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Mr. Michael : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what obligations he imposes on statutory water companies operating partly or wholly in Wales to disclose information about their structure, finances and activities ; and what are the comparable obligations of private limited companies.

Mr. Peter Walker : The requirements for disclosure of information about the structure, finances and activities of the statutory water companies and private limited companies are set out in company legislation.

Mr. Michael : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales whether he will make it his policy that full information should be accessible to the public in respect of statutory water companies operating partly or wholly in Wales to at least the same extent as any ordinary public limited company.

Mr. Peter Walker : The Government regard the statutory water company model as an outdated method of running a business. I hope that statutory water companies will take early advantage of the opportunity offered by the Water Act 1989 to become registered companies under a simplified conversion procedure, which will bring them within the scope of the full range of modern company legislation.

NHS Beds

Mr. Barry Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many National Health Service beds (a) in Wales and (b) by health authority are provided in accommodation built (i) before 1914, (ii) before 1939, (iii) between 1939 and 1979 and (iv) since 1979.

Mr. Peter Walker : This information is not available centrally.


Mr. Barry Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many schools currently in use in Wales, and by local education authority, were built (a) before 1914, (b) before 1939, (c) between 1939 and 1979, and (d) since 1979 showing for each category the numbers of primary, secondary or special schools, and the total number of pupils.

Mr. Wyn Roberts : Details of the ages of school buildings are not held centrally.

Sewage Treatment Works (Rhymney Valley)

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list in the Official Report the applications he has received for the lowering of discharge consents of sewage works in the Rhymney valley.

Mr. Peter Walker : I have received two applications for time-limited variations of consent conditions as follows :

Column 559

Draethen STW

Rudry STW

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will list those sewage treatment works in the Rhymney valley which have failed to meet their discharge consents during the last 12-month period for which figures are available.

Mr. Peter Walker : All sewage treatment works in the Rhymney valley met their consent conditions during 1988 (the latest period for which figures are available).

Community Care

Mr. Gwilym Jones : To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make a statement about future arrangements for promoting effective community care.

Mr. Peter Walker : The Government have laid the foundations in Wales over recent years for the effective development of community care for those who are not cared for appropriately in hospitals or residential care.

In the past, services for people with mental illness and mental handicaps have been imbalanced and poorly distributed across Wales. People have had to travel too far to receive care and the choice has too often been between care in isolated institutions, or of little or no support in people's own homes and communities.

The all-Wales mental handicap strategy has, over the past six years, made possible an unprecedented expansion of community services. For example, the number of people receiving support in their own homes has risen from just 41 in 1982-83 to 1,898 in 1987-88 ; the number of places in ordinary housing for adults from 66 to 614 ; the number of places in short-term care in domestic settings from 34 to 404 ; and the number of people receiving new community-based day-care services from 37 to 809. This has made possible a substantial reduction in the number inappropriately cared for in institutions, with a drop between 1983 and 1987 of almost 20 per cent. in the number of mental handicap hospital in-patients, and a fall of nearly 60 per cent. in the number of children in such hospitals. To build on this success, I have allocated £18,658 million towards the development of the new pattern of services in 1989-90, an increase of nearly £5 million over expenditure in 1988-89.

In June this year I published, following a highly successful public consultation, the all-Wales strategy for the development of mental illness services. This builds on the significant expansion of new patterns of services which has come about in recent years and which has been assisted by the recurrent additional investment of £13 million which the Welsh Office has made available. The strategy lays special emphasis on fully effective care and support for the most vulnerable, including those who require support in their own homes and communities after periods of care as hospital in-patients. I look forward to the joint plans from health and social services authorities and other agencies which the strategy calls for, and which will be the basis for development and investment by all concerned, including additional support from the Welsh Office, to secure the development throughout Wales of quality local services. The greatest challenge in health and social care facing us in Wales, as elsewhere in the western world, is providing adequately for increasing numbers of very elderly people. Our massive investment in health care, including

Column 560

community health services, with an increase in expenditure in real terms of almost 45 per cent. since 1978-79, has led to record levels of patient care from which the elderly in particular have benefited. There have also been significant developments in personal social services based on an increase in net expenditure in real terms since 1978- 79 of 40 per cent. This has made possible, for example, a 65 per cent. increase in the provision of aids to people of 65 and over, and a 40 per cent. increase in the number of home helps. In addition, there has been an unprecedented expansion of sheltered housing ; since 1984-85 more than 4,000 additional units have been provided by housing associations and local authorities.

To help health and social service authorities and other agencies to develop services further, in 1987 my Department launched an initiative on the care of the elderly. This aims to stimulate new developments by grant-aiding demonstration and innovative projects delivering services in a more flexible, co-ordinated and cost-effective way. Some 30 projects are now being funded for up to five years at a total cost of £6,261,000. We are appraising continuously the progress of the initiative and, in considering projects submitted next year, we will be placing more emphasis on encouraging the development of domiciliary care. My Department is undertaking surveys of services for disabled people provided by district health authorities, local authorities and voluntary organisations in Wales. Their needs will also be examined in the next round of health authorities' strategic planning. The results of those exercises will be available next year, but preliminary guidance for planning purposes will be issued shortly.

Last year I introduced a new grant scheme to support training for local authority staff and others who deal with child abuse. I have expanded the programme this year to provide grants totalling £483, 000. I have also approved a new initiative to improve services to families with children under five. Under this, grant totalling up to £400,000 will be available to the voluntary sector over three years. I am considering carefully what might be done more generally to promote better child care and support for families.

