what information he has on the proportion of badgers infected with tuberculosis that are infective to cattle and other badgers ; (10) what progress his Department is making on the live testing of badgers for tuberculosis ; and when he expects the results of field trials to be available ;

(11) what is the proportion of cattle slaughtered as suspected cases of bovine tuberculosis which are subsequently discovered not to be suffering from thedisease ; and what is the number of cattle slaughtered as suspected cases of bovine tuberculosis in each of the last seven years ;

Column 56

(12) what is the total disbursed in each of the last seven years as compensation to farmers whose cattle have been slaughtered as suspected cases of bovine tuberculosis ;

(13) whether he intends commissioning a formal review of the badger control element of his bovine tuberculosis eradication programme ; (14) if he willlist the members of his badger panel and indicate for each member his qualification and expertise ;

(15) whether he has made any assessment of the effectiveness of the badger including element of his bovine tuberculosis eradication programme ;

(16) what evaluation he has made of the cost-effectiveness of the development and possible applications of live-testing techniques for bovine tuberculosis in badgers ;

(17) whether he is currently considering any alternatives to budger culling in his programme to eradicate bovine tuberculosis in badger areas.

Mr. Donald Thompson : The annual cost of the bovine tuberculosis eradication scheme (which relates to action taken in respect of tuberculosis in cattle, badgers and latterly deer), including compensation for cattle, and the number of cattle and badgers killed under it during the last seven years are set out in the table.

Column 55

                         |Total Cost of the Scheme|Of which Compensation   |Cattle                  |Badgers                                          

                         |(£ million)             |£                                                                                                  


1982                     |n/a                     |250,782                 |614                     |1,005                                            

1983                     |n/a                     |295,469                 |677                     |1,239                                            

1984                     |6.3                     |284,613                 |746                     |1,337                                            

1985                     |7.6                     |337,806                 |863                     |1,115                                            

1986                     |7.1                     |310,399                 |645                     |782                                              

1987                     |6.7                     |525,447                 |1,173                   |711                                              

1988                     |6.5                     |368,158                 |782                     |774                                              

All animals in which disease is confirmed must be considered as potentially infective to other cattle and badgers. Of the cattle slaughtered in 1988, disease was confirmed by laboratory examination in 36 per cent. Disease was confirmed in 29 per cent. of the badgers taken in the same year. It cannot be assumed, in the case of either cattle or badgers, that the remainder were unaffected.

Details, by parish, of the number of badgers killed in 1988 and the number in which tuberculosis was confirmed are given in the table.

County and parish              |Number taken     |Number positive                    


Type I                                                                               


Balheaston                     |4                |0                                  

Cold Ashton                    |23               |1                                  

Hawkesbury                     |25               |18                                 

Marshfield                     |17               |8                                  

St. Catherine                  |2                |1                                  

Yate                           |36               |9                                  



Feock                          |8                |5                                  

Lanlivery                      |17               |6                                  

Linkinhorne                    |31               |3                                  

Mabe                           |9                |2                                  

St. Cleer                      |2                |0                                  

St. Ive                        |1                |0                                  

St. Teath                      |4                |2                                  

Sancreed                       |1                |0                                  

South Hill                     |1                |1                                  

Week St. Mary                  |5                |0                                  



Bradworthy                     |10               |2                                  

Chagford                       |35               |11                                 

Hartland                       |4                |1                                  

Holne                          |24               |6                                  

Holsworthy Hamlets             |17               |3                                  

Lustleigh                      |13               |0                                  

Milton Damorel                 |22               |0                                  

North Bovey                    |31               |7                                  

Sutcombe                       |1                |1                                  

Widecombe in the Moor          |9                |3                                  

Woolfordisworthy near Bideford |11               |2                                  



Beaminster                     |4                |1                                  

Burleston                      |2                |1                                  

Dewlish                        |4                |1                                  

Puddletown                     |7                |2                                  

Stoke Abbott                   |13               |2                                  



Boxwell with Leighterton       |7                |3                                  

Brockworth                     |6                |4                                  

Edgeworth                      |56               |28                                 

Long Newnton                   |28               |8                                  

Newent                         |6                |0                                  

Owlpen                         |7                |2                                  

Painswick                      |2                |0                                  

Pauntley                       |13               |5                                  

Prestbury                      |37               |28                                 

Shipton Moyne                  |28               |5                                  

Stroud                         |4                |0                                  

Tetbury Upton                  |3                |2                                  

Uley                           |24               |9                                  



Cheddar                        |6                |0                                  

Rodney Stoke                   |15               |1                                  

Westbury                       |2                |0                                  



Luckington                     |1                |0                                  

Sherston                       |3                |0                                  

St. Paul Malmesbury Without    |1                |0                                  


Type II                                                                              


Newquay                        |7                |0                                  

Menheniot                      |1                |0                                  

St. Martin                     |13               |0                                  



Hollacombe                     |3                |0                                  

Thornbury                      |5                |0                                  

Dartmoor Forest*               |8                |0                                  



Swainswick*                    |3                |1                                  



Milton Abbas                   |45               |8                                  

Netherbury                     |2                |0                                  



Southrop                       |1                |0                                  

Upton St. Leonards*            |10               |7                                  

Cheltenham Borough*            |5                |0                                  

Kingswood*                     |5                |1                                  



Christian Malford              |1                |0                                  



Castlebythe                    |6                |0                                  

Little Newcastle               |15               |0                                  

Puncheston                     |2                |0                                  

*Formed part of Type I operations where adjoining land was involved.                 

Type I operations are those which are approved departmentally and take place within badger problem areas. These are defined as parishes in which there has been at least one cattle breakdown of apparent badger origin within the previous six years. Type II operations take place in areas outside badger problem areas and require the agreement of the badger panel.

The current membership of the panel is as follows :

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