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Mr. Peter Bottomley : No.

Traffic Flows (Popham--M27)

Mr. John Browne : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the latest available summer and winter five-day and seven-day traffic flows for the M3/A33 route between Popham and the M27, for the following sections (a) Popham-Easton Lane, (b) Easton Lane-Bar End, (c) Bar End-Hockley, (d) Hockley-Compton, (e) Compton-Chandlers Ford and (f) Chandlers Ford-M27 ; and if he will list the peak hour flows for each direction separately for each section.

Mr. Peter Bottomley : Information is not available on summer and winter traffic flows.

The estimated Annual Average Daily Flows (24 hours) for all motor vehicles for 1987 are as follows :

                           |All days|Weekdays         


Popham-Easton Lane M3      |19,300  |20,500           

Popham-Easton Lane A33     |26,700  |27,400           

Easton Lane-Bar End A33    |41,800  |42,700           

Bar End-Hockley A33        |54,600  |55,500           

Hockley-Compton A33        |54,500  |56,100           

Compton-Chandlers Ford A33 |46,500  |46,800           

Chandlers Ford-M27 A33     |25,600  |25,700           

There are limited data on peak flows. The information relates to May 1987 and is for combined directions, as follows.

                           |AM peak|PM peak        


Popham-Easton Lane M3      |2,948  |2,954          

Easton Lane A33            |918    |924            

Bar End Road A33           |1,204  |1,119          

Morestone Road A33         |835    |783            

Compton-Chandlers Ford A33 |5,116  |4,777          

Mr. John Browne : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what length of the M3-A33 between Popham and the M27 is currently equipped with sensors in the carriageway lanes to detect queues and incidents ; what is the spacing of these sensors ; whether they indicate speeds of traffic ; and for what length of road CCTV can be used to verify queueing or incidents.

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Mr. Peter Bottomley : Three queue detectors are provided at 500 m intervals on the southbound carriageway of the A33 between Bar End and Hockley. They are connected to a "Queue Ahead" sign 1.3 km north of Hockley traffic lights and a speed detector 2 km north of the traffic lights, which detects speeds above 50 mph.

CCTV cameras are sited at junction 9 on the M3 with an approximate viewing distance of 2 km north and south, and at A33 Hockley traffic lights viewing 1 km north and 300-400 m south. The camera at Hockley can also view traffic approaching A33 on the A333 (Ghost Corner) and B3335 Twyford with a viewing distance on the side roads of about 75 m.

Traffic Flows (A33-M3)

Mr. John Browne : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the present daily and peak-hour flows entering and leaving the A33-M3 at the following junctions : (a) M3/A34 interchange, Easton Lane, (b) Bar End, (c) Hockley, all movements, (d) Compton, northfacing slip roads, (e) Shawford, A31 junction, (f) Chandlers Ford and (g) M27 and A35 (northbound flows on to A33).

Mr. Peter Bottomley : The information requested is not available.

Winchester Bypass

Mr. John Browne : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what is the average lane occupancy in vehicles per mile of the A33 Winchester bypass in each direction in (a) offpeak and (b) peak hours ; and what is the average speed recorded for each situation.

Mr. Peter Bottomley : The information requested is not available.

A33 (Bar End-Compton)

Mr. John Browne : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will list the minor schemes and expenditure undertaken on the A33 between Bar End and Compton since the decision letter on the 1976-77 inquiry was issued in 1979.

Mr. Peter Bottomley : A33 Hockley crossroads £500,000.

Mr. John Browne : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what is the average number of incidents per week significantly affecting traffic flow on the A33 between Bar End and Compton ; and what is the average response time between an incident occurring on this length of dual carriageway and a recovery vehicle removing the vehicle or vehicles immobilised.

Mr. Peter Bottomley : This information is not held by the Department.

SS Ave

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what steps he took to ascertain that the wages and conditions of the crew on the SS Ave, which recently called at Teesport and Immingham, conform to international regulations.