These distinctive strategies and initiatives for Wales have been developed by taking advantage of my responsibility for a wide range of health and social services, housing and related programmes and the direct relationship between my Department and the key agencies. Nonetheless, those who need help with social care, over and above that which their families and friends provide, have had to look primarily to two separate sources : to the social services authorities for home care, day care and some residential care services, but to social security offices for payments towards the cost of places in private and voluntary residential care and nursing homes. In Wales, as elsewhere in the United Kingdom, this has led to a significant and unplanned expansion of residential and nursing home care which has not been subject to any assessment of individuals' need for such provision. This has not enabled the public agencies to secure the best packages of care for all individuals, although many have undoubtedly benefited from residential and nursing home care, and has worked against the generally accepted objective of securing, wherever appropriate, that people are supported in their own homes and communities.

The Government have been reviewing these arrangements following Sir Roy Griffiths's report "Community Care : Agenda for Action" which was published in March

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1988. My right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Health and my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Security have today announced the Government's conclusions. The main conclusions apply equally to Wales. In particular, I propose that in future there shall be a single budget for those seeking help from public funds for the cost of social care, whether in their own homes or in a residential or nursing home, which will enable decisions to be taken about the right package of care to meet an individual's particular needs at any point in time. The proposals will remove any perverse incentive for people to go into residential or nursing home care regardless of their needs.

The delivery of effective community care depends on close co-operation at all levels between personal social services and health authorities, family practitioner services, housing authorities and associations, and the voluntary and private sectors, and on all concerned having close regard to the views of those who benefit from services, including any informal carers. The experience of the existing strategies and initiatives in Wales shows that the right place for leadership in respect of the public funding of social care rests with the social services authorities. I propose, therefore, that they should have the responsibility and the budget for such care and other costs not met by the social security system. Community health and family practitioner services will continue to have responsibility and the budgets to ensure the provision of essential health care for those who need it.

In addition to the joint plans already required under the all-Wales mental illness and mental handicap strategies, I propose that social care plans for all groups should be produced by the social services authorities, in collaboration with other relevant agencies and interests. Detailed guidance on the arrangements for these plans will be issued in due course.

Local authorities are increasingly seeing the value of securing effective social care from whatever source can best provide it, rather than automatically providing it

Column 562

directly themselves. There are good examples in Wales of the use of voluntary and private sector providers in this way. I shall expect local authorities to build on this experience. In this spirit, it is proposed that the local authorities should continue to meet the costs of people in their own residential homes, subject to their existing power to make charges according to residents' ability to pay. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Security is not proposing any change to the benefit rules for the residents of such homes.

As in the rest of Great Britain, those already in registered residential and nursing home care before the new arrangements come into effect will remain eligible for financial help under the existing benefit arrangements.

With resources transferred from the social security programme, I shall make available additional resources to the local authorities commensurate with their new responsibilities. There will be detailed discussions with representatives of the local authorities and other key interests about the financial and wider implications of these proposals to ensure the successful introduction of the new arrangements, which I propose should take effect from April 1991. The action which has already been taken in Wales to promote more effective community care has been widely commended. It has shown that it is possible for the Welsh Office, working in close co- operation with health and social services authorities and other agencies, to provide a favourable context for the provision of quality services which meet individual's needs in a sensitive way and which help and support, rather than undermine, informal networks of care provided by families and friends, which for most people will always constitute by far the greater part of the social care. The arrangements I have described in this statement will build on these achievements and enable all concerned to ensure that the people of Wales have every opportunity to preserve their independence for as long as possible as valued members of their communities.

Column 563



Mr. Gareth Wardell : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will publish in the Official Report the uptake figures for measles, mumps and rubella immunisation in each health authority in England for each of the last 10 years and at the latest available date.

Mr. Freeman : The available information is not precisely in the form requested. Information on mumps has been collected only from 1 October 1988 with the introduction of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. This data will be available later in the year. Two-year uptake rates for measles are available only from 1984, by district health authority, as these authorities were formed only in 1982 as a result of the NHS restructuring. Rubella uptake rates are available only nationally. The available information is given in the table.

1978 to 1987-88               

Rubella, uptake               

rate-schoolgirls aged 14      


Percentage of population      

immunised in England          

          |Per cent.          


1978      |74                 

1980      |84                 

1981      |84                 

1982      |83                 

1983      |84                 

1984      |86                 

1985      |86                 

1986      |87                 

1987-88   |86                 

Vaccination and immunisation-measles                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Completed primary courses-two year uptake rate by DHA                                                                                                                                                                                   

Northern RHA                 |<2>68                       |<2>72                       |<2>75                       |<2>77                                                                                                              

Hartlepool                   |<2>53                       |<2>53<2>58                  |<2>60                                                                                                                                           

North Tees                   |61                          |65                          |71                          |76                                                                                                                 

South Tees                   |<2>54                       |<2>55                       |65                          |68                                                                                                                 

East Cumbria                 |75                          |77                          |78                          |82                                                                                                                 

South Cumbria                |77                          |81                          |82                          |73                                                                                                                 

West Cumbria                 |35                          |89                          |89                          |92                                                                                                                 

Darlington                   |75                          |74                          |78                          |83                                                                                                                 

Durham                       |<2>73                       |78                          |83                          |87                                                                                                                 

North West Durham            |80                          |83                          |89                          |89                                                                                                                 

South West Durham            |74                          |79                          |82                          |85                                                                                                                 

Northumberland               |67                          |74                          |78                          |87                                                                                                                 

Gateshead                    |70                          |75                          |73                          |78                                                                                                                 

Newcastle                    |70                          |74                          |75                          |79                                                                                                                 

North Tyneside               |68                          |73                          |72                          |79                                                                                                                 

