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Column 469

director of the Community Council for Hertfordshire and of the Railworld Development Trust and secretary of the Hertfordshire Association of Local Councils.

John Boodle, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Managing director of British Fermentation Products, a director of G. R. Spinks and chairman of the Anglian Environment Committee of the CBI. Member of the Employment Affairs Board of the Chemical Industries Association. John Bradfield, Non- executive Director (£6,271). Senior bursar of Trinity College, Cambridge and a director of the Cambridge Water Company and Cambridge Building Society. Chairman of the Abbotstone Agricultural Property Unit Trust and founder and manager of the Cambridge Science Park.

The Earl of Cranbrook, Non-executive Director (£6,271). Member of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution, the Broads Authority and the Harwich Haven Authority. President of the British Herpetological Society, the Suffolk Wildlife Trust and the Environmental Council. Deputy Lieutenant of Suffolk.


Sir Michael Straker, Chairman (£30,638). Formerly chairman of the Newcastle and Gateshead Water Company. Chairman of Water Training, board member of the Port of Tyne Authority, chairman of the Council of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and member of the University Court.

Frank Ridley, Deputy Chairman (£14,692). Formerly chief executive of Northumbrian Water Authority.

Mike Murden, Managing Director (£54,800).

David Cranston, Director of Finance (£43,000).

Robert Smith, Managing Director of Northumbrian Water (£60,000). Terry Harrison, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Chairman of Northern Engineering Industries, a director of Rolls-Royce and BEAMA and president of the North Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders.

Ralph Iley, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Managing director of Cookson Group. CBI councillor.

Professor Warren Peascod, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Professor of Environmental Control Engineering and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

John Ward, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Northern regional director of Barclays Bank. Other appointments include chairman of Business in the Community and deputy chairman of the Tyne and Wear Development Corporation.

North West

Dennis Grove, Chairman (£61,275). Formerly chairman and chief executive of Sonoco Europe and a vice president of Sonoco International.

Brian Alexander, Managing Director of North West Water (£58,050). Archibald Ramsay, Group Financial Director (£68,875).

Clare Bolton, Non-executive Director (£8,959). Partner in Deloitte Haskins & Sells, based in Manchester, and treasurer of the North Cheshire Branch of the British Institute of Management.

James Cropper, Non-executive Director (£8,959). Chairman of James Cropper (Papermakers). Deputy Lieutenant of Cumbria.

Column 470

Rodney Leach, Non-executive Director (£8,959). Formerly chief executive and managing director of VSEL.

Alan Pendleton, Non-executive Director (£10,750). Formerly managing director of West's Group International and a director of Tilbury Group. A director of Chieftain Group and Kemutec Group.

Frank Sanderson, Non-executive Director (£12,542). Formerly with Babcock International. Chairman of Acumen Technologies, Clearcall Communications and Wyatt Bros. and a director of British Water and Wastewater.

Severn Trent

John Bellak, Chairman (£49,020). Formerly Managing Director of Royal Doulton. Member of the Grand Council of the CBI and of the Court of the University of Keele. Non-executive chairman of Sutcliffe Speakman and a director of Control Securities.

Tim Heywood-Lonsdale, Deputy Chairman (£12,004). Chairman of Skilbeck Holdings. Property management, farming and other directorships.

Roderick Paul, Chief Executive (£75,250).

Vic Cocker, Director of Business Planning and Marketing (£48,375). Frank Earnshaw, Director of Operations (£51,600).

Stuart Larnder, Group Director of Finance (£64,500).

Colin McMillan, Director of Government Relations and Company Secretary (£51,600).

Sir Richard Baker Wilbraham, Non-executive Director (£9,854). Formerly a director of J. Henry Schroder Wagg. Deputy chairman of Bibby Line Group and Grosvenor Estate Holdings and a director of Brixton Estates, Really Useful Group and Westpool Investment Trust. Roger Boissier, Non-executive Director (£8,959). Deputy chairman of Pressac Holdings and a director of British Gas, Edward Lumley Holdings, T&N and a number of other companies.

