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(c) Residence to place of duty travel reimbursement for those in private accommodation is being phased out, although in certain circumstances service personnel may be paid the cost of excess fares.

(d) The resettlement and 50-plus assisted house purchase scheme will cease to be available from 30 September 1994.


Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give a breakdown by region of the companies on the defence contractors' list.

Mr. Neubert : A breakdown by region of companies currently registered on the defence contractors' list (DCL) is as follows :



South East               |3,051          

Greater London           |1,728          

East Anglia              |294            

South West               |1,080          

West Midlands            |1,269          

East Midlands            |644            

Yorkshire and Humberside |833            

North West               |1,134          

North                    |371            

Wales                    |344            

Scotland                 |784            

Northern Ireland         |113            

Channel Islands          |6              

Isle of Man              |7              


  Total                  |11,658         

Some companies have a number of sites registered on the DCL and the above figures therefore add up to more

Column 355

than the number of individual companies on the DCL (10,371). The two figures could be reconciled only at a disproportionate cost.

Security Zones

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give details of the Warsaw pact strategies referred to in paragraph 206, page 6, of Cm. 675-I ; and if he will make a statement on zones of different levels of security and the acceptability to Her Majesty's Government and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

Mr. Archie Hamilton : On 9 March 1989, the Warsaw pact presented its initial proposals at the conventional armed forces in Europe (CFE) talks in Vienna. Those called, among other things, for NATO and the Warsaw pact to reduce their holdings of tanks, artillery, armoured troop carriers, aircraft, helicopters and military manpower to a level 10-15 per cent. below the holdings of the weaker alliance. The proposals also called for the establishment of

"zones of reduced levels of armaments"

along borders between NATO and Warsaw pact nations. Since then, they have put forward revised, alternative proposals on zonal arrangements.

NATO has always opposed suggestions for zones of different levels of security, which imply that different nations within the Alliance should be obliged to accept different levels of security. The purpose of the NATO Alliance, and the CFE proposals which it has put forward, is to enhance and maintain security throughout Europe, and the Alliance's proposal for a series of geographical sub-limits on forces is designed to achieve equal security for all from the Atlantic to the Urals.

Odessa (Challenge Inspection)

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will give the name and rank of the United Kingdom personnel who exercised a challenge inspection of a Soviet exercise in the Odessa region ; and what was the duration of their visit.

Mr. Archie Hamilton : Two lieutenant colonels, one squadron leader, and one Army captain formed the inspection team which arrived at midnight on 9 April 1988 and left 46 hours later. It is not our policy to release the names of the individuals concerned.

Staff Interchange Scheme

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the companies involved in his Department's staff interchange scheme.

Mr. Neubert : The following companies have participated in our interchange programme since 1 January 1988.

MOD Interchange Programme Companies participating in 1988-89 Alterplan '87


Andrews Industrial

Automated Security

Babcock Thorn

BDH Chemicals

Better Made in Britain

Bishop Price Partners

British Aerospace plc

Column 356

British Manufacturing and Research

British Marine Technology

British Nuclear Fuels

British Petroleum

British Telecom

Brown and Root

Cammel Lairds

CAP Scientific

Civil Aviation Authority

Cleanaway Ltd.

C & N Electrical

Computing Services Association

Computing Devices Ltd.

Defence Technology Enterprises

Devonport Management Ltd.

Dowty Maritime

Dowty Seals


EDO Western Corporation

Eric Treades Systems

Fairey Hydraulics


Fluor Daniel

Frouds Consine




Graviner Ltd.

Grindleys Bank

Hunting Engineering



International Aeradio Ltd.

J & S Marine

Land Rover

Lawrence Scott Electromotors


Marr and Son

Martin Baker

MCP Electronic Materials Ltd.

Morgan Grenfell & Co.


Mott Hay & Anderson

FEL TNO (Netherlands)

North British Newsprint

Oceonics SPL

OCLI Optical Coatings

Oxley Developments

Pan Am World Services Ltd.

Paxman Diesels

Penny and Giles Ltd.

Perkins Diesels

Philips PRCS

Philips Electronics


Portsmouth Aviation

Price Waterhouse

Racal Electronics plc

Rank Organisation


Robert Flemming Holdings

Rolls Royce

Rosyth Royal Dockyard

Royal Ordnance plc

Shell UK

Sixth Sense Magazine

Software Sciences Ltd.

Storno Ltd.

Strachan and Henshaw

St. Bernard Plastics

St. Ivel

Systems Designers plc

Thorn EMI

Trend Communications Ltd.


USEL Armaments

Vaisala UK



Vosper Controls

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