South Tyneside               |62                          |73                          |76                          |78                                                                                                                 

Sunderland                   |64                          |70                          |74                          |79                                                                                                                 


Yorkshire RHA                |<2>68                       |<2>73                       |<2>75                       |<2>76                                                                                                              

Hull                         |65                          |68                          |69                          |73                                                                                                                 

East Yorkshire               |85                          |88                          |89                          |88                                                                                                                 

Grimsby                      |<2>54                       |<2>67                       |<2>72                       |<2>75                                                                                                              

Scunthorpe                   |<2>78                       |83                          |82                          |86                                                                                                                 

Northallerton                |76                          |79                          |85                          |86                                                                                                                 

York                         |71                          |75                          |77                          |77                                                                                                                 

Scarborough                  |76                          |79                          |81                          |81                                                                                                                 

Harrogate                    |73                          |78                          |77                          |78                                                                                                                 

Bradford                     |66                          |72                          |77                          |78                                                                                                                 

Airedale                     |70                          |71                          |75                          |80                                                                                                                 

Calderdale                   |72                          |75                          |76                          |76                                                                                                                 

Huddersfield                 |73                          |76                          |78                          |82                                                                                                                 

Dewsbury                     |69                          |57                          |71                          |74                                                                                                                 

Leeds Western                |<2>                         |68                          |79                          |84                          |87                                                                                    

Leeds Eastern                |-                           |73                          |77                          |81                                                                                                                 

Wakefield                    |67                          |71                          |74                          |84                                                                                                                 

Pontefract                   |66                          |68                          |69                          |73                                                                                                                 


Trent RHA                    |<2>65                       |<2>72                       |<2>76                       |<2>79                                                                                                              

North Derbyshire             |<2>59                       |<2>72                       |82                          |85                                                                                                                 

Southern Derbyshire          |77                          |82                          |82                          |<2>82                                                                                                              

Leicestershire               |68                          |76                          |80                          |84                                                                                                                 

North Lincolnshire           |67                          |75                          |73                          |73                                                                                                                 

South Lincolnshire           |62                          |67                          |72                          |78                                                                                                                 

Bassetlaw                    |67                          |71                          |74                          |74                                                                                                                 

Central Nottinghamshire      |<2>61                       |75                          |78                          |80                                                                                                                 

Nottingham                   |68                          |75                          |80                          |77                                                                                                                 

Barnsley                     |61                          |69                          |74                          |77                                                                                                                 

Doncaster                    |62                          |69                          |73                          |85                                                                                                                 

Rotherham                    |58                          |66                          |70                          |89                                                                                                                 

Sheffield                    |<2>64                       |<2>70                       |<2>70                       |<2>79                                                                                                              


East Anglia RHA              |<2>73                       |<2>77                       |<2>79                       |<2>80                                                                                                              

Cambridge                    |78                          |82                          |82                          |84                                                                                                                 

Peterborough                 |67                          |71                          |71                          |76                                                                                                                 

West Suffolk                 |78                          |84                          |<2>82                       |85                                                                                                                 

East Suffolk                 |84                          |82                          |85                          |87                                                                                                                 

Norwich                      |76                          |82                          |83                          |84                                                                                                                 

Great Yarmouth and                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

  Waveney                    |75                          |80                          |81                          |83                                                                                                                 

West Norfolk and Wisbech     |73                          |77                          |78                          |79                                                                                                                 

Huntingdon                   |69                          |70                          |71                          |86                                                                                                                 


North West Thames RHA        |<2>64                       |<2>66                       |<2>71                       |<2>74                                                                                                              

North Bedfordshire           |77                          |81                          |85                          |87                                                                                                                 

South Bedfordshire           |69                          |73                          |74                          |73                                                                                                                 

North Hertfordshire          |<2>68                       |75                          |77                          |81                                                                                                                 

East Hertfordshire           |<2>74                       |78                          |79                          |84                                                                                                                 

North West Hertfordshire     |<2>75                       |80                          |83                          |86                                                                                                                 

South West Hertfordshire     |<2>70                       |77                          |80                          |80                                                                                                                 

Barnet                       |68                          |70                          |71                          |75                                                                                                                 

Harrow                       |61                          |51                          |70                          |77                                                                                                                 

Hillingdon                   |61                          |65                          |69                          |75                                                                                                                 

Hounslow and Spelthorne      |59                          |62                          |79                          |73                                                                                                                 

Ealing                       |57                          |<2>57                       |63                          |67                                                                                                                 

Brent                        |<2>62                       |<2>61                       |<2>62                       |<2>56                                                                                                              

Paddington and                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

  North Kensington           |62                          |61                          |58                          |58                                                                                                                 

Riverside                    |-                           |62                          |63                          |64                                                                                                                 


North East Thames RHA        |<2>52                       |<2>58                       |<2>62                       |<2>70                                                                                                              

Basildon and Thurrock        |49                          |63                          |67                          |77                                                                                                                 

Mid Essex                    |<2>75                       |81                          |83                          |84                                                                                                                 

North East Essex             |<2>51                       |<2>74                       |<2>75                       |81                                                                                                                 

West Essex                   |<2>51                       |58                          |<2>58                       |<2>66                                                                                                              

Southend                     |53                          |68                          |69                          |78                                                                                                                 

Barking, Havering and                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  Brentwood                  |68                          |67                          |67                          |71                                                                                                                 

Hampstead                    |43                          |51                          |48                          |53                                                                                                                 

Bloomsbury                   |<2>44                       |<2>43                       |<2>45                       |<2>51                                                                                                              

