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Column 357

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Research Establishments

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the non-nuclear defence research establishments, showing the numbers employed in each and their geographical location.

Column 358

Mr. Neubert : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given by my predecessor to the hon. Member for Newcastle upon Tyne, Central (Mr. Cousins) on 8 May at column 291-92.

Navy Vessels

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the Royal Navy vessels built in each of the past 15 years, showing the cost of each and the yards in which they were constructed.

Mr. Neubert : Details of major ships and submarines accepted into service since 1974-75 are as follows :

Column 357

Vessel               |Type             |Shipbuilder      |Acceptance date  |Cost (£M)                          


HMS Amazon           |T21              |VT               |19 July 1974     |<1>16.8                            

HMS Sovereign        |SSN              |VSEL             |22 July 1974     |<1>31.1                            

HMS Herald           |Survey           |Robb Caledon     |31 October 1974  |<1>5.2                             

HMS Sheffield        |T42              |VSEL             |16 February 1975 |<1>23.2                            

HMS Antelope         |T21              |VT               |30 June 1975     |<1>14.4                            

HMS Ambuscade        |T21              |YSL              |23 August 1975   |<1>16.5                            

HMS Kingfisher       |PV               |R Dunston        |2 October 1975   |<1>1.2                             

HMS Arrow            |T21              |YSL              |16 May 1975      |<1>20.2                            

HMS Cygnet           |PV               |R Dunston        |1 July 1976      |<1>0.9                             

HMS Peterel          |PV               |R Dunston        |1 July 1976      |ƒ1.0                               

HMS Jersey           |PV               |Hall Russell     |16 September 1976|<1>3.3                             

HMS Birmingham       |T42              |CL               |26 November 1976 |<1>31.0                            

HMS Superb           |SSN              |VSEL             |29 November 1976 |<1>41.3                            

HMS Orkney           |PV               |Hall Russell     |20 January 1977  |<1>3.3                             

HMS Alacrity         |T21              |YSL              |2 April 1977     |<1>23.8                            

HMS Shetland         |PV               |Hall Russell     |25 May 1977      |<1>3.6                             

HMS Active           |T21              |VT               |2 June 1977      |<1>24.1                            

HMS Sandpiper        |PV               |R Dunston        |10 August 1977   |<1>1.4                             

HMS Ardent           |T21              |YSL              |10 September 1977|<1>26.3                            

HMS Guernsey         |PV               |Hall Russell     |22 September 1977|<1>3.7                             

HMS Lindesfarne      |PV               |Hall Russell     |26 January 1978  |<1>3.9                             

HMS Newcastle        |T42              |SHS              |25 February 1978 |<1>34.6                            

HMS Sceptre          |SSN              |VSEL             |11 March 1978    |<1>58.9                            

RFA Fort Grange      |FRS              |Scotts S/Building|6 April 1978     |<2>                                

HMS Avenger          |T21              |YSL              |15 April 1978    |<1>27.7                            

HMS Coventry         |T42              |CL               |20 October 1978  |<1>37.9                            

HMS Broadsword       |T22(bl)          |YSL              |21 February 1979 |<1>68.6                            

HMS Glasgow          |T42              |SHS              |9 March 1979     |<1>36.9                            

HMS Anglesey         |PV               |Hall Russell     |26 April 1979    |<1>3.8                             

RFA Fort Austin      |FRS              |Scotts S/Building|22 June 1979     |<2>                                

HMS Alderney         |PV               |Hall Russell     |30 August 1979   |<1>3.9                             

HMS Cardiff          |T42              |VSEL             |22 September 1979|<1>40.5                            

HMS Spartan          |SSN              |VSEL             |10 October 1979  |<1>68.9                            

HMS Brecon           |MCMV             |VT               |6 December 1979  |<1>40.1                            

HMS Battleaxe        |T22(bl)          |YSL              |20 December 1979 |<1>69.2                            

HMS Invincible       |CVS              |VSEL             |19 March 1980    |<1>184.5                           

