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Mr. Kenneth Clarke : The guidance on proper time and temperature control and the separation of cooked and uncooked food during the production process in the existing guidelines are intended to reduce the microbiological contamination to a minimum.

I expect these points will be emphasised in the reviewed guidelines.

Drug Abuse

Mr. Strang : To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether he will make a statement on the incidence of HIV amongst drug users.

Mr. Mellor : The following table shows the cumulative totals of AIDS cases and HIV anti-body positive reports at the end of February 1989.

Column 289

                                         AIDS Cases (United              HIV anti-body positive         

                                         Kingdom figures)                (England and Wales)            

                                         Men     Women   Total<1>        Men     Women   Total<2>       


Total                                   |2,031  |72     |2,103  |(1,116)|7,358  |557    |8,025          

Injecting drug users only               |31     |12     |43     |(22)   |418    |219    |642            

Injecting drug users who are homosexual |33     |-      |33     |(15)   |72     |-      |72             

<1> Deaths shown in brackets                                                                            

<2> Includes small number where sex not specified                                                       

Mr. Strang : To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether he will make a statement on the funding of Mainliners.

Mr. Mellor : Mainliners, a voluntary organisation recently formed to help HIV positive drug users, has applied for a grant towards its administrative expenses to be incurred in 1989-90. The Department has notified Mainliners that, while we value the work that it is doing in this field, its current work is too local to fall within the scope of the general grant scheme that the Department operates under section 64 of the Health Services and Public Health Act 1968.

Airline Food (Safety)

Mrs. Clwyd : To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether his Department has now received a copy of the report, "A Survey of Microbiological Quality of Airline Foods", by the London boroughs of Hillingdon and Hounslow and Spelthorne borough council ; and whether he will make a statement.

Column 290

Mr. Kenneth Clarke : I have just received a copy of the report and I will give it due consideration.

Project 2000

Mr. Kirkwood : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if, pursuant to his reply of 31 January, Official Report, column 189, he can give any estimate of when (a) the level of bursary for a nursing student enrolling on a course under the Project 2000 nursing education reforms will be announced, and (b) the arrangements for the longer term administration of such bursaries will be determined ; and if he will make a statement on the progress towards the implementation of the Project 2000 reforms so far.

Mr. Mellor : We intend to make an announcement shortly on the level of bursaries for Project 2000 nursing students and the arrangements for administration. On progress on Project 2000 generally, my right hon. and

Column 291

learned Friend announced on 3 April that approval had been given to the development of Project 2000 courses in the following districts/schools of nursing :

East Suffolk and Great Yarmouth

Crewe and Macclesfield


North East Essex


North and South Bedfordshire

North Manchester

North West Surrey/South West Surrey/West Surrey and North East Hampshire



North Staffordshire

Portsmouth and Isle of Wight

Winchester and Basingstoke

Subject to detailed discussions about cost and manpower assumptions, and the receipt of educational approval from the English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, these courses should start in the autumn of this year or, in some cases, in early 1990.


Community Care

Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what mechanisms his Department has established to oversee the transfer of residents of long-stay institutions to the community ; and if they are working satisfactorily.

Mr. Mellor : It is for health authorities, in consultation with social services departments and other care agencies to determine arrangements for the transfer of residents of long-stay institutions to the community. The annual accountability review process is the principal mechanism by which health authorities' performance across the whole range of their activities is monitored by the Department. During the course of this year, we intend to get a clearer picture of the development of mental health services throughout the country. The objective is to provide us with a properly informed basis for considering whether there are any steps it would be right and proper for us to take to improve the care of mentally disordered people, including former long-stay patients now in the community.

Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) when he now expects to respond to the report by Sir Roy Griffiths on community care ;

(2) if he will make a statement on Her Majesty's Government's policy on community care.

Mr. Mellor : We remain committed to a policy of promoting the development of community services so that people can return to, or remain in, the community and live as independently as possible, wherever this is best for them. We are currently giving active consideration to the future organisation and management of community care following Sir Roy Griffiths' report and hope to be in a position to bring forward our own proposals in the near future.

Residential Care

Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many mentally ill and mentally handicapped patients have been moved from hospital care into residential care in each of the last five years ;

Column 292

(2) what are his Department's estimates of the numbers of mentally ill and mentally handicapped people not receiving long-stay hospital care in each of the last five years.