Islington                    |<2>33                       |<2>50                       |<2>61                       |<2>65                                                                                                              

City and Hackney             |53                          |57                          |60                          |65                                                                                                                 

Newham                       |46                          |54                          |45                          |51                                                                                                                 

Tower Hamlet                 |49                          |61                          |66                          |72                                                                                                                 

Enfield                      |69                          |67                          |72                          |71                                                                                                                 

Haringey                     |65                          |64                          |61                          |64                                                                                                                 

Redbridge                    |51                          |57                          |56                          |51                                                                                                                 

Waltham Forest               |<2>57                       |62                          |69                          |73                                                                                                                 


South East Thames RHA        |<2>60                       |<2>66                       |<2>66                       |<2>70                                                                                                              

Brighton                     |62                          |73                          |81                          |74                                                                                                                 

Eastbourne                   |70                          |80                          |84                          |84                                                                                                                 

Hastings                     |<2>73                       |69                          |77                          |79                                                                                                                 

South East Kent              |<2>62                       |<2>72                       |75                          |83                                                                                                                 

Canterbury and Thanet        |67                          |70                          |73                          |<2>81                                                                                                              

Dartford and Gravesham       |73                          |72                          |74                          |77                                                                                                                 

Maidstone                    |76                          |77                          |82                          |<2>81                                                                                                              

Medway                       |63                          |66                          |72                          |84                                                                                                                 

Tunbridge Wells              |<2>68                       |77                          |78                          |82                                                                                                                 

Bexley                       |45                          |57                          |44                          |36                                                                                                                 

Greenwich                    |40                          |51                          |50                          |68                                                                                                                 

Bromley                      |68                          |71                          |74                          |84                                                                                                                 

West Lambeth                 |<2>56                       |<2>54                       |<2>52                       |56                                                                                                                 

Camberwell                   |58                          |52                          |49                          |58                                                                                                                 

Lewisham and North Southwark  38                           59                           63                           67                                                                                                                 


South West Thames RHA        |<2>66                       |<2>70                       |<2>72                       |<2>77                                                                                                              

North West Surrey            |63                          |64                          |63                          |73                                                                                                                 

West Surrey and North East Hants  75                       88                           86                           84                                                                                                                 

South West Surrey            |64                          |68                          |63                          |59                                                                                                                 

Mid Surrey                   |<2>92                       |<2>74                       |67                          |77                                                                                                                 

East Surrey                  |50                          |71                          |67                          |59                                                                                                                 

Chichester                   |84                          |84                          |84                          |90                                                                                                                 

Mid Downs                    |85                          |87                          |89                          |<2>89                                                                                                              

Worthing                     |84                          |85                          |86                          |89                                                                                                                 

Croydon                      |60                          |72                          |71                          |<2>77                                                                                                              

Kingston and Esher           |<2>55                       |60                          |67                          |<2>70                                                                                                              

Richmond, Twickenham and                                                                                                                                                                                                                

  Roehampton                 |<2>52                       |<2>57                       |55                          |55                                                                                                                 

Wandsworth                   |51                          |56                          |62                          |74                                                                                                                 

Merton and Sutton            |60                          |62                          |64                          |63                                                                                                                 


Wessex RHA                   |<2>75                       |<2>79                       |<2>81                       |<2>82                                                                                                              

East Dorset                  |77                          |80                          |81                          |86                                                                                                                 

West Dorset                  |<2>74                       |<2>79                       |80                          |82                                                                                                                 

Portsmouth and South East                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  Hants                      |73                          |72                          |76                          |78                                                                                                                 

Southampton and South                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  West Hants                 |84                          |87                          |87                          |90                                                                                                                 

Winchester                   |82                          |86                          |86                          |89                                                                                                                 

Basingstoke and North                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  Hants                      |79                          |83                          |82                          |81                                                                                                                 

Salisbury                    |<2>70                       |71                          |72                          |<2>85                                                                                                              

Swindon                      |<2>68                       |73                          |78                          |82                                                                                                                 

Bath                         |<2>73                       |76                          |77                          |<2>84                                                                                                              

Isle of Wight                |58                          |69                          |73                          |82                                                                                                                 


Oxford RHA                   |<2>74                       |<2>78                       |<2>78                       |<2>82                                                                                                              

East Berkshire                                            |<2>67                       |<2>65                       |76                                                                                                                 

West Berkshire               |<2>70                       |56                          |70                          |76                                                                                                                 

Aylesbury Vale               |82                          |84                          |87                          |87                                                                                                                 

Wycombe                      |<2>85                       |<2>90                       |88                          |90                                                                                                                 

Milton Keynes                |<2>72                       |73                          |72                          |67                                                                                                                 

Kettering                                                 |79                          |80                          |83                                                                                                                 

Northampton                  |<2>68                       |75                          |75                          |79                                                                                                                 

Oxfordshire                  |78                          |83                          |88                          |<2>90                                                                                                              


South Western RHA            |<2>71                       |<2>76                       |<2>78                       |<2>85                                                                                                              

Bristol and Weston           |76                          |80                          |81                          |80                                                                                                                 

Frenchay                     |73                          |80                          |79                          |84                                                                                                                 

Southmead                    |80                          |85                          |85                          |84                                                                                                                 

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly |53                          |60                          |64                          |69                                                                                                                 

Exeter                       |80                          |86                          |87                          |90                                                                                                                 

North Devon                  |81                          |85                          |88                          |90                                                                                                                 

Plymouth                     |72                          |79                          |79                          |85                                                                                                                 

Torbay                       |74                          |79                          |82                          |86                                                                                                                 