Mr. Portillo : The Ave was not visited by Department of Transport marine surveyors at Imingham or Teesport. A

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port state control inspection had been conducted in Rotterdam on 2 May 1989 and a valid inspection form issued.

Mr. Mullin : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what information he has about the movements of the SS Ave which recently discharged a cargo of South African coal at Teesport.

Mr. Portillo : The Ave is believed to have arrived in Rotterdam from Maputo, Mozambique, and to have sailed from Rotterdam on 3 May. She arrived in Immingham later the same day, remaining there until 7 May when she sailed for Teesport. The Ave was in Teesport from 7 May until 13 May when she sailed bound for Hamburg.

Vehicles (Silencer Kits)

Mr. Nicholas Winterton : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what information he has concerning the safety implication of fitting air brake silencer kits to heavy goods vehicles ;

(2) what recent representations he has received concerning the requirement that in order to qualify for a permit under the London area lorry scheme vehicles must be fitted with air brake silencer kits ;

(3) when he last met the London boroughs transport scheme to discuss the issue of air brake silencer kits ; and if he will make a statement ;

(4) whether he has had any consultations with representatives of the insurance industry concerning the invalidation of policies by the fitting of air brake silencer kits.

Mr. Peter Bottomley : The Secretary of State has not met the London boroughs transport scheme to discuss the issue of air brake silencer kits. A vehicle's braking system needs to ensure efficient responsive braking. It is for vehicle manufacturers to ensure that this is done. The possible use of air brake silencers should therefore be considered at design stage. If air brake silencers are fitted retrospectively, then as with any other modification, care must be taken. The air brake silencer must be carefully positioned and the manufacturer of the vehicle should be consulted before it is fitted. Good maintenance is essential.

We have not consulted the insurance industry. It is for vehicle operators to ensure that their insurance policies are not invalidated by any modifications they make to their vehicles.

Representations have been received on the issue of air brake silencers from the Freight Transport Association, the Road Haulage Association and the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. We have also received a number of individual representations. The Freight Transport Association has challenged in the courts the requirements by the London boroughs transport scheme to fit brake silencer kits. The matter is currently the subject of a judicial review.

Birmingham cross-city Railway

Mr. Snape : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if his Department has seen and commented upon a draft proposal from British Rail to electrify the Birmingham cross-city railway line ; on how many occasions the matter has been discussed between his Department and British

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Rail ; which points of clarification have been sought by his Department ; and when he expects British Rail to submit a formal investment proposal.

Mr. Portillo : Department of Transport officials have seen and commented upon a draft proposal from British Rail to electrify the Birmingham cross-city railway line and have had two meetings with British Rail to discuss it. The Department is currently awaiting clarification of various issues concerning the forecast net benefit of electrification costs. I expect British Rail to submit a formal investment proposal shortly.

Mr. Snape : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport on what date discussions took place between his Department and British Rail about the proposed electrification of the Birmingham cross-city railway line ; whether such discussions are likely to lead to a formal investment proposal ; whether any further work which British Rail has to do on the proposals arose as a result of informal discussion between the two parties ; and what information he has on the extent of local interest in the possibility of converting the cross-city line into a Metro line.

Mr. Portillo : Informal discussions between Department of Transport officials and British Rail about the proposed electrification of the Birmingham cross-city railway line took place on 5 January 1989 and 21 April 1989. British Rail has further work to do on the proposal as a result of these discussions and is planning to make a formal investment proposal. Although the possibility of converting the cross-city line into a Metro line was raised in connection with the Birmingham integrated transportation study, I understand that it is not now being pursued as part of that study.

Mr. Snape : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what criteria he expects British Rail to set out when submitting an investment proposal to him regarding the electrification of the Birmingham cross-city railway line.

Mr. Portillo : We expect British Rail to demonstrate that the proposed electrification would represent better value for money than other options, in particular providing a modern diesel service.

Mr. Nellist : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when his Department intends to take the decision on approval of the electrification of the cross-city line ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Portillo : We can decide only when we have received a formal investment proposal from British Rail.