Mr. Freeman : The numbers of discharges from mental illness and mental handicap hospitals and units in England directly into residential care are not available centrally.

Many of the National Health Service patients discharged from mental illness and mental handicap hospitals and units after a stay of one year or more will transfer to residential care.

The table shows the numbers of patients discharged to the community from National Health Service mental illness and mental handicap hospitals and units in England after a stay of one year or more, for the last five years for which information is currently available. The figures exclude deaths, and transfers to another hospital.

|c|Discharges from mental illness and mental handicap hospitals and|c|          

|c|units, England (1982 to 1986)|c|                                             

Year            |Mental illness |Mental handicap|Total                          


1982            |3,465          |1,229          |4,694                          

1983            |3,563          |1,457          |5,020                          

1984            |3,928          |1,919          |5,847                          

1985            |3,441          |2,052          |5,493                          

1986            |3,751          |2,528          |6,279                          

Day Care

Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many day care places for mentally ill and mentally handicapped people were available in each of the last five years.

Mr. Freeman : The table shows the number of day places allocated on the last full working day of each year at National Health Service day hospitals ; the number of day care places at single specialty mental illness and mental handicap hospitals are excluded as the data were not centrally collected.

The table also shows the number of day care places provided by local authority social services departments in each of the last five years for which figures are available.

|c|Number of day care places in England for people with a mental|c|                                         

|c|illness or mental handicap, 1983-87|c|                                                                   

                   Number of places in                 Number of places                                     

                   NHS day hospitals for               provided by local                                    

                                     authority social                                                       

                                     services departments for                                               

Year              |Mental illness   |Mental handicap  |Mental illness<1>|Mental handicap                    


1983              |16,293           |1,142            |8,689            |46,558                             

1984              |16,996           |1,195            |8,919            |47,464                             

1985              |17,903           |1,519            |9,308            |48,824                             

1986              |18,661           |1,528            |9,216            |50,374                             

1987              |n/a              |n/a              |9,993            |51,732                             

<1> Including places made available to local authorities by voluntary or private organisations and          

estimates of places for mentally ill people in day centres for mixed client groups.                         

Since 1987-88, data have been collected on available place-days at all National Health Service day care facilities for mentally ill and mentally handicapped patients. In 1987-88 there were 5.36 million place-days for mental illness day care and 1.02 million place-days for mental handicap day care. Most of these day care facilities are open five days a week.

Column 293

Mr. Robin Cook : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what has been the rate of provision of day care places for the elderly per 1, 000 people aged 75 years and over in each of the last five years.

Column 294

Mr. Mellor : The available information for (a) National Health Service hospitals and (b) local authority social service departments is given in the tables.

Column 293

|c|Table 1|c|                                                                     

|c|Geriatric medicine: Day care attendances, 1982 to 1987-88 and available place  

days, 1987-88 only|c|                                                             

|c|National Health Service hospitals in England|c|                                

                                  |1983   |1984   |1985   |1986   |1987-88        


Rates per thousand population 75+                                                 

  Available place days            |n/a    |n/a    |n/a    |n/a    |713.5          

  New patients                    |24.2   |23.8   |25.2   |24.9   |23.4           


  Total attendances               |552.4  |540.8  |525.1  |525.0  |498.0          

|c|Table 2|c|                                                              

|c|Number of day care places for the elderly|c|                            

|c|per 1,000 people aged 75 or over provided by|c|                         

|c|local authority social services departments in England: 1983-87<1>|c|   

                         |Number of places per                             

                         |1,000 population aged 75                         

                         |or over                                          


As at 31 March                                                             

1983                     |13.3                                             

1984                     |13.3                                             

1985                     |13.4                                             

1986                     |13.5                                             

1987                     |13.4                                             

<1>Including estimates of places for the elderly in day centres for mixed  

client groups and day care places in local authority residential           



Research Assistants

Mr. Allen : To ask the Lord President of the Council, pursuant to his answer to the hon. Member for Nottingham, North, Official Report , 20 March, column 455 , if he will arrange for the register signed by research assistants using the Library to be available for inspection by hon. and right hon. Members.

Mr. Wakeham : The register signed by research assistants using the Members' Library is kept permanently in the Oriel Room of the Library. It can be made available on request to any right hon. or hon. Member who wishes to inspect it.


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