Cheltenham and District      |71                          |73                          |79                          |81                                                                                                                 

Gloucester                   |56                          |59                          |71                          |80                                                                                                                 

Somerset                     |87                          |89                          |91                          |92                                                                                                                 


West Midlands RHA            |<2>59                       |<2>64                       |<2>67                       |<2>75                                                                                                              

Bromsgrove and Redditch      |77                          |71                          |72                          |76                                                                                                                 

Herefordshire                |74                          |73                          |76                          |80                                                                                                                 

Kidderminster and District   |79                          |76                          |79                          |82                                                                                                                 

Worcester and District       |81                          |79                          |82                          |83                                                                                                                 

Shropshire                   |72                          |76                          |79                          |83                                                                                                                 

Mid Staffordshire            |46                          |62                          |80                          |85                                                                                                                 

North Staffordshire          |38                          |71                          |77                          |80                                                                                                                 

South East Staffordshire     |52                          |64                          |66                          |89                                                                                                                 

Rugby                        |74                          |72                          |74                          |81                                                                                                                 

North Warwickshire           |73                          |69                          |73                          |78                                                                                                                 

South Warwickshire           |77                          |80                          |83                          |<2>85                                                                                                              

Central Birmingham           |<2>51                       |<2>54                       |<2>62                       |<2>65                                                                                                              

East Birmingham              |<2>38                       |44                          |62                          |52                                                                                                                 

North Birmingham             |<2>54                       |<2>55                       |<2>62                       |<2>70                                                                                                              

South Birmingham             |<2>52                       |<2>62                       |<2>46                       |<2>61                                                                                                              

West Birmingham              |68                          |77                          |58                          |64                                                                                                                 

Coventry                     |58                          |62                          |68                          |73                                                                                                                 

Dudley                       |68                          |73                          |75                          |78                                                                                                                 

Sandwell                     |59                          |63                          |66                          |71                                                                                                                 

Solihull                     |54                          |56                          |63                          |72                                                                                                                 

Walsall                      |55                          |61                          |66                          |75                                                                                                                 

Wolverhampton                |54                          |58                          |66                          |70                                                                                                                 


Mersey RHA                   |<2>57                       |<2>62                       |<1>66                       |<1>72                                                                                                              

Chester                      |85                          |89                          |89                          |84                                                                                                                 

Crewe                        |81                          |85                          |87                          |85                                                                                                                 

Halton                       |81                          |86                          |90                          |84                                                                                                                 

Macclesfied                  |88                          |91                          |93                          |88                                                                                                                 

Warrington                   |67                          |70                          |74                          |82                                                                                                                 

Liverpool                    |47                          |49                          |53                          |64                                                                                                                 

St. Helens and Knowsley      |41                          |54                          |56                          |65                                                                                                                 

Southport and Formby         |58                          |67                          |67                          |80                                                                                                                 

South Sefton                 |37                          |41                          |47                          |57                                                                                                                 

Wirral                       |81                          |88                          |88                          |82                                                                                                                 


North Western RHA            |<2>53                       |<2>59                       |<1>66                       |<1>71                                                                                                              

Lancaster                    |51                          |75                          |77                          |85                                                                                                                 

Blackpool, Wyre and Fylde    |41                          |50                          |59                          |62                                                                                                                 

Preston                      |43                          |54                          |53                          |73                                                                                                                 

Blackburn, Hyndburn and                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  Ribble Valley              |51                          |53                          |55                          |64                                                                                                                 

Burnley, Pendle and                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

  Rossendale                 |47                          |52                          |60                          |68                                                                                                                 

West Lancashire              |41                          |43                          |69                          |77                                                                                                                 

Chorley and South Ribble     |37                          |47                          |61                          |63                                                                                                                 

Bolton                       |70                          |73                          |77                          |83                                                                                                                 

Bury                         |69                          |77                          |78                          |80                                                                                                                 

North Manchester             |54                          |60                          |63                          |68                                                                                                                 

Central Manchester           |52                          |60                          |64                          |73                                                                                                                 

South Manchester             |47                          |48                          |54                          |57                                                                                                                 

Oldham                       |52                          |61                          |66                          |72                                                                                                                 

Rochdale                     |48                          |59                          |71                          |76                                                                                                                 

Salford                      |46                          |44                          |60                          |64                                                                                                                 

Stockport                    |67                          |70                          |74                          |80                                                                                                                 

Tameside and Glossop         |64                          |71                          |74                          |80                                                                                                                 

Trafford                     |66                          |70                          |79                          |81                                                                                                                 

Wigan                        |67                          |72                          |76                          |79                                                                                                                 

<1> In 1984 figures include combined uptake rates for the following DHAs:                                                                                                                                                               

Leeds Western and Leeds Eastern:                                                                                                                                                                                                        

East Berkshire and West Berkshire;                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Kettering and Northampton.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

<2> Uptake rates are those supplied DHA calculated rates have been used.                                                                                                                                                                

Column 564

Mental Handicap

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will publish in the Official Report a table showing the number of long- stay patients discharged from each mental handicap hospital in England and Wales since 1981.

Mr. Freeman : Provision of the information for each hospital would involve disproportionate cost. The table shows, for each district health authority, the number of discharges, excluding transfers and deaths, of mentally handicapped patients after a stay of one year or more in an NHS mental handicap hospital or unit in England. The figures in the table may not exactly equate to numbers of people, because some may have been discharged several times during the period. The information for 1981 could not be provided without disproportionate cost due to boundary changes to the district health authorities' areas. The information for Wales is the responsibility of my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales.