RFA Brambleleaf      |Tanker           |CL (Conv)        |10 April 1980    |11.0                               

HMS Exeter           |T42              |SHS              |30 August 1980   |<1>60.1                            

HMS Ledbury          |MCMV             |VT               |18 March 1981    |<1>24.1                            

HMS Brilliant        |T22(bl)          |YSL              |10 April 1981    |102.2                              

HMS Splendid         |SSN              |VSEL             |5 May 1981       |<1>97.0                            

HMS Southampton      |T42              |VT               |17 August 1981   |67.5                               

HMS Leeds Castle     |PV               |Hall Russell     |25 August 1981   |9.2                                

HMS Cattistock       |MCMV             |VT               |5 March 1982                                         

HMS Dumbarton Castle |PV               |Hall Russell     |9 March 1982     |9.6                                

HMS Liverpool        |T42              |CL               |12 May 1982      |92.8                               

HMS Brazen           |T22(bl.)         |YSL              |11 June 1982     |112.0                              

HMS Illustrious      |CVS              |SHS              |18 June 1982     |215.4                              

HMS Brocklesby       |MCMV             |VT               |25 October 1982                                      

HMS Manchester       |T42              |VSEL             |19 November 1982 |110.0                              

HMS Nottingham       |T42              |VT               |22 December 1982 |82.1                               

HMS Cottesmore       |MCMV             |YSL              |28 May 1983                                          

HMS Trafalgar        |SSN              |VSEL             |13 July 1983                                         

RFA Protector        |FIPV             |CDD (Conv)       |24 August 1983   |<3>                                

RFA Guardian         |FIPV             |CDD (Conv)       |14 September 1983|<3>                                

HMS Boxer            |T22(b2)          |YSL              |23 September 1983                                    

HMS Dulverton        |MCMV             |VT               |5 October 1983                                       

HMS Peacock          |HKPC             |Hall Russell     |12 October 1983  |6.9                                

HMS Sentinel         |FIPV             |CDE (Conv)       |20 December 1983 |<3>                                

RFA Diligence        |FRS(1)           |TSR (Conv)       |12 January 1984  |28.3                               

HMS Plover           |HKPC             |Hall Russell     |18 April 1984    |7.0                                

HMS Waveney          |MSF              |Richards         |2 May 1984       |4.6                                

HMS Carron           |MSF              |Richards         |20 June 1984     |4.6                                

HMS Starling         |HKPC             |Hall Russell     |21 June 1984     |7.1                                

HMS Middleton        |MCMV             |YSL              |4 July 1984                                          

HMS Challenger       |SOV              |Scotts S/building|13 July 1984     |153.4                              

HMS Beaver           |T22(b2)          |YSL              |18 July 1984                                         

HMS Chiddingfold     |MCMV             |VT               |18 July 1984                                         

HMS Turbulent        |SSN              |VSEL             |30 July 1984     |160.0                              

HMS Dovey            |MSF              |Richards         |5 October 1984   |4.6                                

HMS Swallow          |HKPC             |Hall Russell     |17 October 1984  |7.4                                

HMS Swift            |HKPC             |Hall Russell     |12 March 1985    |7.6                                

HMS Humber           |MSF              |Richards         |14 March 1985    |4.6                                

HMS York             |T42              |SHS              |25 March 1985    |118.7                              

HMS Helford          |MSF              |Richards         |4 April 1985     |4.9                                

HMS Gloucester       |T42              |VT               |16 May 1985      |120.8                              

HMS Hurworth         |MCMV             |VT               |14 June 1985                                         

HMS Blackwater       |MSF              |Richards         |20 June 1985     |4.9                                

HMS Itchen           |MSF              |Richards         |27 June 1985     |4.9                                

HMS Ark Royal        |CVS              |SHS              |2 July 1985      |332.9                              

HMS Edinburgh        |T42              |CL               |25 July 1985     |130.6                              