Vehicles (M6)

Mrs. Dunwoody : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will assess the effectiveness of the exercise by Staffordshire county constabulary in surveying vehicles

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on the M6 to discover how many were unfit for use ; and if he will take steps to encourage chief constables to undertake similar exercises.

Mr. Peter Bottomley : The types of vehicle check carried out by Staffordshire police are effective both in enforcing the law and increasing inter-agency co-operation. The Department's enforcement staff will continue to assist the police in similar exercises on the M6 and elsewhere.

M4 Motorway

Mr. Roger King : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport if he will give for the M6 motorway between junctions 4 and 10A (a) the designed hourly capacity, (b) the daily traffic flow, (c) the peak time hourly traffic flow, (d) the hourly peak time through traffic, (e) the total traffic flow between the hours of 8 pm and 8 am and (f) the number of heavy goods vehicles per day, in each case : (i) at present and (ii) estimated for 1995 and 2005.

Mr. Peter Bottomley [holding answer Thursday 25 May 1989] : The Department uses design reference flows rather than traffic flow standards when designing motorways. These indicate only the starting point for detailed operational and economic assessment of options. The Department's design reference flows for a dual three-lane motorway--which describes the M6 between junctions 4 and 10A--range from 50,000 to 79,000 vehicles per annual average day in the design year (15 years after the year in which the road opens). However, the maximum capacity of any road in terms of throughput is considerably more than its "design flow" and will vary with the vehicle mix, road layout, time of day, time of year, and driving conditions. The latest estimates of the annual average daily flow (AADF) for the M6 between junctions 4 and 10A relate to 1987. The figures are given in the following table.

Estimated annual average daily flow<1> of all vehicles and of heavy         

goods vehicles on specified links of the M6: 1987                           

Junction           |All motor vehicles|HGVs                                 


4-5                |71,000            |14,200                               

5-6                |77,200            |13,810                               

6-7                |98,300            |18,580                               

7-8                |115,000           |24,850                               

8-9                |111,500           |21,930                               

9-10               |110,300           |21,540                               

10-10A             |n.a.              |n.a.                                 

<1> Both directions of travel.                                              

n.a.=not available.                                                         

Counts for peak flows and for flows between 8 pm and 8 am are available for only some of these links. The information is in the following table :

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Average weekday peak hour and 8 pm and 8 am flows on specified links and for specified    

dates on the M6                                                                           

                               Average weekday:                                           

Junction       |Date          |Peak hour     |Peak flow     |8 pm-8 am                    


4A-5 North     |February 1989 |8 am-9 am     |5,700         |14,200                       

4A-5 South     |February 1989 |5 pm-6 pm     |6,000         |14,000                       

5-6 South      |February 1989 |5 pm-6 pm     |5,300         |12,500                       

6-7 North      |September 1988|3 pm-4 pm     |3,700         |15,800                       

8W-9 South     |March 1989    |4 pm-5 pm     |6,700         |17,000                       

9-10 North     |March 1989    |5 pm-6 pm     |5,900         |17,700                       

9-10 South     |March 1989    |4 pm-5 pm     |5,800         |18,000                       

Note: Separate data for goods vehicles are not available.                                 

Estimates of through traffic were made for two links of this section of the M6 in 1984 and are given in the table.

Proportion of 12 hour daytime flow estimated as through     

traffic by                                                  

type of vehicle and for specified junctions on the M6: 1984 

Junction       |All vehicles  |Heavy vehicles               

               |Per cent.     |Per cent.                    


4A-5           |35            |45                           

10-10A         |50            |57                           

The Department prepares forecasts of national traffic. Where specific trunk road improvements are being assessed local traffic forecasts are prepared. Projections are not otherwise made for specific roads.


Mr. Onslow : To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what restrictions are placed on the transport of the chemical Dursban ; and what steps he is taking to ensure that the appropriate regulations are being observed.