NHS Mental Handicap Hospitals and Units in England 1986                                                                                                   

Number of long stay patients discharged by Hospitals in districts                                                                                         

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


Northern RHA          |59                   |66                   |104                  |80                   |112                                        

Hartlepool            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

North Tees            |0                    |1                    |3                    |0                    |1                                          

South Tees            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

East Cumbria          |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

South Cumbria         |0                    |0                    |0                    |5                    |15                                         

West Cumbria          |15                   |14                   |14                   |22                   |2                                          

Darlington            |12                   |11                   |35                   |12                   |18                                         

Durham                |7                    |11                   |17                   |12                   |16                                         

North West Durham     |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

South West Durham     |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Northumberland        |25                   |27                   |33                   |29                   |59                                         

Gateshead             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Newcastle             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

North Tyneside        |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

South Tyneside        |0                    |2                    |2                    |0                    |1                                          

Sunderland            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             


Yorkshire RHA  |104|67 |95 |192|203    

Hull           |40 |9  |11 |5  |14     

East Yorkshire |0  |0  |0  |0  |0      

Grimsby        |0  |0  |0  |6  |7      

Scunthorpe     |0  |1  |2  |7  |3      

Northallerton  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0      

York           |26 |3  |6  |41 |23     

Scarborough    |0  |0  |0  |0  |0      

Harrogate      |0  |4  |4  |18 |44     

Bradford       |8  |13 |24 |12 |34     

Airedale       |4  |4  |4  |15 |7      

Calderdale     |12 |16 |17 |9  |19     

Huddersfield   |0  |0  |2  |18 |3      

Dewsbury       |0  |0  |0  |0  |0      

Leeds Western  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0      

Leeds Eastern  |11 |8  |17 |12 |22     

Wakefield      |3  |9  |8  |48 |27     

Pontefract     |0  |0  |0  |0  |0      


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to   

other hospitals and Special Hospitals. 

(2) Long stay are those patients       

discharged after a stay of one year or 


District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


Trent RHA             |149                  |125                  |191                  |210                  |415                                        

North Derbyshire      |4                    |9                    |2                    |10                   |27                                         

Southern Derbyshire   |29                   |15                   |22                   |33                   |31                                         

Leicestershire        |16                   |15                   |10                   |28                   |26                                         

North Lincolnshire    |7                    |13                   |39                   |18                   |65                                         

South Lincolnshire    |3                    |0                    |12                   |22                   |76                                         

Bassetlaw             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          


  Nottinghamshire     |16                   |14                   |23                   |18                   |87                                         

Nottingham            |9                    |2                    |3                    |32                   |33                                         

Barnsley              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |2                                          

Doncaster             |0                    |18                   |13                   |10                   |7                                          

Rotherham             |9                    |11                   |35                   |9                    |11                                         

Sheffield             |56                   |28                   |32                   |30                   |50                                         


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


East Anglia RHA       |37                   |96                   |85                   |88                   |79                                         

Cambridge             |2                    |15                   |8                    |15                   |4                                          

Peterborough          |2                    |2                    |1                    |6                    |0                                          

West Suffolk          |2                    |22                   |1                    |5                    |26                                         

East Suffolk          |5                    |6                    |20                   |22                   |18                                         

Norwich               |16                   |47                   |39                   |24                   |29                                         

Great Yarmouth and                                                                                                                                        

  Waveney             |5                    |2                    |8                    |9                    |2                                          

West Norfolk and                                                                                                                                          

  Wisbech             |5                    |2                    |8                    |7                    |0                                          

Huntingdon            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


North West Thames                                                                                                                                         

  RHA                 |72                   |77                   |84                   |83                   |70                                         

North Bedfordshire    |5                    |8                    |10                   |15                   |18                                         

South Bedfordshire    |0                    |0                    |1                    |0                    |1                                          

North Hertfordshire   |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

East Hertfordshire    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

North West                                                                                                                                                

  Hertfordshire       |40                   |27                   |39                   |32                   |38                                         

South West                                                                                                                                                

  Hertfordshire       |23                   |19                   |18                   |30                   |11                                         

Barnet                |2                    |15                   |9                    |0                    |0                                          

Harrow                |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Hillingdon            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Hounslow and                                                                                                                                              

  Spelthorne          |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Ealing                |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Brent                 |2                    |7                    |7                    |6                    |2                                          

Paddington and                                                                                                                                            


  Kensington          |0                    |1                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Riverside             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


North East Thames                                                                                                                                         

  RHA                 |47                   |42                   |90                   |111                  |71                                         

Basildon and                                                                                                                                              

  Thurrock            |16                   |20                   |26                   |23                   |29                                         

Mid Essex             |2                    |1                    |3                    |3                    |2                                          

North East Essex      |17                   |2                    |32                   |32                   |29                                         

West Essex            |0                    |1                    |0                    |0                    |1                                          

Southend              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Barking, Havering                                                                                                                                         

  and Brentwood       |0                    |3                    |23                   |43                   |5                                          

Hampstead             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Bloomsbury            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Islington             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

City and Hackney      |0                    |2                    |2                    |4                    |0                                          

Newham                |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Tower Hamlets         |1                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Enfield               |0                    |3                    |1                    |0                    |3                                          

Haringey              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |1                                          

Redbridge             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Waltham Forest        |11                   |10                   |3                    |6                    |1                                          


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

Column 569

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


South East Thames RHA  110                   136                   203                   258                   354                                        

Brighton              |3                    |5                    |5                    |21                   |26                                         

Eastbourne            |8                    |6                    |15                   |3                    |14                                         

Hastings              |11                   |7                    |18                   |16                   |6                                          

South East Kent       |0                    |3                    |8                    |6                    |5                                          