Alan Henn, Non-executive Director (£9,854). Chairman and managing director of a family jewellery business. Chairman of Beacon Broadcasting and Communications and other directorships. Justice of the Peace. President of the National Association of Goldsmiths. Richard Ireland, Non-executive Director (£9,854). Group finance director of Wolseley. Council member of the Birmingham Chamber of Industry and Commerce and member of the finance committee of the University of Aston.

Andrew Simon, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Executive chairman of the Evode Group. A director of the Birmingham Region of Barclays Bank and a director of Lichfield Cathedral Arts. Council member of Keele University.


William Courtney, Chairman (£43,860). Formerly joint deputy chairman of Marley. Chairman of the British Board of Agrement, the Water Byelaws Advisory Service and the Water Industry Certification Scheme.

Brian Thorpe, Deputy Chairman (£14,692). Formerly chief executive of Southern Water Authority. A vice chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the International Water Supply Association and a trustee of its Foundation for the Transfer of Knowledge to Developing Countries.

John Valentine, Group Managing Director (£100,000).

Martyn Webster, Group Finance Director (£65,000).

Column 471

Francis Midmer, Group Technical Director (£48,375).

Philip Girle, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Formerly a director of National Westminster Bank. Currently a director of Yorkshire Bank and the Ulster Bank.

Sir David Nicolson, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Formerly chairman of BTR and British Airways. A director of Union Group, CIBA-Geigy, London and Scottish Marine Oil, STC and Britannia Arrow Holdings.

John Westhead, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Group managing director of Bowthorpe Holdings.

South West

Keith Court, Executive Chairman (£51,063). Formerly a main board director of Blue Circle Industries and chief executive of the company's United Kingdom cement and related operations.

Timothy Leader, Deputy Chairman (£9,317). Formerly chief executive of Simon Engineering.

William Fraser, Managing Director of South West Water (£70,000). Kenneth Hill, Group Director of Finance (£53,600).

William Dickens, Director of Technical Affairs (£43,000). Michael Quantick, Director of Development (£45,780).

Simon Day, Non-executive Director (£5,375). A regional director of Granville & Company and of Regency and West of England Building Society. Farmer, deputy leader of Devon County Council, chairman of the Devon Sea Fisheries Committee and chairman of the governors of Bicton College of Agriculture.

Lady Mary Holborow, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Chairman of the Cornwall Business Committee, Rural Development Commission. Governor of Cornwall College of Further Education.

John Lawrence, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Director of the ICI Environmental Laboratory at Brixham.

Kenneth Morton, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Group finance director of Kleinwort Benson Group.

Charles Spence, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Formerly chairman, now a director of ARC.

Charles Stuart, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Chairman and chief executive of Brymon Airways and Plymouth City Airport. Governor of Polytechnic South West and East Devon College of Further Education. Thames

Roy Watts, Chairman (49,020). Formerly chief executive and joint deputy chairman of British Airways. Chairman of Armstrong Equipment, Lowndes Lambert Group Holdings and Cabletime Installations. Deputy chairman of Brymon Airways and a director of Plimsoll Line. Sir Christopher Leaver, Group Deputy Chairman (£11,109). Chairman of Russell and McIver. Chairman of the London Tourist Board. Former Lord Mayor of London.

Mike Hoffman, Group Chief Executive and Chairman and Chief Executive of Thames Water (£150,000).

Bill Harper, Deputy Chairman of Thames Water (£64,720). David Luffrum, Group Finance Director (57,720).

Robert Clarke, Non-executive Director (£8,063). Deputy chairman and chief executive of United Biscuits.

Column 472

Sir Peter Harrop, Non-executive Director (£8,063). Formerly second permanent secretary in the Department of the Environment. Chairman of the National Bus Company, a director of National Home Loans holdings, a managing trustee of Municipal Mutual Insurance, and a trustee of the British Museum.

John Thomson, Non-executive Director (£8,063). Chairman of London & Manchester Group and Borthwicks. Vice chairman of J. Bibby & Sons and a director of several other companies, including Scottish & Newcastle Breweries.