Mr. Peter Bottomley [holding answer Friday 26 May 1989] : Dursban is not listed as a dangerous substance in transport legislation. It is an organo-phosphate insecticide, approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986. These regulations make general provisions requiring any person selling, supplying or storing pesticides to take all reasonable precautions, particularly with regard to storage and transport, to protect human health, fauna and flora and the environment.


Balance of Payments

Mr. Morgan : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is his latest forecast for the United Kingdom balance of payments for 1989.

Mr. Major : The "Financial Statement and Budget Report" for 1989-90 shows a forecast deficit for the current account of the balance of payments in 1989 of £14 billion.

Balance of Trade

Mr. Tony Lloyd : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is his latest forecast of the balance of trade in visible goods in 1989.

Mr. Harry Barnes : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is his latest forecast of the balance of trade in visible goods in 1989.

Mr. Grocott : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is his latest forecast of the balance of trade in visible goods in 1989.

Mr. Major : The "Financial Statement and Budget Report" for 1989-90 shows a forecast deficit for visible trade in 1989 of £21 billion.

Prices and Taxes Indexes

Mr. Morgan : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what changes he proposes to make to the release dates for the retail index and the tax and price index, on his assumption of responsibility for their publication.

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Mr. Lilley : None.


Mr. Macdonald : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the current inflation rate in the United Kingdom ; and what it was one year ago.

Mr. Lilley : The all-items RPI annual inflation rate in April 1989 was 8 per cent., and was 3.9 per cent. in April 1988. The underlying rate of inflation, as measured by the RPI excluding mortgage interest payments, was 5.9 per cent. in April 1988.

Married Man's Tax Allowance

Mr. Knapman : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what recent consideration he has given to the married man's tax allowance.

Mr. Norman Lamont : When independent taxation begins in April 1990 the present structure of income tax allowances will be replaced by the personal allowance and the married couple's allowance. A husband and wife will each have their own personal allowance and the new system will continue to recognise marriage through the married couple's allowance. This will be given in the first instance to the husband. The personal allowance and the married couple's allowance will together be equivalent to the present married man's allowance.

Public Sector Debt

Mr. Allen : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement on the repayment of the public sector debt held by foreign-owned institutions.

Mr. Lilley : It is not possible to provide the information requested. However, table 8 of the Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin and table 2.6 of Financial Statistics show transactions in marketable Government debt by the overseas sector.


Mr. Butterfill : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made for the growth of exports for 1989 as against 1988.

Mr. Major : I refer my hon. Friend to the reply that I gave to the hon. Member for Bootle (Mr. Roberts) on 4 May at columns 203-4 .

Tax Reform

Mr. Speller : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will make a statement setting out Government policy on tax reform.

Mr. Norman Lamont : The Government's programme of tax reform has sought to create a climate in which businesses can thrive and individual initiative and risk taking are rewarded. A major objective has been to leave people more of their own money, so that they can choose for themselves what to do with it. In particular the Government have reduced marginal tax rates so that an extra pound of earnings or profits is really worth having. We have reduced the basic rate of income tax from 33 to 25 per cent. and set a target of 20 per cent. Business

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taxation has been radically restructured, leaving the main United Kingdom corporation tax rate at 35 per cent. one of the lowest in the industrialised world. Five major taxes have been abolished completely.

We have also tried to ensure that, as a general rule, people's choices are distorted by the tax system as little as reasonably possible. In general the objective is to charge lower rates on a broader base ; thereby improving incentives and reducing distortions. However the Government have also been prepared, when it it sensible, to promote well-targeted tax reliefs which will help to make the economy work better. Other important objectives have been to provide a fair deal for married women and to simplify the tax system.


Mr. Allen : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was (a) the percentage of average wages paid in tax in all kinds, (b) the percentage paid in income tax and (c) the percentage paid in indirect taxes for each year since 1979.

Mr. Norman Lamont : I refer the hon. Member to the estimates placed in the Library of the House in reply to the hon. Member for Edinburgh, South (Mr. Griffiths) on 13 April at column 624.