Canterbury and Thanet 15                     35                    28                    33                    33                                         

Dartford and Gravesham 45                    28                    44                    73                    156                                        

Maidstone             |0                    |0                    |2                    |27                   |13                                         

Medway                |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Tunbridge Wells       |20                   |30                   |64                   |62                   |81                                         

Bexley                |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Greenwich             |2                    |0                    |2                    |7                    |9                                          

Bromley               |4                    |15                   |1                    |2                    |1                                          

West Lambeth          |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Camberwell            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Lewisham and                                                                                                                                              

  North Southwark     |2                    |7                    |16                   |8                    |10                                         


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


South West Thames                                                                                                                                         

  RHA                 |74                   |120                  |144                  |189                  |297                                        

North West Surrey     |1                    |6                    |32                   |20                   |27                                         

West Surrey and                                                                                                                                           

  North East                                                                                                                                              

  Hants               |0                    |2                    |1                    |3                    |3                                          

South West Surrey     |0                    |0                    |2                    |0                    |0                                          

Mid Surrey            |19                   |39                   |0                    |12                   |24                                         

East Surrey           |7                    |20                   |29                   |14                   |33                                         

Chichester            |1                    |2                    |1                    |0                    |0                                          

Mid Downs             |1                    |5                    |4                    |10                   |4                                          

Worthing              |0                    |4                    |1                    |1                    |0                                          

Croydon               |15                   |12                   |18                   |76                   |157                                        

Kingston and Esher    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          


  Twickenham and                                                                                                                                          

  Roehampton          |2                    |5                    |3                    |2                    |13                                         

Wandsworth            |1                    |1                    |2                    |0                    |0                                          

Merton and Sutton     |27                   |24                   |51                   |51                   |36                                         


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


Wessex RHA            |84                   |139                  |126                  |119                  |206                                        

East Dorset           |0                    |0                    |1                    |10                   |2                                          

West Dorset           |0                    |16                   |4                    |9                    |27                                         

Portsmouth and                                                                                                                                            

  South East                                                                                                                                              

  Hampshire           |28                   |61                   |42                   |30                   |22                                         

Southampton and                                                                                                                                           

  South West                                                                                                                                              

  Hampshire           |18                   |24                   |28                   |32                   |58                                         

Winchester            |0                    |0                    |1                    |11                   |40                                         

Basingstoke and                                                                                                                                           

  North Hampshire     |0                    |7                    |21                   |2                    |11                                         

Salisbury             |0                    |0                    |1                    |2                    |0                                          

Swindon               |17                   |5                    |21                   |8                    |10                                         

Bath District         |12                   |13                   |4                    |7                    |5                                          

Isle of Wight         |9                    |13                   |3                    |8                    |31                                         


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

Column 570

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


Oxford RHA            |44                   |62                   |65                   |92                   |104                                        

East Berkshire        |5                    |10                   |5                    |5                    |1                                          

West Berkshire        |12                   |22                   |17                   |18                   |24                                         

Aylesbury Vale        |8                    |6                    |5                    |18                   |7                                          

Wycombe               |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Milton Keynes         |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Kettering             |1                    |2                    |1                    |0                    |0                                          

Northampton           |5                    |6                    |6                    |8                    |16                                         

Oxfordshire           |13                   |16                   |31                   |43                   |56                                         


1. Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                                

2. Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                              

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


South Western RHA     |123                  |168                  |410                  |251                  |193                                        

Bristol and Weston    |2                    |16                   |36                   |9                    |8                                          

Frenchay              |5                    |29                   |75                   |32                   |33                                         

Southmead             |12                   |33                   |80                   |42                   |22                                         

Cornwall and Isles                                                                                                                                        

  of Scilly           |22                   |11                   |34                   |37                   |16                                         

Exeter                |40                   |57                   |123                  |59                   |56                                         

North Devon           |1                    |0                    |4                    |1                    |0                                          

Plymouth              |4                    |4                    |2                    |5                    |1                                          

Torbay                |3                    |2                    |19                   |31                   |10                                         

Cheltenham            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Gloucester            |10                   |5                    |13                   |3                    |12                                         

Somerset              |23                   |11                   |24                   |32                   |35                                         


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals or Special Hospitals.                                                                                

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


West Midlands RHA     |138                  |156                  |107                  |137                  |151                                        

Bromsgrove and                                                                                                                                            

  Redditch            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |8                                          

Herefordshire         |3                    |0                    |1                    |0                    |2                                          

Kidderminster and                                                                                                                                         

  District            |41                   |41                   |25                   |50                   |36                                         

Worcester and                                                                                                                                             

  District            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Shropshire            |0                    |0                    |0                    |1                    |0                                          

Mid Staffordshire     |3                    |0                    |1                    |0                    |3                                          

North Staffordshire   |13                   |14                   |6                    |13                   |8                                          

South East                                                                                                                                                

  Staffordshire       |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Rugby                 |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

North Warwickshire    |30                   |35                   |21                   |29                   |37                                         

South Warwickshire    |1                    |10                   |5                    |14                   |6                                          

Central Birmingham    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

East Birmingham       |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

North Birmingham      |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

South Birmingham      |5                    |20                   |26                   |10                   |9                                          

West Birmingham       |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Coventry              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Dudley                |8                    |5                    |3                    |7                    |14                                         

Sandwell              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Solihull              |3                    |3                    |5                    |3                    |4                                          

Walsall               |31                   |25                   |14                   |10                   |24                                         

Wolverhampton         |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special Hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


Mersey RHA            |83                   |102                  |119                  |98                   |132                                        