John Worlidge, Non-executive Director (£8,063). Formerly an executive director of BAT Industries. A director of the Rugby Group and chairman of the CBI Energy Policy Committee.


Nicholas Hood, Chairman (£40,850). Formerly a director of the HAT Group before its acquisition by BET. A director of the Provident Life Association and Bremhill Industries. Member of the Water Training Council.

Donald McLure, Deputy Chairman (£10,213). Formerly a director of Beecham Group, and subsequently chairman of Arthur Bell Distillers and a director of United Distillers. A director of London Buses, European Brands Group and the Burn Stewart Group.

Colin Skellett, Managing Director (£50,525).

Nicholas Wheatley, Finance Director (£72,563)

Ron Huntington, Director of Engineering and Operations (£45,150). Anthony Barbour, Non-executive Director (£5,823). Formerly chief environmental scientist at the RTZ Corporation. Chairman of the European Non-Ferrous Metals Producers Environmental Committee and a visiting professor of Chemistry at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.

Roderick Kent, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Managing director of Close Brothers Group.

Andrew Thornhill, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Barrister at the Revenue Bar and a QC.


Gordon Jones, Chairman (£54,825). Formerly a director of T. W. Ward and chairman of T. W. Ward (Raw Materials). Chairman of the Water Services Association.

David Cramb, Deputy Chairman (£17,379). Formerly deputy chairman of Rowntree. A director of Tunstall.

John Bell, Director, Enterprise Services (£43,000).

Trevor Newton, Finance Director (£52,675).

Tony Ward, Director, Water Services (£51,600).

Peter Flesher, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Managing director Allied Colloids Group.

Peter Hogg, Non-executive Director (£5,375). Chief executive of the Provident Financial Group.

Tom Jackson, Non-executive Director (£7,167). Formerly general secretary of the Post Office Workers Union and president of the TUC, a director of BP, and a governor of the BBC.

Column 473

Toxic Waste

Mr. Hardy : To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will ensure that right hon. and hon. Members are informed by the appropriate public bodies or agencies when it is known that toxic waste is unlawfully or improperly imported into their constituencies.

Mrs. Virginia Bottomley [holding answer 24 October 1989] : The Government are committed to the principle that the public should have right of access to information held by pollution control authorities. Our proposals for forthcoming legislation include enhanced duties on waste regulation authorities to make information available. It is for the authorities to assess for themselves what information to publish in respect of alleged improprieties in the import of toxic waste.


Young People (Income Support)

Ms. Short To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security whether a young person under the age of 18 years who applies to his Department for income support on the grounds that a suitable YTS place was not available, and this situation is verified by the careers service, and the young person expresses willingness to enter a suitable place, will be granted income support either during or after he has exhausted any entitlement to bridging allowance ; and if he will make a statement.

Mrs Gillian Shephard : The Training Agency is committed and able to provide suitable places for all young people genuinely interested in participating in YTS. There is generally no question of income support being paid on the ground of non-availability of YTS places. If the careers service finds that a particular young person cannot be offered a suitable YTS place it will contact the local Training Agency office. Training agents have the authority and resources to seek additional places, and to make these available as a matter of urgency.

If, exceptionally, any young person is registered for a YTS place but is not able to start immediately, he or she may claim income support and be considered under the normal provisions including, if appropriate, the discretionary power to direct payment of benefit if that is the only means of preventing severe hardship. If a young person is entitled to income support he or she may receive it in addition to any YTS bridging allowance payable. If bridging allowance is exhausted, or not in payment for some other reason, income support may be paid alone. Young people with housing costs can also receive housing benefit.

Loans and Grants

Mr. Redmond : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what was the total number, and percentage of (a) budgeting loans and (b) community care grants awarded to the 15 client groups defined by his Department for each of his Department's local offices in Doncaster and Wath -on-Dearne, for the financial year 1988-89.

Mr. Scott : I refer the hon. Member to the reply given to him on 15 June 1989 at columns 529-30. These have now been confirmed as final figures.