Manufacturing Investment

Mr. Pike : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the level of manufacturing investment in the United Kingdom in 1979 and 1988.

Mr. Major : The level of manufacturing investment in the United Kingdom in 1985 prices was £11,157 million in 1979 and £11,586 million in 1988.

Sterling M3

Mr. Cousins : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what is the cumulative growth in sterling M3 from 1979 to the present ; (2) what was the cumulative growth in sterling M3 from May 1979 to 1984 and from 1984 to the present ;

(3) what was the average growth of sterling M3 in the years 1970 to 1974, 1974 to 1979, 1979 to 1983 onwards ;

(4) what was the percentage growth of sterling M3 in each year since 1970.

Mr. Lilley : Sterling M3 was retitled M3 in 1987. Figures from M3 from 1963 to 1988 were published in the January 1989 volume of Financial Statistics ; more recent data are available in subsequent numbers of Financial Statistics or in Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin. Annex 7 of "Breaks in Monetary Series" (Bank of England discussion paper No. 23) discusses the calculation of growth rates of monetary series.


Mr. Michael Marshall : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what representations he has received regarding the withdrawal of two-star leaded petrol by the major oil companies ; and what assessment his Department has made of the difficulties created for drivers of older vehicles by the suggested use instead of four-star leaded petrol.

Mr. Lilley : My right hon. Friend has received a number of representations about the withdrawal of two-star leaded

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petrol by some major oil companies. Many engines which formerly ran on two-star petrol can use unleaded fuel. Those which cannot are able to use four-star leaded petrol without difficulty.

Taxation (EEC)

Mr. Spearing : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will tabulate in a similar manner to his written answer of 24 March 1988, Official Report, columns 195-6, the likely effects on tax rates and yields in the United Kingdom of the latest proposals from the Commission of the European Communities for harmonising value added tax, showing net and gross yields, respectively.

Mr. Lilley : The Commission's latest proposals are not specific either on the level of the suggested minimum standard rate of VAT or on the scope of future zero rates. I regret, therefore, that it is not possible to update the previous tables.

Mr. Spearing : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will tabulate in the Official Report in a manner similar to that of his written answer of 23 March 1988, Official Report columns 124-26, the effect on excise duties of adoption of the latest proposals of the Commission of the European Economic Community for harmonising national taxes on alcohol, tobacco and hydrocarbon oils and fuels.

Mr. Lilley : The latest Commission proposals contain no suggested rates for excise duties. I regret, therefore, that it is not possible at this stage to provide the information requested.


Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer why were a quantity of African elephant tusks detained by Customs and Excise in the Flying Tigers customs shed at Heathrow airport on 20 April 1989 ; for whom and where the tusks were to be delivered ; and what was the total weight of ivory involved.

Mr. Lilley : Five consignments of raw ivory are currently held at the airport at Heathrow. Two have been seized and three were detained on 12 April. The validity of the export permits produced for this ivory is being checked by the international ivory trade monitoring unit. No further details can be given at this stage.

Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will provide full details of all shipments of ivory by nature, value, country of origin and documentation discrepancy currently being detained at British ports of entry.

Mr. Lilley [holding answer 25 May 1989] : Details of individual consignments where Customs action is not yet completed cannot be disclosed.

Mr. Tony Banks : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many cargoes of ivory are currently at British ports of entry in transit to other destinations ; and what are those destinations.

Mr. Lilley [holding answer 25 May 1989] : Information on such cargoes is not held centrally and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

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Scottish Bank Notes

Mr. Canavan : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Treasury has had any recent communications with Scottish banks about the issue of Scottish bank notes ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Lilley : No.


Mr. Grocott : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will list the people appointed to quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisations whose services were secured by executive search and selection agencies.

Mr. Luce : I have been asked to reply.

This information is not held centrally and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

Mr. Grocott : To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the total cost of running the Government's quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisations in each of the last 10 years.

Mr. Luce : I have been asked to reply.

The figures for the years 1979 to 1988, at current prices, are as follows :

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