HMS Helmsdale        |MSF              |Richards         |8 October 1985   |4.9                                

HMS Tireless         |SSN              |VSEL             |30 October 1985                                      

HMS Orwell           |MSF              |Richards         |27 November 1985 |4.9                                

HMS Bicester         |MCMV             |VT               |14 February 1986                                     

HMS Ribble           |MSF              |Richards         |19 February 1986 |4.9                                

HMS Brave            |T22(b2)          |YSL              |21 February 1986                                     

HMS Spey             |MSF              |Richards         |4 April 1986     |5.2                                

HMS Arun             |MSF              |Richards         |9 May 1986       |5.2                                

HMS Roebuck          |CSV              |Brooke Marine    |22 August 1986   |13.1                               

HMS Atherstone       |MCMV             |VT               |12 December 1986                                     

HMS London           |T22(b2)          |YSL              |6 February 1987                                      

HMS Torbay           |SSN              |VSEL             |2 March 1987                                         

HMS Berkeley         |MCMV             |VT               |20 November 1987                                     

RFA Sir Galahad      |LSL              |SHS              |25 November 1987                                     

HMS Cornwall         |T22(b3)          |YSL              |19 February 1988                                     

RFA Argus            |ATS              |H & W (Conv)     |3 March 1988                                         

HMS Sheffield        |T22(b2)          |SHS              |25 March 1988                                        

HMS Coventry         |T22(b2)          |SHS              |1 July 1988                                          

HMS Cumberland       |T22(b3)          |YSL              |18 November 1988                                     

HMS Quorn            |MCMV             |VT               |20 January 1989                                      

HMS Trenchant        |SSN              |VSEL             |7 February 1989                                      

HMS Campbeltown      |T22(b3)          |CL               |24 February 1989                                     

HMS Sandown          |SRMH             |VT               |17 March 1989                                        

<2>Batch order for both vessels, total cost £75 million.                                                       

<3>The cost of the purchase and conversion of the three vessels FIPVs was £16.7 million.                       

Costs, where shown, are at the price base that applied at the time the vessel was delivered or, if marked , are at out-turn prices as previously published in the Supply Estimates.

Since 1987, it has not been our practice to give unit cost information for the reasons stated by my hon. Friend on 14

Column 360

January 1988, Official Report , col. 373 . Costs are therefore not shown for vessels where further vessels of the class were under construction in 1987.

In addition to the above, the following vessels are currently under construction :

Column 359

Vessel            |Type             |Shipbuilder      |Order date                         


HMS Upholder      |SSK              |VSEL             |2 November 1983                    

HMS Talent        |SSN              |VSEL             |10 September 1984                  

HMS Norfolk       |T23              |YSL              |29 October 1984                    

HMS Triumph       |SSN              |VSEL             |3 January 1986                     

HMS Unseen        |SSK              |CL/VSEL          |3 January 1986                     

HMS Ursula        |SSK              |CL/VSEL          |3 January 1986                     

HMS Unicorn       |SSK              |CL/VSEL          |3 January 1986                     

RFA Fort Victoria |AOR              |H&W              |24 April 1986                      

HMS Vanguard      |SSBN             |VSEL             |30 April 1986                      

HMS Marlborough   |T23              |SHS              |18 August 1986                     

HMS Argyll        |T23              |YSL              |1 September 1986                   

HMS Lancaster     |T23              |YSL              |1 September 1986                   

HMS Inverness     |SRMH             |VT               |23 July 1987                       

HMS Cromer        |SRMH             |VT               |23 July 1987                       

HMS Walney        |SRMH             |VT               |23 July 1987                       

HMS Bridport      |SRMH             |VT               |23 July 1987                       

HMS Victorious    |SSBN             |VSEL             |6 October 1987                     

RFA Fort George   |AOR              |SHS              |18 December 1987                   

HMS Chatham       |T22(b3)          |SHS              |28 January 1988                    

HMS Iron Duke     |T23              |YSL              |11 July 1988                       

HMS Monmouth      |T23              |YSL              |11 July 1988                       

HMS Montrose      |T23              |YSL              |11 July 1988                       

Column 361



Ship Type                                                                                                                           

T21                                         |Type 21 Frigate                                                                        

SSN                                         |Nuclear Powered Fleet Submarine (costs only                                            