Column 474

Unemployment Benefit

Ms. Short : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security whether claimants in receipt of unemployment benefit are entitled to undertake training or courses of education as long at they are available for work ; and if he will make a statement.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : Claimants in receipt of unemployment benefit are required to be both available for work and actively seeking employment. This need not prevent them from undertaking training or courses of education. Regard is had to time spent in participating in any course of vocational training or study in deciding whether a claimant has shown that he is actively seeking employment. This arrangement recognises the worthwhile efforts of many claimants to make good use of their time whilst unemployed. Nonetheless, any claimant pursuing such an activity must organise his affairs in such a way that he can make adequate efforts to seek paid employment.

Crisis Loans

Mr. Pike : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if his Department has figures of the number of crisis loans refused on the basis of inability to repay the loan.

Mr. Scott : There were provisionally 1,600 refusals in the period April 1989 to September 1989 representing 0.65 per cent. of all decisions.

War Pensions

Mrs. Rosie Barnes : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will give for each of the years 1984-85, 1985-86 and 1987-88 the figures for the overspend which occurred on war pensions.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The information requested is as follows :

            |Grant      |Expenditure|Overspend              

            |£'000      |£'000      |£'000                  


1984-85     |543,700    |544,205    |505                    

1985-86     |568,000    |581,256    |13,256                 

1987-88     |594,000    |598,570    |4,570                  

War Widows

Mr. Alfred Morris : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will give for the latest year for which records exist and for each of the preceding three years the number of war widows who have died in that year.

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The numbers are as follows :



1985    |3,407          

1986    |3,290          

1987    |3,193          

1988    |3,098          

Mr. Alfred Morris : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will give, for the latest full year for which records exist, and for 1973, the number of those (a) under 65 years, (b) between 65 and 69 years, (c) between 70 and 79 years and (d) 80 years and over designated as war widows.

Column 475

Mrs. Gillian Shephard : The information is as follows :

Age group        |31 December 1973|31 December 1988                 


Under 65         |36,817          |8,745                            

65 to 69         |12,461          |8,245                            

70 to 79         |38,695          |25,129                           

80 and over      |8,208           |15,431                           

Mrs. C. Halvey

Mr. Ron Davies : To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security if he will request the Attendance Allowance Board to reply without further delay to the hon. Member for Caerphilly's correspondence to them of 15 May, concerning Mrs. C. Halvey of 29 Heolddu Grove, Barfold.

Mr. Scott [holding answer 19 October] : I understand that the board's reply was sent to the hon. Member on 20 October.


Blood Donor Sessions

Mr. Frank Field : To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) in what circumstances blood donor sessions may be conducted by nurse managers rather than by doctors ; and whether his Department has issued any guidance to regional health authorities on the subject ; (2) whether he will issue guidance to all regional health authorities that blood donor sessions should take place only when an appropriately qualified doctor is in attendance ;

(3) which regional health authorities have replaced medical officers managing blood donor sessions by specially trained nurses ; and what representations he has received about possible risks associated with this change.

Mr. Freeman : At present North East Thames is the only regional health authority in which specially trained nurse managers are in charge of blood donor sessions. In this region there is no doctor present at a session, but there is immediate access to medical advice. This method of work began as a detailed pilot trial in April 1985. At that time the Department's advisory committee on the national blood transfusion service (ACNBTS) studied the detailed protocol for the scheme and the results of the trial, and its representatives, along ith 20 independent assessors, looked at the procedure in practice. The ACNBTS decided that the new procedure presented no risks to donors, and Ministers have received no representations to the contrary since the end of the trial. Any decision to implement the procedure in another regional transfusion centre would be for the region to make, in consultation with the national director of the national blood transfusion service.

Mike Heaffey Centre

Mr. Wigley : To ask the Secretary of State for Health what representations he has received from the Association for Spinal Injury Research Rehabilitation and Reintegration with regard to financial support for the Mike Heaffey Centre for people with disabilities ; whether his Department is now willing to give financial support for this project ; and if he will make a statement.

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