Chester               |0                    |2                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Crewe                 |18                   |19                   |15                   |21                   |17                                         

Halton                |0                    |2                    |2                    |5                    |2                                          

Macclesfield          |5                    |5                    |13                   |10                   |30                                         

Warrington            |4                    |17                   |57                   |35                   |27                                         

Liverpool             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

St. Helens and                                                                                                                                            

  Knowsley            |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Southport and Forsby 50                      31                    15                    12                    23                                         

South Sefton          |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Wirral                |0                    |14                   |3                    |4                    |14                                         


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and Special hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             

District of treatment |1982                 |1983                 |1984                 |1985                 |1986                                       


North Western RHA     |105                  |101                  |96                   |144                  |141                                        

Lancaster             |36                   |26                   |26                   |42                   |33                                         

Blackpool, Wyre and                                                                                                                                       

  Fylde               |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Preston               |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Blackburn, Hyndburn and                                                                                                                                   

    Ribble Valley     |31                   |46                   |24                   |52                   |34                                         

Burnley, Pendle and                                                                                                                                       

  Rossendale          |29                   |22                   |40                   |43                   |45                                         

West Lancashire       |2                    |4                    |4                    |0                    |9                                          

Chorley and South                                                                                                                                         

  Ribble              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Bolton                |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Bury                  |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

North Manchester      |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Central Manchester    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

South Manchester      |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Oldham                |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Rochdale              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Salford               |2                    |1                    |2                    |0                    |0                                          

Stockport             |5                    |2                    |0                    |7                    |16                                         

Tameside and                                                                                                                                              

  Glossop             |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Trafford              |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          

Wigan                 |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                    |0                                          


(1) Excludes deaths and transfers to other hospitals and special hospitals.                                                                               

(2) Long stay are those patients discharged after a stay of one year or more.                                                                             


Mr. William Powell : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many abortions have been performed on girls under the age of 16 years at Kettering general hospital in each year since 1968 in actual and in percentage terms : and what are the national percentage figures.

Mr. Freeman : The figures for England and Wales and the readily available data for usual residents of Kettering district health authority are shown in the tables.

Number of abortions performed in England and      

Wales, to those                                   

under 16 years, 27 April 1968 to 31 December 1987 

Year      |Total    |Under 16 |Percent.           


1968      |23,641   |553      |2.3                

1969      |54,819   |1,231    |2.2                

1970      |86,565   |1,822    |2.1                

1971      |126,777  |2,618    |2.1                

1972      |159,884  |3,320    |2.1                

1973      |167,149  |3,660    |2.2                

1974      |162,940  |3,948    |2.4                

1975      |139,702  |4,006    |2.9                

1976      |129,673  |3,835    |3.0                

1977      |133,004  |4,067    |3.1                

1978      |141,558  |3,724    |2.6                

1979      |149,746  |3,856    |2.6                

1980      |160,903  |4,143    |2.6                

1981      |162,480  |3,949    |2.4                

1982      |163,045  |4,343    |2.7                

1983      |162,161  |4,566    |2.8                

1984      |169,993  |4,609    |2.7                

1985      |171,873  |4,427    |2.6                

1986      |172,286  |4,240    |2.5                

1987      |174,276  |4,075    |2.3                

          |-------  |-------  |-------            

Total     |2,812,475|70,992   |2.5                


Number of abortions to usual residents of Ketterin

District Health Authority, under 16 years, 1983-87

1983      |500      |28       |5.6                

1984      |526      |31       |5.9                

1985      |557      |27       |4.8                

1986      |550      |23       |4.2                

1987      |604      |19       |3.1                

Warrington Drug Dependency Clinic

Mr. Butler : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what was the total number of people treated within Warrington drug dependency clinic in the latest available year.

Mr. Freeman : Responsibility for local services rests with the local statutory authorities. The hon. Member may wish to contact the chairman of Warrington health authority since the information he has requested is not held centrally.

Medical Services (Durham)

Mr. Steinberg : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement concerning the future of the chiropody service within the district of Durham.

Mr. Freeman : The provision of chiropody services in Durham is the responsibility of Durham district health authority. The hon. Member may wish to write to the chairman of Durham DHA for the information he requires.

Drug Tariff"

Mr. Walden : To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much the monthly issue by the Department of Health of the publication "Drug Tariff" costs ; and what consideration he has given to circulating this information more cheaply.

Mr. Freeman : Information on the cost of production of the "Drug Tariff" is commercially confidential, but I can assure my hon. Friend that the work has been put out to competitive tender by HMSO and awarded to the cheapest tenderer.

Whitley Councils

Mr. Wood : To ask the Secretary of State for Health when he will lay before the House the Government's responses to the third report of the Social Services Committee of 1988-89 on Whitley councils.

Mr. Mellor : My right hon. and learned Friend has done so today.

Column 573

Census Test

Mr. Conway : To ask the Secretary of State for Health if the analysis of the proportion of householders in each census test area who returned a completed form is now available ; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Freeman : Full evaluation of the test will take some time, but the analysis referred to is now available. Of those households recorded as present on census test night, 60 per cent. returned a completed form. The response rates for each area in the test were as follows.

Column 574

Test area in:         |Response (per cent.)                     


Wandsworth and Merton |54                                       

Birmingham            |42                                       

Scarborough           |73                                       

Berwickshire          |94                                       

East Lothian          |89                                       

Edinburgh             |75                                       

In general, response rates were in line with expectations based on the results of previous voluntary census tests. The test areas were chosen to cover a variety of circumstances and the variation in response rates reflects differences in such factors as the difficulty of contacting householders and of recruiting enumerators.


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