                                            |given for SWIFTSURE class)                                                             

T42                                         |Type 42 Destroyer                                                                      

T22(b1/2/3)                                 |Type 22 Frigate (batch 1/2/3)                                                          

PV                                          |Patrol Vessel                                                                          

FRS                                         |Fleet Replenishment Ship                                                               

FRS(1)                                      |Forward Repair Ship                                                                    

MCMV                                        |Mine Countermeasures Vessel                                                            

CVS                                         |Aircraft Carrier                                                                       

FIPV                                        |Falkland Island Patrol Vessel                                                          

HKPC                                        |Hong Kong Patrol Craft                                                                 

MSF                                         |Fleet Minesweeper                                                                      

SOV                                         |Seabed Operation Vessel                                                                

CSV                                         |Coastal Survey Vessel                                                                  

LSL                                         |Landing Ship (Logistic)                                                                

SRMH                                        |Single Role Minehunter                                                                 

ATS                                         |Aviation Training Ship                                                                 

SSBN                                        |Vanguard Class Trident Submarine                                                       

SSK                                         |Diesel Electric Powered Submarine                                                      

AOR                                         |Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment vessel                                                   





SHS                                         |Swan Hunter Shipbuilders                                                               

YSL                                         |Yarrow Shipbuilders Ltd                                                                

VSEL                                        |VSEL Ltd                                                                               

H & W                                       |Harland & Wolff Holdings plc                                                           

CL                                          |Cammell Laird Shipbuilders Ltd.                                                        

VT                                          |Vosper Thornycroft (United Kingdom) Ltd.                                               

CDE                                         |Clyde Dock Engineering                                                                 

CDD                                         |Cardiff Dry Dock                                                                       

TSR                                         |Tyne Shiprepairers                                                                     

Territorial Army

Mr. Sillars : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will list the Territorial Army regiments and battalions located in Scotland.

Mr. Archie Hamilton : The following Territorial Army regiments and battalions are located in Scotland :

Royal Armoured Corps

Queen's Own Yeomanry

A Squadron

Royal Artillery

103 Air Defence Regiment

207 Battery

212 Battery

Royal Engineers

71 Engineer Regiment

Regimental Headquarters

102 Field Squadron

104 Field Squadron

124 Field Squadron

117 Field Support Squadron

131 Independent Commando Squadron

300 Troop

Royal Signals

32 Signal Regiment

Regimental Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron

51 Squadron

52 Squadron

61 Squadron

39 Signal Regiment

2 Squadron


1/52 Lowland

Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company

Column 362

A Company

B Company

C Company

D Company

E Company

2/52 Lowland

Battalion Headquarters

1 Company

2 Company

3 Company

4 Company

1/51 Highland

Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company

A Company

K Company

2/51 Highland

Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company

A Company

B Company

C Company

D Company

3/51 Highland

Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company

C Company

D Company

E Company

15 Para

Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company

A Company

B Company

C Company

Special Air Service Regiment

23 SAS(V)

Two squadrons

Royal Corps of Transport

153 Regiment

Regimental Headquarters

212 Squadron

230 Squadron

231 Squadron

239 Squadron

154 Regiment

Regimental Headquarters

221 Squadron

222 Squadron

225 Squadron

251 Squadron

Royal Army Medical Corps

205 General Hospital

225 Field Ambulance

252 Field Ambulance

Detachment 144 Field Ambulance

Royal Army Ordnance Corps

94 Ordnance Company

Stores Section 71 Engineer

Regimental Workshop

Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

102 Air Defence Regiment Light Aid Detachment

71 Engineer Regiment Workshop

221 Squadron Royal Corps of Transport Workshop

222 Squadron Royal Corps of Transport Workshop

225 Transport Squadron Workshop

251 Squadron Workshop

Section Queen's Own Yeomanry Light Aid Detachment

32 Signal Regiment Light Aid Detachment

153 Transport Regiment Workshop

Royal Military Police

243 Provost Company

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